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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm IRST

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headlines of press tv: more than 141 more palestinis are killed and some... others injured in just one day of the israeli channel war on gaza. muslims in iran and around the world host special morning ceremonies on the eve of tasoa. and the fbi reads the home of thomas matthew crooks to try to assistate donald trump in his campaign rally.
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hello and welcome live from tehran to press tv's world news, i'm appreciate you being with us, first story takes us back to gas at this hour where israel presses ahead with his deadly strikes on the strip more than nine months into the genocide in the blockaded territory, at least 17 more palestinians were killed after the regime attacked an undera school in the noositat refugee camp. the school has held hundreds of displaced people. israeli warplanes also pound gaza city and khan unis, leaving over dozen people dead. according to the gaza health ministry, 141 palestinians were killed and some 400 wounded during the past day. meanwhile, on the ground. clashes continue between israeli
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forces and the islamic jihad's military wing, algod brigades whose fighters have killed and wounded several israeli troops in attacks on central and southern gaza. israeli army has confirmed that 10 of its soldiers have been wounded in gaz in a matter of 24 hours. we're crossing back over to the joined byv's moti abusabe. moti, what's the latest that you have, and we hear that the... clash is continuing as we speak, yes, actually 15 palestinian civilians were slain in aburbani school in the center of camp after the israeli faterjits attack that school which was taken shilter by thousands of the space palestinians there, as you know this is the third time for the israel incubation forces to target to target a school and camp uh claiming the lives of dozens of the
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palestinian uh civilians and the palestinian people there, let me say that this crime took place day after the israel incubation forces per betrayed the horrifying massacre in the western part of khan basically almasi area where they killed at least 90 palestinian civilians and injuring roughly 300 others, the israeli air strikes and attacks are still underway and abeted against multiple areas of gaza strip whereas another residental building was targeted and destroyed in the northern part of anosarati f camp while another house also was targeted in a zawaida neighborhoods moments ago uh after the israels targeted and destroyed the house um dozens of the palestinian casualties were left behind that attack in the meantime in the same area neighborhood a group of the palestinian people was targeted by the israeli fighter jones a palestinian civilian was reportedly killed as a result of the attack meanwhile when it comes to khan unis know the israeli war planes renew their their
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strikes against bani sani suhaila area which is located in the eastern part of kanuni city. horizontal building was targeted and destroyed in that in that area. meanwhile when it comes to rfa c5 palestinian civilians were reportedly killed after the israeli fighter jones attacked group of the palestinian people in the central area of meanwhile the israeli artillery shilling was uh maintained against the central and western parts of r. there is intensifying. and rumping up their attacks against all areas of gaz strip, claiming more lives of the palestinian people and inflicting more destruction in all areas of the strip. on the other hand, as you have just mentioned that the palestinian resistance continued to engage in more clashes with the israeli occubation forces, those clashes are still underway crually between the palestinian resistance and the israel incubation forces in all battlefields that are subjected to uh continuous attacks of the israel licubation forces, we are talking about - hitting more
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israeli tanks, we are talking about more of ambushes carried out and executed by the palestinian resistance, in addition to that uh we are talking about also targeting the israel incubation forces mobilized in different. parts of gaza strip by the mortal projectiles, so the constitution is still tense in all areas of gaz strip. needless to mission that the palestinian people are still blaged with the catastrophic humanitarian conditions as the israel incubation forces are still using the salvation and the catastrophic humanitarian conditions as a method of war in order to b more presure on the palestinian people wherever they are in all areas of guys strip. thank you so much for that update, moti abu mus correspon. has conducted new operations against the israeli posions in the occupied territories, the operations were in retaliation for the israeli regime's atrocities and civilians in southern lebanon and the general side of war and the palestinians in the besieg gaza
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strip. our correspondent mariam has more of course has definitely retaliated for the killing of the civilians and targeting off civilian areas especially since there was a very heavy shelling on the town of leader in addition to hamam as well there was a lot of heavy from artillery even drone attacks against that has of course alliated with several operations especially against a group of soldiers that were seen moving in the surrounding of them which is in the shabba farms occupied farms and the main operation today, which was in retaliation for the killing of two civilians and targeting of civilian vehicles in the main route, which is of course taken by civilians a daily basis, was a attack of squadron of drones, we're talking about maybe tens, maybe hundreds,
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it's not clear, the number of drones that using this, we know that the israeli war planes failed in stopping or intercepting these drones, the extent they were pursuing the drones in several areas all across the guilly, but it seemed those drones made it to their target and uh reach the area of elite, which is the recent recent barrocks of the 91st division, definitely this has scores of israeli soldiers killed or wounded, of course hasbullah does not give exact numbers, um and the israelis have not admitted to the exact numbers. how many in the world believe that israel should be banned from participating in the paris olympic due to committing genocide in the gaza strip? others argue... that the olympics is a sporting event and should not be mixed with politics. in our explainer program, we have discussed the importance of banning israel from the olympics and provided instance of other countries band from previous games. well, when it comes to the
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olympics, major sporting event, there is an understanding that sports should not be intertwined with politics, but over the years, there have been instances where this was just not the case in terms of this year's olympics due to the uh beheld in paris, france, the controversy lies in israel admitted to participate while it is committing a genocide in the gaza strip. well, before banning beginning on why israel should be banned from the olympics, here are other examples of politics intertwined with the olympics: 1924. paris, the ban of germany following world war ii continued through though austria, bulgaria and turkey and hungary were allowed to compete. 1948 in london, germany and japan were b for their participation for the second world war, 1964,
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tokyo, south africa was banned by the ioc from taking part due to its oppressive apartied regime. well, the olympics has a committee that can decide who to bar from. the games, given the ioc stance that violators of international peace should not partake in global events like the olympics, it begs the question, why is israel not banned, especially since it banned russia for its military operations in ukraine. for example, shouldn't the ioc consider whether it is appropriate for any nation if condemned by the international court justice for grave violations to compete without addressing its international obligations first, well, as it stands, the russian and belaruscian athletes are banned from the paris games due to moscow's military operation in ukraine. now this b means they are allowed to compete only under neutral banner, not their countries.
