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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm IRST

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headlines at press tv: more than 141 palestinians are killed and some 400 others injured in just one day of the israeli general side of war on gaza. muslims in iran and around the world with special morning ceremonies on the eve of toa. us presidential candidate donald trump survives assassination attempt during a campaign rally in pennsylvania, the shooter was killed on the scene.
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hello and welcome to world news, thanks so much for being with us, first or it takes us back to gaza where israel, israel continues to press ahead with this deadly strikes on the strip more than nine months and to the genocide in the blockaded territory, at least 142 more palestinians were killed after the regime attacked. than andro school and the nsirat refugee camp. the school has housed hundreds of displaced people. israeli warplanes also pound gaza city and khan unes, leaving over dozen more people dead. according to the gaza health ministry, 141 more palestinians were killed and some 400 others wounded during the past day. israel launched its general side of war on gaza in october of last year, more than 38,580 people almost women and children have been killed
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since then. our gaza correspondent has interviewed a displaced palestinian. he describes the humanitarian situation in the ga strip. let's listen to what he has to say. due to many matters that we can detailed in so much points, we can point it in two points. the first point is the nutrition issue. the nutrition issue is how we can say the... violation in gas now is currently suffering and facing food insecurity due to the israel occubation army is for is bombing and destroying lot of bakeries and shops and finally uh targeting the humanitarian aid workers and warehouses which were the food and all goods were inside this is the first point going to the second point is what we a say is the intense displacement situation the end of that matter was when israel occupation
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army forcibly forced people to go south from gaza regions, specifically region, and what preceded that was the forcing people to go from rafa to the middle areas of gaz strip which was a main reason for the people to be physically, mentally and psychologically exhausted. the spread of epidemics and germs, the previous points that were clarified a little while ago is the main reasons. for to see lot of lot of diseases was uh going and growing up recently like the hepatitis and other diseases, this is due to not digging digging uh deep in the cleaning issue whether it was a public or personal uh cleaning issue uh due to the lack and of available resources and also the difficulty of obtaining materials uh in the recent period due to there is really occupation the entry of many
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goods uh to gaza. meanwile, the hamas in resistance movement says his military leader is fine after israel's assassination attempt against him in gaza. tabhas official said that muhammad def continues to directly oversee operations of the resistance fighters. on saturday, israel said it targeted death during air strikes on the almasi refugee camp west of handunes. hamas says israel seeks to to cover up the horrific massacre in the almasi refugee camp, at least 90 people were killed and 300 others injured in israel's air strikes on the camp located in area designated by the regime itself as safe zone. four israeli soldiers have been boonded, one of them critically during a car raving operation near a bus stop in the city of rumley inside of the occupied territories. according to israeli policy attacker believed
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to be a palestinian from the occupied west bank was gun down on the scene. the operation took place near the neerzavi military base north of ramley city. "concurrently with the genocidal onslot in gaza, israeli military has been increasing its incursions into palestinian homes and refugee camps, further esilating detentions. other regime's searches, arrests and raids against palestinians are daily occurrence in the occupied territories. palestinians and many observers regard such anti-israel operations as natural reaction to all the crimes being committed against palestinian people by the tel aviv regime. the lebanese resistance movement has conducted new retaliatory operational operation against israeli forces in the occupied lands. let's cross over to our bayrut correspondent mariam sad. mariam good to see you will please fill us in on the
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latest operations that have taken place. well, first of all, let's uh, just talk a little bit about the israeli aggressions that continue of course all across lebanon and... recently it seems the israeli military and the air force are attempting to try to give pretext to lot of attacks against civilians by saying that they targeted hezballah members whereas this is false uh this uh we know this of course is only mere fabrications from the israeli reports that we're getting uh that they said they targeted for example on the route of khard also in the town of un there were two different vehicles are actually civilian that were targeted by the drones, the first day two civilians were killed, as a result of that attack, the second day the two civilians survived, ittill happened on that same route that was also targeted by the israeli drone, hizballah of course has definitely retaliated for the killing of the civilians and the targeting of
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civilian areas especially since there was a very heavy shelling on the town of blida, in addition to hammam as well, there was a lot of heavy sharing from artillery. fire even drone attacks against that area, has of course retaliated with several operations, especially against a group of soldiers that were seen moving in the surrounding of them post, which is in the shabar farms occupied farms and this the the main operation today which was in retaliation for the killing of two civilians and the targeting of civilian vehicles in the main route which is of course taken civilians a daily basis was attack of squadron of drones, we're talking about maybe tens uh, maybe hundreds, it's not clear, the number of drones that used in this, we know that the israeli war planes failed in stopping or intercepting these drones, the extent they were pursuing the drones in several areas all across the galile, but it
