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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 4, 2024 6:30pm-7:03pm IRST

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first tv headlines: israel presses ahead with this relentless air strikes and shelling of the besideged gaza strip as the death doll from the genocidal war surpasses 33, the founder of a us-based charity, whose convoy of aid of workers was recently targeted in gaza, says the israely attack was systematic and purposeful. andy bon criticizes the us, britain and france for blocking a un security council statement to condemn the israely strike on the iranian embassy in syria.
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6:30 p.m. in iran's capital, tehran. this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. nearly six months into the israely genocidal war in gaza, the regime keeps pressing ahead with this onslot across the beast strip. some 62 palestinians have been killed and scores more injured in israeli air strikes and shelling over the past 24 hours. the regime forces also continued their airal rais on the city of honnus in southern gaza. they say that the majority of these attacks. were focused on the alamal neighborhood, leaving number of people dead. meanwile, palestinian fighters are putting stiff resistance to israeli troops on the ground in some areas. they've attacked israeli soldiers and vehicles with mortars in the eastern and southern parts of of gaza city. according to the gaza health ministry, the death toll from the israeli war has now topped 33, over 75,600 palestinians have also been wounded, while thousands more remain unaccounted for. israel is facing
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denunciation over the killing of international aid workers associated with the us-based charity world central kitchen. the head of the ngo says the israel regime is responsible for the death of his staff in gaza. we earlier discussed the issue in our news review program. let's take a listen. of you're watching press tv's news. review where we look deeper into some of the top stories of the day on this segment of the program, the founder of the us-based charity world central kitchen has criticized israel over the killing of his staff in gaza saying the regime's forces systematically targeted a convoy carrying aid workers. jose andres said that cars were hit purposefully one after the other in a civilian area under the control of the israeli army, he held israel responsible for the killing, which he said was not the outcome of a battle. situation, he added the
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israeli forces were well informed about the convoy's movement and that the cars were clearly marked with the charity's logo. the strike killed six foreign aid workers and their palestinian translators 60% of non-governmental aid getting into the beseach strippes from the world central kitchen. the charity has suspended its operations in gaza following the attack. joining us on this edition of the news review we have journalist and commentator tashrig true body joining us from cape town, also member of the kenya palestine solidarity movement. booker and ga is joining us from nairobi. gentlemen, welcome to the program. let's start off with mr. true body in cape town. the israelis uh since this gaza genocide started have killed around 200 aid workers. that is no accident is it? it isn't and there's a couple of issues i think with the way. in which the
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story is also being covered in that it of course is an absolute tragedy, i have no doubt that these aid workers were good souls, there were good human beings that had been of determined to to bring relief to palestinians that are having endure a genocide at the moment in in gaza, and while their death as in any death is a tragedy, i do think we we need to contrast the the western government responses here to the... is that palestinian lives are not quite as equally important in in the outrage that we now seeing here from from some of these governments, these governments of course also now finding their voice because of the domestic responses in some of these countries that are increasingly now leading to push for not just the cease fire but holding these governments accountable for funding and and and propping up the thesignist entity so there's a very serious and worry about the manner in which
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the humanity of the palestinians aren't quite seen as as much as as we've now seen with these aid workers. i do think there was an agenda with this particular attack. especially as we increasingly now talking about a potential escalation with boots on the ground in in rafa, so i think it was more than deliberate, it was seeking to send the message. right, and let's cross over to mr. engesa, as we were mentioning in our intro, around 60% of non-governmental aid getting into the seat strip uh was reported to be from the world central kitchen, as a result the attack, the charity has suspended its operations in gaza. is that what the israelis were aiming for? yeah, thank you, and um, first of all, the situation in gaza is very dire, the farming situation is very, very
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dire, and this is because this is, this is, this is not a natural disaster, but it is a situation. that has been artificially created by the israel regime and within it policy of even attacking humanitarian organizations who there to correct you know the fin has been caused by the genocidal attacks on gaza the zionist regime. who is actually not just complicit, but advancing the policy of genocide against palestinian people, do not want aid to reach where it is needed most, thank you gentlemen, that was b guest, member the kenya palestine solidarity movement joining us from nairobi, and uh thanks to
