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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 7:30am-8:00am IRST

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on press tv. in "the headlines this hour, more than 90 palestinians have been killed in an israeli strike on a refugee can southern gaza, as death doll from the regime's genocide tops 38,400. ama says netanyahu is responsible for the failure of the gaza ceesfire talks, adding that the movement has shown maximum flexibility in negotiations. an us presidential candidate donald trump is injured an apparent assassination attempt while tending rally. the suspected shooter is dead.
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this is press tv news, thanks for joining us. israel has carried out its deadliest attack on gaza in weeks earlier in our news review program we discussed this with our guests, let's... and now it's time for the news review section, we delved deeper into one of the days top stories, so stay tuned. now we begin with gaza where israel has carried out yet another air strike that proves once again a genocidal intent in the war on the palestinian territory, at least 90 people having killed in the regime's bombardment of
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the al-mawasi refugee camp west afgan unis. according to the health ministry in gaza, nearly 300 others have also been injured in the air strike on almawasi. the area that was targeted is a densely populated area and is designated a safe zone. is home to thousands of people, most of them living in tents. israeli strikes talked other areas of the besieg strip on saturday as well. 20 palestinians were killed in attack a prayer hall in the sharti refugee camp, the regime's artillery fire targed city as well. israel launched this genocidal war on october the 7th. over 30,400 palestinians have been killed so far. our correspondent moti abusabe joined us earlier from their... to give us
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updates about the israely regime's latest massacre, let's listen, which is located in the western parts of khnow there is dropped roughly five tons of explosives over the heads of the palestinian people there that was taken shelter by thousands of the palestinian people after they were pushed by the israeli occupation forces to as to take shilter there at the same time there's incubation forces were aliveing the palestinian people there they were also committing and another massacer in a shutter refugee camp whereas at least 20 palestinian civilians were slattered and cut into pieces while they were performing their prayer in the central area of kas strip at least two residental buildings were and destroyed and anosarat and and alb refuji camps at least three palestinian civilians were reporttedly killed and needless to mention that those areas are being targeted by the israel incubation forces have been claimed frequently by the israel incubation forces at safe zones there is a complete black out
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terms of what is going on in gaza city and this is vital part of the israeli policy in order to kill the palestinian people in silence, as you the israel incubation forces are still cementing their grip against gaz city particularly and they are preventing media outlets to to move to that area or to cover what is going on there, to talk more on this, we are joined by mr. larry johnson, former cia analyst from brandonson, florida and also mr. ease engler, author and political activist from montreal, canada. gentlemen, welcome to the news review section. mr. engler, the question still remains after nine months of carnage in gaza, how can you kill mostly innocent women and children, destroy hospitals, medical centers, schools, the water and sewage systems, basically ting the strip into rubber, and let's not forget starving people to death as well and get and get away with it, how can you get away with it? in the recent massacre of 90 people in the albasi refugee camp, the regime came up with the excuse uh of killing a senior hamas military commander. which
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immediately rejected the claim as false, well they away with it because the global order is not based upon international law. law or humanism, it's based upon power, and israel has lot of power because it's supported by the world's hegemon, the us, which has countries like mine, canada also enabling israel's crimes, like the countries like uk, and then you have the countries in the region, as my my colleague just pointed out, are not actually willing to press the matter a way that would really punish israel and the... of cutting off oil or other other things that could be done on that front and so you know palestinian life is is just not worth just not worth much um and uh yeah mean israel can just commit uh kill uh what it's certainly going to be hundred people here
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that they've just killed in the one massacre and however many hundreds more have been injured and many of those people will be you know injured for the rest of the lives and um and the media here in north america frames. it as if uh you know israel is trying to kill some hamas official and um they won't follow up on whether he was killed or not um but yeah it's uh it's it's remarkable i mean it's just remarkable to see uh the power of uh the israel lobby in countries like canada us here 9 10 months later we're still in whole like big panics about um the feelings of of jewish canadians that support these massacres and how the their feeling... things matter and how they feel like they they're being discriminated against and they feel like they're being hard done by by people protesting these slaughter in in gaza um but that's just the remarkable power dynamic that has palestinians as basically worthless
