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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 8:30am-9:00am IRST

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chris headlines: more than 90 palestinians are killed in an israel strike on a refugee camp in southern gaza, as deaththoll from the regime's genocide tops 38,000. 400. amasanya was responsible for the failure of gaza's ceasefire talks, adding that the movement has shown maximum flexibility in negotiations. an us presidential candidate donald trump is injured an apparent assassination attempt attending rally the suspected shooter is dead.
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8:30 am in the walls capital tehran, this is press tv news, thanks for joining us. no insight to israel's genocidal war on the gaza strip, at least 90 palestinians have been killed in the regimes marband of the al-mawasi refugee camp west of hon unis. according to the health ministry in gaza, nearly 300 others have also been injured in the air strike on amawase. the area that was targeted is a densely populated area and is designated safe sound. it's home to thousands of people, most of them living intents. israely air strikes targeted other areas of the beast strip on saturday as well. 20 palestiny. were killed in attack a prayer
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hall in the shati refugee camp, the regime's artillery fire target of rafa city as well. israel launch is genocidal war on october the 7th, over 30,400 palestinians have been killed so far. our correspond to musa joined us earlier from bala to give us updates about the regime's latest massacker and mawase area which is the... located in the western part of khan city, as you know, the israeli war plan drop roughly five tons of explosives over the heads of the palestinian people that that was taken shilter by thousands of the palestinian people after they were pushed by the israeli occupation forces to as you know to take shilter there at the same time the israeli incubation forces were un aliving the palestinian people there they were also coming another massacre in a shot refugee camp whereas at least 20 palestinian civilians were slattered and cut in pieces
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while they were performing their prayer in the central area of gaza strip, at least two residental buildings were targeted and destroyed and and refugee camps, at least three palestinian civilians were reporttedly killed and needless to mention that those areas are being targeted by the israel incubation forces have been acclaimed frequently by the israel forces safe zones, there is a complete black out in terms of what is going on in gaza syria and this is vital part of the israeli poli in order to kill the palestinian people in silence, as you know the israel incubation forces are still cementing their grip against gaz city particularly and they are preventing any media outlets to to move to that area or to cover what is going on there, senior hamas official has criticized for undermining ceire negotiations saying the israely prime minister is responsible if the ongoing talks help for avoiding agreements stressing that
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can be settled if netanyahu wants it. he also called out the israely prime minister for his disregard towards the remaining captives in gaza. he asserted that resistance in gaza will not bow down to netanyahu's plans and awaits a response from mediators. this by challenges alhaya affirmed that the resistance is in a strong negotiating position and is close to achieving its goals, while netanyahu faces pressure from multiple fronts. the separate statement, hamas said his chief has contacted mediators and some regional countries. on gaza cease fire. he blamed the failure of talks, israel's changing position and new conditions put forth by netanyahu. he added that the massacer at the almasi refugee camp was also aimed at undermining the ceasefire attacks. political commentator anthony hall joined us earlier to share his take on the obstacles of the ongoing truth dogs between israel, the palestinian resistance group hamas. uh, we're
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coming up to uh, one year already, uh, it is uh, netanyahu waiting for trump to get in power so he can get better even. better deal from the united states, he wants it clear that the israel retains the right to use its superior military force, it's high-tech military force until uh hamas is eradicated, meaning until all the palestinians are neutralized one way or another, pushed out of the territory so that the region can be ethnically cleansed, he works very... very closely historically with hamas, it's well known, he he is very deeply embedded in all the intrigues of of hamas, he has been funding it and qatar has been funding it, the world community, it's just too quiet, it's
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just too reflective of the fact that people can talk uh big lines but taking action, the time is come for action, somebody has to step in between ' the palestinian civilians and the idf, many countries would do many concrete things uh, and uh, we don't see much of that happening. thousands of israelies have once again taken to the streets, calling for deal for the release of the captives held by resistance groups in gaza. protesters in tel aviv and alkelets slamed prime minister benjamin netanyahu's failure releasing the captives. they urged him to step down. and called for stamp elections. the family of the israel captives slammed in israeli strike a gaza refugee camp which killed scores of civilians saying that it was part of netanyahu's efforts to undermine cease fire talks. calls have been growing for netanyahu to step down over the regime's prolonged onslot of the besieg gaza strip. netanya was
