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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  July 16, 2024 10:02pm-10:30pm IRST

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and some people when they consider that it's their duty and they're mistaken here, when they consider it's their duty to respond to these people, to comment on what they're saying, they get more interaction on their pages and they become more bold, they think they're indeed having an impact and they listen to on many of these false accounts and there are real accounts, many of whom, many of these people are silly people, yes those who did have an impact? on society, they are well known, from amongst our rivals, there are people who do have influence among their supporters, amongst their people, when they speak, when they hold interviews, responding to these people or clarifying what they say, what they cause, this might help sometimes, of it might not help, other times, i'm not speaking here generally, maybe sometimes it could be good to, sometimes it might not be good to respond, it depends, however other people who other than those who are
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influential, those who have no influence, who have no value, those who aren't listen to, and most of the time these people are maries who receive money and dollars in exchange for what they write, because these people are part of the electronic armies which strive to create sedition and tear apart the people and sabotage the situation and take advantage of any incident which could take place here or there, reason once again to front of this given honorable large gathering i call on the brothers and sisters to pay attention to this point, there are people who have become famous because of us, they now have a consideration, their website, the entring to the website is because of us, they now they're important because of us, because of what, because of this mistake, we want to clarify, here ignoring is the correct policy, ignoring, turn you back. leave it, so what do
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they write? sayid, we have lot, we have lot of words to write, we have lot to say, because we are present on all the fronts, in all the squares, in all issues, we are playing role in all the missions, let our media presence even on social media, let it be one of action, not reaction, let your media presence be one of action, just like the resistance is in a position of action and the access of resistance is now in a position of actions imposing equations, rules, etc. of course, on the occasion before i speak about the two topics of tonight, i would underscore the importance of making sure of the news and the rumors and what is written and what is spoken or said, whether it be a different media outlets, tv, radio, newspapers and on social media because lot of what is written are live. fabrications and people because
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sometimes they simple-minded they take it and they build upon it, we must make sure this is nothing new, it's been like that history, fabrication, changing the facts, for example, after what happened on the 10th of karbala, 10th of muharram in karbala, and what happened to the women in kufa, they weren't able to hide the truth, they were the ones who fought in karbala, but after kufa, on the way to ashyam. when they went from village to village and from city to city, yazid's army did not dare say to the people that these, the family are the daughters of the messenger of god may peace be upon him, or to say that these heads, which are on the spears, are the heads of the children and the grandchild of the messenger of god may peace be upon him, and they didn't respond, and they used to lie
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just like the lies in the media, but back then they were satel media out the social media, now there is, what did they used to say to them? you remember back in those days there were battles that were taking place, not all turks had impressed islam, the dalma also hadn't embraced islam, so in those battles prisoners were taken from the turks and the dam, it was said to the people, these heads and these women and these children, they are prisoners and and they belong to the the turks and the daylam and these are for the turks from the dalam and they are the daughters and sons of who muhammad the son of peace be upon him ruled in his name fabrication was that much so when the truth was discovered there were challenges and dangers. including for example, according to
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of what history said by and also in damascus itself and in the for this reason. before lying was simple, now they're very good at lying and fabricating and creating events, so we me we need to make sure on this final night, i would like to talk about two topics, the first which is also related to storm and the second picks up from the speech yesterday, which takes us to the conclusion for tonight. the first topic, today battle storm is one of the longest and the largest scale battles as the enemy itself admits, one
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the largest confronted by the ziners project in the region, the importance of this battle is that it is a battle of people and resistance movements, it's not a battle of conventional armies. belonging to the resistance front, we, brothers and sisters, what i want to say is related to the culture, it's not political, it's cultural, and it also touches on the political, we are fighting in a battle whereby the horizon is clear, according to the material, military, economic, political, popular, social factors, the horizon is clear, i'll also go back to this in due course, but what i want to add tonight is that even if we want to look at the godly promise, the horizon is clear, we have a purpose in the quran about the end of the entity, this was said on the apodians,
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sometimes there would be a general expression, i want to now explain how today, maybe in this battle in light of such a challenge and such a... difficult confrontation, we need to clarify this point more than any time before in the verses at the beginning of god almighty says in his glorious book, and we said to many israel, in the book, you will create chaos twice in the world, and you will reach a high status and if the promise comes, we will send you our worshipers. so that promise was fulfilled, then once again, and we gave you children and money, if you behave well, it's for your own
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sake, he's still addressing bani israel, the israelis, if not, it's against yourself, if the promise of the last day comes, they will enter the mosque just like they did the first time, maybe god will have mercy on your souls, if you return, we shall return, and we made hell the place for infidels, of course these honorable verses, those who explain, they have touched upon them, what is interesting, i don't want to go into the explanation. i want to look at the result, what's interesting is that before 1948, meaning the establishment of the temporary zionist entity, all of those who explain these verses, they agree on some explanations, and there is near consensus
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when it comes to a certain explanation, but after the establishment of the israeli entity, there were new explanations for these verses, let's talk about for the establishment of the entity, "i want to be cautious and a consensus, because i might, there might be someone, some book i had read, although he may peace be upon his soul, he also says that they agree or there's a near consensus, that these two incidents, meaning the first and the