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that's right mr johnson us secretary of defense loyd austin hel with this with israel after the armasi attack which killed 90 people said in a statement, secretary austin and minister galant reaffirmed the shared goals of ensuring the enduring defeat of hamas and securing the release of all hostages and the secretary emphasized that the import or emphasized the importance of taking all necessary steps to minimize civilian harm. mr. johnson, that's a good one, minimizing civilian harm, yeah, no, it's lot, it's crap, it's meaningless, it's just this talk to to be able to check about. said we said something that can be repeated on the evening news to show that we quote have some sort of concern, there's zero concern on the part of the united states, at some point, yeah the world has agreed or most of the world has agreed that was taking place in gaza and in the west bank is genocide. this
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is a willful action by the israeli, the zionist government to exterminate. "the palestinian people, they're not just focused on killing fighters, they're not just focused on killing guys that are carrying guns or anti-tank guided missiles, they're killing killing women, they're killing babies, they're maming children, teenagers, elderly, it's across the board, it's indiscriminate, this is, this is the kind of thing that we saw nazis due to jews in world war ii, that the jews claimed that because..." of that they had to have a country where they could be safe and now they turn around and inflict the same kind of damage on these palestinian people who are not the well let's put this, they're not hamas fighters, they may be hamas
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supporters now after watching what israel is doing, but it is, it's a war crime, it's it's a staggering war crime, and the world is... basically se seems to be impetant to do anything about it, except for yemen, i got to give hooties in yemen, got to give them credit, they've stood stood face to face with the us aircraft carrier and beat it basically, they have mr. larry johnson, former cia analyst from brandoton florida and also mr. eves engler, author and political activist from montreal, gentlemen, thank you for your time, thank you, and there you have, that's it for the news review section, thank you for listening. reactions are pouring in after israel's deadly strike from the alabasi refugee camp in the gaza strip. ivan has strongly condemned the attack, saying the massacer is the continuation of the genocide in gaza with the support of the u.s. and
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other human rights claiments. it also slamed the defending silence for the international community in the face of tel aviv regime's crimes. iran urged countries across the glove to take action and to impose sank. due to its unbridled support for israel. egypt, jordan, aman, saudi arabia have also condemned the israel strike on the refugee camp violation of international law. the organization of islamic cooperation said the massacer of displaced gazans by israel is a blatant defiance of un's resolutions and to the international court of justice's rulings. the senior hamas official has criticized netanyahu for undermining ceasefire negotiations saying the israely prime minister is responsible if the ongoing. fail. khalillah slammed netanyahu for avoiding agreements stressing the deal can be settled
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if netanyahu wants it. he also called out the israely prime minister for his disregard towards the remaining captives in gaza. he asserted that the resistance in gaza will not bow down to plans and a ways a response for mediators. despite the challenges, al haya affirmed that the resistance is in a strong negotiating position and is close to achieving his goals, while netanyahu faces pressure from multiple fronts. this statement hamal said is chief hania has contacted mediators and some regional countries on gas ceasefire. han failure of talks on israel's changing position and new conditions put forth by netanyahu. he added that the massacer at the almasi refugee camp was also aimed at undermining the cease fire talks. political commentary anthony hall joined us earlier to share his take on the obstacles of the ongoing two stocks between israel and the palestinian resistance group hamas. uh, we're coming up to uh, one year already, uh, is uh,
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netanyahu waiting for trump to get in power so he can get better, even better deal from the united states, he wants it clear that the israel retains the right to use its superior military force, uh, it's high tech military force until uh hamas is eradicated, meaning until all the palestinians are uh neutralized one way or another, pushed out of the territory so that the region can be ethnically cleansed. he works very closely historically with hamas, it's well known, he he is very deeply embedded in all the intrigues of of hamas, he has been funding it and qatar has been funding it, the world community, it's just too quiet, it's just to reflective of the fact that people can talk uh big lines, but taking action, the time is