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also embroiled in corruption charges that include bribery, fraud and the breach of trust. protesters argue that he is seeking to prolong the war in order to evade his trials. early we were joined by political commentator bruce katz who discussed the israeli protest against netanyahu and his motivation behind prolonging the war. so the question is just how long can netanyahu hang on. they're testing against this man who is uh i think uh can be considered the greatest single war criminal of the 21st up to this israel. to are protesting, they understand what netanyahu is about, and netanyahu has one interest, that interest is benjamin netanyahu, if he falls from power, he faces a trial or fraud, bribery, breach of trust,
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which could conceivably land him an israeli prison, so this what motivates him to prolong the war. it is evident that he wants to expand this conflict into a regional war, explains um targeted assassinations in lebanon in syria in the hope that he can bring hezbollah into a a wider a wider conflict. what he is trying to to do is to provoke a regional war to the degree that he would draw the united states into it and uh and and thereby hope to uh bring iran into that assassination leaves former us president donald trump injured during an election rally
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in the state of pennsylvania. you want to really see something that said take a look at what happened? we service warm to the former president for several seconds before he was rushed off stage with visible blood near his ear and at the side of his face. following the attack, trump said that he was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of his right ear. according to the secret service, the suspected shooter and rally attend have been killed while two attenddy are in critical condition. us law enforcement officials said the incidents will be investigated. as attempted assassination, reacting to the shooting, president joe biden described it as sick, saying that he was grateful that trump was safe and doing well. r is corresponding joining us from chicago to tell us more. well, romy, tell us what the
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reactions have been there and uh how this news piece of news is being covered? i mean, obviously this is just a this has been a siismic event, it's just really very, very shocking. five minutes into a campaign speech uh, somebody took multiple shots at uh ex-president trump uh, they had crawled top of a roof and the shots were fired from about 130 away. trump's ear was uh visibly wounded. he later said on social media, social media that he quote, he was shot with a bullet that pierced the upper part of my right ear, but uh, he has been released from a medical facility. there has been no medical, no, nobody has has briefed reporters, no medical personnel, and there's not a lot of information about uh, what his medical condition is, uh, after it happened after right after he was shot. on stage, he uh uh got up and raised his fist with blood on his
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face, it was really something like out of a movie, so it's something, you know, there's a photos of him with blood on his face, fist in the air, a flag in the background, it's really very, very, very uh, stunning, stunning uh, stunning occurrence, the shooter is dead, he was shot dead on the rooftop by snipers, just minutes ago, he has been identified as a thomas matthew crooks a 20 something year old white male from pennsylvania, which is the state where the rally was held. there are pictures circulating on social media, up close pictures of this person and it clearly shows a young white male who has been killed. the secret service reportedly ignored warnings that there was a shooter. that's according to an interview posted by the bbc. um, they said this person said in the interview that they had they had seen the shooter and they had tried to warn the secret service. for for for three or four minutes, but to nowail and this person said that perhaps they couldn't see
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the shooter because of the slope of the roof's blocking their view, it's an it's an indication that it's quite well planned, secret service is certainly going to be in for a real grilling, people like ilon already saying that the head of the head of the secret service should be fired, and then beyond that uh trump's team is saying that they reportedly asked biden and the department of homeland security for more uh more protection and and they were repeatedly rebuffed, so the police, they immediately told 50,000 people to go home including the reporters and they shut down the crime scene uh uh saying this is a a live crime scene and it's been taken over by the fbi as far as the official response you mentioned some of it biden said quote look there's no place in america for this kind of violence it's sick it's sick and quote, he uh, he refused to call it an assassination attempt when
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directly asked, the mainstream media was very, very cautious surprisingly in calling it a assassination attempt, however, the fbi has just declared that it was indeed assassin an assassination attempt, which certainly you know looks rather obvious to everybody, and biden is going to really come in for lot of criticism, just this week, he said, quote, it's time to put trump in the bull's eye, these are the types of things. that you know uh that you know it's not that in my opinion that he was calling for trump to be assassinated, but when when trump would use this type of language he would get roundly condemned, but then when biden doesn't, when biden says it those people who condemn trump would not condemn biden, that's probably going to change in the coming days, because certainly uh they have painted trump as someone who needed to be stopped at all costs to quote uh ex-speaker of the house nancy pelosi interest. uh nation nationwide poll the topic last month, 10% of american
