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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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first tv headlines, this is what the military pushes ahead with the genocide of palestinian civilians in the gaza strip, the vegines onslot tops 38,400, says naho is responsible for the failure of the god cease fire talk, adding that the movement has shown maximum. flexibility negotiations and us presidential candidate donald trump survives an assassination attempt during campaign rally in pennsylvania, the shooter was killed by security forces at the same. war welcome. studios in the capital tehran,
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this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. israel presses ahead with its deadly air and artillery strikes on the gaza strip, more than nine months into the genocide in the blockaded territory. in one of the latest attacks, at least four people were killed after the regime's bombing of ous in the shake one neighborhood, northwest of gaza city. in another strike, three palestinians were killed and 30 others injured following raid on a residential building in the al-daraj neighborhood, east of gaza city. also in that neighborhood, another attack left four people from a single. dead and several others injured. in central gaza city, three people were killed and 20 injured after their house was targeted by an air strike early on, and to the north of gaza city, seven palestinians were murdered following an air raid on their house. more than 38,400 people have been killed in gaza since the start of the us israel genocide last october. a correspondence to the gaza straba tells us more about the recent. strikes on the beseged
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palestinian territory, let's take a listen and a continuation of the israel crimes and massacres against the palestinian people, the israels continue to target more recidental buildings in different parts of gaza c, whereas in gaza city at least three residental buildings were targeted and destroyed by the israel war blames basically in a durage neighborhoods and neighborhood as well, at least 17 palestinian civilians were revotedly. as a result of those ongoing and successive attacks against gaz st. in the meantime, when it comes to the northern part of gaz strip, the israeli artillery continued shilling a sheikh zaid area which is located in the bait lah city, as you know here in the central area of gas strip another populated house was targeted and knocked by the israeli fights in and camp. at least three pe three palestinian civilians were reporttedly alived as a result of the attack. meanwhile the israeli artillery continued to target as you know about. ref in addition to the eastern
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part of the central area of gas, when it comes to the israel forces also continued targeting multizental areas in the eastern part of city and basically almanara area, the israel incubation forces intensify their attacks against that area a big fire actually erupted in that area basically in and manar around about there, in addition to that the israeli artillery also intensified it's attacks and shilling against abasan neighborhood which is situated in the eastern part of. the current situation is still catastrophic whereas the israel incubation forces continue to more palestiniantal squares basically in ashapura neighborhood it's worth mentioning that ashabura neighborhood is one of the most destructed destroyed and devastated areas in and as a result of the ongoing attacks against the neighborhood official has criticized for undermining negotiations. saying the israel
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prime minister is responsible if the ongoing talks fail. khalil alhaya slammed netanyahu for avoiding agreements, stressing that deal can be settled if netanyahu wants it. he also called out the israely prime minister for his of disregard towards the remaining captives in gaza. he asserted that the resistance in gaza will not bow down to's plans and awaits a response from mediators. despite challenges, alhaia affirmed that the resistance is in a strong negotiating position and is close to achieving his goals while netanyahu. is pressure on multiple fronts, in a separate statement, hamas said his chief ismal has contacted mediators and some regional countries on the gaza seast fire. and he bliain failure of talks on israel's changing position and new conditions put forth by netanyahu. he added that the massacre at the almasi refugee camp was also aimed at undermining the ceasefire talks. political commentator anthony hall joined us earlier to share his stake on the obstacles of the ongoing true stocks. between israel and the
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palestinian resistance group hamas uh, we're coming up to uh one year already, uh, it is uh netanyahu. waiting for trump to get in power so he can get better, even better deal from the united states, he wants it clear that the israel retains the right to use its superior military force, it's high military force until hamas is eradicated, meaning until all the palestinians are neutralized one way or another uh pushed out of the territory so that the... uh region can be ethnically cleansed, he works very closely historically with hamas, it's well known, he he is very deeply embedded in all the intrigues of of hamas, he has been funding it and qatar has been funding it uh, the world
