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tv   Iran Tech The Making of a Mobile Game  PRESSTV  April 4, 2024 9:14pm-9:31pm IRST

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considering how competitive a games have gotten on pc's and consoles and the negative effects that it has had on the gaming industry as a whole, you can already imagine the effects that has had on the mobile gaming market in particular, which was already way more competitive than pc's and consoles and the kind of drop-in quality that it would bring, but what if there was a way that we could still remain competitive and release games fairly frequently, but without sacrificing quality. now that would be a a recipe. for success and that's exactly what we're going to be exploring in this week's episode of iran tech with me your host stay tuned when it comes to game development and games
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are either made quickly and pushed out the door before they're finished, or they are made well and the developers actually take the time before they release them, and it's rarely if ever a combination of the two, but we think that we've found gaming company and indie mobile game development company that has managed to find the right balance between the two, they're able to uh release games that you would actually want to play, but they make them in a surprisingly short span of time, as short as actually two weeks. uh so we came here to this company which they've made actually like 70 games in the span of five years uh to check out the behind the scenes, see what goes on behind the scenes and learn about the exclusive technology that they've developed that allows them to develop these these many games in such a short span of time. as you know, it's no secret that video games are taken over the world, especially mobile games. nowadays everyone's got a smartphone in in their pocket that is capable of... playing video games, as matter
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of fact, the reports show that there are more than 3 billion gamers worldwide uh today. now we entered the business of making mobile games around five years ago and uh so far we have been able to make more than 70 games and our games have been played by more than 60 million uh gamers worldwide. now uh this market the... game uh the gaming market, especially the mobile game market has become so competitive nowadays and that is in part because so many people are making video games uh today that it is estimated that only about one in every 10 game that you make will actually become successful. now what that means for a game studio is that you need to be able to build games as fast as possible.
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possible now, if you ask anyone who's been involved somehow in the business of making video games, they'll tell you that making video games is hard work, but at the same time if you look closely at what actually goes into the process of making a video game, it's been our experience that around 60, maybe even 70% of the infrastructure of the tech technology that goes into making a video game is actually the same and is actually shared between uh different games, and so that's how we came up with the idea that what if we could actually reuse this 60%, this 70% between our different games and so that's what we did over the course of the past uh five years or so we have built a technology
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uh, a platform so to speak, which consists of a reusable code, reusable art assets, reusable gameplay logic that can significantly improve the speed with which we can make games, to give you an example of how fast this process can become back when we started finishing a game took us maybe uh three, maybe four months, nowadays we can uh make a game in under two weeks and so that's how significant this improvement. be and it's all thanks to this uh technology that we built. before we get into what exactly is the unique aspect of this particular game development company, we need to familiarize ourselves with the typical process of game development. so let's start with the game designer. with the creation of a game begins with an idea. as a game designer, i create the idea of the game and design a prototype of that idea so that we can test the
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prototype with the users and uh decide whether the game is fun enough for or not uh of i use some methods for uh coming with coming up with the ideas, for example i brain a storm individually or with team and i play lots of games and try to merge two or three games with each other and try to change the current games, existing games so that they become better. let me show you one of the bosses that i have created, as you can see there are lots of elements on the screen and val the elements and the variables of the bus uh is so much challenging so that the game is challenging enough for the players but not uh so much challenging so that uh they can't pass the level uh after this step tell the
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programming and uh art team uh their jobs and uh they continue the process of the... game development, once the game designer has clarified the basics for everyone, then we get to the actual designing of the assets of the game. first on the line is the 2d markups to see if the characters or the environments fit the aesthetics of what the game designer had in mind, and then the work of the 3d artist begins. once the concept artist has designed the necessary assets and artworks. the 3d artist is in charge. of making the vast majority of the assets in the game, including characters, weapons, vehicles, trees and everything in between. the modeling is done through programs like maya, zbrush and blender and unity itself. one of the top engines the game developers use to create
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their games. after the modeling is done, textures must be added to them. add top of that, there needs to be rigging for ractol physics and frame by frame. animation of any movement that is planned to be used in the game. the chess design that you're seeing now is a simpler process than making a character that has weight attributed each lim for realistic ragdle physics and motion in general. so once the assets are prepared, we get to the programming part where we connect all the dots together. game development is a combination of art and technology and as developer i am accountable for the technical part. uh game development has a process and it starts uh with prototyping and testing an idea uh and i have to build systems and frameworks so that uh we can uh prototype and test our games as fast as possible because uh
