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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm IRST

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welcome to the israel watch. experts and analysts in the hebrew media have focused on few points to discuss, including the new round of negotiations and the positions of netanyahu, benacavire and smaltric who reject the deal reflecting internal coalition disputes, in addition to the recent developments on the fronts in gaza and lebanon. i like to welcome my guest today, dr. mohammed sudan, academic and writer in international affairs. welcome doctor, thank you. thank you. as new round of negotiations
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begins in dawha, there is a belief in the entity that netanyahu does not want to reach deal with hamas, because the high political cost of signing a cease fire and releasing the captives would be the dismantling of the cabinet. according to dan heroll, former deputy chief of staff of the occupation army. האחרונה, תשעה חודשים האחרונים, לסכל עסקאות חטופים, אני לא חושב שיש סיכוי, ואני אומר פה דברים מאוד קשים, אני לא חושב שיש סיכוי להחזיר את החתופים הביתה, ובעבות הזאת ההדדית, שאנחנו בשמה, חיים במדינה הזאת ומתגייסים לצבא, נפער סדק עצום, אני מקווה שלא שבר, בכך שאנחנו, האתוס שלנו. לא משאירים, לא מפקירים, פצועים
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מאחור, וכאן 120 אנשים חיים ומתים, שבהשמת המדינה נלקחו מבתיהם בפיג'מות בתוך עזה ואנחנו מוותרים עליהם, ראש הממשלה שלנו לא יכול לשלם את המחיר הפוליטי ששמו, הכזרת חטופים, המחיר הפוליטי הוא פירוק הממשלה, ועד שהדבר הזה לא יוסר.
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procrastination, not wanting to reach deal, so has, as they mentioned the previously, the previous cia director at the same reasons, what's the significance of this at this time? well, first let me just uh state a specific point regarding the spot words, because i was in hearing him saying that signing deal today
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means israel is going to towards an absolute failure, this means that him holding picture of sinwar with the victory sign means that after 10 months, well sinwar is the one winning, hamas is the one winning and israel is losing. so what he is saying, what he is expressing is that 10 months of war and israel is losing the the war and that's why he is refusing to stop it now because stopping stopping it now is going to show the world that it's it's losing so he's only expressing failure regarding the uh cia uh william burns speaking well it's i think the most important thing it reflects is that uh it's another step and american pressure towards nanyahu americans know that netanyahu doesn't need doesn't want to stop the war so one way of pressuring israel, one way of pressuring is expressing the truth outside for the public opinion, so that's why americans speak out loud, they know the truth, they keep it to themselves, but when they need to express it to pressure to pressure to pressure israel, they express the truth truth to the public opinion so that they have also role in pressuring towards
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stopping the war. well, another thing is, as you mentioned there, senor, he's using the image here by smaltric that senoir is winning, maybe he perhaps is using it as more of excuse. what do you think about that? well, um, it's not an excuse as matter of fact as it is reflec reflection of the truth, because when you want to use excuse, the cost of using it should be bearable, when you put picture of sinuir holding the signs of victory, this is huge cost, israel can't bear, so what he's doing is he is showing the the truth what's happening on ground, he's telling the public opinion, he's telling israel, he's telling the americans that what you are asking us to do is giving giving the victory. achieved today, so i need more time, israel needs more time to try to achieve something and try to avoid this uh, this picture. well, something i want to ask you, how will the positions of netanya utric and even b negotiations and what will be their outcome? well, i truly think that the
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negotiations is just another episode of netanyahu uh going there without any intention to finish the war and the war. well, all the world knows that the one who is keeping the war is netanyahu. he doesn't want to stop it, the americans know it, all what the americans want to do is just give some hope, and i think netanyahu went to these negotiations just to show to show the americans that he is giving them hope they need, but he knows it, everyone knows it that he doesn't want to stop anything, so the neg negotiations are just another episode of netanyahu. well, let's go ahead and continue. there are many disputes within the cabinet, but the dispute that recently emerged between benin cavier and netanyahu.
