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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 4, 2024 7:30pm-8:03pm IRST

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the headlines this hour: israel presses ahead with this relent the serf strikes and shelling at the besieged gaza strip as the death doll from the genocide of war surpasses 33,00. amas resistance movement once again of says that any ceasefire must end the onslot on the gaza strip and to lead to the pull out of israeli forces. the cremland has morned that relations between russia and nato have reach the level of direct confrontation.
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well welcome to our studios in the capital tehran. this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. nearly six months into the israeli genocidal war in gaza, the regime keeps pressing ahead with this onslot across the besieg strip. some 62 palestinians have been killed and scores more injured in israeli air strikes and shelling over the past 24 hours. the regime forces also continued their aerial raids on the city of hun unis and southern gaza. it say that the majority of these attacks were focused on the alamal neighborhood, leaving number of people dead. meanwhile, palestinian fighters are putting stiff resistance to israeli troops on the ground in some areas. they've attacked israeli soldiers and vehicles with mortars in the eastern and southern parts of gaza city. according to the gaza health ministry, the deal from the israeli war has now topped 33, over 75,600 palestinians have also been wounded. while thousands more remain
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unaccounted for. the spokesman of the brigades, the military wing of the islamic jihad movement, says the resistance is determined to continue the allox of flood operation until final victory. abums said the resistance operations on the ground reflect is full rejection of the israeli plan. he added the access of resistance is now repelling the israeli regime's attacks in gaza, west bank and lebanon. statement released on thursday, the lux of brigade said it had targeted two israeli contingents in the southern city of hanjunis, some israeli military equipment, including vehicles, a tank and a drone were also hit in the same city. the israely military has already confirmed the death of nearly 260 of his troops since the regime's ground invasion of gaza. palestinian groups however say that the regime is hiding the actual number of his casualties to avoid public anger. a senior
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hamas representative in lebanon has slammed israeli atrocities in the gaza strip calling on palestinians escalate acts of resistance against the regime. a proof of the unity and cohesion of our people around the option of resistance as a only legitimate means for liberation and return and we call for. to continue and to further escalate this resistance against the enemy and against the settlers, the blatant crime committed by the zionist enemy against the al-shif medical compound and the medical teams and the unarmed civilians and ill and those who were with them and the displaced in the hospital and in the surroundings of the hospital, over a period of two weeks will continue to witness the brutality and of this enemy which
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we have tried for more than seven decades ever since themdan said in a press conference that all plans of the enemy against gaza will be destroyed in the face of palestinian resistance. he also mentioned the israely attack on charity workers in gaza saying that the strike shows the depth of israel's brutality as the regime keeps violating all international norms and laws. the senior hamas official condemned the continued us support for israel saying that washington is responsible for telvi. crimes against palestinians and the notion of talks for a possible ceasefire, he stressed that any deal must lead to an end to the onslot on gaza and the withdrawaly forces from the territory. speaking on the eve of international goods day, hamdan call for worldwide rallies in solidarity with the palestinian people. robert frantina as an author and journalist who joins us. to expand more on this for us.
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we're looking at not only what osama hamdan, the senior hamas has said in beiroot, but there's two milestones. we're reaching, one is the yearly alguits day, and this year we anticipated to be over the top in terms of the unfortunate geneside that's taking place, the other is the grim milestone of six months this coming sunday of which we're looking at about over 33, now uh murders to have taken place, what are your thoughts uh given these two occasions here? well there there are a number of things i'm thinking, first of all this death toll is tragic, it's 3300 known, and as you mentioned earlier, how many are still buried under the the rubble that has become the gaza strip is still unknown, this has been savagery an unprecedented degree, it's financed by the united states, perpetrated by israel and supported by other western nations too, and it is, it is
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criminal, it's a criminal act, it is genocide, these are war crimes, crimes against humanity, with alcuds day coming up, there are going to be massive demonstrations in support of the... people as there should be, it's a it's a day that people can rally together for the people of palestine, for their freedom for their their basic human rights and for international law. there have been of course rallies for the last six months across the world in support of the palestinians. these have been constant, they've been massive, and it's it's taking governments a very long time to listen to the will of their people. hopefully that will change. but the six month milestone coming up is going to be major as far as activity and activism for the palestine people around the world. the talks were mentioned and when he spoke some hours back, how ham is at the