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surveyed said that quote, the use of force is justified to prevent donald trump from becoming president, so i bring up that poll just to show you uh just how divided, violently divided this country is, and it's not really something all that new, just a bit of historical background in american uh history, more than 200 years, you've had four presidents killed, three hurt by attempts, but this is the most serious serious attempt to assassinate a president or a presidential candidate since ronald reagan was shot in 1981, however uh, there have been 27 credible assassination attempts since nixon, 27, so we're talking about one almost every two years, more official responses, uh, biden said that he's going to pause all communications, meaning that he's going to cause uh the presidential campaign uh, because this is obviously a crisis when a likely assassination attempt uh uh a
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presidential candidate and very often a leading consul candidate has taken place. of course, republicans and democrats were uh both quick to condemn what they viewed as an apparent uh act of political violence. the republican national convention uh starts on monday and trump is going to be for where he's going to be formally nominated as the candidate. that's going to go on as planned starting monday and trump has has. already confirmed that he will be there and it's he is uh he is supposed to be formally nominated on thursday and uh you know people are very dramatic images these uh very dramatic. him it just that's just some some thunder behind me uh violent day uh couple of coincidences that people can take for what it's worth just today ukraine announced that they that they have uh that they have taken operations to assassinate putin but they have not succeeded and then another coincidence is that this certainly does take the almost equally shocking story of uh the widespread calls for
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biden the president to uh the know the c president to not run for re-election, this is going to take that off the front pages, so certainly there's going to be plenty of food for conspiracy theorists, where do we go from here? let's end it there. uh, you know, my personal opinion is that this probably helps trump in the polls, because uh, of the rally around the flag effect. we saw in 9/11, the rally around the flag when americans were killed, it led to the invasions of two countries. however, people are also quite decided already on trump and biden, trump is... has been around now for uh eight years and this may not move the meter, at the same time you can all say some people might look at this and say look at how divisive trump is and they get scared you know and they they say we can't have him in office so obviously very big deal and but you know what happens from here your guess is as good as mine thank you very much for that coverage we appreciate it ramy there live from chicago thank you
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ramy hundreds of jordanians stick to the streets of the capital aman to slam is genocidal war in the gaza strip. protesters condemned israel's deadly attack on the almawasi refugee camp and expressed solidarity with palestinian resistance groups in gaza. jordanians have been holding regular rallies in support of palestine since the start of the israeli on slot. meanwile pro palestine protests also took to the streets in the german capital berlin. demonstrators waved palestinian flags and condemned israely terrorism. they asked the german goverment to withdraw its support for tel aviv and demand an end to the ongoing genocide in gaza. "the soldier has been killed and three others injured from an israelity air strike against syria. that's according to the syrian army. the attack was launched early sunday from the occupied wollen heights. the israely regime targeted number of military sides in the southern region and a residential building in the kafar susa area in the syrian capital, damascus. the syrian air defense forces confronted the missiles and shut down a number of them. the israel regime has
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conducted numerous similar attacks in the past with some of the strikes causing civilian casualties. syria has lot'. several complaints with the un, accusing the telavi regime of violating its sovereignty, but to no avail. the resistance movement has released new footage of his operations against israel, as the exchange of fire between the two sides continues across the southern lebanese border. the footage shows targeting of building in the shitula settlements north of occupied palestinian territories. four israelies were wounded in the attack, resistance moved. has also targeted as an israeli espinage center and a military site in the occupied territories. this came after hisbollah confirmed the death of one of its members and the latest israeli strike. the movements and israel have been exchanging fire along lebanon's southern border since the regime loslot on gaza. tentions further escalated after israel announced operational plans for full skill
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attack in lebanon. we were joined by correspondent mariam saleh from beirot for more details on hisbullah retaliatory operations against designist regime. the israelis have seem to up their um their aggressions against civilians specifically, although we did see that in the past they were attempting to make sure that they do not target civilians directly for fear of a retaliation from hizballah. now hizbullah of course has launched several. retaliatory attacks and it seems that now, in addition to some routine operations where they target the espionage devices in most of the post uh and in the occupied lebanese shabad farms and for suva hills, we also see lot of the operations are retaliatory nature, especially after that attack against civilians hezbullah said they