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neutral banner means competing without their country's flags, emblems, or countries holes, even the russian anthem is barred replaced by music commission by the ( ioc well, russia is even banned from participating in the opening ceremony where each athlete represents its country through its flag. in essence, the olympics wants to set a mess. that it does not recognize neither russia nor belarus as countries, yet it allows a child killing regime that has murdered over 38,000 palestinians to participate. well, this smacks of double standards and hypocrisy. as if all of that isn't bad enough, there's also band on the types of sports the russian and belaruscian athletes can compete in. imagine that there is a complete ben on all team sports like. and basketball, other sports with a complete band include track and field and taekwondo. so far, 12 athletes with the
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russian passport and seven with the belarussian passport have qualified for the paris games. what is another shameful admission is that during these nine months of israeli genucido onslot, the israeli regime has not been sanctioned once, not once, but the un over the genocide. thanks to the un veto. now extreme settler. were sanctioned by the eu and use, but not the regime or its military commanders for documenting cases of mass killings. although the call to ban israel from the olympics is coming from all corners, it is also directed at other sports. well, this letter by the eu, it demanded the immediate expulsion of the israeli national team and teams from all european and international competitions until the genocide in gaza ends. the included an israeli band from the uefa and from fifa as well, well
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from music and film to visual, arts, theater and education, there isn't a call for israel to be banned due to his genocide in gaza, but many of the bands have occurred, but many are still resisting calls for a ban. however, israel, losing its legitimacy is very similar to that of the apartide system in south africa before being toppled. we'll continue with other news this hour, millions of muslims across iran and other countries take part in morning processions on the eve of thawa, the ninth day of the lunar month of muharram. tasawa precedes ashhura, the day when imam husain the third year imam was murdered.
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during the first 10 days of muharram to commemorate imam hussein, grandson of islam's prophet muhammad and his 72 companions. they were all murdered brutally in the battle of carbala in southern iraq in 680 ad, after fighting courageously, forgesses against the much larger army of the den omad kaliff yazid, how so... many morns imam brother abbas who made great sacrifices to protect the imam and his family, morns were black during this time and host special ceremonies and rituals, mostly reciting about the heart-wrenching events karbala, and you're looking at these live images, from the center of it all, that's carbala, iraq, of course, that is the place where it all took place,
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many many years ago, and of course throughout the muslim world, people are morning this day, of course the night of tasuwa or the eve of tasuwa, there you looking at the shrine of imam hussein in cabala, iraq, warners have gathered, and of course they come from يا من وجهك شمس تضحي بالنفس هي من وجهك شمس تضحي بالنفس وتظل شمعه عرس وتظل شمعه عرس يا من وجهك شمس وتضحي بالنفس وتظل شمعه عريس تظل شمعه عريس للايام.