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table, how it has shown flexibility, but he said that israel is not doing the same, and even went a step further stating that the israeli prime minister. to not want to have deal over here uh and uh throwing uh guess stones in the wheel here. what is what is your understanding of the way israel is reacting? it doesn't look like they do want a cease fire um agreements of any kind? no, the the israeli government doesn't want to see fire agreement of any kind because that would prevent them from slaughtering the rest of the population of gaza and being able to annex gaza strip, which is what they want to do. they will continue to to to annihilate the people there, to destroy the infrastructure all under the myth of protecting themselves from what they refer to as an existential threat. it is palestine, not israel that is facing an existential threat, but that's exactly why the israeli
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government will not, will not move towards a ceasefire, because they want to end palestine, and major step in doing that is annexing. and in order to do that, they have to destroy the people of gaza or drive them out into egypt, into refugee camps as was done uh 75 years ago, and many of those people have been unable, most of those people have been unable to return despite the uh international guarantee that that they can, but israel is not has never been a a reasonable partner for in so-called negotiations which are ridiculous and it's not a reasonable partner now, looking for a cease fire because seasfire is not its goal and finally you know this uh us-based a truck uh that was targeted by israel it seems like the focus uh on this is the fact that aside from the fact that uh this uh is us-based it uh may did not make a difference for israel
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uh and it targeted and went ahead with it anyways even though the coordinates were related to it um now the question uh rises as to um israel does not care where the at truck comes from, who's on board, what nationalities they represent, but that it just wants to prevent a from getting uh to the palestinians, is that a appropriate conclusion to make from this? yes, it certainly is, because there have been aid trucks waiting to get in, people have been shot, drivers have been shot, desperate people trying to get food have been shot for no reason whatsoever, and israel knows that whatever it wants to do, the united states will back it, financially and diplomatic. and militarily, this is a policy of the united states that has been ongoing for decades that makes no sense, the united states is coming down again on the wrong side of history and will be associated with genocide for decades and decades to come, and this the fact that
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israel is willing to shoot uh us aid trucks and prevent us aid from coming in, which and of course it's a violation of us law to provide aid to a country that does prevent uh humanitarian aid, uh, but the united states will continue to violate its own laws to appease israel, and israel knows that. right, thank you very much for that. robert fentina, author and journalist there from kitchner. thank you. israel's top military intelligence official resigns after taking four responsibility for the failure of the regimes intel apparatus and countering flood operation on october 7. amit sar was head of aman's research division, he cited illness as the reason for his early resignation. however, israel authorities supposed the majority of the blame for the failure to intercept the events of october 7, 2023 on intelligence officials. sar had obviously expressed his readiness to relinquish his duties once the israely war in gaza was over.
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at least two other officials have also left their positions vacant the israeli military intelligence system since the palestinian resistance of flood operation. iran's by siege voluntary forces have held naval drills in the southern waters of the country to mark international goods day. more than 3000 types of vessels and motorboats have participated in the naval exercise held by the maritime. units of besieg and supported the palestinian people and resistance. the drill was held over area from the aravant river in the persian gulf to the sea of oman. parade of the vessels was under the command of the irgc navy. simultaneous drills were also scheduled to be held by resistance groups in iraq, syria, yemen and lebanon. it's time out for the news review of this bulletin. smokesman says the relations
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between russia and the nato military alliance has reached a level of quote direct confrontation. dimitri peskov said the members of the us led alliance are already in continuous movement towards russia's borders through their involvement in the ukraine conflict. moscow has clearly stated that the war with ukraine aimed to prevent the western alliance from approaching russian borders. the military alliance enlarged to 32 members by accepting finland and sweden in the past year. nato has been helping ukraine with advanced weapons, training and intelligence. the military block's members are now discussing plans for more than 100 million dollars of further military aid for kiev. ukraine has also been seeking to join nato in recent years, which could escalate the tensions between russia and the west to even higher level. don debar is radio host and
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journalist at cpr news, joining us from asaning new york, we also have greg simmons an independent researcher and author joining us from ubsalah sweden. welcome to you both. i'll start with you first, don debar. 100 million dollars. i don't know if that's a lot or maybe it's not a lot, but it does sound like lot uh for a commitment to perhaps be pondering there by nato to give to ukraine. what are your thoughts on that? depends on what you're measuring it against, let's start with what was russia's annual military budget, this big threat to world peace prior to this war that began earness in february of 2022, $65 billion a year, that there's actually no country in the world that has a budget of more than hundre billion dollar a year for their military except the u.s. and china, china is about, 250 billion for its entire military to protect one and a half billion people, so from that measure a