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come for action, somebody has to step in between the palestinian civilians and the idf, many countries could do many concrete things and we don't see much of that happening. thousands of israelies have once again taken to the streets calling for deal for the release of the captives. by resistance groups in gaza. protesters in tel aviv and alts slammed prime minister benjamin netanyahu's failure in releasing the captives. they urged him to step down and called for snap elections. the families of israeli captives slammed in israeli strike a gaza refugee camp which killed scores of civilians, saying that it was part of netanyahu's efforts to undermine cease fire talks. calls have been growing for netanyahu to step down over the regime's prolonged onslot on the besieg gaza strip. is also embroiled in corruption charges that inc. with bribery, fraud and the breach of trust. protesters argue that he is seeking prolong
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the war in order to evade his trials. we were earlier by political commentator bruce cat to discussed the israeli protest against netanyahu and his motivation behind prolonging the war. let's take a listen. so the question is just how long can netanyahu hang on? they're testing against this man, i think can be considered greatest single war criminal of the 21st century up to this point, the israelis who are protesting, they understand what netanyahu is about, and netanyahu has one, that interest is benjamin netanyahu, if he falls from power, he faces a trial for fraud bribery, breach of trust, which ' could conceivably land him an israel prison, so this what motivates him to prolong
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the war, it is evident that he wants to expand this conflict to a regional war, explains targeted assassinations in lebanon, in syria in the hope that he can bring esbullah into a a wider, a wider conflict, what he is trying to... uh to do is to provoke a regional war to the degree that he would draw the united states into it and and and thereby hope to uh bring iran into that. hundreds of jordanians take to streets of the capital aman to slam israel's a genocidal war in the gaza strap. protesters condemned israel's deadly attack in the almasi refugee camp and express solidarity with palestinian resistance groups in gaza. jordanians have been holding regular rallies in support of
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palestine since the start of the israely onslot. meanwile pro-palestine protesters also took to the streets in the german. capital berlin, demonstrators waved palestinian flags and condemned israeli terrorism. they asked the german government to withdraw its support for tel aviv and demand an end to the ongoing genocide in gaza. the soldier has been killed and three others injured from an israeli air strike against syria, that's according to the syrian army. the attack was launched early sunday from the occupied golan heights. the israely regime targeted number of military sights in the southern region and a residential building in the... f susa area in the syrian capital damascus. the syrian air defense forces confronted the missiles and shot down a number of them. is regime has conducted numerous similar attacks in the past with some of the strikes causing civilian casualties. syria has larged several complaint with the un, accusing the telaviv regime of violating its sovereignty, but to no avail. the resistance movement has
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released new footage of its operations against israel as the exchange of fire between the two sides. continues across southern lebanese border. the footage shows targeting of building in the shatula settlement of occupied palestinian territories. for israelies were wounded in the attack. the resistance movement has also targeted an israeli espinage center and a military site in the occupied territories. this came after hesbollah confirmed the death of one members in the latest israeli strike. the movements and israel have been exchanging fire along lebanon's southern border since the regime launched its onslot on gaza. tentions further. related after israel announced operational plans for full scale attack on lebanon we join correspond mariam sah from beirot for more details of the hezbollah retaliatory operations against the zionist regime that the israelis have seemed to up their their aggressions against civilians specifically although we did see
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that in the past they were attempting to make sure that they do not target civilians. directly for fear of a retaliation from hizballah. now hizballah of course has launched several retaliatory attacks. it seems that now in addition to some routine operations where they target the espionage devices in most of the posts and in the occupied labanese shabad farms and forshuva hills. we also see lot of the operations are retaliatory nature, especially after that attack against uh civilians hezballah said they launched dozens of kuchusha rock. towards smonah in their statements they mentioned that they left scores of israeli soldiers either killed or wounded, of course they very difficult to verify since the israeli military still does not admit the number of israeli soldiers killed will continue their operations definitely as long as the genocidal war on gaza continues. there's definitely huge rifts among the
