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tv   [untitled]    July 14, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am IRST

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at your headlines on press tv, more than 100 and 41 palestinians in just one day of the israeli genocide war on gaza. muslims in irvana. the world hold special morning ceremonies on the eve of, and the fbi raised the home of thomas matthew crooks who tried to assassinate donald trump in his campaign rally.
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hello everyone watching press tv live from the studios in tehran, thank you for joining us. israel presses ahead with this deadly strikes on the strip more than nine months into the genocide in the blockaded territory, at least 17 palestinians were killed after the regime attacked and onbar school in the noseirat refugee camp. the school has housed hundreds of displaced people. israelplanes also pounded gaza city and khan unis leaving over dozen people that. according to the gaza health ministry, 141 palestinians were killed and some 400 wounded in the past day. meanwhile, on the ground, clashes continue between israeli forces and the islamic jihaz's military wing, the aqus brigades, whose fighters have killed and wounded several israeli troops in attacks on central and gaza. the israeli army has confirmed 10 of its soldiers have been wounded in gaza in a matter of 24 hours. so what needs to happen? so this senseless genocide in gaza
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will stop, we put this question to the guests in our news review program, let's see what they have to say, i'm going to talk to a couple of our guests, friend, talk about the situation, the ongoing tragedy that is taking place in gaza, i'd like to welcome james string out of london and eric walber. out of toronto, thank you both for being with me, well i'd like to um see what's your thoughts, i mean when we look at the situation that it just seems like it's just getting worse and worse each day, james, what has to be done, what has to be done to stop that, i mean every day we see either uh civilians being burnt alive intens um kids being cut to pieces, schools being hit, hospitals being destroyed, what else has to happen before this stock? yes, we've got to get the united
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nations to issue a a revolution uh that a peacekeeping force must be installed in palestine so that any kind of attempt at attacking civilians can be immediately intercepted by proper peacekeeping hardware, ie military planes. or possibly even military on the ground, it sounds obvious, but it also we know it's very difficult because the israelis have got a very strong grip on all the or most of the members of the security council, especially america, but this is a good opportunity because they've attacked a un school again, killing 17 people inside were only sheltering from their vicious. tax
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on on and because we got a president in america who is slightly, in other words, is not particularly, we might be able to get some kind of change in the tendency for america not to support the israels in their genocidal campaign, that's my initial suggestion, i know it's hopeless in a way, but i i have lot of faith in china. "the only country left now, which is brave enough, apart from iran, but well, well armed enough uh to put that sort of force into palestine. of eric, your thoughts, um, that you heard what james said, i mean, do you see the united nations playing role because we're more than nine months now into this genocide, we have seen various declaration." various
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activities, various meetings and and condemning this verbally, but we haven't seen any action, we know that the united nations could, for example, implement no fly zone, they could sanction the israeli regime, but we haven't seen anything like that, so so your thoughts on that? well, i agree with james that his proposal is inadequate, the un is really not able to do very much, but and israel is notorious for killing un peacekeeping forces, ask ask lebanon and i don't, egypt as well where where they just... boldly kill any anyone that they want and they're boldly killing all the palestinians and we really uh we just have to keep going for public opinion and we have to somehow turn our own complicit governments into boycotting israel, that's the only way
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forward is to have a mass boycott of arms, not only, it's wonderful that the bds boycott diverse sanctions momitted. has really taken off and uh uh is is affecting israeli commerce, but the guns still go, so really you got to indic the president of the united states, that's what the criminal court should be doing, uh, they were bold enough to indikeahu, it's time to indicate biden, and and if he brings down the un, well, russia and china and the bricks are creating a new united nations, and that's what we have to do, we need the united nations, but we don't need the west. detal there, it's been so disruptive that it it it uh paralyzes nations completely. all right, on that note, i think you for being with me, james string, peace activist out of london, eric walberg, author, journalist out of toronto, and thank you
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viewers for being with us on another news review. welcome back, nine months have passed since israel's brutal invasion began on gaza, the regime's army continues to relentlessly bomb buildings, shelters and schools. the people of gaza witnessed the killing of women, children and the elderly every day in israeli bombings. our god correspondent moti abu musab has visited a targeted school to capture their pain and suffering close. "we are now in abubani school in a nosarati fuji camp documenting this horrifying massacre that was committed moments o after the israel war and destroyed bars of this school, as you can see here, this is the constitution in this school, we have massive destruction
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andfolding right now after the israeli fighters attacked this school by multiple missiles, as as you can see right now, it's forth mentioning that this school is taken shelter by thousands of the palesty." evacues and the displaced palestinians, mostly women and children, it is completely overcrowded with those displaced palestinians, this attack actually has left dozens of the palestinian casualties from the women and the children, they were as you know transported, we were sitting over here, we performed our prayer, suddenly the first missile targeted the stairs while the second one targeted room, we ran away and third missile targeted another part, the shrubnel and the rubble reached and covered the people, we don't know where to go, they told us to go to the south and here we are, we are bombed, this is a third school to be targeted by the israeli ocubation forces in anosarati fiji camp,
