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tv   Economic Divide Israels economic losses  PRESSTV  April 4, 2024 5:02pm-5:31pm IRST

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attempts made by rights organizations to end this apartide in israel have so far proved feudal. bricks is a grouping of countries that will make lot of noise this year. one of the breakouts will be the introduction of an national currency, which will pose a challenge to the us dollar. will this actually impact the western dominated system and give it a run for the money as it's the saying goes, also a look at the introduction of new payment system using blockchain technology. just a couple of the angles we'll be looking at in this edition of economic divide. some of the highlights coming up, the bricks payment system, blockchain, technology, digital innovations, it'll penetrate the international monetary framework. that's what it says is going to do. "we have to wait and see whether that
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will happen or not. next, the monetary system that this will create, it will be one free of politics, also the use of national currencies and dedollarization, which is an important drive behind this new monetary system, which will include new breaks currency. then we move to the interest that lies for bricks and joining this alliance. new memberships, nearly the dozen new countries are interested to join the subblock, does this mean it's a break with the west? time now to take a look at the social media post on this, first up is the world moving away from the us dollar. i've got a bad feeling about this, including there will be bank of failures, us fed chair, bricks, cbdc, bank, term funding program
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blank check dotfank bailens discover the facts about central bank digital currencies, very interesting post actually, named a lot of uh controversial uh type uh financial guess uh terms here. next, the bank of america has issued major warning of the us dollars potential collapse, another one that covers the dollar. this is due to the us debt rising by a trillion dollars every 10 every 100 days and the bricks economy driving eastern countries away from the dollar, then the west is exhausting itself trying to hold power. russia is making them look weak, china of is watching them destroy themselves. bricks is growing and challenging the dollar, israel has totally lost their minds. the global majority stopped obeying, the empire is dying. wow, that's a mouthful. uh, then bricks to control 37% of the world's gdp. uh,
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they aim to dedollarize the globe and strengthen local currencies. we could be looking at an entirely different world soon. notice how many of these posts actually cover the dollar. all right, let's uh bring in our guest uh for our first q&a. joining us is uh gulaz sheikh, he's a geopolitical expert. gulraz sheikh, welcome to economic divide. uh, the bricks alliance, you're very uh, i'm sure familiar with it because it includes country. like brazil, russia, india, china and south africa. now they're planning to collaborate on developing this payment system uh, which uses the blockchain technology, also digital innovations. this is part of a broader strategy. what is this system all about? tell us basically how this is going to work, yes, the bricks, the the bricks grouping is working on blockchain technology and digital payment system and this is
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basically to to to exert the its monetary influence across the geopolitical and geoeconomical spectrum, but it is also a tool, tool to keep the bricks economies safe from the western hegermany and the western dominated economic system because they have basically weapon. the dollar, they have weaponized the western financial system be it swift or others, today they may be good with any country, but tomorrow if they are on odds any topic with you, they can sanction you, and the best example we have seen is this example of russia, the way they put it out of the swiss system, the way they they barred it from using the dollar system and this shows that nobody can't can be safe and nobody can
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have guarantee that tomorrow they are not going to sanction you any particular issue, so this is the system which will be actually free from western hegemmany, which will be free from sanctions and it will give more geopolitical and geoeconomical and financial autonomy to the bricks countries. all right, very well, thank you so much for that. let's bring in our next guest, we have tambisa facuda, who's a senior research fellow, africa asia dialogue, chief executive officer at the mail and garden newspaper who joins us. welcome to economic divide, russia. made some statements about this new blockchain technology for the payment system and he says that there was actually need for this uh that the general population needs to use this uh because it's one of the major factors is that's free of political influence and economically efficient um and also he emphasized increase in settlements and
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national currencies. do you think this is all about dedolarization? well i think it's it's a good effort but i don't i don't think for example country like south africa will go for. dedolarization, but what they will do is to look for an alternative currency, so in other words, they will avoid to be seen as being hostile towards the dollar, rather go towards a currency that's going to be used and accepted as discuss including by president of china that there is need for for for british countries to have their own alternative currency, but i think the process forward will not be to dedollarize business, because that seem and sounds very harsh and hostile towards countries that many of these countries still enjoy relationships with, but i think what is likely to get the software lending in terms of introducing this new currency within prix will be to push for new
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currency that will be used within the prix members, so iran of course it's got his own political agenda in invited commerce in terms of ensuring which is correct but supported by many african countries, the dedollarization is key, but i think countries like south africa will be worry of being seen to be jumping on the bend wagon and fighting the new uh cause of detalarization, instead i think they might like they're likely to look at an alternative currency. us inequality: america's top 1% gets $2 trillion richer. it said the combined wealth the richest people in the us has grown to $44.6 trillion dollars. now it's interesting to note that the fourth quarter of 2023, they
