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tv   [untitled]    July 13, 2024 12:30am-12:56am IRST

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and is also being targeted in other ways, of stuff have been subject to increasingly violent protests and virulent misinformation and disinformation, subsequently reported mistreatment and even torture. in the occupied west bank, the presence and movements of our personnel have been severely restricted by israeli authorities, yet despite these and other obstacles, in a impossible conditions, and in the midst of their own gif, the women and men of ur have bravely continued their work in whatever way they can. without the necessary support and financing to unra, palestine refugees will lose a critical lifeline and the last lay of hope for better future. to those of you who have already. support, i thank you, and my
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appeal everyone is this: protect, protect staff and protect's mandating. more than nine months have passed since israel began its genocidal war on gaza and the palestinian resistance movements are still pushing back against the invading israeli forces. the military wing of the islamic jihad resistance movement says: has targeted israeli soldiers and vehicles along the nets rim road. d brigades also added that it has carried out similar attacks targeting other groups of iof soldiers in the southern parts of the strip. the military wing of hamas resistance movement has also released new footages displaying one of his latest operations against israeli invaders. in the recent footage, resistance fighters targeted one iof sites on the netsorim road with rockets and artillery strike. the group also showcases
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ability in luring the regime's forces into an ambush in gaza city. according to israeli media, around 330 soldiers have been killed since the ground incation began in gaza in late october last year. the resistance groups however say the regime is under reporting his casualties. the hamas resistance. movement says that new and indep government of non-partisan figures should run the post-w gaza and the occupied west sam badran made the remark in a statement. budbraan added, the administration of gaza after the war is a palestinian internal matter and the group will not discuss it with foreign parties. according to hama's officials, the post-w government will pave the way for a general election in the gaza strip, the occupied west bank. budran's remarks came after israel demanded that the regime retain. control of
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the philadelphia corridor at gaza's border with egypt. however, hamas has really said israel must withdraw for all gaza territory after sease fire. pro-palestinian protesters have once again poured under the streets in yemen in yet another rally in supported palestinians in war raves gaza. yemani demonstrators took the streets in various cities and towns, including the northern city of saada and the capital santa. yemenes have been holding rallies on fridays since the war on gaza broke out early october last year. the yemani protesters denounce israel and his main support of the us for the genocide in gaza. the demonstrators also. the
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yemini army for its military operations targeting israeli link vessels in the high seas. there was all there has also been a massive rally in the moroccan city and the moroccan demonstrators denounce the continuation of the us-israely genocide on the gaza strip. people around the world have been holding protests to support palestinians since the beginning of the genocide in gaza. it's now time for the review section, we will delve deeper into one of the day's top stories, so stay with us. russia rejects the allegation, russia once again was called a threat to the group in all operating environments for long-term prosperity. this is not so, russia is not preparing to a...
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the north atlantic alliance is following the pass of escalating tension constantly, they are pushing, they are endlessly mentioning russia in this capacity from document to document. document of document. russia's foreign ministry spokeswoman mariarova said nato's moves against russia seem to be attempt to justify its existence and strengthen washington's control over europe. kremlin spokesman dimitri peskov also reacted to nato stance on russia so that decisions such as arming ukraine with long-range missiles to target russian land are highly provocative. he said that these missiles are already hitting russian territories of the next. and lohansk, he however warned that if the firing range of these missiles increases and they target areas deeper in russia, it will be very dangerous escalation of tension. and to talk more on this issue, we are joined
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by mr. john bosnish, journalist, activist and political analyst from canada and also mr. greg simons, independent researcher and author from sweden. gen, welcome to the new review section. mr. bosnich, beginning with you, your thoughts on russia saying nato's moves, russia seems to be attempt to justify existence and strengthen washington's control over europe, so is russia in reality a threat and is the us wanting to have more control of europe, would some analy saying by causing conflicts and weakening the continent as well? well, we know for fact that russia has demonstrated over recent years that it is no military. threat to the north american treaty a north atlantic treat organization, nor to canada, nor to the united states itself, it harbors no designs against any nato state, and russia has repeatedly stated th these facts, russia has demonstrated by the
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placement of its forces that it is not intending to make any aggression towards a nato country, and actually america's comments and nato comments to this effect are nothing more than poor quality disinformation, do you think washington is the main culpate behind the war in ukraine as is complicit in the gaza genocide, by using ukraine and basically europe as a proxy. if yes, what is the us's real agenda? the us gender, i mean it can be traced back to brizinski's uh geostrategic comparatives. for uh maintaining empire, what they said in this was it was necessary to prevent an oppositional block or power from gaining strength to challenge them, the second point was to keep vessel states
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dependent on them and obedient to the washington, and the third point was to keep client states. protected and obedience, so if we look ukraine is a client state, and this is its function, europe is vessel state, if we look collectively at the european union with a couple of exceptions, hungary and maybe slovakia, but what you can see the us is using the war to destabilize it, increasing the dependency of europe, i mean you can see there are no real uh political leaders in europe with the... concep uh and zelinsky has nowhere to go, but ultimately it's going to fail, i mean the goal is to maintain the empire, but the empire is crumbling, especially when you have someone like joe biden who refers to putin as the president of ukraine, that's right, mr.
