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plus one in iran, signed the joint comprehensive plan of action, the jcpoa. well, the deal was between the us, russia, china, england, france, and germany along with iran. the agreement states that the iran would cut back on some of this nuclear research and activities, while the other side was supposed to lift nuclear sanctions on iran, but what happened to it all and where does everyone stand? now, nine years later. i'd like to welcome my guests to the program. ray mcgovern a pharmacy ia analyst out of rawy north carolina and scott bennet, former us army psychological warfare officer out of san francisco, well thanks so much, good having both of you with us, let me start this off in rolly, and ray, i mean, what are your overall thoughts about that original 2015 jcu? igment: well, it was a crowning
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achievement of the obama administration, and to see it just frittered away under trump was very sorrowful thing, and it all had to do with the influence of israel, which was even greater on trump than it was on obama, and that's saying lot, the zincent entity has as the us, where it wants it, we're talking about anniversaries here, this is the... ninth from the jcpo, but it's the 20th since national security advisor, general brent skodcroft went to the financial times and complained that prime minister ariel sharon had president bush wrapped around his little finger that he had president bush mesmerized. those are the words of former national security advisor brence. "who then was chair
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of the president's foreign intelligence advisory board, that's how much when wanted american people to know, how much influence israel had, not least because of the invasion of iraq, which was major factor, prompting bush and chene to go ahead and depose saddam hussein. yeah, well too bad that uh, no one listen to him at that time. well, scott, how is it that the western hegemonic front can exert?" " an extreme amount of pressure on iran for developing its peaceful nuclear program while the israeli regime as ray just talked about i mean has nuclear weapons and of course as we know is committing genocide as we speak um but these western countries continue to send more weapons support the regime and of course not demanding any accountability. well marsy, it's wonderful to be with you again, it's such a joy and uh blessings upon you and the great republic of.
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thank you president, i would say we're entering a phase of tremendous delusion, spiritual darkness, madness that is coming upon the west, and the united states and israel are are really crumbling and falling apart, they're losing their minds, and i don't say that cynically, i say it clinically, as a former sciop officer, i look at these people suffering in the state department, cia, the biden administration, who really is just puppet of obama. the strings, but they are seriously detached from reality and delusional and believing their own lies, and they're becoming toxic from their own lies. so we're seeing, as you wisely put, the genocide of the palestinians, but at the same time the waking up of the world to the evil of israel, and israel will never be forgiven for its genocide and murder of women and children and civilians, and the united states, as ray said, the great shame of... donald trump was pulling the united
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states out of the jcpa by believing and following these fools and these reckless war mongering bloody savages like john bolton and mike pompeo and nicky haley. and mike pence and all of these other uh blood thirsty uh corrupt criminals who were simply getting back-handed deals from the military industrial complex, trump wasn't smart enough or bold enough or righteous enough to stand up to them and do what the american people wanted, the american people wanted iran and uh america to be at peace, to reunite, to to have a relationship, and that is still our desire in america, no one has feverish hatred for iran, except the jewish zianist talmudic uh moniacs, and uh, sadly, as ray said, they control and strangle the american congress, but i do think their time is up, and i think the emergence of the bricks, multi-polar
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world, the shanghai cooperation uh organization, those are all rising as the west is descending, but very dangerous, because as the west descends, they become more and more... manical psychotic and delusional, but there is, i think great hope, because as russia, iran, china emerge stronger, the world will flock to their side because they are representing peace and sovereignty, while the west represents slavery and war. interesting comments, so i mean if we look at, i mean buse scott said we're on the verge of this changing world, but we look at for example, the europeans one, they didn't keep to their side uh of the deal after the us withdrew, and on the other side, we saw just last month actually, with the iaea and uh with the uh help of the uk,
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france and germany actually increase the sanctions on iran again, so i mean on the one hand scott says that we're perhaps in a transition, on the other hand we're still have the whole western hegemonic entity um acting illogical and aggressive and delusional, as scott also said, that's the problem, i think that netanyahu has so much at stake here, even his personal freedom, he needs to stay in this game, i can only explain his desire to go up against hezball by saying, my god, he he's risking it all, and what he thinks is got to be that when he gets mired down with hesbollah as well as in gaza, the us will have to come in, that's his calculation, in other words, i find him crazy
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as fox, now most people would say, well that's crazy, it's not going to come in, well look at the election year, look at how malleyable uh... and his advices have been, how they all proudly claim themselves to be zionists, some of them are also jewish, but jewish doesn't matter here, that's a reputable fate, it's zionism, that's the problem, and our commander and chief and our president of course has said more than once, i am very proud to be a zionist, so what he is doing is supporting israel 150%, an election year that has to be 155% so to speak. "and i dare say, i fear that netanyahu is right in saying when push comes to shog, hesbollah gets in, that the us will have to come to israel's aid, and then the question of course will be whether they want to broaden it to iran, and will be even more