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saw their combined networth rise by around two trillion dollars. that's a major chunk. next up, us supply chains. well, by now, you're probably familiar with the us baltimore bridge collapse. the bigger problem is how the us supply chains have been disrupted by this collapse. it has cut off ocean routs to the city's major port and is expected to cause severe disruptions to local transport and logistics and also global supply chains. our take, the baltimore bridge collapse underscores aching infrastructure, while the us spends billions of dollars on ukraine, military assistance to other countries. and the maintenance of over 700 military bases. next up, the islamic halal economy. the global halal economy is on the rise and it has increase in demand. this has fueled more opportunities for investment and sharia compliant ways. the global islamic
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kalaal economy is reportedly said to reach a market value of 7.7 trillion by the year 2025, more than double the $3.2 trillion dollars that reached. 2015 and finally, is a us housing crisis on the surface? and the question asked in this entry is the us media layoffs a phenomenon pointing towards the next housing crisis, the media sector's challenges amplify shadow banks toll on the us economy and also mirror the 2008 housing crisis. while the media business is in the spotlight now, it is microcosm of a bigger challenge across. the economy like the massive tech layoffs. this week on expose, shocking testimonies of palestinian
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women suffering sexual abuse and rape by the israeli occupation forces were purposefully withheld from the public by machine media giants. digital media in turn refused to cover. stories of dozens of palestinian women who reported that zionist soldiers had harassed them verbally and sexually, citing the israeli entity narrative instead, and according to a recent yu-gof survey, 77% of americans think that if there were to be a war with russia, the united states of america would be most likely involved in it. stay tuned for expose, the truth is just a revelation away. section of the program, the bricks block has announced that it will work on creating a new payment system. what is this new payment system and how will that? effect trade for bricks countries. let's take a look at that. first up, this new payment
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system that bricks has announced will be based on what's called blockchain and digital technologies. now the definition of that is an advanced database mechanism that allows transparent information sharing within a business network. a blockchain database stores data in blocks that are linked together in a chain. now the next thing that we want to take a look at. is how this new system is going to settle trade and transactions and it will effectively become an alternative option to the us dollar. the fact that this is going to be free of the us dollar has been put under the microscope as to whether it's going to be able to do that or not. the introduction of national currency however is going to speed that process up. next let's take a look at uh how this move is going to be absolutely crucial in helping the block trade in these local currencies, and it
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will help them reduce their reliance on the dollar, so the dollar issue again, and to be free from the shackles of it remains a pivotal reason. next, the bricks financial system, well, it will allow the member countries to completely avoid using any of the western transfer systems, such as swift. swift is the most prominent one. for example, the... announced that the system will be available to countries and to businesses and even to people, and that's going to set it apart from the western dominated financial system, so basically there needs to be no restrictions placed on the financial system that's going to be introduced by the blockchain technology for breaks countries. let's bring back our guests and see what they think, gold sheikh rejoins us, he is geopolitical expert, sheikh, welcome back to economic. vide lot of interest has been uh channeled towards bricks and new members,
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notably countries like saudi arabia like iran for example to have joined now the bricks alliance why is there such an interest in this organization do you think of the first place uh and some of these countries actually have financial ties to the west uh see if you look at bricks it's a rising star as and if you look at g seven it's setting right now and right now all the major economic activities are going on in the global south because with the rise of multipolar world order the countries of south the global south are demanding their rights they are working towards technology they are working towards manufacturing they were already doing lot of work when it come when it comes to commodity. they are having minerals with them, they are also having manpower, do not forget that demographics are best in the global south
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compared to the global north, so any country will like to sit in the camp of those people who are progressing and if you look at the gdp right now bricks gdp is more than that of g7 and if you look at g7 it used to be g8 when russia was also there now they had also thrown out. russia from g8 and made it g7, so buring japan, it's basically an anglo section grouping, so they cannot expand themselves, they have leaked their limit because it is a anglo section grouping, they don't have any more or any other anglo section country which can be in included in the g7 grouping. all right, thank you for that. let's uh now bring back our next guest. uh tambisa facuda who's a senior research fellow africa asia dialogue and chief executive officer at the mail and
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garden newspaper. tambisa fakul, welcome back uh when you take a look atuh the grouping of bricks uh there are many options that are opened because of the fact that uh there's so many uh different promises that uh are being made when it comes to for example the bricks payment system, blockchain technology and also the introduction of national currency, even though you have countries dealing in the... what is the main appeal when it comes to bricks to align themselves into one grouping? of course you have the five major economies that are leading this group? i think they're very close and i don't think. think they contradict the current systems that you have, instead you're going to have more competitiveness in terms of the global currency exchanges, so from this perspective, i think the cds is addition towards that market competing, because there are quite a number of these products that are involved in currency transfers and payment systems
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globally, so this one is new one and this one of course will include different type of countries compared to what we've seen in the past, so i think it's going to be a welcome move and many african countries will have an alternative now and a sense of ownership, in terms of participating in this this business of worldwide transfer of and payments for goods and services. the bricks alliance is a grouping of countries. that cannot be ignored, since this alliance is not just comprised of five countries which have lot to offer when it comes to the global economy. the bricks alliance, once considered a preferol entity is now at the forefront of forging new world order, challenging the status quo and proposing alternatives that could lead to significant shifts in global