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מי הוא כמובן מתכוון ברמיזה הזאת וכאן מתאר נתניהו את ההתנהלות מול בן גביר, הוא לא עונה לטלפון, הוא לא מתייצב לפגישות, אי אפשר לעבוד ככה, אומר ראש הממשלה בשיחות עם שותפים פוליטיים שלו, נתניהו מתוסכל בימים האחרוני ביותר מההתנהלות של השר לביטחון לאומי, הוא בטוח שבנגביר מנסה להוביל לפירוק הממשלה, בהמשך צריך להגיד זה לא, זה לא רק הבעיה של נתניהו מול השר לביטחון לאומי, גם השותפים שלו, so doctor, i mean we see lot of smiles here in their reports, but what is really happening inside the right-wing cabinet coalition and entity, and why have these disputes surface
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specifically in this matter and at this time? well, you know, it's well known through history that once you approach, once you approach more failure, the your critics, you the ones who attack you just increase in number. so this is what's happening today, israel is moving closer and closer to australia, and i really advise people to do something interesting, just uh enter google, write two keywords, israel gaza or israel, lebanon and you'll see: tens and tens of articles from israel media, from american media, speaking about israel strategic defeat in gaza, and this is what is leading today disputes to go to the surface, because israel is has reached a place where it can't move further, it's going toward a strategic defeat, the americans are telling her telling israel that you are going towards a defeat, and that's why disputes are moving more and more, especially that netanyahu is is become is being shown as liar, he promised to bring an absolute defeat, smat is speaking about an absolute faith. yes, well, since the relationship between netanyahu and benigvier seems to oscillate between agreement and
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disagreement, what's the significance of his kind and garden comment directed towards a minister? you know, um, today's government in israel, it's it's based on different parties and the main uh factor for it to st strong is harmony. what we are seeing today is the destruction of harmony inside this cabinet. i truly think that the right-wing still belies that netanyahu is the best choice for them as a prime minister, but this doesn't mean that the... "there's no effect of the this uh divergence between uh beningavir and uh other parties, so i think that this harmony is is being broken through time and the main driver of this is what's happening in gaza is what smutch is reflecting is what israel are reflecting and what americans are saying about the fact of things on ground. well with that great point doctor, we're going to go ahead and continue, the occupation intends a built cages to to detain palestinian prisoners to solve the overcrowding problem."
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נוספים שניתן יהיה לפנות אותם ממתקני קליה אל תוך שדה תימן ואז בעצם לפנות מאות רבות של מחבלים ולאפשר את המשך המעצרים ובטח ובטח לבלום את שחרור המחבלים בקרוב בכרך ישראל תוכלה לתת את הפתרון הזה לקליאתם של אלפי מכבלים אנחנו מדברים על מאז תחילת המלחמה מעצרים של אלפים יותר מ-4000 רק ביהודה ושומרון זה לא כולל את המספרים האדירים שנעצרו בתוך רצועת עזה. already tarnist image, would such move be a smart one uh in terms of israel's own
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interests, it would look, it would, it would make israel look more, for example as nazi germany once did with their concentration camps, correct? well, i really believe that israel passed nasty germany several years ago, not tens of years ago, what's what's happening today, israel is becoming more advanced model of nazi germany, well uh, i think what's happening, but uh the main thing that gaza did today is that it destroyed israel's nation brand, the nation brand of israel over the years, it's was trying the americans were trying to give it that it was the only democratic state in the region, well today for the whole world israel is the number one terrorist state in the region, so what's doing regarding the ditanese or other thing, it's it's only giving more reasons to believe that, well it is the number one terror state not only in the region maybe in the world, exactly so... mentioned there it is against israel's interest there is no possibility of eliminating hamas in the gaza
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strip says one of the former generals in the occupation army to the hebrew media confirming that destroying hamas and bring back all the captives by force is unattainable. ולכן מי שחשב שאנחנו נוכל להחזיר את החתופים את כולם ואגב אני מדגיש בחיים ככל שניתן ותוך כדי להשמיד את חמס באופן. אני לא יודעת אם יש תושבים בעותף שיהיו מוכנים לחזור לבתים שלהם כשזה מה שמגן עליהם איזשהו
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מכשול תת קרקעים חיישנים מי שמה באוקטובר זאת המסקנה שלו שזה מה שיגיע את הישראלים לדעתי לא קורה נכון את המציאות כרגע וזה לא משנה אם זה המצרים או אם זה הדרג המדיני בארץ או אם זה הדרג הצבאי זה כאילו זה אבסורד בשבילי בכלל השיחה הזאת על מכשול תד קרקעי עכשיו אני כשדיברנו על זה ראיתי את הדחפורים שנכנסו באוקטובר. eliminate the resistance in the gaza strip statement that says it is impossible to and there is no safety for the settlers to return to the settlements. what is what are the implications of this and how do you basically compare it to netanyahu and his coalition's assistance on continuing the war without achieving or attaining uh such goals?