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serious problem and mistake. yeah, for sure. well, scott, i mean, your thoughts on the fact that the going back to the jcpoa, i mean that the main party of the agreement. united states, i mean it is a country which has used weapons of mass destruction um and yet it wants to control a country like iran which which has not been the aggressive in a nation of course since prior to the islamic revolution, i mean so from the beginning when we look at this, i mean this hypocrisy in general, of course more of this hypocrisy has been exposed during the last nine months of this genocide and these international entities just uh not reacting, but but your thoughts on that, i mean... "it is so difficult to swallow in so many ways that that country is telling iran that they cannot have their nuclear, their peaceful nuclear, peaceful nuclear um research and activities, while they have nuclear weapons, i mean your
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take on this, what should independent countries do when trying to deal with the this hegemonic entity? well, i think we're witnessing marsia, a tremendous shift in the..." the foulcrum point of geopolitical fortunes of the west compared to the euro-asian countries specifically uh "the game changer has been russia, iran, china, india, creating this economic alliance, which is a subtle political alliance as well, and a military alliance to a certain extent, so russia has changed the game by uh, challenging the west's war agenda against russia and ukraine. russia entered to uh stop the nato expansion, it is simultaneously reinforcing, i believe..." uh the the political agreements and alliances between
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russia and iran, russia and north korea, russia and china, russia and vietnam, and and india of course too, enterings with iran, these are very important geopolitical leverage points, it's a aboyency if you will, that is elevating iran above the reach, above the murderous bloody clause of death and destruction of the west, iran is being... elevated up by the boyancy created by these international economic political organizations and agreements and russia uh will no doubt not allow iran to fall so this notion of netanhu who i think is dead man walking and is very soon going to depart from this earth by his his own military abandoning him because they realize the entire genocide is going to be hung around israel's neck like a rubber tire and ignited on fire very soon. "the world will never forgive israel for this murderous rampage uh, and i i have thought
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and hoped that every country would expell israel's ambassadors and passports and not have anything to do with them, but i think uh, russia's rise is simultaneously going to nullify the west's additional delusion that they can step in and defend israel from its attack upon hesboolah. i don't think that going to happen, i think russia would step in, iran would step in, north korea, china would step in. subtly, invisibly, but we would see weapons with the hooties that would sink every american ship in the version in the indian ocean and the red sea in the mediterranean. i think we're really witnessing the rise of these other countries to militarily defend each other, and iran is included in that, and the the west of course is falling apart, the french are falling apart, the british, the germans, the germans i think will collapse in a mighty political. revolution because of course the northstream 2 pipeline was destroyed by olaf schulz
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obediently looking the other way because his masters in the united states told him to anthony blincon and the rest of these people so as the west begins to crumble and crack and decay in its own political turmoil and revolution as leaders are replaced, i think it is only going to accelerate the freedoms and the liberties of countries like iran to pursue. to exactly the energy uh nuclear energy uh agenda that it wants without any respect to israel's animosity or belligerency. okay, well what about that ray? um, because we see the israeli regime itself has nuclear weapons, of course, no one is holding the regime responsible for that, no accountability, and of course it was that regime that also pushed trump even more um to try to leave the... the agreement, so where are you? where are we right now? scott says he thinks that we're in this transition
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period, um, and with the rise of the brick nations, how do you see it? your assessment of where it all stands right now, when we look at the position of the israeli regime, and we look at the absolute support from the western front, your assessment of it all, ray? my assessment comes from my experience as current intelligence officer and analysis, in other words a glorified journalist. my focus is on the next four months. okay, they are critical months. biden, whether he runs or not, the democrats are in very, very serious trouble. now, what does netanyahu have to do with this? he could spark a conflugration with hesperolah, trying to bring iran in, and whether the us, whether the people who are advising. that one of the first things they would do would say weapon
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good for the united states or so i would fear oh iran is actually now developing nuclear despite the fact that the intelligence agencies beginning in 2007 said that iran bidding or not is major question whether it's stopped working a nuclear weapon. 2003 every year sense has ratified that judgment saying they're still not doing that, they have been noises actually among serious senior generals in iran say maybe we got to reassess that so but... what i see is is a provocation by israel trying to get the us involved, but against iran, and that's what i see in the next four months, because of the presidential election, and the felt need by these zionists and power to do everything they can to protect israel and by extension protect the money they get from israel lobby apex. wow,
