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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 4, 2024 3:30pm-4:03pm IRST

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tv headlines this hour israel presses ahead with this relendous air strikes and shelling of the besieged gaz. trip as the deaththoll from the genocidal war surpasses 33, the founder of us-based charity, whose convoy of aid workers was recently targeted in gaza, says the israeli attack was systematic and purposeful. also in the headlines iran criticizes the us, britain and france for blocking the un security council statements to condemn the israeli strike on the iranian embassy in syria.
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3:30 p.m. in eran's capital techran, this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. nearly six months into the israely genocidal war on gaza, the regime keeps pressing ahead with of this onslot across the besseed strip. some 62 palestinians have been killed and scores more injured in israeli air strike. and shelling over the past 24 hours. the regime forces also continued their aerial raids on the city of hun unis in southern gaza. they say that the majority of these attacks were focused on the alamal neighborhood, leaving number of people dead. palestinian fighters are putting stiff resistance to israeli troops on the ground in some areas. they have attacked israeli soldiers and vehicles with mortars in eastern and the southern parts of gaza city. according to the gaza health ministry, the death from the israely war has now topped 33.
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over 75,600 palestinians have also been wounded, while thousands more remain unaccounted for. israeli air strikes have continued to target residential buildings across the basige territory. our corresponding joined us earlier from the central gaza city of darbala to give us the latest on the situation. over the last night the israeli war planes destroyed to... residental buildings in rafa city claiming of the lives of at least six palestinian civilians, including two babies, in addition to dozens of the injuries left behind those attacks. in the meantime, when it comes to kanyuni city, the israeli incubation forces intensify the attacks against the western part of khan city, more residental buildings were destroyed and blown up using the explosive devices by the israel incubation forces that are still located and positioning in... that area in the western part of
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khanuni city here in the central area of gaza strip, the israeli warlins continued targeting several oriental buildings in anosarati fuji camp and even in deril ball city particularly the eastern parts of deril b city we can see that even the entire areas of the central area of particularly the eastern parts of the central area uh were subjected to heavy bombardments and continuous artillery shelling that reach the horizontal buildings and the palestinan houses in that area. israel is facing denunciation over the killing of international aid workers associated with the us-based charity world central kitchen. the head of the ngo says the israely regime is responsible for the death of his staff in gaza. earlier we discussed the issue in our news review program. let's take a listen.
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you're watching press tv's news review where we look deeper into some of the top stories of the day on this segment of the program, the founder of the us based charity world central kitchen has criticized israel over the killing of his staff in gaza saying the regime's forces systematically targeted a convoy carrying aid workers. jose andres said of the cars were hit purposefully one after the other in a civilian area under the control of the israeli army he held israel responsible for the killing which he said was not the outcome of a bad luck situation. he added the israeli forces were well informed about the convoy's movement and that the cars were clearly marked with the charities logo. the strike killed six foreign aid workers and their palestinian translator 60% of non-governmental aid getting into the beseach strippes from the world's central kitchen. the charity has suspended its operations in gaza following the attack. joining us on this
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edition of the news review, we have journalist and commentator tashrig true body joining us from cape town, also member of the kenya palestine solidarity movement, booker and gesa is joining us from nairobi, gentlemen, welcome to the program. let's start off with mr. true body in cape town. the israelis since this gaza genocide started have killed around 200 aid workers. that is no accident is it? it isn't, and there's a couple of issues i think with the way in which the story is also being covered in that it of course is an absolute tragedy. i have no doubt that these aid workers were good souls, they were good. human beings that had been determined to to bring relief to palestinians that are having endure a genocide at the moment in in gaza and while their death as in any death is a tragedy, i do think we we need to contrast the the western government responses here to the
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realities that palestinin lives are not quite as equally important in in in the outrage that we now seeing here from from some of these governments, these governments of course also now find their voice because of the domestic responses in some of these countries that are increasingly now leading to push for not just the cease fire but holding these governments accountable for funding and and and propping up the designist entity so there's a very serious and a big worry about the manner in which the humanity the palestinians aren't quite seen as as much as as we've now seen with these aid workers i do think there was an agenda with this particular attack, especially as we increasingly now talking about a potential escalation with boots on the ground in raffa, so i think it was more than deliberate, it was seeking to send message. right, and let's cross over to mr. engesa, as we were