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seemed that those drones made it to their target and uh reach the area of elite, which is the recent recent baracks of the 91st division. the way the reason we're saying reason is that has perhaps targeted every single baracks that the israelies had installed in the past. now we see that the israelis are moving and making make shift barks or creating perhaps installing new posts in the galili region perhaps thinking that hizballah would not be able to detect their presence we know from hizballah's intelligence and footage they released that they do have the surveillance capabilities to be. able to uh update their database to be able to update and know this the the presence and the whereabouts of these barracks and so this squadron of drones which was a suicide drones they targeted the 91st division and hazbullah said they targeted especially the area which is used by officers and soldiers
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and they said that definitely this has left scores of israeli soldiers killed or wounded of course hezballah does not give exact numbers um and the israel have not admitted to the exact numbers, we know from some hospitals from israeli media that they receive for example casualties, we know that there are bureaus in place for soldiers, this is how sometimes we know that there are deaths among the soldiers, but most probably there's a lot of casualties, but the exact number is still unknown, of course this confrontation will continue and we'll definitely see that as long as there is no truth and the war and the genocidal war on gaza continues, hizbullah will not... stop and they will continue the operations unabated. thank you so much for that update, that's president's correspondent mariam saleh out of beirot. meanwhile, many in the world believe that israel should be banned from participating in the paris olympics due to committing genocide in the gaza strip. some
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others argue that the olympics is a sporting event and should not be mixed with politics. in our explainer program we've discussed the importance of banning israel from the olympics and providing instances of other. countries banned from previous games, well when it comes to the olympi major sporting event, there is an understanding that sports should not be intertwined with politics, but over the years there have been instances where this was just not the case in terms of this year's olympics due to the uh beheld in paris france, the controversy lies in israel admitted to participate while it is committing a genocide in the gaza strip. well, before banning beginning on why israel should be banned from the olympics. here are other examples of politics intertwined with the olympics: 1924, paris, the ban of
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germany, following world war ii, continued through, though austria, bulgaria, and turkey and hungary were allowed to compete. 1948, in london, germany and japan were barred for their participation because of the second world war, 1964, tokyo, south africa, was banned by the ioc from taking part due to its oppressive apartied regime. well, the olympics has a committee that can decide who to bar from the games. giving the ioc stance that violators of international peace should not taken global events like the olympics, it begs a question, why is israel not banned, especially since it banned russia for its military operations in ukraine. for example, shouldn't the ioc consider whether it is appropriate for any nation if condemned by the international court of justice for grave
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violations to compete without addressing its international obligations first, well, as it stands, the russian and belurushian athletes are banned from the paris games due to moscow's military operation in ukraine. now this ban means they are allowed to compete only under neutral banner, not their countries. neutral banner means competing without their country's flags, emblems, our country's colors even, the russian anthem is barred, replaced by music commission by the ioc, well russia is even banned from participating in the opening ceremony where each athlete represents its country through its flag. in essence, the olympics wants to send message that it does not recognize neither russia nor belarus as countries, yet it allows a child. killing regime that has murdered over 38,000 palestinians to participate. well, this smacks of double
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standards and hypocrisy. as if all of that isn't bad enough, there's also a ban on the types of sports the russian and belaruscian athletes can compete in. imagine that. there is a complete ban on all team sports like soccer and basketball. other sports with a complete band include track and field and tie. so far 12 athletes with a russian passport and seven with a belarussian passport have qualified for the paris games. what is another shameful admission is that during these nine months of israeli genucido on slot, well the israeli regime has not been sanctioned once, not once by the un over the genocide, thanks to the un vito. now extreme settlers were sanctioned by the eu and us, but not the regime, or it's... military commanders for documenting cases of mass killings, although the call to ban israel
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from the olympics is coming from all corners, it is also directed at other sports. well, this was letter by the eu. it demanded the immediate expulsion of the israeli national team and teams from all european and international competitions until the genocide in gaza ends. this included an israeli band from the uefa and and from fifa as well, well from music and film to visual arts, theater and education, there isn't a call for israel to be banned due to its genocide in gaza. well, many of the bands have occurred, but many are still resisting calls for a ban. however, israel, losing its legitimacy, very similar to that apart tide system in south africa before being toppled. islam, kind of light entered
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i am from madrid, i read that saying prayers five times a day is one of the basis of my heart and taught me that this is the way which i should flow, so i accepted islam and returned to granada to communicate with muslims, finding god and converting to islam was a critical moment. my life. i'll continue with the second half of this world news bulletin, millions of muslims across iran and other countries take part in morning processions on the eve of tasuwa, ninth day of the lunar month of muharram. tasa precedes ashura the day when imam hussain the third shiah imam was murtered. she muslims whole morning ceremonies during the first 10 days of muharram to commemorate
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imam hussain a grandson of islam's prophet muhammad and his 72. companions, they were all murdered brutally in the battle of carbala in southern iraq in 680 ad, after fighting courageously for justice against the larger army of the then umaid khalif yazid, tasua mainly morns imam hussein's brother abbas who made great sacrifices to protect the imam his family. marners were black during this time and host special ceremonies and rituals mostly recite the heart-wrenching events of carbala. moving to other news now this hour, former us president donald trump has been injured after a gunman opened fire during a campaign rally in pennsylvania. you want to really see something to said, take a look what happened. "the secret service sa