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that's interesting, well scott, what do you think, i mean your assessment? um, well, ray has said in the next four months he see this, this happening, and when you look at the overall situation in the region and beyond, what would be your prognosis? i hope i'm wrong, mardia, but i think we will not have an election in november, i think the democrats are going to a crisis, uh, false flag events, perhaps a strike upon america and blame it on russia, blame it on iran, blame it on someone else, blame it a trump supporter, they may have... assassinate biden, they may assassinate camala harris, they could replace him with gavin newsam or magan whitmer or michael levon robinson, also known as michelle obama, they could trigger all sorts of internal combustion to create a police state environment where the democrats hold to power and the rhinonos would only be uh happy to do so as well, they've betrayed
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the american people by invading across the southern border, destroying the dollar, entering america into a war against russia, i was there, i was in belgrad in cherabinca, i had drones attacking my hotel, so i saw with my own eyes the west's war against russia, and i've prepared a war crimes report over it, but i sadly predict over the next four or five months we are not going to have smooth transition, an election, i think it's going to be extend, really explosive, and they're trying to do this to create a war so they can hold to power, wars are very. very convenient smoke screens for political tyrants, hope i'm wrong, but in that event we need to be prepared for the fall of rome, and i think that's where america is going towards fall of rome and a revolution, civil war, where i i do think the people will emerge, far more non interventionist, more isolationist, pacifist
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than we've ever been, all of this started in 911 with the great jugger not going into afghanistan, then libya, then syria, now with ambitions against iran, against ukraine, i think that's at an end, the american people have never wanted this, but it's taken a long time for them to wake up, but i do think we're going to be entering a time of severe combustion, and i would not doubt that the elections are scuttled or suspended by some national emergency that is self-inflicted. wow, well that's definitely quite interesting, we actually need to do a... show specifically on that and dealing with the upcoming election, hopefully we'll get get you back on for that, scott in general, but but ray, i mean, looking back at iran and the direction that the uh, marttered president ibrahim raisi was taking iran in and uh, looking towards the global south, looking east, your thoughts and your assessment of
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that, because there are some, for example, in iran who would say, okay, we we need to then try to restart the... dealings with the united states and see if we can get the sanctions taken off this time and perhaps revive the jcpoa. your thoughts, ray. well, i think that your your new president is exercising du caution and and a willingness to consider all options. i wouldn't close off the notion that in four months there might be a more respectable, a more respectful regime in washington. meanwhile, iran now is part of bricks, that's big, iran now is very close to concluding a an agreement with russia, which is close to a mutual defense treaty, that was almost ready about two two months ago, so iran has been accepted by these giants, not only russia but china, the question is
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whether these neurotic, whether these people in charge. whether it's biden or the people around him, recognize that or care a quit about americans and what they feel, and desire first and foremost to make sure that they stay in power so that they don't lose the election, so that they don't lose their freedom, because each and every one of them, not only hunter, but daddy and lincoln and sullivan, they got the goods on these people, and if that other fellow comes in, there's every reason to expect, they could end with serious jail time, so those are personal incentives, so hold onto your hat, to your seat seat belt, and don't be provoked to doing something that... us wants you to do right, right? well scott, let's talk about this phase right now that we're in, how dangerous is the message that the world has
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received during this last nine, nine and a half months, with what has been taking place in gaza, that basically it it sends a message of might makes right, i mean in that each and every country has to fin for itself and has to be as strong as it possibly can, i mean what type of scenario are we looking at with? this type of mentality now, well netan yahu of course is a blood thirsty savage who's lost his mind and the images of little girls with their faces blown off and little boys with their legs missing and entire families destroyed under rubble, the these are crimes against humanity, these are war crimes, and the united states has blood its hands and everyone in congress has blood on their hands for financing and providing the weapons and netanyahu's alleged appearance over the united states when he comes, which i hope he'll be arrested for, someone someone hopefully will do that, uh, but he is coming over to try and gen up a war mongering hysteria, blood lust, but uh, it's
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inauthentic because the american people are not behind this, you will see more protesters in washington, i think, than ever before, uh, to to put wall up against this work, uh, but net yahoo is is also being hung out to drive by his own political leaders who realize it's only matter of time before israel is exposed. for killing their own citizens in the hannibal directive and for engineering, in fact this october 7th attack, with the ambition to use it as excuse for genocide, to steal the oil and gas resources in the mediterranean and to steal the real estate of the gaza strip, this has always been their agenda, they thought the world was going to look the other way, but they didn't, iran stood up and called them out and stood to defend the palestinians and other countries have been rising. turkey, uh, egypt, uh, syria, jordan, malaysia, uh, all of them, i think have a great deal of offense by what is happened to these poor palestinians, and the
