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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 4, 2024 4:30pm-5:03pm IRST

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the headlines this of of hour, israel presses ahead with this relentless air strikes and shelling of the besieg gaza strip as the deathful from the genocidal war surpasses 33, the founder of the us based charity, whose convoy of aid workers was recently targeted in gaza says the... the attack was systematic and purposeful, also on the headlines, iran criticizes the us, britain and france for blocking a un security council statement to condemn the israely strike on the iranian embassy in syria.
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4:30 p.m. in iran's capital, tehran. this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. nearly six months into the israeli genocidal war in gaza, the regime keeps pressing ahead with this onslot across beseed strip. some 62 palestinians have been killed and scores more injured in israeli air strikes and shelling over the past 24 hours. the regime forces also continued their aerial raids on the city of han unis and southern gaza. it say that the majority of these attacks were focused on the... neighborhood, leaving number of people dead. meanwile palestinian fighters are putting stiff resistance to israeli troops on the ground in some areas. they have attacked israely soldiers and vehicles with mortars in eastern and southern parts of gaza city. according to the gaza health ministry, the death from the israely war has now topped 33, over 75,600 palestinians have also been wounded, while thousands more remain unaccounted for. israel air strikes have
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of continued to target residential buildings across the beseach territory. our correspondent mutyaba musa joined us earlier from the central gaza city of daralbala to give us the latest on the situation. over the last night the israeli war planes destroyed of two residental buildings in rafah city claiming the lives of at least six palestinan civilians including two babies. in addition to dozens of the injuries left behind those attacks in the meantime, when it comes to kanyuni city, the israel incubation forces intensify the attacks against the western part of khan city, more residental buildings were destroyed and blown up using the of explosive devices by the israel incubation forces that are still located and positioning in in that area in the western part of khanuni city here in the central area of gaza strip the israeli w players continued targeting several horizontal buildings in anosarati fuji camp and even in der balh
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city, particularly the eastern part of daril of balag city, we can see that even the entire areas of the central area of particularly the eastern parts of the central area uh were subjected to heavy bombardments and continuous artillery shilling that reach the residental buildings and the palestinian houses in that area. for nearly the past six months, israel has been using starvation as a weapon of war against palestinians. for two million hungry godsons, most days bring a difficult search for something eat. thousands of them are also forced to make treasurous journeys to get flower from aid trucks and medisals runletness bombing and shelling campaign. let's take a listen to some of the cozins who explain their sufferings and how of they struggle to get flour for daily bread. we wait all night for this flower. we sleep of on the streets in the cold on the sand in.
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during hardship to secure food for our families, especially our young children. i don't know what else to do or how our lives have come to this. we implore the world empathize with our polite. i spend the night on kuwait roundabout to secure this bag of flower. it was lot of hardship, but i thank god and everyone who ates the gas was trip. we were going to get flour and we have been at this checkpoint for two days now. we're facing delays in flour delivery and there's a of shortage. it's not just flour, there's also a scarcity of vegetables, meats and other essentials like legumes, lentiles and chickpeas. the founder of the us space charity world central kitchen has criticized israel over the killing of his staff in gaza, saying that the regime's forces systematically targeted a convoy carrying aid workers. jose andres said that cars were hit purposefully one after the other. a civilian
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area under the control of the israeli army. he held israel responsible for the killing, which he said was not the outcome of a bad luck situation. he added that the israely forces were well informed about the convoy's movement. and that the cars were clearly marked with the charity's logo the strike killed six foreign aid workers and their palestinian translator. 60% of non-governmental aid getting into the base strip is from the world's central kitchen. the charity has suspended its operations in gaza following the attack. the world health organization has reacted to monday killing of seven international aid workers associated with the us-based charity in the gaza strip. and impresor top who officials condemned the attack and expressed concerns about the safety of relief workers on the ground in in gaza. who is horrified by the killing of seven humanitarian workers from world central kitchen in gaza on monday. the work they were
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doing was saving lives, providing food to thousands of starving people. their cars were clear. marked and should never have been attacked. we need more entry points, including in northern gaza, cleared roads and predictable and expedited passage through checkpoints. but it is the responsibility of all competence in a military conflict to abide by the international humanitarian law, which is to allow access for humanitarians to the population who are at risk, and to ensure that the access for those humanitarians is... planned, guaranteed and we're going to cover now live and uh listen to osama hamdan in beirot, the senior hamas official. let's take a listen and the displacement of hundreds of thousands of our people in horrific events in
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which more than 2 million palestinians are living, most of whom are women and children, and they are all civilians. all of this is taking place in front of the whole world. which stands and watches and is helpless in putting a stop to the zionist terrorism which is supported by the united states of america and indeed with american role as an accomplice under biden's administration, in light of the zionist occupation and its war of aggression against our people in the gaza strip and the light of the failure of its forces in achieving any of its goals and any of its agressive plans which have been announced in the strip, and in light of the stubberness of a terrorist netanyahu and his nazi government and his thorting the efforts the mediators to stop the aggression and to achieve a swap deal, we underscore the