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billion 100 billion dollars is an awful lot of money. um let's look at it however from the cost to the people that are paying it in the united states and presumably in the eu, with $100 billion dollars you could solve the homeless problem in the united states entirely, there'd be no more homelessness in the united states rather than tens of thousands of people living in the streets in every major city. "you could solve the hunger problem in the entire world for five years with $100 billion dollars, you 9 million people a year die of starvation in the world every year, you could solve that problem, so it's a lot of money, indeed uh, it's quite uh, i shouldn't say surprising greg simmons, but it's um somewhat um, i don't know uh, what to call it, to say that uh nato has done this before trump comes comes on board." i mean we're looking at eight months now, if that were to happen, and between now and eight months from now, including april, lot
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of things could happen when it comes to nato and russia, given this uh aid were to happen or not, we're still looking at the tensions there that keep ratcheting up, what type of confrontations do you for see or where do you see this going in terms of uh the military aspect of it? well, i think the main problem is the level of unpredictable. and the unpredictability comes from the collective west, because what you have here is a bunch of mediocre politicians at best 'who have bruised egos, they predicted that russia would be defeated, that ukraine would win, they've done everything to try and do that, yet this is not the case, so there, it seems their egos are worth more uh than a major military confrontation that nato initiates with russia, so this level of emotional
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investment in it from the'. makes it very unpredictable, the predictability comes from russia, which has been today, i'd say rather restrained and very cautious about these constant provocations which have been used to try and irritate russia, and greg simmons, would looking also at the fact that danabar is, i thought dabar was no longer with us, donabar, we're looking at whatuh russia has experienced recently in terms of that terrorist attack and of course they have uh not of course but they have through their investigations concluded that uh ukraine is behind that and uh they also are putting the uk and the us on the assistance list to uh that terrorist act doesn't this uh make for a dangerous concoction along with that possible
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military aid uh and the fact that uh you have nato creeping up uh to russia's borders? absolutely, if you look at the big picture here, um, what they call hybrid, uh, the thing to keep in mind at the start is that the us, with its nato construct is making war on r, that's a pretty dangerous condition all by itself, are they russians have in very restrained in their response to this, i could imagine. what kind of response uh we would provide russia if they had started moving their military towards germany's eastern border or actually towards the elb within germany which is what was their right under the uh resolution of world war ii, but instead russia asserting its own border is an
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offense that requires war to be made on it. um, i i think that we have to look at the nature of nato, it's his uh going back to the original treaty of dunkirk and brussels and all of that and then 75 years ago today as matter of fact the signing of the atlantic treaty, the north atlantic treaty. um, its purpose has always been in essence to to control europe, to conquer europe, to administer europe, to as a part of empire run from washington and to weaponize europe against russia and elsewhere, we've seen they've been doing. it against the whole world really um and so all the money that goes into that, whether it's taken from the people of europe directly or from from americans and and thrown over there or elsewhere, we're looking at weaponizing the european continent against russia and china, which if it's successful on the part of the people making it means we're going to have a global war, and i don't think that turns out
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well for anybody. uh, russia is looking uh for uh trying to... recruit 30,00 a monthly basis from what reports are indicating that greak semence, do you think this is just to continue the war or is it combination of continuing the war, but uh to also make sure that it's prepared for immediate perhaps type of military confrontation, well mean they have escalatory dominance at the moment, russia, as you say 3,00 recruits uh each month volunteering, that's not getting uh shanghid and beaten off the street like they have to do in ukraine, but rather volunteering to serve russia uh in the military, so yes, the i think with the summer coming they will look at um creating an offensive to uh take what is left or what they want of ukraine, but at the same time
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nato in the west is so suicidally unpredictable they have to always... have in the back of their mind that the worst case scenario that these morons might actually uh attack russia because they they are, i mean at the stage utterly self-deluded, you just hear these public statements of these ones and it's like we're living this dr. strange love, love the bomb, and these this level of delusion has no place in the same world. all right, thank you very much. let me thank our guest don davar, radio host and journalist at cpr news and also greg simmonster independent research, researcher and author. thank you to you both. with that we come to an end for this news review. the iranian president says
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the israely regime will pay heavy price for his criminal act of attacking the consular section of iran's embassy in the syrian capital. ibrahim rc made the remarks a phone conversation with the iraqi prime minister mahamatshani. he described the terrorist act the zionist regime as a clear violation of principles of international. governing diplomatic and consult relations. while helling the pro-palestine stance of tehran and baghdad, brays emphasized the need for all islamic countries to adopt the same approach. sudani for his part denounced israely aggression and said that such criminal act was the result of the constant failures of the occupying regime in the battle against regional resistance forces. he further expressed gratitude for the unwavering support of iran for efforts to establish peace and stability in iraq. the iranian embassy in damaskus held a condolance ceremony on wednesday for the killing of iranian military advisors in syria or the syrian defense ministry performed the