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mentioning in our intro, around 60% of non-governmental aid getting into the seat strip uh was reported to be from the world central kitchen as a result of the attack the charity has... suspended its operations in gaza, is that what the israelis were aiming for? yeah, thank you, and first of all, the situation in gaza is very dire, the farming situation is very, very dire, and this is because this is, this is, this is not a natural disaster. but it is a situation that has been artificially created by the israel regime and within it policy of even you know attacking humanitarian organizations who dare
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to correct you know the farmine has been caused by the genocidal attacks on gaza the the zionist regime who is actually not just complicit but advancing the policy of genocide against palestinian people do not want aid to reach where it is needed most thank you gentlemen that was bkin guests a member of the kenya palestine solidarity movement joining us from nairobi and uh thanks to journalists and commentator tash truubudi speaking to us from capetown with that it brings us to an end here on this edition of the news review but stick around we've got plenty more to come here on pressed. iran criticizes the us, britain and france for blocking the un security council statements to condemn the israely strike on the iranian embassy in syria. in the social
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media post, iran's permanent mission to the un called the move double standard and said it undermined the credibility of the security council. it also said the blocking set a dangerous precedence. earlier russia said that washington and london refused to discuss the draft statement on the iranian embassy attack. on tuesday, most security council members, except the u.s. britain and france condemned the israel regime for its air strike on the iranian embassy. monday's attack killed two senior iranian military commanders and five accompanying officers who were on an advisory mission to syria. the secretary general of palestine foundation pakistan, sabir abu mariam says the... as usual is keeping its criminal silence and israely atrocities. the united states, france, uk and these kinds of western governments, those are the so-called champion of human rights, so callalled the champion of
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world politics, foreign policy, they are keeping criminal silent, not only keeping criminal silence, even they are supporting military aid to the zinanis regime. against the oppressed people, against the helpless people of palestine, those don't have weapon, the people, they don't have weapon, but they us and uk supporting and providing the weapon to the zinanis regime against the innocent civilians to israel, so the other side they are keeping criminal silence over the condemnation against the zianist regime and this is the very biasness, what we say, i always emphasize that we always say that these are the double standards of the western governments, but now i personally i do... believe these kind of governments, biden, britain, france, they don't have a standards,
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they are not like human being, they are against the humanity, they are against the peace and stability of the world, they are criminal, they are enemies of humanity, they are enemies of peace and they are the, they are actually responsible for these kind of henous crime, the one president says the israeli regime will pay heavy price for his criminal act of attacking the consular section of iran's embassy in the syrian capital. abraham made the remarks in a phone conversation with the iraqi prime minister mohamed shadani. he described the terroristic act of the zionist regime as a clear violation of principles of international law governing diplomatic and consulal relations. while hailing the pro-palestine stance of tahon and baghdad raise emphasized the need for all islamic countries to adopt the same approach. sudan. for his part denounced israely aggression and said that such criminal act was a result of the constant failures of the occupying regime in the
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battle against regional assistance forces or resistance forces. you further express gratitude for the unwavering support of iran for efforts to establish peace and stability in iraq. in today's show we'll be covering the growing popularity of cudsday and frantic efforts of zinist extremists to undermine and sabotage it? well, it tells you that they uh intend to intimidate, ruly and harass any organization that gets in their way, and they intend to be able to occupy those organizations, so it's not has been saying, these were organizations which did it off their own, but the designers didn't even have to lift finger in some some cases, because the organizations took each other to court, they contacted every uh non-brown named. person individual um back in 2017 saying you work for an anti-semite, how do you feel
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about it, but they didn't contact anyone with a brown sounding name, which shows uh where they're coming from really, but yeah it really does take it out of you, but thanks to friends, thanks to supports, thanks to people like yourselves they've gone through what you guys have gone through, you know and that energy helps. welcome back to the news here on press tv officials have announced an end to clashes between security forces and terrorists in the southeastern province of sistan and baluchistan. the commander of the irgc ground forces said 18 assalants were killed following their simultaneous attacks against police and military posts in the cities of rask and chabahar on wednesday night. five i security forces also lost their lives and 10 others were injured. according to local officials, terrors were affiliated with pakistan-based jad outfit that had carried out several similar attacks in the