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leaving douzens of the palestinian casualties, the palestinian martters and the palestian injuries, what happened is that we were singing in the school. suddenly multiple airstrikes shock the entire school. tens of palestinian children were covered with rubble and stones. many of them were cut into pieces. here are the fragments of the israeli missile that kill the people. this messaca is a continuation of the ongoing massacres. the israeli incubation forces are still committing against the palestinian people elsewhere. this massacre has just been committed. as you know day after the israeli incubation forces targeted that placement center in the almase area in the western bard of khanuni city killing at least nine palestinan civilians and injuring roughly 300 others so the israel incubation forces are still insisting on targeting the palestinian evacues and the displaced palestinians basically the schools taken shelter by those
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palestinian civilians in all areas of gaza strip basically in anosarati fuji camp it is another crime added to the ongoing and the continuous israeli crimes being committed. and center day and night against the palestinian people, the central area of gaza strip the lebanese resistance movement new opera against israeli positions in the occupied territories, the operations were in retaliation for the israeli regime's atrocities against civilians in southern lebanon and the genocidal war on the palestinians in the beseged gaza strip. our lebanon correspondent mariam sal as more. of course has definitely retaliated for the killing of the civilians and the targeting out civilian areas especially since there was a very heavy shell on the town of bleda. admission to hamam as well, there was a lot of heavy shelling whether from artillery fire
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even drone attacks against that air has of course retaliated with several operations, especially against a group of soldiers that were seen moving in the surrounding post which is in the shabar farms, lebanese occupied farms and this the main operation today which was in retaliation for the killing of two civilians and the targeting vehicles. in the main route, which is of course taken by civilians a daily basis, was attack of squadron of drones, we're talking about maybe tens, maybe hundreds, it's not clear, the number of tr used in this, we know that the israeli war planes failed in stopping or intercepting these drones, the extent they were pursuing the drones in several areas all across the galile, but it seemed that those drones made it to their target and reach the area of elite, which is the recent recent baracks of the 91st division, definitely this has left scores of israeli soldiers killed or w does not give
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exact numbers and the israelis have not admitted to the exact numbers. okay, بود تو اتوبوس آتش گرفتم تمام بدنم سوخت من از شهرزا اومدم دنبال پسرم که سرباز بوده الان 34 سال یعنی خدا از باسه بانی شما می گذاره زنده بودم ولی زندگی نمیکردم من می خوام تا پدر مادر زنده هستن خودمون زنده هستیم برادرمونو ببینیم نه پادر پدرمو دیدم نه خواهرامو دیدم چندین ساله می گذره ولی ما به هیچ کم خواسته هامون نرسدیم.
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a grandson of islam's prophet muhammad and his 72 companions. they were all maried
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brutally in the battle of karbala in southern iraq in 680 ad after fighting courageously for justice against the much larger army of the umay khalif yazid. it also are mainly morns imam hussein's brother abbas who made great sacrifices to protect the imam and his family. mourners were black black clouds during this time and hold special ceremonies and rituals mostly. reciting the heart ranching events of cabala. the federal bureau of investigation has raided the home of the suspect in the assassination attempt on donald trump near the us city of pittsburgh. the shooter has been identified as 20-year-old thomas matthew crooks. bomb making materials have been found in his car and hold. crooks reportedly used a semi-automatic rifle to carry out the attack. trump was speaking to supporters in but pennsylvania on saturday when he was shot. in social media post following the attack, trump
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said he was hit by bullet that pears the upper part of his right ear. one spectator were killed and at least two were critically injured. the shooter was also killed at the scene. investigations are on the way to find the motive and determine whether the shooter had accomplices. the fbi is investigating the incident as an attempted assassination. academic and commentator, paul foot has shared with us his insight regarding the life attempt on donald trump. number one, i saw... being interviewed yesterday, one of the persons who attended the rally said he had gone to a policeman and pointed to the two buildings and said there a man up there walking around, this the secret service didn't even have anyone on those buildings, mean this typical lack secret service, the same secret service that refused that the bomber administration has refused to give any
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protection for robert kennedy jr. had an uncle and father, assassinated, and so number one, i blame it on uh uh politics of uh poor secret service uh protection, it should be very obvious to have people on those buildings there, it was obviously assassination, uh cnn, probably the most dishonest media in america originally uh posted an article saying that trump had fallen and had be caught by the secret service, they were were trying to... work, biden isn't the only person to falls, even trump falls, the most the anniversary of the signing of the ill fate joint comprehensive plan of action between iran and the p5 plus one, the five permanent members of the un security council plus germany. under the 2015 deal, iran place restrictions on his peaceful nuclear program exchange for the removal of
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western and un sanctions. the agreement was enstrined in the un security council resolution, however, the us unilaterally abandoned the agreements in the 20 in 2018 and reimpose sanctions on iran leaving the jcpo tatas. iran waited for year and then began to gradually roll back his commitments after the european signatories to the deal failed to compensate for the us withdrawal. since then effits to revive the jcpoa have proven unsuccessful leaving it in limbo. robert fantina, author and journalist joined us earlier. from ontario, canada with his take on the nuclear agreement between iran and 5+1 known as jcpoa, and how it was violated by the us. it was year, full year that after the us and the european touries violated the jcpa that iran kept in commitments, it was under no obligation to do so as soon as it was violated, but the