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launched dozens of kitchusha rockets towards karatmona in their statements they mentioned that they left score. of israeli soldiers either killed or wounded, of course, it's very difficult to verify, since the israeli military still does not admit the number of israeli soldiers killed, hezballah will continue their operations definitely, as long as the genocidal war on gaza continues. there's definitely huge rifts among the israeli officials and they are incapable at this point in time to really take a decision in order to launch a full-scaled war on lebanon, in addition to the fact that they do not have a green light from the us administration, that of course, as we know for sure, is not result of concern for lebanon safety or security, it is out of fear for the signist. itself retaliation could be detrimental for the israeli regime, runs for mystery spokesman has condemned the recent
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allegations from argentina which blamed tehran for the 1994 attack against the jewish community center in buenosires. naser khanani rejected the iranophobic statements, calling on archintinian officials to refrain from taking actions that could harm bilateral relations. kanani warned not to jeopadize his own national. lateral relations in history, but the us as one of the signatories put the hard fought according into cold water by unilaterally withdrawing from it in 2018. press tv's
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fatima masomi in this report tells us how washington and its western allies failed to abide by the accord. it's been nine years since the joined comprehensive plan of action, jcpa, also known as the iran deal, was signed between iran and several world powers in the austrian. capital vienna. the signatories to the 2015 landmark agreement were china, france, germany, russia and the united kingdom, apart from iran and the united states. under the agreement, the us and the eu agreed to remove anti-iran sanctions imposed over the years and exchange for iran, limiting its uranium enrichment and reducing its existing stock pile. the deal was eventually violated by the us during the administration of president donald trump, hold out his country from the deal, that despite iran fully adhered to its part of the obligation under the jcpoa, europeans also failed to salvage the accord by not complying
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to the accord. the jcpa had its plusess and its minuses. the biggest problem was that it was not protected. in other words, there were no real mechanisms to protect deal if the americans or the... europeans violated the agreement, and so when obama began violating the deal, when he began to increase the sanctions, and of course the europeans always overway the united states, there was no punishment, they paid no price for these violations, and then of course when trump ultimately tore up the deal, it came at no political or economic cost for the united states. the jcpa was the result of... 20 months marathon negotiations between the diplomats from iran, the us, european countries, as well as china and russia. these negotiations first led to the interm joint
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plan of action concluded in 2013 in geneva, then a framework agreement concluded in april 2015 in luzann, and finally, on july 14th, 2015 in vienna it was announced that the final agreement has been clinched. if you think about guarantee of the... jcpa, it is important to notice that there is no way in international relations that finally force them states to obey a regulation or deal or treaty among them and that is why every party uh can withdraw illegally but practically from deal and that is why uh cpa was not the only treaty or was not the only deal that united states withdrew during trump era and
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other times, trump withdrew from paris agreement from nafta, from the deal with russia, from the tariff deal with china and some others, many others over the next two years following the signing of the deal, while iran fully compiled with the terms of... agreement, the unreliability of americans was clear as they looked for pretex to scale back their commitments. however, with trump coming to the white house, as known for his close affiliation with the israeli regime, this stage was said for nixing the accord. on may 8th, 2018, trump issued an executive order, announcing that he was withdrawing the us from the jcpoa. trump's unilateral move virtually led to the collapse of the implementation of key provisions of the jcpoa as the two main parties to the agreement. were iran and the us. despite the us's withdrawal, iran decided to remain a signatory to the agreement with the remaining parties, but with implementation of reciprocal measures in line
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with parliamentary law. press tv, tehran. and that does with this additional world news. thanks for being with us, it's bye-bye for now. yazd. yaz means pure and holy. it's named as the holy.
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a time when nobody dared speak the mind, wake up it's a long night darling wake up it's the brightest sky no love it's a dark night darling hold to me for dear life wake up where we do we go to wake up fire fire in your eye, oh love we will try to come and save you, it's all just matter of time, wake up won't you listen to the people, wake up from the mountain of the lies, no love you've been upon through every sequel, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up, call your
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brother, call your mother. wake up under eight from the sky, oh love we digging deeper in the rubble, hold to my voice outside, wake up we just lost another family, wake up cuz we need the world to see, no love, they won't ever understand us, too bad we're just bodies a screen, wake up they don't care about the people, wake up they don't. don't care about you too, oh love, if you're walking with the people, hold on cuz they're coming for you, wake up little boy, they don't want you, wake up, you might threaten their plan, run, run, before they come and find you, grow up till you're taught to fight back.
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