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following: our palestinian great people have proven over a period of half year of ongoing zinanis aggression that they are a mountain of tolerance and that they recall in their struggle, all of the elements of strength and will and steadfastness, and on the these rocks, all of the aggressive plans will be crushed, all the plans which are being put together by our enemy and those who supported on the gaza strip, these plans will be crushed. as a result of the steadfastness and resistance of a palestinian people, all of these plans will be crushed and god willing, the chapters of this indiscriminate, blatant aggression will end in a way which is worthy the greatness of the marties, and the
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greatness and heroics and perseverance of our people and resistance and the legendary epic which the great people of gazza have been showing for six months. here we salute our people who are standing with steadfastness and firmness in the gaza strip from all different sectors and components who stand united firmly against all all of the attempts to target their unity and to target their steadfastests and they are showing this heroic epic in the battle of a storm which has proven that our people are worthy and deserving of liber. which come within the framework of the plans of the enemy to create sedition amongst our people are leading this
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war of destiny, battle of destiny against the zinest enemy, and we salute the vigilance and the national responsibility of all the components of the national and and the factions and also the tribes in further enhancing the cohesion and unity against the zionist enemy and we also congratulate the heroic'. operations committed by our people in the west bank and in occupieds or eternal capital (godwilling) and we consider this natural reaction and response to the crimes the zinest enemy and also a support for our people and resistant in aga strip and also a proof of the unity and cohesion of our people around the option of resistance as a only legitimate means for liberation. return and we call for this to continue and to further escalate this resistance against the enemy
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and against the settlers. the blatant crime committed by the zionist enemy against the al-shif medical compound and the medical teams and the unarmed civilians and ill and those were with them and the displaced in the hospital and in the surroundings of the hospital. over a period of two weeks will continue to witness the... of this enemy which we have tried for more than seven decades ever since the founding of this entity, and it will remain a source of shame on all those who are not taking action and condemming these crimes and calling for an end to them and trying those who commit these crimes, this is not the first crime committed by design machine, but rather it comes within the context of thousands of massacres which have been. going for six months, however, it is the ugliest crime which targeted hospital
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sheltering, ill people and wounded, and within this framework we underscored that the ongoing silence and international helplessness in light of these massicers represents a green light which the nazi occupation relied in order to commit more massagers and order to violate all international norms and international laws. and the targeting of the convoy of the world central kitchen in southern, this further enhances that meaning and also establishes as being a rogue entity which does not care for international laws and requires urgent immediate measures in order to put a stop to the brutality and the inhumane nature and also hold it account later on, we find it strange this international silence which came
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alongside this ugly crime from day one, this strange silence makes us wonder about the role of the international system and the institutions affiliated with this system, and how these nau criminal actions of targeting hospitals and destroying hospitals and committing atrocities in them and also forcing the health sector. in gaz strip to become out of operation at the time where more than 2 million palestinian citizens needed, and in light of them being subject to the ugliest crimes and massicers, how is it that these actions and these crimes do not receive any response at the same level of the crime, and how does this world put up with all of its laws and with all of its resolutions and the justice system, how does it put up with rogue state? which stems over all laws and behaves as if as if it is above
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accountability. the policy of the terrorism and killing which the occupation relies on in targeting the emergency groups requires decisive international stance which goes beyond these shy statements which came as a reaction to the ugly attack on these crews and it also goes beyond the... demands of calling for investigation from the army of occupation regarding the reasons behind these crimes because the reasons are clear and the criminal is announcing without any shame nor does it care for these statements or for these demands what the zionist media outlets revealed and other international outlet revealed regarding systematic horrific violations. in the means of harsh torture being used against the palestinian holding
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held as captives in the gaza strip and what was revealed by the testimonies of those who were freeed, this represents a war crime which is added to the other crimes being committed by the nazi occupation army against these civilians from amongst our people, we hold the occupation completely responsible for the lives and well being of thousands of those who have been kidnapped and held as captives who are being subject to the worse torture and acts of revenge, and we find it strange the international silence whilst the crime. of execution and death as a result of torture continues that which those arrested are being subject to, and we call for immediate and urgent intervention to save them from this, and here we hold the american administration and its president biden personally, politically responsible and legally responsible and ethically and humanitarianly responsible for the war crimes