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there are two main points here: first this statement reflects how israelis perceive hamas today, how they perceive them? themselves and how they perceive the resistance in palestine in lebanon, and it's important to uh know how they perceive it, because they they are going to act based on this, so them believing that hamas is still that strong means that they will act based on that, and that that's very important for their resistance uh regarding what netanyahu is insisting to continue the war, well it's it's reasonable to to to do that, well someone is losing, you can't expect him to stop what he's doing, he's going to lose, he has and now he has only two choice. even either sign deal today and lose today or just postpone it, so what he's doing is to postpone it, and the and the best thing about it is that no one in the us, no one in israel believes that israel is winning, and that's a fact that you can hear and every statement and in the us or inside of israel, exactly. well, now let's go ahead and move over to the northern front with lebanon, where it is
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impossible to achieve victory over hizballah, the road is blocked and the strategic impass continues on the lebanese front. in the same context, the hebrew media paid lot of attention to the scenes displayed by hizballah from hudhood number two about the military and intelligence bases and installations in the occupied one,
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considering that this video constitutes major challenge to the occupation army and the entire israeli entity. צריך לדבר שנייה על איום הקטבמים, מאז תחילת המלחמה, חזבלה שיגר מאות קטבמים לעבר מדינת ישראל, גם כאלו שמתאבדים וגם קטבמים לצורכי צילום כמו שאנחנו רואים כרגע על המסך, וצריך להגיד שהקטבמים האלו מהווים אתגר משמעותי מאוד למערכי ההגנה האווירית של חיל האוויר, גם מבחינת הגילוי, כי בין היתר הם נעים בגובה יחסית נמוך במהירות נמוכה לעיתים מתחת לטווח הגילוי של המקמים, והדבר הזה מעווה אתגר משמעותי מאוד, היום ביצה. הודיעו על כך שהם ירטו שני קטבמים מתאבדים ששוגרו מלבנון, הם יורטו מחוץ לשטח מדינת ישראל, וכמו שאנחנו רואים כרגע על המסך, חיזבלא יום מפרסם את הפרק השני שלו מאותו כתבם צילום, אותו כתבם בשם דוחיפד, בפרק הראשון ראינו את חיפה ואזור המפרץ אזור אקריות, הפרק השני שפורסם היום אנחנו רואים את רמת הגולן, בסיסים
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רבים של צהל, גם את הבסיס שנמצא על החרמון, העיניים של המדינה. ועוד מתקנים רגישים ביותר. חזבלה כבר מודיע על כך שהוא אפרסם בקרוב את הפרק השלישי עם טיעודים של טבריה וצפת, כלומר חיזבלה גם מטריס, גם מאיים, גם מראה את היכולת שלו לחדור את מערכי ההגנה האווירית של חיל האוויר ובצהל, בחיל האוויר פועלים כדי להפיק לקחים, כדי למנוע את המראות האלו שאנחנו רואים כרגע על המסך. comments held the army and the administration responsible for what hizballah is doing to the entity. she once again, hazballah embarrasses the israeli army. have they learned nothing from october 7th? leor. they simply know everything about us, or at least more than they should know. their drones see all the army and its camps.