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military ceremony in their honor. our fire reports from damascus. the iranian embassy in damascus opened its door on wednesday to receive condolences for the marders of iran's islamic revolution guard score and diplomats who were assassinated in an israeli m aggression on the counselor section of the embassy, we are dealing with a complex crime of three aspects: first, it constitutes violation of all international laws and norms by attacking the headquarters of a diplomatic mission. second, it is violation of serious sovereignty and territorial integrity. finally, it is set terrorism committed by the zionist regime through this aggression. senior syrian officials political figures heads of diplomatic missions accredited in damascus and representatives of the resistance movements attended. ceremony and expressed their heartful thoats in condolences book. the criminal aggression will increase our joint determination to continue strengthening the strategic
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relations between our countries. the israeli enemy does not respect any international law. we strongly condemn this courtly zionist crime against the consular section of the iranian embassy on syrian territories. we came to offer our condolences on behalf of the government and the syrian people. the attendees emphasized that this crime will only strengthen their loyalty. to the excess of resistance and increase their determination to defeat the enemy. we, as the islamic resistance in iraq, are revealing to respond, and we have actually done so few hours after the zionist aggression against the embassy when our brothers in the iraqi resistance led harsh attacks against vital enemy targets in the occupied palestine, we will continue until we win by the will of god. a significance presence of syrians at wednesday's memorial ceremony shows the importance of these martters and run special position in syria as well as the close pond between the government and the people of the two brotherly countries. the syrian ministry of defense also organized solom military
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ceremony at the central military hospital in damascus. the ceremony was held for the first time in syria for non-syrian military personnel as acknowledgement for their sacrifices. this me on behalf of myself and every officer and soldier in the syrian arab army i offer my condolences to the iranian nation, its people, leadership and army. all ranks for the martin of these heroes who will remain a bacon for us to continue the path of liberating the occupied territories. after the ceremony, the marters were taken to say the zainab shrine for prayers before being transported to iran for perial. ibrahim wahdi, press tv, damascus. uni officials say that clashes between security forces and terrorists in the southeastern province of sistan and baluchistan have concluded. their agency ground forces said 18 asilants were killed following the attacks on the cities of ras. and chabahar late on wednesday night. 10 ebining security forces also lost their lives. according to the iogc, the terrorists carried out five simultaneous attacks against
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police and military posts in the southeastern province. local officials said the terrorists were affiliated with pakistan based jshalat terror outfit that had carried out several similar attacks in the past. the group claimed responsibility for an attack in december a police station in rask that killed at least 11 officers. in january another. attacked by the group, left the policeman dead, and that does it for world news, thanks for being with us, it's bye-bye for now. crisis devastating wars, terrorism, the
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israel the lobby, crackdown, diplomacy, unseasing genocide against palestine, 2014. a small african nation began to rip itself apart, the greay p of death and destruction descended over the muslim,
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"old colonizers came back under the banner of peaceekeepers, history began to repeat itself, sont des armés, l'armée français, mais il a pas de critication, c'est eux qui ont créé cette histoire là, c'est eux qui sont à l'origine de tout ce que nous vivons là, nos malheurs là, c'est eux qui sont les responsables, almost. 50 years ago, horrendous incident occurred in one of the holiest divine places in the world, axsamask was engulfed in huge place, about 200 square meter of the mosk ceiling was completely destroyed, the dome was seriously damaged and a precious 800 year old pulpit burned in the fire of vengeance and occupation. israeli media implicated an extremist jewish citizen in the crime, however it was clear everyone that israeli authorities were pulling the
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strings. "and this crime was only one of the numerous negative outcomes of the occupation which began two years ahead of the incident in 1967, incident that awakened and united the muslim world, and one month later led to the establishment of the islamic cooperation organization. since israel's full seizure of algots in 1967, the regime has always been trying to pave the way for the destruction of al-aksamask. they have repeatedly breached multiple international treaties and laws. to divide alaqsa into jewish and muslim sections. to this end, they have exerted tremendous pressure on muslims and used excessive violence against muslim worshippers at this mask. inspired by a christian jewish trend, israelis believe that destroying ansamask and rebuilding the solomon temple would pave the way for the arrival of jesus christ. that's why they have used all in their power to achieve their goal, which is to judaize algods and demolish and ahsamask,
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but the... ignoring the fact that this mask now represents the islamic identity and has turned into a symbol of resistance against designist's occupation. throughout his history, axsamask has been and will be a worshipping site for the world's monotheists. the liberation of anghot is a dream that will soon come true. it's a promise from god. god will fulfill what he promised the downtrodden. the designs will contemptibly be expelled from this land and the holy mask just as they broke into it aggressively. like a phoenix rising from its ashes and aqsa will rise again through the smokes and fires of occupation. once again there will be miraj and this holy site will be randev for all freedom seekers of the world.
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