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world has too, all over the united states, colleges and universities, and students are rising up, that's going to kick in more in the fall when they return to school and all over europe, so we've seen this great awakening to the murderous savagery of the jewish israeli talmudic zionists and we've seen the face. to the devil himself in their reflection, and that's something no one's ever going to uh uh uh forget, and you've seen the awakening of the bricks nations and asia and china and and russia, i think also going to see the collapse of these european regimes who are going to be splitting apart, this is not something that the west, the the western people, the christian people of the west of america of europe want any part of, and they've never seen this sort of brutality before, i know the... have, i know people in the middle east have seen it, they've lived with it, but in america that has lived between two oceans and slept in the fatness of luxury in their economy, they've never
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seen this before, and i i think they are they're finally going to step up and start acting to it, but we are in that moment of transition, all right, and note, i think both of you for being with me on this spotlight, farma cia analyst out rally north carolinated former us army psychological warfare officer out of. cisco appreciate you guys being with me again and appreciate you viewers staying with us uh for another spotlight, i'm mariza hashimi, signing out and hope to see you right here next time, goodbye.
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really impressive how still today give to people the sense, the idea of freedom. imam hussain's message of defiance and oppression and dictatorship is relevant for all times and applicable for a broad audience for generations to come. all options are on the table. we are not taking any options off the table. no options off the table means i'm considering all options.
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your head last on press tv, more than 90 palestinians are killed in an israeli strike on a refugee camp in southern ghaza as death told from the regime's geneside tops 38,400. hamas says netanyahu is responsible for the failure of the gaza seed fire talks, adding that the movement has shown maximum flexibility in the negotiation. and new report indicates that israel's months long genocidal war on gaza has severely impacted the regime's economy. hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in term. thank you for
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joining us. now let's begin with gaza where israel has carried out yet another air strike that proves once again its genocidal intent in the war on the palestinian territory, at least 90 people have been killed in the regime's bombardment of the almasi refugee camp west of han unis. according to the... health ministry in gaza, nearly 300 others have also been injured in the air strike on almawasi. the area that was targeted is a densely populated area and is designated safe zone, home to thousands of people, most of them living in tents. israeli air strikes targeted other areas of the besez strip on saturday as well. 20 palestinians were killed in attack a prayer call in the shati refugee camp. the regime's artillery fire targeted far city as well. israel
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launched this genocidal war on on october the 7th, over 38,400 palestinians have been killed so far, correspondent joined us earlier to give us an update on on the latest israeli regime's latest massacker, in almazi area which is located in the western part of khan city, as you know the israeli boll plane. drop roughly five tons of explosives over the heads of the palestinian people that that was taken shelter by thousands of the palestinian people after they were pushed by the israel incubation forces to as you know to take shilter there at the same time the israel incubation forces were and aliving the palestinian people there they were also committing another massacer in a shad refugee camp whereas at least 20 palestinian civilians were slattered and cut into pieces while they were performing their prayer in
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the central area of gaza strip at least to residental buildings were targeted and destroyed in anosarat and and refugee camps, at least three palestinian civilians were reportedly killed and needless to mention that those areas that are being targeted by the israel incubation forces have been acclaimed frequently by the israel incubation forces are safe zones, there is a complete black out in terms of what is going on in gaza city and this is vital part of the israeli policy in order to kill the palestinian people in silence, as you know the israel incubation forces are still cementing their grip. against gaz city particularly and they are preventing any media outlets to to move to that area or to cover what is going on there. the hamas resistance movement has condemned the israel's massacre palestinians in the almawasi refugee camp in a statement to groups that the attack marks a dangerous escalation in the unprecedented series of crimes being committed in the besieg territory by the quote "new nazis" he said this disregard for international law would not have continued without the support of us
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administration. is that these claims are attempt to cover up the extent of the horrific massacre earlier is said the strike targeted hamas military chief muhammad deif and another senior commander accompanying him, the islamic jihad resistance movement has also released a statement saying that the attack shows israel's intention to continue with this war of extermination. the group says:
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