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gunman fired multiple shots from an elevated position outside of the rally's venue. trump was speaking to porters in butler, pennsylvania. his team and the secret service confirmed that he was fine, in a special media post following the attack, trump said he was hit by a bullet that pierced the upper part of his right ear. one spectator was killed and at least two others critically injured. the secret service that the shooter was also killed. us law enforcement officials say the incident is being..." investigated as attempted assassination. this evening we had what we're calling assassination attempt against our former president donald trump. it's still an active crime scene. as i mentioned, we have number of agents on scene. we also are working closely with other
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federal agencies, our state partners and our local police partners as well. again, at this time we are not pr the fbi has identified the shooter as 20-year-old thomas matthew crooks, however there is still not any mention of a potential motive or whether anyone else was involved, reacting to the shooting, president joe biden described it as sick and denounced the political violence. biden said he was grateful that trump was safe and doing well, reactions are pouring in following the assassination attempt on trump at an election rally in the state of... slovania, china's president shishanping expressed his compassion and sympathy to trump saying beijing is closely following the situation. moscow said washington had better use the money it's allocated to ukraine to fund american police and other services which are supposed to ensure law and order inside of the country. the european union's foreign policy chief joseph burell condemned the
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attack as another unacceptable act of violence against political representatives. uk prime minister kier starmer said he was appalled by what he called shocking scenes at the rally. italian prime minister jergy of malone also denounce the shooting and expressed solidarity with trump. well, there is a long history of shootings in us politics, including those that targeted presidents and presidential candidates. the following report takes a look at the just some of these attacks. in 1981, republican president ronald reagan was seriously wounded a shooting as he left the hotel in washington. the incident left him hostilpitalized for 12 days. in 1975, republican president, gerald ford was targeted by two separate assassination attempts, both in california and 17 days apart. ford escaped unscated. in 1972, george
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wallace was shot four times as he campaigned for the democratic presidential nomination in laurel maryland. the shooting left... the racial segregation is paralyzed for life. in 1968, robert f. kennedy was shot dead during a campaign for the democratic presidential nomination in los angeles, california. in 1963, democratic president john f kennedy was assassinated while riding his motorcade alongside his wife in dallas, texas. in 1933, democratic president elect, franklin d. roosevelt was targeted by assassination attempt in miami, florida. he escaped. in 1912, republican theodore roosevelt was shot as he campaigned for the white house as a former president, he survived the shooting in milwaukee, wisconsin. in 1901, republican president william mckinley was shot during a public meeting in buffalo, new york, he died from the gunshot wound. in 1865, republican president abraham lincoln was senated by
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confederate sympathizer a theater just days after the end of the us civil war which a confederate lost. you're looking at live. images coming from zanjan inside of iran this evening, of course this is the night of tasa, the eve of tasawa, of course, when the morning ceremonies are starting to reach their peak after 10 days of morning from the beginning of muharram until of course asha, which is the 10th of muharram and will be falling on tuesday this year, your... looking at these live images though coming right now from the city of zanjan as people um have taken to the streets all in black and morning
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of course the what the situation it happened in 688d the grandson of prophet muhammad and his 72 followers of course were brutally murdered in the... of karbala in present day iraq and every year muslims from around the world commemorate these days the month in the month of muharram and even 40 days later which will be in the next islamic month of safar which will be 40 days after the event continue to show their emotion because it's a battle of uh right versus wrong and then we can fast forward it to. today and what is happening in the world, and of course gaza comes to mind for everyone, and we see those who are actually supporting the resistance
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and those who are standing against it, whether in name muslim or otherwise. again, the battle between right and wrong continues symbolically, and this is what you're seeing an outporing of emotion because of that unfair battle that took place 1400 years ago. and of course the unfair battles that we continue to see taking place in the world today and there you're looking at some actually water uh steam, well actually cool water miss uh because of of course it is warm we're in the middle of summer uh and uh people are out on the streets and showing their emotions we'll be bringing you various scenes from various cities uh as we get them in tonight the...
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well, well, i can definitely tell you it's a very, very special uh event to participate in, especially in zanjan, i've been there, it's quite unbelievable, and with that, i appreciate you being with us and of course we're going to be bringing you more scenes from taswa, the night of toswa, and of course tomorrow, and the following day, tasuwan ashhura, you make sure you stay with us right here, press tv as we'll bring it all to you right here.
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crisis devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown. diplomacy, us political violence.
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andreas, ich bin 29 jahre alt, habe in frankfurt, andreas durch mich den islam kennengelernt und ist so bisschen sein eigenen, rund um die uhr gebet, eine unglaublich. das sind gefühle, die egal wie sehr man sie beschreibt, man muss dort gewesen sein, um das zu fühlen.
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