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journalists and commentator tash trubody, speaking to us from cape town, with that it brings us to an end here on this edition of the news review, but stick around, we've got plenty more to come here on press tv. "the spokesman of the alts brigades, the military wing of the islamic jihad movement, says the resistance is determined to continue the alaxa flood operation until final victory. ahamza said the resistance operations on the ground reflect its full rejection of the israeli plan to occupy the gaza strip. he added the access of resistance is now repelling the israely regime's attacks in gaza, the west bank and in lebanon." in a statement released on thursday, the algus brigade said it had targeted two israeli contingents in the southern city of han unis. some israeli military equipment and vehicles including a tank and a drone were also hit in the same city. the israeli military has already confirmed the death of nearly 260 of his troops since the regime's ground invasion
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of gaza. palestinian groups, however, say that the regime is hiding the actual number of his casualties in order to avoid public anger. "the senior hamas representative in lebanon has slammed israely atrocities in the gaza strip, calling on palestinians escalate acts of resistance against the regime. osama hamdan said in a press conference that all plans of the enemy against gaza will be destroyed in the face of palestinian resistance. he also mentioned the israeli attack on charity workers in gaza, saying that the strike shows the depth of israel's brutality, as a regime keeps violating all international norms and laws. the senior hamas official condemned the..." continued us support for israel, saying that washington is responsible for tel aviv's crimes against palestinians. on the notion of talks for a possible cease fire, he stressed that any deal must lead to an end to the onslot on gaza and the withdraw of israeli forces from the territory. speaking on the eve of
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international clitz day, hamdan called for worldwide rallies in solidarity with the palestinian people. israel's top military. intelligence official resigns after taking full responsibility for the failure of the regime's intelligence apparatus and countering alaxsa flood operation on october 7. amit sar was head of aman's research division. he cited illness as the reason for his early resignation. however, israeli authorities have pushed the majority of the blame for the failure to intercept the events of october 7, 2023, on intelligence officials. sar had previously expressed his readiness to relinquish his duties. once the israely war in gaza was over. at least two other officials have also left their positions vacant in the israeli military intel system since the palestinian resistance alexa flood operation. international guts day is annual pro-palestinian event marked on the
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last friday of the holy month of ramadan. the day was designated by the founder of the islamic republic of iran imam komaini back in 1979 in solidarity with pales. people worldwide will mark this year's good day on the coming friday. a correspondent in belfast has asked some people there about the event and its importance to the palestinian cause. let's take a listen. "i think that the iranian government choosing such a symbolic day as the last friday in ramadan as alkuts day as a day of celebrating solidarity with the palestinians really shows that solidarity with palestine is their number one foreign policy priority and has been since the revolution, so i think that palestinians especially in these days in midst of war, starvation and genocide uh will treasure this act of solidarity more than in any year before." "and i believe fully that the israeli ambassador should be expelled from
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ireland. i believe that everyone everyone has a right to protest and and should be on the streets calling for this genocide, this mass murder, not only to be stopped, but we should be calling for netanyahu to be in the hig and and and the international war crimes committee should be taken him for the crimes against humanity that he has created in gaza, as i said. "it's one thing to murder innocent people with bombs and with bullets, but to use hunger, starvation and and and famin as a way of murdering and wiping out innocent men, women and children is abornt and is the worst crime in humanity in in a long, long time. it is definitely genocide caused by the sciens definitely, and it didn't happen on the 7th of october, this has been going on for..." years is real, the palestinians have been living an open prison for years and years and
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i think it's ridiculous that the west isn't seeing what's happening, well they are seeing it, but they're doing nothing about it and that's what's so frustrating for the people to watch all these children, men women, we boys not getting murdered, i think it's it's absolutely disgraceful that that the west acts like it does, that the west funds this, funds this terrorism, i call it... terrorism, that's exactly what it is, it's it's been terrorism for the last 75 years in palestine was, we are stunning here in west belfast in ireland, we are all palestinians and our thousands and our millions, we all need to be palestinians so that from the river to the sea that palestine will be free. iran's base volunteer forces have held naval drills in the southern. the country to mark international goods day. more than 300 types of vessels and motorboats participated in the
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naval exercise held by the maritime units of beside in support of the palestinian people and resistance. the drill was held over area from the arvand river in the persian gulf to the sea of oman. the parade of the vessels was under the command of the irgc navy. simultaneous drills were also scheduled to be held by resistance groups in iraq, syria, yemen, and lebanon. ramadan in iran where ancient traditions blend with modern celebrations to create a truly unforgettable spiritual journey where everything comes alive with the spirit of the holy month, a unique experience like other. these and more on this position of iran today. welcome back