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government of iran hoping that cooler heads would prevail and that someone would reasonably see that "this violation was detrimental for everybody, the iranian government waited for a full year and then it began to to roll back its commitment, which is completely more than reasonable for it to have done, so but to get your initial question, the the west and especially the united states cannot be relied to maintain its commitments, the uh other signatories would have maintained the jcpa, except they were threatened with sanctions by the united states that they did, so the united states would use its uh economic power and..." military power to get its way in the world, regardless of how how how uh detrimental that might be to anyone else in the world. many in the world believe that israel should be banned from participating in the paris olympics due to committing genocide in the gas rip, some of this argue that the olympics is a sporting event and should not be mixed
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with politics. in our explaining the program we have discussed importance of banning israel from the olympics and provided instances of other countries banned from the previous games. when it comes to the olympics, major sporting event, there is an understanding that sports should not be interwine with politics, but over the years there have been instances where this was just not the case in terms of this year's olympics due to the uh beheld in paris france. "the controversy lies in israel admitted to participate while it is committing a genocide in the gaza strip. well, before banning beginning on why israel should be banned from the olympics, here are other examples of politics intertwined with the olympics. 1924, paris, the ban of germany, following world
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war ii continued through, though austria, bulgaria, and turkey and hungary were allowed to come..." 1948 in london, germany and japan were barred for their participation because the second world war. 1964, tokyo, south africa was banned by the ioc from taking part due to its oppressive apartide regime. well, the olympics has a committee that can decide who to bar from the games, given the ioc stance that violators of international peace should not pertake in global events like the olympic. it b the question, why is israel not banned, especially since it banned russia for its military operations in ukraine, for example, shouldn't the ioc consider? whether it is appropriate for any nation if condemned by the international court of justice for grave violations to compete without addressing its international obligations
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first, well as it stands, the russian and belarussian athletes are banned from the paris games due to moscow's military operation in ukraine. now this ban means they are allowed to compete only under neutral banner, not their countries. a neutral banner means compete. without their country's flags, emblems, our country's colors even, the russian anthem is barred, replaced by music commission by the ioc, well russia is even banned from participating in the opening ceremony where each athlete represents its country through its flag. in essence, the olympics wants to sent a mess that it does not recognize neither russia nor belarus as countries, yet it allows a child killing. reg that has murdered over 38,000 palestinians to participate. this smacks of double standard and hypocrisy. as if all of that isn't bad
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enough, there's also a ban on the types of sports, the russian and belarucian athletes can compete and imagine that. there is a complete ban on all team sports like soccer and basketball. other sports with a complete band include tracle and taekwondo so... so far, 12 athletes with russian passport and seven with a belarussian passport have qualified for the paris games. what is another shameful admission is that during these nine months of israel general sido onslot, well the israeli regime has been sananctioned once, not once by the un or the genocide, thanks to the un veto. now extreme settlers were sanctioned by the eu and us, but not the regime or its military commanders for documenting. cases of mass killings, all the calltaban israel from the olympics is coming from all corners, it is also directed at other sports. this was letter by the eu,
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it demanded the immediate expulsion of the israeli national team and teams from all european and international competitions until the genocide in gaza ends. this included and it's really banned from the uefa and fifa as well. well, from music and film to visual arts, theater and education, there isn't a call for israel to be banned due to its genocide in gaza. well, many of the bands have occurred, but many are still resisting calls for a ban. however, israel, losing its legitimacy is very similar to that of the apartide system in south africa before being toppled. and with that we come to the end of this bulletin. thank you for. with us, take care and bye-bye.
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during world war ii, the us came up with a sinister plan to gain the upper hand in the war, but the destruction left by it. was beyond imagination. the robert oppenheimer was a man who fulfilled the us dream of making an atomic bomb. the initial idea was a limited control test, but they ended up leading a japan's hiroshima and nagasaki in ruins. spector still haunts the world.
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really impressive how still today give to people the the sense the idea of freedom, imam hussein's message of defiance against oppression and dictatorship. is relevant for all times and applicable for a broad audience for generations to come. every news channel claims that it covers the latest breaking news as we do, so... that
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alone is not what sets press tv apart. what mainstream news outlets conveniently leave out with breaking news from around the world. we are here to bring to you. we fill in the blank. we are the other side of the story, the less represented side of the story. we are tellers of inconvenient truth. while they continue to silence, our website, our live broadcast, our social media platforms are persistent, always perseveres and it makes you wonder what it were saying that they don't want you to hear, we are the shadow, we are the censored, we are the voice of the voiceless, we are press tv.
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