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alliances and economic practices. throughout 2023, the block, which includes power. house countries like iran, russia, india, china, egypt, saudi arabia and south africa has taken significant strives in reshaping the global power balance. the addition of six new countries, including saudi arabia, the uae, iran, egypt and ethiopia, as bolstered the alliances influence. we see the bricks partnership as catalist for global growth and development and response to the needs. 要 提 高 发 展 中 国 家 , 在 全 球 治 理 中 的 代 表 性 和 发 言 权 。 支 持 发 展 中 国 家 , 实 现 更 好 发 展 。 要 坚 持 真 正 的 多 边 主 义 , 构 建 全 球 发 展 伙 伴 关 系 。 为 共 同 发 展 , 营 造 安 全 稳
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定 的 。 prix ka vistar एवं आधुनिक इस बात का संदेश है कि विश्व के सभी institutions को बदलते समय की परिस्थितियों के अनुरूप ढलना चाहिए ये एक ऐसी पहल है जो बीसवी सदी में स्थापित अन्य ग्लोबल इंस्टीट्यूशन के reform के लिए एक मिसाल बन सकता है. one of the major announcements that bricks will be making this year is the introduction of native currency, but how will this impact the current financial system, especially the western dominated system? there is no doubt that this currency could challenge the dominance of traditional financial systems and foster a more multipolar world order, if realized the
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introduction of a bricks specific currency, whether digital or fiat, could redefine global trend. dynamics and unilateral settlements. this move would also align with the block's ongoing efforts to challenge the dominance of traditional financial powerhouses and foster a more multipolar world order. it would be very simple-minded to think that the introduction of a bricks currency would take off and for there not to be disruptions in the day-to-day trade between countries from within bricks or with countries who are not bricks. members, the bricks currency does offer new avenue for international transactions, especially for countries looking to bypass traditional financial channels. it also represents a significant step towards the dedollarization of global trade. a longstanding goal of several bricks members. however, the success of such a currency would depend on various factors, including its acceptance by
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international markets and its ability to provide stability and security in financial transactions and that does it for this quick take section, contact info is coming up, looking forward to seeing you next week, i'm and goodbye, finally bricks is going to shake up the... financial system that's dominated by the west, there's no doubt about that, given how so many countries are queing up to join the alliance, the west in particular, the us, for example, will continue to use the dollar as a weapon and impose sanctions on. countries that don't follow its lead, that's going to lead to more countries desire to join bricks. that does for this edition of the program. thank you so much for being with us. brax is very hot topic for us here and i'm wondering
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if you think the same and uh you think that it is an important and lines as we do. tell us what you think contact information is behind me. from the team here at economic divide. it's goodbye. until the next program. in this week's episode of erwall tech we're going to be checking out mobile game development company that has managed to find
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a formula and develop a platform that allows them to release games a lot more quickly than usual and remain competitive without sacrificing on quality. we're also going to learn about how the development of mobile game works in general, so if you want to learn about those, make sure to check out this week's episode at these times.
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i have been detained 10 times since the first interfada or uprising in 1987. i was detained and released 10 times, so i have lot of experience and have lot to say about what takes place during. the interrogations and about the horrifying stories i heard from my fellow detainees. the first pain when his house is... writed by the occupations army, the troops detonate the doors using bombs and then enter the home and begin ransacking it, destroying everything
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inside, they terrify the children, women and fathers and mothers in plain sight of the prisoner who is handcuffed behind his back. that pres is taken in plain side of the children who scream, this also constitutes suffering for the family, for the children, for the women, for the father and for the mother. on the way to the interrogation, the detainee is physically and verbally assaulted, and here is blasphemous words. "the wives or sisters of some of the detainees were also detained and brought to the interrogation. there the men were
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threatened with subjecting their wives or sisters to sexual abuse if they refused to make a confession. i personally spent a week, seven days sitting a chair." with my hands cuffed behind my back and my face covered. i spent seven days without sleep and without food during the fasting month of ramadan. they were giving us just one meal every two or three days. when i was asking for water, they were spilling water on the floor, so if you wanted to drink water, you had to drink the water spilled on the floor. so they obtain a decision from the court and sit the detane down and shake him for a long period of time, and that subsequently inflicts a brain injury on him that leaves him either
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dead, or mentally ill, they strip people of their clothes and put them a wet floor and turn on air conditioners, switching back and forth from cooling to heating. during one to two days those detainees fall ill due to that method of torture. while the detaine is hungry, the interrogator brings delicious food and begins eating. what hurts more is that the army brings those settlers to the prisons to see how palestinian detainees are humiliated or subsequently they boost the
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moral of their people and settlers. through showing them the pains of the palestinians who are held in the prisons. what's currently happening in israeli jails is harsher than what happened in the us detention centers of abu ghraib and guantanamo bay. i can say that they all learned from the same source how to torture and humiliate the people.
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the headlines this hour, israel presses ahead with its relentless air strikes and shelling at the besieg gaza strip as the death fall from the... side of war surpasses 33, the founder of a us-based charity, whose convoy of aid workers was recently targeted in gaza, says the israely attack was systematic and purposeful. and iran criticizes the us, and france for blocking security council statement to condemn the israely strike on the iranian embassy in syria.