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boznic, there there was a report on the 32 member military alliance to spend $1.47 trillion dollars this year, your thoughts on that, mr. this money, we're not talking about billions, it's more than a trillion dollars in just one year to kill and destroy. this could be well spent on the respective countries ailing economy, like it seems that the west is always looking for some kind of conflict. well, what this reveals is the real, true, deeper nature of nato, as my fellow commentator from sweden has noted, this is not a defense. organization intended to protect against the threat, because the threat is non-existent, the the threat of a russian attack does not exist, no one has demonstrated any effort by russia to prepare for a war against nato, nato member countries, and then we have to dig a little
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bit deeper as analysts to see what the real threat is, and the real threat is that the american economy, which has never shifted off of a military industrial. complex, which was warned general and president eisenhower of all people, in his parting farewell speech as president was that power in the united states would become were concentrated in the hands the owners of the military industrial complex. if the military industrial complex is the economic motor force of the us economy, which it is till this day, then it can only exist based on continuous warfare and threats of imagined wars. they can continue to pump out trillions, as you mentioned, trillions of dollars in equipment that is neither needed, and if it were ever to be used, it would dis the entire planet, this is only a protection racket, a nato
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mafia protection racket designed to steal money from american taxpayers and put it in the hands of the handful of oligarchs who run the military industrial complex, that's what they're talking about, and that's what the public is starting to find out. i can talk a little bit about the membership requirements for nato a little bit later, but even the membership requirements for joining nato as spelled out on the us state department website, not one of the five minimum requirements is met by ukraine, not one. some good points there, mr. bosnish, mr. simmons, your thoughts on the double standards by the west, even uh the spanish prime minister was even vocal about the different approaches taken on gaza and ukraine. well, i think they're well beyond double - you can see the the rhetorics don't match up, they're talking
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about ethnic cleansing and genocide in ukraine where it's anything but i mean it's some of the lowest uh ratio of combatants and non-combatents uh for a long time, if we look at gaza, it's one of the highest, it's just purely ethnic cleansing and genocide, and the us continues to up. uh israel, even though it has a couple of very vague little, oh no, you can't do that, but then they continue to arm, so i mean, they've shown themselves, they've exposed what they really are to the wider world, and increasingly to the home audiences, i mean, you're getting much more resistance from even publics with within the the western world - that's right, mr. boz, before we wrap this, how can you stop this
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war machine? well, i think that there are multiple methods that need to be used, one is what we're doing right now, and that is speaking to the public about what is actually happening and telling the truth, that's the first thing, the second thing is i think that a nato member like canada could bring action under the nato charter for the... the charter, because under the us state department website, they say that new members must uphold democracy, yet zelensky is still acting as president despite the expiry of his turn. it says that new members must make progress toward a market economy, but a market economy in ukraine would allow russian companies to function there. it says that their military forces must be under firm domestic civilian control, but the military forces of ukraine are under us control. says that they must maintain good neighborly relations and respect for sovereignty outside their borders, yet they're firing rockets and
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missiles into russia, and they must be working toward compatibility with nato forces, well, of course, one say they're working with toward compatibility, because nato is dumping its unnecessary weapons on them, but there's no work being done on the ukraine side, except under the orders of their nato occupiers, so all requirements, according to the us state department are not being met, this is facade, it is a lie, and unfortunately our western governments are all in on it, that's right, wrap this up, in one or two minutes if you can, what should be, what should be done ease the tensions between russia and west, well those countries which are pushing this, especially the united states and the united kingdom. need to be held account uh for what they're doing, they're perpetrating exts of war and breaches