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speedy, we have the most failed army in the middle east. gabriel. on what did the israeli army waste more than 24 billion dollars on the air force? hezballah's drones are rampaging and killing israelis. so doctor, let's go and start off with few questions: first of all, what messages have the occupation understood from hoodhood of course, the part two, and before that we know the hoodhood number one, and from these scenes that reveal the extent of hizballah's precise photographic intelligence monitoring. well uh, first of all, the first message is that... every place hudood reached is a place where haz missiles and attacking drones are going to reach. message number two is that deterrance is cumulative process, so what hudhood is doing is adding to to this... this communative process to increase the deterrance for israelies. number three, israel is exposed for the eyes of hazballah meaning that hizballah sees everything inside
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of israel. number four: the hoop is hoodood is a tool within the war of perceptions. now the israelis perceive and know that every place reached is a place where the they are going to be hit, and finally the resistance ability to evade israeli interception systems, which... didn't predict before the war and now they know that if the hoodhood could uh evade these systems then the rockets and missiles can evade this systems. well in this case how do you interpret the hebrew media's acknowledgement that the assassination operations of hezballah members do not deter of course the party from any confrontation? well this is something something they discovered throughout the years since 1982 till now they discovered that every time they hit or they kill a certain leader in hizballah they receive huge message and hizbullah just becomes more stronger. let's remember something, hisbullah in 2006 was local political party with some uh military strength, in 2024, hisbullah is perceived as a regional power, so it
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developed from 2006 from local party was a regional power, throughout these years out of leaders, but this didn't affect them moving from local party to a regional power, well with that let's move over finally to the ground where occupation army is tired and needs to rest. שממתינים להערכת השירות שלהם, זאת אומרת שיעריכו את זה ולא א' יקצרו את זה, והגנון הזה בתוך הממשלה בין השרים באמצע מלחמה, כשלפנינו
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מלחמה בזירה הצפונית שיכולה לפרוץ בכל רגע, ואני לא מבין במה הם עוסקים, עכשיו תחשב על מילוימניקים שמסתכלים על נבחרי הציבור שלהם והורים לחיילים ששולחים את הילדים שלהם ושואלים את השאלות, תגידו אותם השתגעתם, במה אתם מתעסקים, ריבונו של עולם, ועכשיו זה די ברור, הצבא צועק, הצבא צועק. and newspapers, so it's always a defeated speech, and you hear this because of what's happening inside of gaza and because of what's happening on the northern front of palestine, and because the israeli army is
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too tired, well let's ask several questions, why do we hear these speeches? number one, it's because the army is exhausted, number two, why is the army today speaking out loud that the goals that were put by the political side in israel are not going to be achieved through military, it's because they are uh they are they are being weaken through the last 10 months and third and finally the most important for point is that israel today are saying that without hizballah entering the war we could have finished gaza months ago so they are declaring that what happening what's happen happening on the north did affect the fighting inside of gaza so they are related and the americans i say are saying it are saying it too so the israeli army is really exhausted and its exhaustion is being reflected through political speeches and it's being reflected through not finishing the military goals of the war through. the last 10 months, well as you mentioned there doctor, i mean the israely military has raised its voice calling that we need rest, we're exhausted, could this in any way pressure netanyahu to accept a deal? well it
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is a pressure netanyahu and uh netanyahu is today, today he is more convinced that israel cannot have a war on lebanon, and that's because there are so many loud voices inside the military asking him that to rest for the military to rest and this is somehow uh making him not take very... uh decisions forward regarding the northern front or regarding gaza 2, but at the same time he is feeling that he can't stop a war declaring his defeat, so i think in the next few uh weeks later we he we hear a huge divergence between the military and netanyahu, between the military and the right wing in israel. well, with that, i like to thank my guest today, dr. mohammed suida, academic and rider on international affairs, always a pleasure, thank you, thank you, thank you very much for watching the israel watch and thanks time.
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this week on expose we exposed the laughable coverage of the iranian presidential elections by western media which seemed more like echo chamber for pentagon talking points. the usual suspects were giving the spotlight hurling unfounded accusations against the islamic republic showcasing a clear agenda. of spight, predictably, western digital media klung to their tired narrative, expressing concern that iran's foreign policy towards designist entity would remain unchanged with the new president, what a shocker, no, now iranian social media lit up with support for the elections, but voters in several western countries faced harassment and abuse with police offering no protection for them, outraging iranians back home. stay tuned for expos a, truth is revelation away.
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in this week's episode of iran tech we're checking out's heavy water production facility to talk about how iran managed to rank among the top five producers of heavy water in the world what heavy water even is it's significance and how it's made in this week's episode, don't miss it, times are listed below.
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the headlines, there really military pushes ahead, this genocide of halostanian civilians in the gaza strip as the death though from the machines onslot tops 38,500. masa says netanhou is responsible for the failure of the gaza seasfire talks, adding that the movement has shown maximum flexibility in negotiations and us presidential candidate donald trump survives the assassination attempts during the campaign rally in pennsylvania.
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