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to the news here on press tv. the us is really genocide of war has been met with a counterreaction from resistance groups in the west asia region. these groups are all backing hamas fighters and palestinians in the gaza strip, but not just in words. they've actually targeted the israeli regime, stretching the regime even further. let's see how that is impacting the zionist regime. ever since the u.s. israeli genocidal war began against palestinians in the gaza strip, regional resistance groups in west asia have stepped in in solidarity with palestinians to prevent the continuation of the israeli regime attacks. even though it's been almost six months of us-israely genocidal attacks, don't forget it has also been almost six
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months of attacks by the axes of resistance groups. one such group is the islamic resistance of iraq. now the islamic resistance of iraq is umbrella group. uh it represents uh roughly 63 resistance groups and they operate out of iraq. now they all share a common goal to drive the us forces out of iraq and syria which. you as source of instability, now add to that, israel, the main target recently, in solidarity with palestinians. although the islamic resistance of iraq has targeted u.s. interest in the west asia region, our focus here is how it has targeted israely military sites, some of which you see over here. the targets that you see here actually occurred during span of one week only, which shows accelerated pace of targeting military sites in occupied palestine. it includes air bases to military outposts, as evident in some of the sites that have been hit here. also, uh, towards
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the end there, you will see that alat, the port was also targeted. what is not? is the targeting of hyfa. now when it comes to hifa, these are the types of targets that have been hit, you're looking at for example, the hafa airport, you're looking at the chemical factory that has been hit in a hyfa, um, even the port itself has been targeted, this obviously shows the ability for the drones or munitions to travel this long distance to hit these targets, which is roughly 700 km. away from iraq, showing the danger that opposes israel as it continues its genocidal aggression. well, yemen has also taken on the task of targeting israely linked vessels in the red sea, and also the gulf of aiden. the us organized task force, which it called operation prosperity garden, of which you can see with their logo, some of the vessels that is comprised of over 20 countries, including
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the uk to counter yemen. yemen's reason to stop the genocidal war, lift the siege, and to allow aid into. the siege trip, it has carried out over 80 attacks, about 85 of them so far on these vessels, the daily scrishes between hisb and israel and southern lebanon, they have escalated since october 7 of operational flood, hisbollah, it is used advanced weapons, types of weapons includes drones, it includes falak dawn one and also the burcan missiles and also rockets would have been used to target israely. military basis, you see over there the this long list, there were too many to actually put on this map, those were the ones that were targeted, and some of the targets included army and air bases, not to mention also israeli settlements, well israel better be careful, one of the resistance groups katiib has said that it is ready to send military supplies to
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fellow resistance fighters over in jordan to help defend palestinians against israeli crimes, it is prepared supplies for over 12,000 fighters over in jordan to uh fight against israeli regime which includes light weapons, anti-armor, launchers, tactical missiles, ammunition and explosives. iran criticizes the us, britain and france for blocking a un security council statement to condemn the israely strike on the iranian embassy in syria. in social media post, iran's permanent mission to the un called the move double standard and said it undermined the credibility of the security council. it also said the blocking set dangerous precedence. earlier, russia said that washington and london refused to discuss the draft statements on the iranian embassy
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attack. and tuesday most security council members, except the us, britain, france, condemers. team for his air strike on the iranian embassy. monday's attack killed two senior iranian military commanders and five accompanying officers who were on an advisory mission to syria. the iranians in several cities across the country, including the capital tahan have held anti-israely, anti-us protests as well, after several iranian generals and officers were killed in an israely attack in syria. protesters demanded decisive response. and revenge for the deadly strike on iran's embassy in damascus. fatima massumi reports. iranians took to the streets the capital, tehran and gathered iconic palestine square at midnight after the deadly israeli attack on iran's embassy in syria. they chanted death to the israeli regime and
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death to america as they waved palestine flags. the protesters expressed. republic of iran to take serious action against these atrocities and the disrespect towards our nation and also the innocent palestinians. on monday, iran's ambassador to damas
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innocent marters in syria were killed a mid injustice and impunity by the bloody hands of the zionist regime. the regime has been killing innocent people, especially children, for many years. the attack came as almost six months into the gaza hostilities, the regime has failed to achieve its objectives of destroying hamas, despite killing tens of thousands of palestinians, mostly women and children. the two slain iranian. generals had been comrads of top iranian anti-terror commander, general qasem sulaymani, who was also assassinated in attack in january 3rd,