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past. the group claim responsibility for attack in december a police station in rask that killed at least 11 officers. in january, another attack by the group left the policeman dead. resistance leaders from iran, iraq, palestine, lebanon and yemen have given a live televised address to a virtual gathering ahead of the international goodsday. they discussed the israeli aggression in the gaza strip and highlighted the fact that the resistance of palestinians has revealed the true colors of the israeli regime. yusuf medi explains from tehran. healing the palestinians for their brave resistance and highlighting the desperation the israeli regime. ahead of international quds day, leaders of the resistance run from iran, iraq, palestine, lebanon, and yemen, appeared in live televised address to discuss the israeli genocidal war in gaza and its
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ramifications. they all described operation alaxa flud as a milestone that has reshaped the global political landscape and has spelled the beginning of the end of zionism. they all agree that the operation has transformed into what they called al-ahrar flood or the flood of freedom. and with international day coming up, this has become the slogan. their land, it is a show of solidarity as they regain control their homeland, which includes all of the occupied palestinian territories. our movement in iraq is fully supportive of palestinians, this is why we continue to attack israeli targets in retaliation for the war they have launched against the people of gaza. i salute the people of palestine, they're fighting noble
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war against the occupiers of their land. operation was major step in response to israely. for israel and the support for the resistance front in gaza, in iraq, in lebanon and in yemen, and for taking responsibility. and with all these six heavyweights addressing the gathering, without a doubt, the most important message is unity among resistance groups. this year international cots day is even more special because operation alcots
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flaud has revealed the true nature of designer's regime. we are witnessing new world order taking shape with pro policy. and demonstrations in countries that used to be allies of israel, with the wind of change blowing, the exemplary resistance of palestinians has proven in practice that normalizing relations with the zionist regime is betting a losing horse, as the speakers all pointed out. emphasizing on the six-month resistance of the palestinian people, the flood of freedom is the new slogan which is going to be used in the international. rallies on friday. tehran. the palestinian embassy in the russian capital celebrated the 40th anniversary of palestinian land day in the presence of a large number of arab and foreign communities as well as palestinian activists in russia. a meeting was held in
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moscow on the 48th anniversary of palestinian land day which is commemorated. on march 30th the events of 1976 when palestinians organized a general strike to protest israel's actions. those gathered confirmed their inalinable right to the territory of their historical homeland, palestine. the participants expressed their commitment to every inch of its land and their readiness to fight to the end against the attempts of the israeli occupiers to seize it and to judize it. i was evacuated by the russian embassy from gaza. november, i saw the beginning of femine and the closure of borders. i see prospects for ending this horror only if the us puts pressure on israel. if biden wanted to stop the war, he could put pressure on israel and the war would end tomorrow, but headquarters of this massacer is in washington and they want this war to continue. the evil of the united states will always be there, only by the strength of
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international public opinion as well as states such as russia and iran, which have shown that they are capable of. and acting, only their efforts can force the americans to retreat or compromise. photos of children and teenagers killed were posted near the walls and on the fence of the palestinian embassy. those who came to express solidarity with the palestinian people brought flowers. only this strong wind and rain didn't allow candles to be lit in memory of those killed. famous american martial arts veteran jeff monson who renounced american citizenship and lives in russia came to support the palestinian people. monson with tears in his eyes told. tv about a partide he saw with his own ice in the west bank. over 31,00 people have been killed, 70% women and children, and um, it's it's a genocide, it's genocide. this is exactly what happened to the jews in world war ii, and now the victims have become the perpetrators. usa has definite a definite saying it because they're supplying israel
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with the weapons, almost $4 billion dollars a year in weapons and and money for for this... um war machine, this atrocity going on, so yeah, the us has a big saying it, but it'll never happen because the us has too much invested in israel, there's too many um zionist um leaders in the government, the apac um controls controls our government with with uh like special interest funding, so it'll never never happen that the us will turn its back on israel absolutely never, um so the thought of of joe biden like, stopping israel, it's just not, it's not going to happen, israel sees the palestinian people as not human, those present at the event called on the countries of the world to stop the... double standards and recognize the palestinian state and its capital alkots in the security council and the general assembly because the international community must fulfill its obligations and promises to stop