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in the first part of today's show we'll be taking a look at the us presidential race and what he might mean in terms of the united states future policy towards palestine and israel in the second part we ava the outcome the british general election and whether it's likely to affect the uk's relationship with entity. most presidential candidates wouldn't even be able to point to palestine a map. they have no idea of: the nuances uh involved the history of the conflict, we didn't ever think that we could get a break through like that in the first part of the p system because it's it's designed to avoid that, but we got five uh seats, continue with other
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news this hour, the federal bureau of investigation has raided the home of the suspect in the assassination attempt on donald trump. near the us city of pittsburg. the shooter has been identified as 20-year-old thomas matthew crooks. bomb making materials have been found in his car and home. krix reportedly used semi-automatic rifle to carry out the attack. trump was speaking to supporters in butler, pennsylvania on saturday when he was shot. in social media post following the attack, trump said he was hit by a bullet that pierced the upper part of his right ear. one spectator was killed and at least two others critically in. the shooter was also killed on the scene. investigations are underway to find out motive and to determine whether the shooter had accomplices. the fbi is investigating the incident as an attempt assassination. there's a long history of shootings in us politics, including those that targeted presidents and
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presidential candidates. the following report takes a look at some of these attacks. in 1981, republican president ronald reagan was seriously wounded in a shooting, as he left the hotel in washington, incident left hm hospitalized for 12 days. in 1975, republican president, gerald ford was targeted by two separate assassination attempts both in california and 17 days apart, ford escaped on scaled. in 1972, george wallace was shot four times as he campaigned for the democratic presidential nomination in laurel maryland. the shooting left the racial segregation is paralyzed for life. in 1968, robert f. kennedy was shot dead during campaign for the democratic presidential nomination in los angeles, california. in 1963, democratic president john f kennedy was assassinated while riding his motorcade alongside his wife in dallas, texas. in 1933, democratic
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president elect franklin d. roosevelt was targeted by assassination attempt in miami, florida. he escaped. and scave. in 1912, republican theodore roosevelt was shot as he campaigned for the white house as a former president. he survived the shooting in milwaukee, wisconsin. in 1901, republican president william mckinley was shot during a public meeting in buffalo, new york, he died from the gunshot wound. in 1865, republican president abraham lincoln was assassinated by confederate sympathizer at the theater just days after the end of the us civil war, which the confederate lost. well today marks the anniversary of the signing of the ill-f joint comprehensive plan of action jcpoa between iran and the p5 plus one, the five permanent members of the un security council plus germany. under the 2015 deal, iran placed restrictions its peaceful nuclear program in exchange for the removal of western and un sanctions. the agreement was enshrined in a
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un security council resolution. however, the us genelaterally abandoned the agreement in 2018. and reimpose sanctions on iran, leaving the jcpo tatters. however, iran waited for another year and then began to gradually roll back its commitments after the european signatories to the deal failed to compensate for the us withdrawal. since then, efforts to revive the jcpoa have proven unsuccessful, leaving it in limbo. well, in its latest report, the world bank has predicted a 3.2% growth for iran's economy. in 2024, the financial body also predicted a 5% decrease in the country's inflation rate. the report was published under the title of continue economic growth in iran amit political tensions in the region. it shows improvement in iran's main economic indicators, especially economic growth, inflation, unemployment, poverty, and income distribution in the past three years. the
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world bank has also predicted that iran's oil production will increase by 200 thousand barrels. compared to the previous year. well, as billions continue to flow into ukraine, questions about transparency, the arms industry's profits and the west's overall strategy are being called into question. hungarian prime minister victor orban's recent peace initiative continues to draw criticism from his western allies. jom huws reports from brussels. as millions of eu citizens face financial hardships, the block's leaders have confirmed that nearly 40 billion euro has been allocated to the ukrainian military since 2022. this funding is in addition to the substantial resources dedicated. to supporting the ukrainian government and aiding refugees, notably 23 of nato's 32 members are eu countries, and the alliance is providing iven more financial
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assistance to kiev, with a minimum baseline of 40 billion euros within the next year, and to sustain our support for ukraine to prevail. just two weeks ago, hungary assumed the rotating presidency of eu. the country's prime minister victor orban has an angered his eu and nato colleagues. by launching a peace initiative that has involved face-to face meetings with all the key figures, including vladimir putin. suddenly, the significance of the rotating presidency is being downplayed. the rotating presidency doesn't represent uh the eu at the external level, this a clear a clear position. experts suggest that peace talks to solve the war in ukraine are inevitable, and that has been the case from the very beginning. it takes the question as to why western powers have been ignoring this. reality, the enormous profits being generated for the arms industry are frequently highlighted by anti-war campaigners, analysts suggest that eu citizens are growing increasingly weary of
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their leaders. this is something which is noticed by the man in the street because they see ukraine, gaza, coronavirus situation, what is europe doing for me? and this is the signal which came out national elections, but also here in the elections for european. a month ago, given ukraine's historic link to widespread corruption, many citizens are questioning where the billions being sent to the country ultimately end up, this is a concern that prime minister orban has also raised. jerome hughes press tv, brussels and with jerome's report brings us to the end of this world news bulletin right here, press tv, thank you all so much for seeing with us.
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carmen de bolívar llegó a ser eh del año 50 año 80 una región productora de dólares donde se producía tabaco, se producía café, se producía cacao, se produce aguacate y ganadería en grand extensión y en pequeña extensión porque acá la zona es mi fundista. montes de maria was not limited to the agriculture sector, the armed conflict resulted in displacements, massacres and abandonment of arms.
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shiia muslims in kashmir srinagar have been morning for imam hussein. they have passed down their unique ceremonies from generation to generation and are resolute to get the message of across the generations to come, watch their ceremonies and traditions in dol, the grieving lake.
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the voice of the voice.
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