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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 10:30am-11:00am IRST

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pretty headline, israely military pushes ahead with this geneside of palestinian civilians in the gaza strip as the death block from the regime's onslot top. 38,400 hamasao is responsible for the failure of gaza ceasefire talks, adding the movement has shown maximum flexibility in negotiations. and us presidential candidate donald trump survives assassination attempts during a campaign rally in pennsylvania. the shooter was killed by security forces at the same.
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5:30 am in europe capital tehran, this is president news, thanks for joining us. israel presses ahead with its deadly air and artillery strikes in the gaza strip more than nine months into jest side in the blockaded territory. in one of the latest attacks, at least four people were killed after the regime's bombing of house in the shake neighborhood northwest gaza city. in another strike few palestinians were killed and 30 others injured following raid on a residential. also in that neighborhood, another attack left four people from a single family, dead and several others injured. in central gaza city, three people were killed and 20 injured after their home was targeted by an air striker at dawn, and to the north of gaza city, seven palestinians were murdered, following an air raid on their house. more than 38,400 people have been killed in gaza since the start of the u.s. israely genocide last october.
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to tell us more, good morning, what do you have for us today, actually in a continuation of the israel crimes and massacres against the palestinian people, the israels continue to target more residental buildings in different. of gaza system whereas in gaza city at least three residental buildings were targeted and destroyed by the israeli war blames basically in a dorish neighborhood and neighborhood as well, at least 17 palestinian civilians were reportedly killed as a result of those ongoing and successful attacks against gaz city in the meantime when it comes to the northern part of gaz strip the is continued shilling a sheikh area which is located in the bait lah city as you know here in the central area of gaz strip another populated house was targeted. and knocked by
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the israeli fights in and camp, at least three palestinian civilians were reportedly analived as a result of the attack, meanwile the israeli artillery continued to target as you know the north b combination to the eastern part of the area of gaz strip when it of comes to khan the israel force also continued targeting multidental areas in the eastern part of khan and basically al manara area the israel incubation forces intensify the attacks against that area a big fire actually upted in that area basically in manaro around about there, in addition to that the israel artillery also intensified, it's it's attacks and shelling against abasan neighborhood which is situated in the eastern part of as you know say the current situation is still catastrophic whereas incubation forces continue to det more palestinian resident squares basically in a shabura neighborhood, it's worth mentioning that shapura neighborhood is one of the most destructed destroyed and the visited areas in and rafa
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as a result of the ongoing and the non-stop attacks against that neighborhood uh and it was one of the most densely populated air now it has become just mounts of the pre as you know in addition to the successive and the ongoing israel attacks against that area in the meantime the israeliller also continue chilling the west part of siri so the israelion forces are still committing more crimes basically in the wake of the opponning massacers that were committed yesterday against the people and as you know roughly 90 of palestinian civilians, half of them were children and women were slatted by the israelicubation forces in addition to roughly 300 injuries uh while another miss you was committed in a short refugee cam when the israeli fighter just attack the palestinian people while performing their prayer and shorter refugee camp uh claiming the lives of 22 palestinian civilians so uh the israel incubation forces are still ramping up their attacks against the palestinian people and humor lifes of the senior people, thank you
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for that, there live from, senior hamas official has criticized netanyaho for undermining ceasefire negotiations saying the israely prime minister. is responsible if the ongoing talks fail. slamed for avoiding agreements stressing that deal can be settled if nahu wants it. he also called out the israely prime minister for his disregard towards the remaining captives in gaza. he asserted that the resistance in gaza will not bow down to plans and awaits response from mediators. despite challenges affirmed that the resistance is in a strong negotiating position and is close to achieving his goals, while netanyahu faces pressure from multiple fronts. the separate statement hamas said that his chief ismal haniah has contacted mediators and some regional countries on gaza ceasefire. hannah playing failure of talks on israel's changing position and new conditions put forth on netanyahu. he added that the massacer at the almasi refugee camp was also aimed at undermining the sea fire talks.