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the genocide. 84 years of murderous crimes against palestinian people and the seizure of their land have not kept them from defending their homeland, rather palestinians have become more resolute in their fight to liberate the occupied territories and retake every inch of it. the national goods day is annual pro-palestinian event marked on the last friday of the holy month of ramadan. the day was designated by founder of the islamic republic of iran imam khamaini in 1979 and solidarity with palestinians. people worldwide will mark this year's goods day on the coming friday. our correspondent in paris, ramin mazari has asked some french citizens about the event and its importance to the muslim world. what's terrible is when you feel that there's real discrimination against the people of gaza, all the western
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governments in the world today support and do not criticize israel and it's so very unfair, in fact there's a laz fair attitude in europe that's just intolerable and we must fight against it, we have citizens must openly support palestine constantly, in france we expected too much. from our government's now, we must keep demanding justice for them, foreign policy and we have been let done yet again, however we cannot abandon palestine there are so many victims in palestine, children, women, it's so bad that i can't even watch the videos anymore, it's very very hard for all humanity to see this and to see that certain governments won't even stand up against what's so very very wrong met. it's so important to keep fighting for palestine because our politicians aren't doing anything at all, however that doesn't mean the population isn't aware of what's going on and
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doesn't want to support all these people who are suffering for nothing. there's a famine that's being exploited by israel to better control the people in palestine right now, so we must show our solidarity, we must push to make things happen. too hard, they should have gone about things differently, but that's how the israelies are. this is going to be like ireland or yugoslavia, where there are endless conflicts and the un is completely overwhelmed by events, unless they are stopped now. moving to other news, our beiroute, well she has asked some lebanese about the event and it's important in the muslim world, let's take a listen, on alcod's day we salute the man who established it, imam khamani, god bless his soul, we also salute the courageous iranian people and we give our condolances to iran for the recent
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assassination of their great leaders who are martered at the time of alq's day and on the path of alkurds. this is evidence that alkurd's day that was declared by imam komen has blossomed and is beginning to be fruitful with signs of near victory getting near a kudsday as alxa mosk. as palestinians we feel that we are closer today. and it was commemorated by factions and peoples, it accumulated over the years and has grown, and it became more and more significant and influential, and the number of people who took part in commemorating increased exponentially. international hood's day has not only been commemorated through media coverage, protests and seminars, it was actually realized in the year 2000, when the resistance fighters defeated the israeli
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army, which was considered invincible. it was also realized in 2006, with the divine victory, which was realized that the hands of the resistance fighters in lebanon, who dealt a heavy blow to this regime, to question its existence, with alaxa flood, the courageous resistance fighters in gaza reiterated the... meaning of this day: it was declared as a day to be commemorated, but also declared it as part of a long path of liberating palestine and this year will commemorate alq's day with slogan which is noteworthy. the flood of the free is slogan that is derived of the alaxa flood operation and the israeli war on gaza and the west bank and algods and it is a war that overshadows all other wars. this is a war launched by an enemy which is monstrous, untamed and relentless in its killing and has no regard for any rules or laws or ethics or morals. this call to take part in god's. and
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to strive for the liberation of algots is a religious duty of muslims based on an initiative by the late founder of the islamic republic of iran amom khumeini. it's also a humanitarian duty for all the free people of the world who support righteousness and the struggle facing oppression and tyrany and occupation. despite to tight israeli security procedures, checkpoints, arrests and aggressions against the people inside the city of... was there is readiness on the part of our people there and inside the lands of 1948 and the west bank to commemorate the international gotsday. this is in harmony with the protests which are taking place in many capitals across the globe where people have expressed their need for freedom. and day is manner in which people expressed and fulfill that need and they are all voicing their support for gaza and palestine. and
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with that we come to the end for. additional world news, thanks for being with us, this bye-bye for now.
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this is for palestine ram up. this is for the child that is searching for renal. this is not just a war over stolen land. why do you think little boys are going stones that tanks and we'll never really know how many people are dead? they drop bombs on innocent girls while they sleep in their bed. israel is a terror state, the terrorists that terrorize. how many more resolutions have to be violated, how many more children have to be annihilated. this is not a war, it is systematic genocide, but whatever they try. hello, i'm chris.