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community, it's just too quiet, it's just too reflective of the fact that people can talk uh lines, but taking action, the time is come for action, some... but he has to step in between uh the palestinian civilians and the idf uh many countries could do many concrete things uh and uh we don't see much of that happening. moving to other news, we're looking at the lebanese resistance movements hezballah has carried out a fresh rocket strike against israely positions in northern occupied territories with reports saying that the strike targeted a group of israely soldiers. in the western galilei, no immediate reports of the number of casualties yet, let's find out more from our correspondents mariam sah, joins us from beirot. hi mym, what do you have for us? well, the only official statement we have coming out from hazbullah's resistance movement uh is that they targeted deployment
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of soldiers near the barracks in hadab yarin or hadab albustan, actually it is, it has uh two different names in that settlement specifically, hizballah seems to have targeted. soldiers, they say they hit their target very precisely uh, leaving perhaps scores of soldiers either killed or wounded, of course they have not verified in their statements uh the number of israeli soldiers, we still don't have news coming out from the israeli media as well uh talking about certain casualties in that area, but we do know that sirens are sounding in several settlements specifically in the upper galile region and the israeli war planes also are flying a very low alt dude what we're looking at is something that seems to have transformed into a daily pursuit between the israeli war planes and hasbullah drones, it seems that this is one of the main um maybe strategies for hisbollah, the use of these drones, the attack drones or drones even used for shelling uh are something that really not
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have quite in mind, they are not being detected by the irondrome system, they are not intercepted also uh in any way it seems the israeli defenses seem to be incapable of... stopping hizballah's drones, so now recently, especially with the fact that hazbullah is sending in a bigger number of drones uh to uh target the israeli posts and israeli military military targets, the israelies have been using war planes so therefore the war planes are flying a very low altitude trying to stop them, it's been a stalking type of daily pursuit for these war planes, they have been is still incapable unsuccessful um to stop these uh these drones now it's not clear where the next operation b about like we said there are siren sounding, drones were sent uh, but we are waiting of course for clarification from hizballah uh, in their statements of course they clarify where they hit uh next, which post, which area exactly, and the results of that uh of that operation. there's also of course
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israeli aggressions have continued on several towns especially the town of yerin, in addition to other targeting, whether with the use of phosphorus bombs, artillery, and even uh shelling from war planes, there also was the sound of israeli war planes uh over south lebanon and that was probably because they were trying to detect hizballah's drones uh there was the breaking of sound of the sound barrier that in itself has been part of the israeli attempt to terrorize the people of south not even reached areas in in beirorut as well and so we are expecting today that there might be uh more overflights in lebanon that has been one of the main issues that hazballah and the lebanese government have uh uh complained about to the united nations, israelis continue to fly over lebanon, hazbollah of course used defense um defense system against our planes even, they have taken down several drones, but of course we're waiting for hizbillah, they haven't used it extensively, of course hisbullah has
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kept to their constructive ambiguity on how they're using and when they're using their armaments and they have not openly said what type of system they are using in order to defend. the airspace, but i think we're we could expect in the upcoming days, especially with the fact that the truth has failed once more, that hazbullah will be upping uh its defenses, especially against war planes in south lebanon and beyond. perhaps, thank you, miriam salder there from bayroot, we appreciate it. former president donald trump has been injured after a gunman on fire during a campaign rally in pennsylvania. you want to really see something that said, take a look at what happened. the secret service that a gunman fired multiple shots from an elevated position outside of the rally venue.