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political commentator anthony hall joined us earlier to share his take on the obstacles of the ongoing truth stock between israel and the palestinian resistance group hamas. uh, we're coming up to uh, one year already, uh, it is uh, netanyahu waiting for trump to get in power so he can get better, even better deal from the united states. he wants it clear that the israel retains the right to use its superior military force, uh, its high tech military force, until uh hamas is eradicated, meaning until all the... are uh neutralized one way or another, pushed out of the territory so that the region can be ethnically cleansed. he works very closely historically with hamas, it's well known, he he is very deeply embedded in all the
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intrigue of hamas, he has been funding it and qatar has been funding it, the world community, it's just too quiet, it's just too... reflective of the fact that people can talk uh big lines, but taking action, the time is come for action, somebody has to step in between the palestinian civilians and the idf, many countries could do many concrete things and we don't see much of that happening, thousands of israelies have once again taken to the streets calling for deal for the release of the captives by resistance groups in gaza. protesters in aviv and slamed by mr. benjamin netanyahu's failure and releasing the captives. they urged him to step down and call for snap elections. the families of the israeli captive slammed in israeli strike in a gaza refugee camp, which killed scores of civilians, saying that it
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was part of efforts to und seasfire talks. calls have been growing for netanyahu to step down over the regime prolonged onslot gaza step. netanya uiled in corruption charges that include bribery, fraud. and the breach of trust. protesters argue that he is seeking to prolong the war in order to evade his trials. we were earlier joined by a political commentator bruce gats, discussed the israely protest against netanyahu and his motivation behind prolonging the war. so the question is just how long can netanyahu hang on, their testing against this man who is uh, i think can be considered. a single war criminal of the first up to this point, the israelis who are protesting, they understand what netanyahu is about, and netanyahu has one interest, that interest is benjamin netanyahu, if he falls from power, he faces a
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a trial or fraud bribery, breach of trust, which could conceivably land him an israeli prison, so... "this what motivates him to prolong the war, it is evident that he wants to expand this conflict into a regional war, which explains targeted assassinations in lebanon in syria in the hope that he can bring hisbollah into a a wider, a wider conflict, what he is trying to to do is to provoke a regional..." war to the degree that he would draw the united states into it and and thereby hope to bring iran into that hundreds of jordanians to the streets of
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capital to slam israel's genocidal war in the gaza strep. protesters condemned israel's deadly attack on the almasi refugee camp and expressed solidarity with palestinan resistance groups in gaza. jordanian. have been holding regular rallies in support of palestine since the start of israel, palestine protestors also took to the streets and the german capital berlin. demonstrators waved palestinian flags and condemned israel. they asked the german government to withdraw its support for tel aviv and to demand an end to the ongoing genocide in gaza. the soldier has been killed and three others injured from an israeli air strike against syria. that's according to the syrian army. tack was launched early sunday from the occupied golintes. this regime targeted number of military sites in the southern region and residential building in the kafarsa area in the seran capital damascus. the seran air defense force. confronted the missiles and shot down a number of them. this has conducted numerous similar attacks in the
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past with some of the strikes causing civilian casualties. syria has larged several complaints with un accusing of the televiv regime of violating its sovereignty but to no avail. former us president donald trump has been injured after a gunman open fired during a campaign rally in pennsylvania. you want to really see something to say, take a look what happened, the secret service that a gunman fired multiple shots from an elevated position outside of the venue, trump was speaking to supporters and pennsylvania, his team the secret service afirmed that he was fine, in the social media post following the attack, trump said that he was... by a bullet that pierced the upper part of his right ear. one spectator was killed and at least two
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were critically injured. the secret service said the shooter was also killed. us law enforcement officials say the incident is investigated as attempted assassination. this evening we had we're calling assassination attempt against our former president. donald trump, it's still an active crime scene, as i mentioned, we have number of agents on scene, we also are working closely with other federal agencies, our state partners and our local police partners as well, again at this time we are not prepared, the fbi has identified the shooter as 20-year-old thomas matthew quicks, however there is still not any mention of a potential motive or whether anyone else was involved, reacting to the shooting president joe biden described it as sick, and denounced political violence. biden said he was grateful that trump was safe and doing well. let's bring in gilbert doctor. he