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the game industry is so competitive that uh even days matter uh for the releasing the game uh also i have to actually implement the design the designer. uh has given to me and uh uh developed the gameplay uh for uh the end user uh i also uh have to uh prepare some tools uh for the designer so that he can manipulate uh the game without having technical uh background uh and without having to deal with technical parts. i also uh have to uh build some tools to analyze the data and uh feedback of the users for the for maintaining the game and uh it is important because uh having a good game is not enough, it needs to be perfect. i'm now with san mali
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senior game developer and wanted to ask him some questions uh to find out more about this platform that they've developed that allows them to build games so quickly without a loss of quality san take it away uh so uh lot of the mobile game developers today uh actually a big majority of them use the unity game engine and so what we've done is that we've made a platform top of uh the unity engine which allows uh you to build games much faster as i said so for example if you're one of our developers you want make new game uh then if you start uh making that game with our platform then we have already got like 60% 70% of the work covered for you. one of the main benefits of this platform that sand is talking about is that it can solve many of
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the problems that developer on the industry are currently facing. not so much problems though, more accurate description would be repetitive tasks that while not exactly difficult, they're time consuming and can take up to 60 to 70% of the development time the game, but by virtually removing that part, developers can put more focus. on the creative aspect of game development, the most important part. a highlight of this platform is its modularity, and that it allows basic mechanics that are present in most games to be added or removed with a simple checkmark enabled in the platform. there's essentially menu of features that have been predesigned and whenever new game is developed, the appropriate functions can be added to it with simple click and the design changes are also readily available. from that same menu. as an example, let's say game has rpg like
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character customization functionality and inap purchases, or another game decides to use ads to generate income, or another game has to have a variety of different map types that can take advantage of the pre-developed menu of graphical assets that can be slightly modified to fit the world of this new game. these are some of the examples of the capabilities of this module. system: the framework also consists of some reusable 2d and 3d assets, and you know the main thing, the the the main point of using our platform is that you don't have to worry about the technical and the reusable part of stuff anymore, and uh, you can inset focus on the creative side of making, how much does it actually bring down the time that it takes you uh to develop a game? how much was it before you had this platform and... is it now right uh it's uh we used to uh finish a game
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in uh a couple months now it's a couple weeks couple weeks yeah now what prompted you to get into this business in the first place anyway personally i believe that uh video games are one of the finest art forms uh even uh better than cinema buse that's going to rough for some featherers i think game development is still and it's early stages right now, the the the medium isn't being used that well yet, but i think it has lot more potential than say cinema or other art forms, because uh the crucial element in this medium is that it's interactive, it's interactive, you have lot more say in what the user is going to experience and you can express yourself in a lot more ways and uh game development actually started out as a hobby for me in middle school and it remained a hobby until i found out that the actually
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the turning point for me was uh when i found out that i could actually find some like-minded people that thought like myself that had the same passion for game development and that we could actually make successful business making yeah that's a that's a blessing all right son i wish you the best in all of your endeavors uh onto some thank you very much onto some closing comments. i tend to agree with the idea that video games are the ultimate form of media, more powerful than books, music and cinema, and that's probably the reason why the video game industry is now worth twice as much as the cinema industry, lot of other people probably believe in that too uh, so that makes us expect a lot more from the industry, especially considering that there are 1 billion additional expected to join this community that now stands at around 3 billion people, but there are a lot of issues that
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need to be addressed, especially in recent memory of gaming, with the releases of a games and maybe even in particular mobile games that are either unfinished, but more importantly have predatory monetization tactics that hopefully will be addressed sooner rather than later so that we can be lot more hopeful about the mobile game industry uh in the future. with that said we've come to the end of this edition of irantech. see you guys next week.
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six months into the mowing the grass strategy, the suttler genocidal israeli entity has dedicated immense effort to murder civilians and deprive the choice and right of resistance through suppression, invasions, assassinations and widespread arrests in gaza, just as it does in the occupied west bank. the science settler entity in palestine is undergoing the same crisis that previous settler projects have. experienced, failing to eradicate the indigenous peoples of the countries where they were established, before heading themselves towards disintegration and collapse. israel cannot regain the deterrance it pretended to have, therefore, practices comprehensive genocide. this is exactly why there will be no escape for this settler entity from the fate of similar settler projects that have disintegrated and collapsed. six months of genocide this week on the medieast stream.
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recipe headlines: israel presses ahead with this relendous air strikes and shelling in the besieg gaza strip as the death tholl from the genocidal war surpasses 33,000. hamas resistance movement once again says that any seizfire must end the onslot on the cause of. and lead to the pull out of israeli forces and the kramland has warned that relations between russia and nato have reached the level of direct confrontation.