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2020. general sulaymani played a key role in fighting and decimating the daesh takhfiri terrorist group in the region, particularly in iraq and syria. a large number of people have gathered here in palestine square to strongly condemn the recent. will pay heavy price for his criminal act of attacking the consular section of iran's embassy in the syrian capital. ibrahim ray made the remarks in a phone conversation with the iraqi prime minister mahamad sudani. he described the terrorist act of thesign regime as a clear. violation of principles of international law governing diplomatic and consular relations, while hailing the pro-palestine stance of tehran and baghdad, ricy emphasized the need for all islamic
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countries to adopt the same approach. sudani for his part denounced the israeli aggression and said that such criminal act was a result the constant failures of the occupying regime in the battle against regional resistance forces. he further expressed gratitude for the unwavering support of iran for efforts to establish peace and stability. in iraq. iranian officials say the clashes between security forces and terrorists in the southeastern province of sistan and baluchistan have concluded. the irc ground forces said 18 assailents were killed following the attacks in the cities of rasp and chabahar late on wednesday night. 10 iranian security forces also lost their lives. according to the irgc, the terrorists carried out five simultaneous attacks against police and military posts in the southeastern province. local officials said the terrorists were affiliated with pakistan-based jshalat terror outfit that had carried out several similar attacks in the past. the group claim
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responsibility for attack back in december a police station in rask that killed at least 11 officers in january. another attack by the group left the policeman dead. and with that we come to an end with this additional world news. thanks for being with us. it's bye-bye for now. از خانه خود دور افتاده به دست یک رژیم قاصب جعلی دروغین و مسلماً ملت فلسطین در مقابل این
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می ایستد و ملتهای مسلمان همه پشت سر ملت فلسطین خواهند ایستاد نمیگذارن این اتفاق بیفته به توفیق. فلسطین به توفیق الهی و به اذن الله تعالی از دست دشمنان خلاص خواهد شد آمریکا و ازنا و آمریکا در قبال حقیقت سنت الهی در مورد فلسطین هیچ غلطی نمی توانن بکنند.
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is zionism the same as judaism? every religion has some ordinary followers and some hardcore followers. many believe zionists are the same as those diehard jews who truly believe in their religion and stand for their beliefs whatsoever. but what is the reality? judaism is more than three millenia old. but the zionist ideology is rooted in a 19th century political movement which was named after mountain called zion. mount zion is located in southwest of jerusalem. and is
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home to king david's tomb. the zionist vision is not based on religious beliefs, but is entirely secular. in 1895, a journalist and political activist by the name of theater hurzel, wrote a book titled the jewish state, and proposed the idea of establishing a country for the jewish community, with non-believer jews also included. two years later, he organized the first international congress on zionism with the assistance of western colonial. powers implement his plan regarding moving the jews from all parts of the world into a single land, herzel had considered other alternatives than palestine to create a jewish state such as uganda, parts of north america and azerbaijan, hurzel didn't live to see his dream come true as he died in 1904, but years later zinist groups at the united nations passed the resolution on the partition plant for palestine.
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3000 years have passed since king david and his son solomon built a place for worshipping god, that worshipping site is now called an axsamask. it's no surprise that this mask is respected by all muslims, christians and jews. the history of each of these religions is intertwined with the history of palestine and this mask. the israelite prophets all arose in this region. after setting for in algod, jesus immediately entered this worshipping site, from which he began his prophetic mission. muslims regard al-aqsa as one of the four major masks which they adopted as their first qibla or worshipping direction in the early years of islam. the
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name of this mask is entwined with the miracle of mikraj, night when prophet muhammad miraculously traveled from mecca to alsamask, and then ascended to the heavens and spoke with god's angel. andsamask was destroyed, rebuilt and renovated several times in different historical periods. in 1099, and after seasing at gots, the crusaders built a church inside an aqsamask, however, six years later, salahuddin ayyubi recaptured it. he renovated the mehrab of the mask. al-aqsa has gone through. many bitter and sweet experiences, the bitterest of which was the day when the zionist occupiers took full control of al-aqsa after a six-day war.
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as the golden hues of dust gradually give way to the tranquil embrace of night, a heavenly spectacle unfolds in the vast expanse of the sky. the slender cressen moon emerges as a celestial messenger huralding the arrival of sacred time, the blessed month of ramadan. this celestial sighting marks new beginning, a spiritual journey that becons believers to embark a path of self-reflection and devotion. the arrival of ramadan makes heart stirred with sense of reverence and awe, the soul is called to awaken from its slumber. each day of ramadan is a chapter in a spiritual odyssey, a chance to seek forgiveness, cultivate gratitude and draw closer.