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which are being committed against our people in the gaza strip, this administration be spared from accountability as a result for its support, but rather its role as a complete accomplice alongside this occupation in the crime of genocide which they are committing, via its political support and its diplomatic support and also the bridges to send arms which are never cut off in providing ammunition and weapons to the zinest terrorist army, regarding the negotiations for an end to the aggression, and a prisoner swap deal, i would like to to clarify the following: late last night, the mediators in egypt and qatar were informed of the stance of the movement regarding what was what was presented, and we underscored that we are sticking to our stance which we had informed them of earlier, and which we handed
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over on the 14th of march. officially: and the elements of our stance are represented by the following: the necessity of an end to the aggression, first of all, a withdraw of the occupation forces from gaza completely second, and a return of the displaced to their homes, especially in the northern gaza strip and further intensifying the efforts to allow aid to enter all areas in gaza and to start reconstruction immediately without any obstacles, third of all, and number four, a process of prisoner swap, a real prisoner swap deal, and here we underscore that until this moment no progress has been made in the talks, but rather the talks are still frozen despite all of our efforts in order to reach positive results, unfortunately, and despite the flexibility and the very great positive
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approach of the hamas movement in these talks in order to facilitate reaching an agreement, these... plans of the nazi occupation continues to be stubborn and rejecting to respond positively and to accept the demands, the national demands of our people after the latest round in cairo, the occupation government is still maneuvering and the talks are going in one empty circle, one empty cycle, the enemy still rejects the demands of our people and the demands of our legitimate resistance for a complete cease fire and the withdraw from the gaza strip. or the return the displaced and even a real prisoner swap deal, we believe that netanyahu is still putting obstacles preventing an agreement being reached, and he does not want the liberation of those hold captive by the resistance, it's become clear to all parties that he, meaning netanyahu and his nazi
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government are trying to buy time and are trying to absorb the... the families of the captives and trying to display a false interest in the negotiations, and this criminal and his nazi war cabinet and his cowardice government are still drowning in the sands of gazza, are still suffering as a result of what they got their army involved in, they did not succeed and will not succeed in achieving their goals and won't be able to do this godwilling. and we in the movement, we are continuing our efforts. in order to put an end to this war of aggression against our people, and we are behaving with full responsibility in order to increase the aid entering into gaza, and in order to seal the wounds of our people who continue to stand and to further enhance their perseverance and steadfastness in gaza at the same time, at the time where our mujahidin continue to
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stand with steadfastness on the battlefield and continue to target the enemy and its forces, we will continue to honor, the blood the marties and the sacrifices of our people in the gaza strip, what the occupation failed to achieve by killing, and by criminality and the war of genocide, they will not succeed in achieving via prolonging the negotiations, and here we would also like to express our solidarity with the al-jazeera satellite channel which is being subject to wazinus campaign to tarnish its professional role and its media message in cover. and then exposing the crimes of the aggression and supporting the rights of our people and their just cause and we underscored that the systematic policy the occupation in targeting media personnel and journalists directly and also via intimidation or tracking down, this will not
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succeed in silencing and covering up the crimes being crimes taking place, we pray for the journalists to fell asmarties for amongst our people and we pray to god, we pray for a speedy recovery for the wounded and the liberation to those being held captive, journalists and others, and we underscored that the occupation continuing in preventing the international media outlets from entering into the gaz strip is a zionist ongoing attempt in order to prevent the revelation of the massicres and the truth and what our people is being and what our people have been subject to over the past six months, we call for breaking the international silence and to put pressure on the occupation so that the... outlets may enter to prevent this enemy from committing more crimes of genocide far away from the eyes of the media and the witnesses
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on their war of aggression and we call on the international media outlets to continue covering the truth regarding what our people are being subject to the genocide and the brutal massicres and not to be dragged along with the black zionist propaganda and here we also can waging air strikes, air rais against arab and muslim countries like yemen and iraq and syria, and we also condemn the zionist occupation targeting the building of the iranian consulate in the syrian capital damascus recently. this aggression is considered a blatant violation of international law and it is also. violation the sovereignty of nations and the american administration alone alongside the occupation, they bear complete responsibility for these crimes which we are witnessing or
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which we see are leading to the destabilization and undermining the security the region and they take responsibility for the repercussions and we once again renew our appreciation for all of the governmental and popular efforts calling for an anti-aggression and also aiming to address situation our people in gaza and supporting the set forces on the territory and supporting the elizabeth rights, we call for activating all of the capabilities and efforts of the islamic and arab umma and the free people of the world and to put pressure by all possible means on the american administration in order to put an end to its bias and its support for the occupation and to take all the measures in order to put an immediate to bring about immediate end to the aggression and to open the crossings and allow the immediate or the urgent aid to enter. we also... extend our thanks, express our thanks to what the yemani forces, brotherly forces are doing, and the brothers in the lebanese resistance, and also the