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trump was speaking to supporters in butler pennsylvania. his team and the secret service confirmed that he was fine. in the social media posts following the attack trump said that he was set by a bullet that pierced the upper part of his right ear. one spectator was killed and at least two were critically injured. the secret service said the shooter was also killed. us law enforcement officials say the incident is investigated as attempted assassination. this evening we had what we're calling an assassination attempt against our former president donald trump. it's still an active crime scene, as i mentioned, we have number of agents on scene. we also are working closely with other federal agencies, our state partners and local police partners as well. at this time we are not prepared to identify fbi has identified the shooters 20-year-old thomas matthew cricks. there is still not any mention of a potential motive or whether anyone else was involved. reacting
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to the shooting, president joe biden described it as sick and denounce political violence. byden said that he was grateful that trump was safe and doing well. meanwile reactions are pouring in following the assassination attempt against former us president donald trump at an election rally in the state of pennsylvania. china's president expressed his compassion and sympathy to trump. say the beijing is closely following the situation. moscow said washington had better used the money allocated for ukraine's military aid to fund the american police and other services that are supposed to ensure law and order in the us. european union's foreign policy chief joseph the attack as another unacceptable act of violence against political representatives. the uk minister kier starm said that he was appalled by what he called shocking scenes of the rally. italian prime minister georgia valoni also denounced the shooting express. with trump. there's a long history of shootings in us politics,
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including those that targeted presidents and presidential candidates. the following report is look at some of these attacks. in 1981, republican president ronald reagan was seriously wounded in his shooting as he left the hotel in washington. the incident left him hospitalized for 12 days. in 1975, republican president was targeted by two separate. assassination attempts, both in california and 17 days apart, for escaped unscave. in 1972, george wallace was short four times as he campaigned for the democratic presidential nomination in laurel maryland. the shooting left the racial segregation is paralyzed for life. in 1968, robert f kennedy was shot dead during a campaign for the democratic presidential nomination in los angeles, california. in 1963, democratic president john f kennedy. was assassinated while riding his motorcade alongside his wife in dallas, texas. in 1933,
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democratic president elect franklin d. roosevelt was targeted by assassination attempt in miami, florida. he escaped unscaved. in 1912, republican theodore roosevelt was shot as he campaigned for the white house as a former president. he survived the shooting in milwaukee wisconsin. in 1901, republican president william mckinley was shot during a public meeting in buffalo, new york, he died from the gunshot wound. in 1865, republican president abraham lincoln was assassinated by confederate sympathizer a theater just days after the end the us civil war, which the confederate lost. let's bring in uh podcaster and journalistnaswami who joins us from st. petersburg. welcome to the program, i'm still stuck with the reaction that russia has had on this, which is quite different than the... rest of the reactions from uh political leaders around the world, but anyways, what are your what's your impression of what has
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happened over here uh, i mean when we take a look at the how americans feel like it's okay to take uh matters into their own hands and try to snuff out a uh potential or future presidential candidate that speaks volumes about the type psychee or mentality that exists uh for americans when it comes to their politics um more than that i think the... problem is the ubiquity and availability of guns in all over the us, recently i heard a report where they're selling ammunition in in vending machines in some areas in the south so... so it's the more than the attitude is the problem that they have access to any many kinds of weapons, you can just go to the store, buy it immediately, and so the problem is when there's unstable individuals who also have access to weapons that leads to danger, and we must not forget that mass shootings are a
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common place in the us, such that people um in schools they have mass shooter drills including for my nieces, so um... "i think it has more to do with the culture of violence and the ubiquity of guns. that's true. i mean, obviously uh that is an enabler uh to carry out uh that act, but the fact that have this type of uh mentality um is what i'm trying to understand here where uh you think an american thinks that uh um based on his convictions politically, but we don't know what the what the real uh we do that the shooter was registered as a republican. yeah, go ahead. oh, we do know that the shooter was registered as a republican, but we're not sure of what the further motivations were for him. exactly, we don't know what the motivations are, but you know, when we take a look at the track record of some of these uh, incidents uh, which involve what they call political violence, we can see it's uh based more or less on political convictions. um, and uh, based on uh, multiple polls, it seems
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like many americans think that's okay to carry out political violence against the opponents. that's that's uh something that has actually um been sped up since trump appeared on the scene based again on poles uh that uh indicate that in the past uh in the five years from 2016 to 2020 at minimum that's when there was uptick um trump did have uh campaign rallies and rhetoric that was very much uh charged with violence in some respects do you agree with that which then brings about maybe why there may be incidents like this happening and this may be to be one of them? absolutely. um, he had many uh very charged uh political rallies where he has spoken violent rhetoric. um, and so i think that yes, this kind of attitude is bleeding through among many people, and i think it has a, it has both to do with the
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degradation of society, and people not having um, their own social network and um... connection with people within their communities, i think that hurts, and so it allows people who have problems or who are mental issues in to kind of go out and enact what enact their their desires, and yeah, it is appalling, and what we also have to remember is that the political assassinations has bled into us foreign policy in that the us has repeatedly tried to assassinate foreign... leaders that have not been friendly to them, for example, president maduro survived over 100 assassination attempts, including few that was orchestrated by president trump's cabinet, so i think that that kind of attitude has bled into the popular culture and society, and so that's why we're seeing some of these violent incidents. that's a very good point that you
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make, thank you so much for that, the podcaster and journalist from st. petersburg, thank you. has condemned the recent delegations from argentina which blamed tehran for the 1994 attack against the jewish community center in boenosidis. kanani rejected the monophobic statements calling argentinian officials to refrain from taking actions that could harm bilateral relations. kanani war point decidus not to jeopadize its own national interest by aligning itself us-israeli anti-iran pots. he stated that finding the truth requires argentina to steer clear of political motives and external.
