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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 8:00am-8:30am IRST

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"the years of war in syria were difficult years, a time when syria was the source of bad news. before the war, syria was so peaceful that it seemed it was soly created for pilgrims to visit it and seek tranquility, a place of pilgrimage for muslims and christians alike. but war killed and destroyed so much of syria that perhaps it has killed the memory. the past two, the
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memories held in the minds of those who had seen syria before the war. war has ended in of many syrian cities, and this means that pilgrims can once more travel to syria for pilgrimage. with this hope that pilgrims will once again set foot in this land, we will visit the... different pilgrimage sites in syria and see how they have survived the war.
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aleppo is syria's largest and most plated city. it is also among the old cities in the world that has linked the east to the west for many centuries. aleppo is not only a city for muslims, many christians also live in this city. in fact, one of aleppo's tourist attractions is the many beautiful churches in the city. historically, aleppo has been famous for its bustling bazars, its textile industry, its minaries and universities, and the aleppo citadel. these are all what makes aleppo important. and special, and perhaps due to
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its importance, terrorists tried relentlessly to fully occupy the city during the war, but they were never successful. this enduring war has left a... with scars in the city one can find prosperous and bustling neighborhoods next to neighborhoods that have been fully destroyed. for muslims, especially shia muslims, is home to two important sites and it was always visited whenever muslims travel to the city, mashad al-husain and mashad al-muhsin. it is
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said that when carbala caravan enters syria from iraq, it stayed near a church for one night. a holy father from the church knows that there is light shine. up to the sky from imam hussain's decapitated head. that is why, by paying hefty sum of money to the soldiers, he managed to borrow the imam's head for night. the holy father baptizes it and places on an altar. this altar is now a pilgrimage site. the current building was built around mashad al hussain its architecture resembles that of old churches. in the area, mashalm is also related to the events of
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ashura. it is said that imam hussain's wife was pregnant, but the baby was lost after the incident of ashura. the baby was named muhsin and was buried in the place that later became known as mashad al-muhsin. these two pilgrimage sites only stand 300 meters apart, but during the war in aleppo, it's the border between the terrorists and the resistance. the terrorists managed to
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invade and occupy mashad al-muhsain, but they were never able to set foot in... despite all this, yet this pilgrimage site was severely destroyed by the war. after the war, shia muslims reconstructed the... and now both pilgrimage sites are ready for pilgrims to arrive.
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in aleppo, there is tomb that is said to belong to zakariah which is located in the great mosque of aleppo. this mask was originally instructed in the first century of the islamic calendar. during the war, the great moscova lep was occupied by terror forces, and that is how this historic monument was transformed into this.
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with the liberation of aleppo, the restoration of the great mosk of aleppo started. this is why all the original pieces of stone were carefully recovered and meticulously. recorded so that they can be put in place during the restoration project. currently this mosque is not open to visitors or pilgrims, but after its restoration, this mosk and the tomb will certainly be a destination for pilgrims visiting alepo.
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to see the rest of serious pilgrimage sites, one must travel from aleppo towards damascus, the first place you will come across is adra, the tomb of hujr. adi is located in adra. hujr was a close companion of prophet muhammad and imam ali. he never agreed to swear allegiance to mavier and continuously disclosed his corruption, and that is why mavier ordered him to be killed. when huj was apprehended, he was given the chance to use profanity against imam ali in order to live, but he did not agree. huddre along with his son and number of his companions were martered in the 51st. the islamic calendar.
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in august 2013, terrorist occupied the region and entered the mosk where the tomb of hud was located. they destroyed the building. and desecrated the grave and claimed to have removed the corpse from its original resting place, but after the liberation of adra, it became evident that the terrace had only dug less than meter deep, and since the body was buried much deeper, the terrace never actually managed to reach it. this site was later restored by iraqi defenders of the shrine and other shia muslims. this site is ready for pilgrims to visit it.
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on the outskirts of damascus lies the mask of the prophet abel, it is local located 45 km from the capital city of syria. this site has always attracted pilgrims to syria.