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resistance factions in the bloody nation, brotherly nation of iraq, the operations against the zinest entity and this interest in support of our people and in support of our heroic resistance, and we pray for the mercy, we pray for their marties, and we pray for all of those marties who fell on the path of al-quds including may god have mercy on his soul and his comrades, those who fell as marties, as a result of the aggression on the consulate in damascus, we also appreciate and value the international efforts on the friday, day of anger for palestine, and we call for mobilization in front of the american and israeli embassies in rejection the aggression and as a way to put pressure in order to end the criminality and the aggression our people in the... scrip are being subject to and we call for effective participation and large mobilization participation in these activities tomorrow friday and in the upcoming days. we call on
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our people on this occasion and on these holy days in the west bank and al-quds and in the occupied territories to continue with the stands and to continue to be present in alaqsa. mosk let the last friday on the holy month of ramadan the international day let this be an occasion for support for al-quds and we also call on the people of our arab and islamic um and the free people in our world to rise against the american administration which is supporting the occupation and to further intensify their action in front of the embassies and the embassies of occupation and to intensify their pressures in support of our people and resistance and in order to enable victory against this aggression and tyranny we pray for the mercy of our is for a speedy recovery, for our wounded and for liberation for our prisoners and victory, god willding for our people and their resistance. jihad will lead to either victory or maridom, and
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may peace be upon you all. questions? okay, you listen to asama hamdan there, the senior hamas rep uh in beirot and he spoke about some of the different obviously crimes that there is really uh regime is committing. he started out by talking about the displacements of 100 of hundreds of thousands of palestinians. he said there's two million that have been displaced all civilians in front of the whole world. uh, this is while the us is the accomplice and the whole world is watching this unfold, the battle of the alasa storm has proven the two nature of the zionist regime, he gave a word of caution to palestinians in terms of the suspicious attempts of the enemy plans to create sedition amongst our people, he said in this war of destiny, he congratulated the heroic actions in the west bank and al goods, as he refer to future capital of palestine and also
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slammed the alshifa medical compound. um crime that took place there along with the uh world central uh kitchen that was uh targeted by the um zionist regime forces, crimes of execution and deaths as a result of torture of palestinians and detainment are taking place and that's a genocide. he talked about the negotiations in which he said we are sticking to our stance uh that was handed over on march 14, which included the necessity to end the aggression, the withdraw of regime forces, um the return of the displaced to their homes especially northern gaz. and aid to enter all areas, just some of the examples of some of the things that uh they had in their uh proposal, but yet there is no progress, the talks are frozen despite our flexibility, because he believes that netanyahu is putting obstacles for agreements to be reached and doesn't want captive deal and wants to buy time, and uh at the end he called for the mobilization of people around the world on palestine day, especially in front of the american and israeli embassies,
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some of the highlights there from osama hamdan. from baywood thanks so much for being with us, let's bye bye for now, مشکل تعبیه توی همه کارخونه جات تولیدی بود، از جمله خود ما به این فکر افتادیم که یه کار اساسی اینجا انجام بدیم برای تعویه سالن. با خیس شدن ا صفالی و عبور هوا از دیوارهای مشبک آجوری هوای خنک مطبوعی به داخل سالن هدایت میشه تو این دریچه ها باد خنک میزنه زیر هر دستگاه یه دریچه هستش که از این ما هم خنک میشیم هم آلودگی بغلمون نیست همین سنتی آجر است و هوای خنک خودش یه دمای ۱۸ درجه خیلی مطلوب با کمترین هزینه به شما میده.
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israel is democratic country, israel is not an entirely jewish country and is also home to arab muslims who can vote and are entitled to citizenship. fights, so it's safe to say that contrary to the propaganda, israel is democratic country, but let's review some of its laws regarding arab israel, the law of return. this law automatically allows every jew across the world to acquire israeli citizenship, no matter where they live, but at the same time it remains strongly opposed to the palestinian right of return. interestingly, the right of return for
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expelled palestinians was in shrived. in resolution 194 of the un general assembly in 1984. urban service: although israeli arabs are officially recognized as israeli citizens and possess israel. passport, they're paid less than their jewish counterparts when it comes to municipal budget allocation. as a result, a wealthy palestinian populated area in israel, such as muala village in the galili region, has poorer conditions than the most impoverished jewish development towns. in 2011, jerusalem post reported that between 1997 and 2009, the average income of jews was 40 to 60% higher than that. of arab israel, the right to freedom of residence. arab citizens in israel do not have the right to reside in many of the constructed towns. this blatant violation of citizenship rights still persists in israel, and all of the attempts
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made by rights organizations to end this apartide in israel have so far proved feudal. breaks is a grouping of countries that will make lot of noise this year. one of the breakouts will be the introduction of national currency which will pose a challenge to the us dollar. will this actually impact the western dominated system and give it a run for the money as it's uh the saying goes. also a look at the introduction of new payment system using blockchain technology. just a couple of... angles will be looking at in this edition of economic divide. some of the highlights coming up: the bricks payment system, blockchain technology, digital innovations. it'll penetrate the international monetary framework. that's what it says is going to do.