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is an independent international affairs analyst who joins us from brussels. welcome, when you take a look at what has happened here, obviously his assassination attempt um on um potential um future president of the us um is uh think that uh should be condemned, but the causes behind what drives a person to do that seems to be what uh the us is now, not now, but has called political violence, and based on recent poll, 10% of americans actually think that political violence is justified, are we looking at this uh, not phenomena, but this type of thinking and the justification that americans feel uh to be the cause of what we have seen all today, take it. really surprised that there was an attempt on the life of donald trump, but the question was only for me when in the campaign
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will it occur, and this is the only attempt that we made, and how thorough, open the investigation into this will be, it's very convenient that the that the would be assassin has himself killed, because that spares us all, the the interrogation, which would reveal who was else was involved, and any police or or other... uh law and order officials would be investigating precisely that question, where has he traveled previous to this event in pennsylvania to find access to mr. trump who assisted him? because it is most improbable this was alone wolf attack. also the question has been raised by serious experts in terrorism. why was there no drone over that fac over that event? we have drones monitoring all kinds of public events, i go to open air opera concerts and there are drones ahead to to watch whether there is
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some possible source of violence in in the area, nothing of the sort occurs in pennsylvania, it's by itself quite extraordinary. mr. byton's remarks were beautiful, they were showing absolute willing ignorance of the atmosphere that has made this possible, an atmosphere in which he is about to lose the... and the deep state is is troubled and will do anything to eliminate mr. trump, that's clear, it also raises another question which goes directly back to mr. byden. "why has he refused to provide secret service protection to the other candidate in this, robert f kennedy, jr. who has repeat requested such protection and who has a right to such protection under us law, so the the biting administration is guilty of negligence, ruvel negligence in protection of those who would campaign against it. i'm
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curious to gains out of this, i mean obviously if it's something that uh um getting with..." of candidate would uh potentially mean that b is going to uh maybe come out top, guess that's one of the gains here, but um what uh does this show about the guess divisions that exist in the us when it comes to um the way that people are polarized based on politics, mean we know that with trump uh set foot on the political stage he did bring about devices based a whole host of issues and topics and ideas that he has had a variety of uh of uh topics i guess um do you think that this uh an outcome of that in any shape or form? mr. trump has been highly divisive, that has been held against him by status quo politicians, they would like us all to be singing from the same chorus book, from the same set of notes, and they resent and denounce his his raising fundamental
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concerns with where america is headed, the potential for violence is of course there, there are those speak about about america. on the edge of a civil war, i think that's an exaggeration, but there could that there could be widespread outbreaks of violence if mr. trump were eliminated in such an assassination? that's beyond question. if there were to be measures to prevent his being on the ballot in in november, there would be a high potential for violence in the united states. the united states is divided close to 50/50 among political activists. i don't mean the general population, but above those... for following and active in politics, countries evenly divided, the one hand that presents a background, a context for the kind of event that we saw yesterday, on the other hand, that is the greatest protection of the freedoms of speech and assembly and the other freedoms guaranteed by the bill of rights, which america enjoys today, in contrast to parts of the world such as europe where i live today, where all all
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emphasis is on unity and where any nacing voice is immediately denounced. so the united states benefits, americans benefit from this division, politics and essence is all about division, and those tell us it's about solidarity are themselves authoritarians who do not wish to face fair uh election, and the undertones of what you initially stated, i get the feeling uh perhaps that uh there again, my interpretation, i could be wrong is that there's a deep state that could be involved here in one form or another, um, we know the amosity that trump feels about, for example, the fbi and the cia, uh, are we are we looking at at that the possibility in this case? oh, i think definitely, uh, there's also the interesting question about the role the secret service, we will remember, the the facts about the kennedy assassination have never been uh fully revealed, but there is