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israeli officials and they're incapable at this point in time to really take a decision in order to launch a full scale. war on lebanon, in addition to the fact that they do not have a green light from the us administration, that of course, as we know for sure, is not result of concern for lebanon's safety or security, it is out of fear for the zionist regime itself. hez retaliation could be detrimental for the israeli regime. the shooting leaves former us president donald trump injured during an election rally in the state of pennsylvania. you want to really see something that said, take a look what happened, secret service warmed the former president for several seconds before he was rushed off stage with visible blood near his ear and on the side of
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his face, following the attack, trump said he was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of his. right ear. according to the secret service, the suspected shooter and rally attenddy have been killed, while two attended are in critical condition. the us law enforcement officials said the incident will be investigated as attempted assassination. reacting to the shooting, president described it as sick, saying that he was grateful that trump was safe and doing well. as continue to flow into ukraine, questions about transparency, the arms industry's fits and the overall strategy are being called into question. hungarian prime minister victor's recent peace initiative continues to draw criticism from his western allies. jerome hughe has more from brussels. as
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millions of eu citizens face financial hardships, the block's leaders have confirmed that nearly 40 billion euro has been allocated to the ukrainian military since february 2022. this funding is in addition to the substantial resources dedicated to supporting the ukrainian government and aiding refugees, notably. 23 of nato's 32 members are eu countries and the alliance is providing even more financial assistance to kiev with a minimum baseline of 40 billion euros within the next year and to sustain support for ukraine to prevail. just two weeks ago hungary assumed the rotating presidency of the eu. the country's prime minister victor orban has angered his eu and nato colleagues by launching a peace initiative that is involved face to face. meetings with all the key figures, including vladimir putin. suddenly, the significance of the rotating presidency is being downplayed. the rotating doesn't represent the eu at the
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external level, this is a clear a clear position. experts suggest that peace talks to solve the war in ukraine are inevitable, and that has been the case from the very beginning. it begs the question as to why western powers have been ignoring this reality. the enormous profits. generated for the arms industry are frequently highlighted by anti-war campaigners and suggest that eu citizens are growing increasingly weary of their leaders. this is something which is noticed by the man and because they ukraine, gaza, coronavirus situation, what is europe doing for me? and this is the signal which came out national elections, but also here in the lunch for the european parliament a month ago. given ukraine's history. link to widespread corruption, many citizens are questioning where the billions being sent to the country ultimately end up. this is a concern that prime minister orban has also
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raised. jerome hughes press tv, brussels. iran's prime ministry spokesman has condemned the recent delegations from argentina blaming teran for the 1994 attack against jewish community center in buenos iris. nasir khanani rejected the iranophobic statements. on argentinian officials to refrain from taking actions that could harm bilateral relations. kanani w boinocidus not to jeopadize his own national interest by aligning itself with us-israeli anti-iran plots. he stated that finding the truth requires argentina to steal clear of political motives and external influences. kanani highlighted the need for neutrality in resolving the case. the bombing of the center known as amia killed 85 and injured hundreds. the case remains unresolved. and that does it for this additional world news, thanks for being with us, let's bye bye for now.
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the war has subsided in syria and many areas that were in the hands of daesh terrorists have been recaptured. the destruction, killings and massacres that took place in syria burned the memories of those who had seen this country before. for ages, syria has been a country of great religious importance to muslims, christians and jews. dish terrorists destroyed the holy shrines in this country and people are rebuilding them now. now in this documentary we visit the holy
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shrines in syria from the lenses of our camera.
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reveals honesty and steadfast dedication to his people. رفتن تو جمع مردم شنیدن مردم آشنا
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شدن. changed the course of the iranian nation through his unwavering diligence and patience. 1us days a president.
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