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2018 in this report tells how washington and its western allies failed to buy by the accord. it's been nine years since the joint comprehensive plan of action, jcpa, also known as the iran deal, was signed between iran and several world powers in the austrian capital of vienna, the signatories to the 2015 landmark agreement where china, france, germany, russia and the united kingdom, apart from iran and the united. states under the agreement, the us and the eu agreed to remove anti-iran sanctions imposed over the years and exchange for iran, limiting its uranium enrichment and reducing its existing... stock pile. the deal was eventually violated by the us during the administration of president donald trump who pulled out his country from the deal, that despite iran fully adhered to
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its part of the obligation under the jcpoa, europeans also failed to salvage the accord by not complying to the accord. the jcpo had its plusses and its minuses. the biggest problem was that it was not protected. in other words, there were real mechanisms to protect the deal if the americans or the europeans violated the agreement, and so when obama began violating the deal, when he began to increase the sanctions, and of course the europeans always obey the united states, there was no punishment, they paid no price for these violations, and then of course trump ultimately tore up the deal, it came at no political or... uh economic cost for the united states. the jcpa was the result of 20 months marathon negotiations between the diplomats from iran, the us, european
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countries, as well as china and russia. these negotiations first led to the interm joint plan of action concluded in 2013 in geneva, then a framework agreement concluded in april 2015 in luzanne, and finally on july 14th, 2015 in vienna it was announced that the final agreement has been clenched. "if you think about the guarantee of the jcpa, it is important to notice that there is no way in international relations that finally force them states to obey a regulation or deal or a treaty among them, and that is why um every party can withdraw illegally but" practically from deal and that is why jcpa was not the only treaty or was not the only deal that united states withdrew during era and other
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times. trump withdrew from paris agent from nafta from deal with russia from the tariff deal with china and some others, many others. over the next two years following the... signing of the deal, while iran really compiled with the terms of the agreement, the unreliability of americans was clear as they looked for pretex to scale back their commitments. however, with trump coming to the white house, as known for his close affiliation with the israeli regime, the stage was said for nexting the accord. on may 8th, 2018, trump issued an executive order, announcing that he was withdrawing the us from the jcpoa. trump's unilateral move virtually led to the collapse of the implementation of key provision. jcpo as the two main parties to the agreement were iran and the us. despite the us's withdrawal, iran decided to remain a signatory to the agreement with the remaining parties, but
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with implementation of reciprocal measures in line with his parliamentary law, potatomi, pressiv, tehran. and with that we can end for this edition of world news. thanks for joining us, bye-bye for now. they have passed down their unique ceremonies from generation to generation and are resolute to get the message of karbala across the generations to come watch their
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ceremonies and traditions in dal the grieving. world war ii, the us came up with a sinister plan to get the upper hand in the war, but the destruction left by it was beyond imagination. j. robert oppenheimer was a man who fulfilled the us dream of making an atomic bomb. initial idea was a limit. control test, but they ended up leaving japan's hiroshima and nagasaki in ruins. the specter still hauts the world.
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carmen de bolívar llegó a ser del año 50 año 80 la región productora de dólares donde se producía tabaco, se producía café, se producía cacao, se producía aguacate y ganadería, gran extensión y en pequeña extensión, porque acá la zona es minifundista. a land known for its very fertile soil and for being.
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