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enough information in public space for some excellent investigated journalists to have looked at the all these security organizations, particularly as you mentioned, the cia and also the secret service for their cricity, if not their active participation in the murder of john kennedy. i think that if there is to be an open and fair investigation of what happened yesterday in the case of of mr. trump, these are the two main areas that should be investigated, what did they know and why didn't they act? why do you think um the fact that there were no drones there could be cause of concern? for factor that stands out here, what other factors you think stand out in addition to that? the reason why the drones comes up issue is that there were anti-snipers on on present at that event, this is how and why the ailent was was killed
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very quickly did not complete as ask, the there was lateral vision and slightly. vision the possible points from which could be made on the on the president of former president, however the there was no vertical observation of what was going on in that territory, and this is itself case of gross negligence, not part of a plan to eliminate. mr. trump. all right, thank you very much for that. we do appreciated gilbert doctor, independent international affairs analyst there from brussels. thank you. moving on, the one nuclear deal, also known as the jcpoa, signed in 2015, was sailed as one of the greatest feets of diplomacy and multilateral relations in history, but the us is one of the signatories with the heart. got accourt into cold water by unilaterally withdrawing in 2018. in this report tells us how washington and his western ies failed to abide by the accord. it's been nine years since the joint
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comprehensive plan of action jcpoa, also known as the iran deal, was signed between iran and several world powers in the austrian capital viena. the secories to the 2015 landmark agreement were china, france, germany, russia and the united kingdom. apart from iran and the united states. under the agreement, the us and the eu agreed to remove anti-iran sanctions imposed for the years and exchange for iran, limiting its uranium enrichment and reducing its existing stock file. the deal was eventually violated by the us during the administration of president donald trump who pulled out his country from the deal, that despite iran fully adhered to its part of the obligation under the jcpoa, europeans also failed to sell. the accord by not complying to the accord. the jcpo had its pluses and its minuses. biggest problem was
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that it was not protected. in other words, there were no real mechanisms to protect the deal if the americans or the europeans violated the agreement. and so when obama began violating the deal when he began to increase the sanctions and of course the europeans always pay the united states, there was no punishment, they paid no price for these violations, and of course when trump ultimately tore up the deal, it came at no political or economic cost for the united states, the jcpo was a result of 20 months marathon negotiations between the diplomats from iran, the us, european countries as well as china and russia. these negotiations first led to the inter joint plan of action concluded in 2013 in geneva, then a framework agreement concluded in april 2015 in luzan and finally on july 14th 2015 in vienna, it was announced that the final agreement has
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been clinched. if you think about the guarantee of the jcpa, it is important notice that there is no way in international relations that finally force them states to obey. regulation or deal or a treaty among them and that is why every party uh can draw illegally but practically uh from deal and that is why uh jcpa was not the only treaty or was not the only deal that uh united states withdrew during term era and other times uh trump withdrew from paris agreement. from nafta, from the deal with russia, from the terrif deal with china and some others, many others. over the next two years
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following the scene of the deal, while iran fully compiled with the terms of the agreement, the unreliability of americans was clear as they looked for pretext to scale back their commitments, however, with trump coming to the white house, as known for his close affiliation with the israeli regime, the stage was said for nixting the accord on may 8th, 2018. trump issued an executive order, announcing that he was withdrawing the us from the jcpoa. trump's unilateral move virtually led to the collapse of the implementation of key provisions of the jcpoa, the two main parties to the agreement where iran and the us. despite the us's withdrawal, iran decided to remain a signatory to the agreement with the remaining parties, but with implementation of reciprocal measures in line with his parliamentary law. fata masumi, press tv, tehran. come to an end for this additional world news, thanks for being with us, let's bye bye for now.
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in this week's episode of iran tech we're taking out's heavy water production facility to talk about how iran managed to rank among the top five producers of heavy water in the world, what heavy water even is, it's significant and how it's made. in this week's episode, don't miss it, times are listed below.
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first to people in coverage of this assassination of now ensuring its uh uh fourth day we're looking at some.
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"all options are on the table, we are not taking any options off the table, no options off the table means i'm considering all options, somebody is killing iranian nuclear scientists, بهشون گفتم شما شهید میشید ولی نمیدونستم انقدر زود عمده این ترورها ناشی از توانی امریکا و'. maximum coordination with the israelis, united states is manufacturing a false premise for confronting iran, for what reason regime change.
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