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of international law uh, and i i think that if there was some accountability, legal, financial accountability from, if we like it the actual uh world community, then they might have different thoughts about this, as it stands, there is no accountability, they do what they like, the consequence, because there is no consequence, thank you, mr. simons, they haveen mr. gremmens, independent research and author from sweden, and also mr. john bosnish journalist. activist and political analyst from canada, gentlemen, thank you for your time, thank you, and with that we come to the end of this news review section, thank you for listening,
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continuing with the rest of the news, pakistan's top cour has ruled in favor of the jailed former premier imran khan's party. living at more seats in the parliament and as result mounting pressure on the ruling coalition of prime minister shabbaz sharif. the court said independent candidates backed by imran khan were eligible for over 20 extra reserved seats national legislature. the pakistan tafrika insaft party of jailed ex-premier contested the general elections as independence of the part after the party was bored from the poles. despite winning most seats in the race the election commission ruled by ruled. they will not get their share of 70 reserved seats since they are meant for political parties only. the seats were then allotted allotted to other parties, mostly to those in sheriff's rulership. the verdict however does not affect the parliamentary majority of sheriff's coalition government. south korean president is pushing for
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stronger com cooperation with nato following his participation in the group summit in washington this week. however many south koreans oppose yon's approach. press tv's franksmith reports from the capital. so south green presidentul attended the nato summit for the third consecutive year. this time held in washington dc. president yune has saw to deepen south korea's ties with nato as bullwork against the democratic people's republic of korea as well as expanding its weapon sales, including its new fighter. jets, we're going to invite nato officials to the allied power exercise which will take place in the republic of korea later this year, and as part of enhancing our interoperability, i also welcome the fact that on the occasion of this summit, we've signed the nato recognition certificate of the military air worthiness authority. south korea this week announced a billion dollar
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deal to supply nato member romania with self-propelled howitzers. however, on south. is increasing cooperation with nato, japan and the us, many south koreans remain hesitant, the public is concerned about foreign policy that strengthens alliance level military cooperation with japan without public consent, virtually abandons the balanced diplomacy strategy that the korean government has traditionally adopted and goes all in on international cooperation or an exclusive regional alliance led by the united states. president yune has boosted. south korea's alliance with the us to new levels emphasizing strategic deterrents, the us nuclear umbrella, and routinely hosting exercises of american nuclear capable strategic weapons near the dprk. south korea's national security advisors now turn the country's cooperation with the us, nuclear-based alliance. larscale joint
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military drills with us forces planned for august will reflect these new guidelines on coordinated. nuclear deterrents, many south koreans also worry about the impact of strong ties with the us and nato on increasing tensions with china. frank smith, press tv, soul. and that's it for this hours bullet. thank you for being with us, take care and bye-bye. یک منطقه کمربندیست که تقریباً عمق آن ۱۰ تا ۱۵ کیلومتر است و این منطقه هم اکنون زیر سلطه سعد حدداد یا دست نشانده اسرائیل است. في عام 1973
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دخلت قوه اسرائيليه كبيره الى الحي الجنوبي من الطيبه ودمرت حوالي 14 بيت. الاسرائيليين هم اللي هاجمونا على بيتنا، حاوطونا من كل الجهات، ما استطاعوا الوصول لكل البيت. هلا في بل الطي كان في عمليات كروفار قدموا هؤلاء الشباب بقياده الدكتور مصطفى شمران. نحن محكومون بالامل وما يحدث اليوم. "the israel regime's onslot is decimating its economy, even if it is loses all of it is nationalities, nothing compares to the loss
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of life and the fistation bomb by palestinians who continue to be killed on daily basis. it's fighting a war on three fronts, another possibility of a full flesh war with adding more to his uncertain economic future. we now see..." thousands of israelis since october 7th, but can the regime survive on the war? how is the regime bearing the war costs? israel has increasingly difficult time of holding their economy together.
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in this week episode of iran tech we're checking out kondab's heavy water production
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facility to talk about how iran managed to rank among the top five producers of heavy water in the world what heavy water even is its significance and how it's made in this week's episode don't miss it times are listed below.
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