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after visiting adra and the tomb of huoj, the caravans of pilgrims reached damascus. historians claim that the city of damascus dates back to 3000 bc. it is the oldest city in the world that still stands and people are. still living in it. damascus is just as sacred to christians and jews as it is to muslims, but for shia muslims, damascus is home to few sacred sites and one of them is the babel sahir cemetery. it is a large cemetery in the center of damascus, that is the burial site for number of the prophets, companions and children of the 12 imams. the most important of which is the tomb of um,
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the daughter of imam ali and zahra. close by. is the tomb of sakina, the daughter of imam hussain. these two tombs are located in one chamber and pilgrims can easily visit both. it is believed that bobel sakir cemetery is also the burial grounds of abdullah, the son of imam sadiq, one of imam hussain's daughters and abdullah,
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the son of imam sajad, the graves of nine of the prophet's company. are also located in this cemetery, the most notable of which is balal, the first muazzin of islam. another companion of the prophet is abdullah jafar tayar, the husband of lady zainab. his tomb is adjacent to that of balas. according to some historical. documents, three of the prophet's wives, um salame, um habib and hafsa are also buried in the cemetery. fazer and asma hasrat zenab's maids are also buried
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here too. next to bobel sir semit, holy place, which is believed to be the burial side for the heads of 16 martizar. they belong to hazard abbas and his brothers, ali akbar, imam hussain son, abdullah and qasim, the sons of imam hasan, habib ibn mazahir and hur are among the 16 heads that have been buried here, this area is separated from the cemetery and side the shrine there are 16 turbons that signif the 60 heads.
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there are other historical narratives that say that there are only three heads belonging to hazrat abbas, ali akbar and habib ibn mazaher buried here. bobel sagir cemetery was threatened many times by the terrorists, but with the resistance of the people and the army, it was never occupied. this cemetery remains as one the major pilgrimage sites of damascus. the
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omayad mosk, also known as the great mosk of. damascus is one of the main tourist attractions of damascus. parts of this mosk date back 1400 years. the mosk was built on the side of a christian basilica which was the burial ground of john the baptist. with the construction of the mod, the burial site of john the baptist was included inside the building and she muslims, sunni muslims and christian pilgrims. visited. in the umai yodd mosk there are four rectangular halls. one of them is dedicated imam ali, but among shias, it is known as raasal hussain. when the carabala caravan reached damascus with all of the decapitated heads of the martyrs and the
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family of the marters as captives, they entered the omayad mosque where yazid was. it is said that the holy head of imam hussain was placed where the shrine stands today, known as al hussein. next to it is a prayer rog and mehrab encased in a glass cubicle with marks, the place where ali ibn husain zain abidin used to pray while imprisoned in the castle after the battle of karbala.
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a short distance from the omayard mosk and contains the grave of raghayah, the young daughter of imam hussain. after enduring the batch of karbala and the torturous journey to damascus that followed it, raghaya reached the omiyad mosk. as she could not bear any longer, one night the orphan three-year-old dreamed of her father and woke up and cried lentlessly. she cried so hard that the soldiers informed yazid. he ordered the guards to show her the decapitated head of her father. imam to make her quiet, and yazid was right, the three-year-old was silenced forever.
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this tragic and moving incident has captivated the hearts of not just shiah pilgrims, but sunnis. and christians alike. from the very first days of war on syria, the occupation of damascus was the terrorist main agenda, that is why many of the suburbs on
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the outskirts of the city were occupied or were ceaselessly tarted by the terrorist rockets. one of these suburbs was daraaya, which the terrorist managed to occupy, this suburb was considered as very strategic base for them as was located only 5 km from damascus. it took five years of war to liberate daraya. it is not too hard to guess what the terrorists did
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to hazrat sakina's shrine while they occupied the area. this is what has become of the shrine of sakina, the daughter of imam ali. it was completely destroyed when daraya was occupied by the terrorists.
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the occupation has re to the ground, the town is in ruins and the syrian army has not yet allowed it to be open to the public to enter and vote shias are awaiting the time when the syrian government reopens the gates of daraaya and they can rebuild the shrine.
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for sure, the main reason pilgrims travel to syria is to visit the shrine of hazrat to zainab. the terrorists almost reached it, they only had 100 meters to go, but they never managed to occupy it because of the resistance forces blocked them. the resistance forces included syrian sunni muslims and shia muslims from syria, lebanon, pakistan, afghanistan, iran and iraq. the iraqi resistance forces could not bear to see the... shir empty of pilgrims, so they brought in their family members from iraq for pilgrimage during those difficult days and thus, the shrine of hazrat zainab became the central hub for the resistance forces and the value of the resistance in defending the shrine inspired resistance forces across syria. now pilgrims can visit the shrine of hazrat zainab in absolute safety and
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security. تعزیه زمان رو بی زمان میکنه که
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pretty headlines, more than 90 palestinians are killed in an israeli strike on a refugee camp in southern gaza as death b from the regime's genocide tops 38,400. the mas was responsible for the failure of gaza ceasefire talks, adding that the movement has shown maximum flexibility in negotiations. an us presidential candidate donald trump is injured an apparent assassination attempt attending rally the suspected shooter is dead.
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