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punishment to the first act of corruption from men israel, and the second and the punishment, the second is that they took place in history." and before the revelation the quran and the prophethood of a prophet may peace be upon him and it says when we told them the book to baning in the book, so this happened in the past, both incidents took place in the past, so there is near consensus in this regard, however when they apply the two incidents in history, they differ, because history of... there is lot of corruption and lot of catastrophes, four,
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five, six, seven large scale events that took place, however, the clerics, most of them, they focus on on the two most important incidents in the history of bani israel, and these two incidents were larscale, huge incidence, so much so that it almost led to the elimination of... israel, so most people think that these two incidents are those referred to. by the way, when we go back to the jews and the jewish books and the jewish religious figures, if we also go back to israelis now present in israel, and this is something which is spoken of not just by the religious, meaning them and else, no, even the seculars talk about this, liberman, for example, speaks about, the other secular speak about it, gants talks about it, which
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is the destruction of the third skeleton, if you recall before alxa storm, there was a lot said in the entity about the eth decade, the problem of the eight decade, what does this mean, israel, which has been ongoing for 75 years, will it continue to live until 80 years or will it cease to exist before it become? 80 years old, what's the reason behind this? this is isn't only linked to politics, it's linked to the religious and cultural heritage of the jews themselves and which is accepted by the jewish religious people and the jewish seculars. proof of this is what is spoken about the current destruction. now when we take a look at what the jewish religious figures say in what the books. if we want if we look at most of the
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clerics, they actually focus on the most important, two most important large scale incidents, the first wassardani who came and occupied palestine ener thes and killed and destroyed and burnt and punished. and also avenged took revenge, this incident took place according to most historians, in year 450 before christ, before the birth of christ, may peace be upon him, the second incident, the in babylon, the men, women and children who remained alive, they took them to babylon, then the situation changed. came
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and he controlled all of these countries and he had mercy on them and he returned them to palestine. after hundreds of years, before christ, 100 years for christ, they also had a state, and they were also in palestine and they established a state and they reacked, they were very arrogant, so the historians and... criric say that the second incident was what the romans did, and the commander of that battle, according to the arab books, now look in the names, it's clear because they're translating them from greek, some people speak about tetus in, some say tetos in, some say tortus, now titus or tartus, it's the same person, but these are arab translations for the foreign name. and also before the birth of christ, 100 years before, they did
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all this to them, and after that incident, he dispersed them, they were dispersed throughout the world, they dispersed of the israeli, some went to iraq, some to iran, some reached the khazar, some were lost in kurdistan, iraq, some people came to the arabian peninsula, some of them, and by the way brother. and sisters, there was not in jerusalem, at least and maybe in all of palestine, during that time there were no jews to... start with and when the second khalifa came and he made reconciliation with the senior religious christian clerics, the religious christian clerics, they are the ones who requested from the second khalifa to be part of the agreement that jews don't return to, so this was meaning this was a christian condition, so they were spread
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about, most clerics say these are two incidents, now after the establishment and what happened to them at the hands of the messenger of god may peace be upon him and his family this all came to an end when this state was established people started to say no this is different so there were other explanation some people say that these two incidents never took place and now two incidents will take place and this israel is the first one and the muslims and the liberators will enter it and then the second time and according to them it's a very long story and some people even said that the first incident take took place in history and israel now it's the second case of incident i
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don't wonder now enter into this discussion i mentioned that just to calm the situation because i want to look at the result, the results, brothers and sisters, whatever explanation we lean towards, whatever explanation we lean towards, and in the end there is an argument, every explanation has its proof, and there are comments, there might be a weakness in that explanation or this explanation, if some people want over all these years of reading, what i conclude, i lean toward was the clerics agreed to before the establishment of this entity, and i think that the two incidents. took place before the revelation of the quran, i link towards that opinion, although there are gaps in this explanation, this opinion when you look scientifically, when you do scientific research, you stop on some issues, but amongst all the explanations i lean towards that one, whatever be the explanation which we resort to, the proof, the evidence doesn't
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lie here, some might ask, why did i give all this explanation to reach the proof? "if you return, we return, if you return, we return. all of the clerics, all of those who explain the consensus before the establishment of the entity and after the establishment of the entity, the old, the new, the consensus amongst although to explain, there's other explanation, if you go back to ring havoc, we'll go back to punishment, if you go back to reaking havoc, will go back to punishment, there is other explanation the..." verse is very clear, what is taking place, what has been taking place in our region since 1948, this is corruption, it is great corruption, this against all peoples of the region, against all governments of the region, against all armies of the region, ever since
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1948 israel and the enemies entity with support from the... and america has been humiliating hundreds of millions of arabs, more than one billion muslims, now they're two billion, and they're committing a daily basis in these latest events, is there any great corruption? is there any greater corruption? is there any greater arrogance? they're defying the whole world and international community and the international will and the international course, and they don't care for anyone. don't give consideration to anyone, that's arrogance, you will be very arrogant. what does it mean to be corrupt? this is one of the greatest forms of corruption, and it might be said that the current corruption over 75 years can't be compared to any previous form of corruption, except for the killing of prophets, because the killing of prophets was something horrific by many israel, so as long
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as this has repeated itself, if the two incidents have. can place as long as this has been repeated and this actually adds to the miracles of the quran, so the promise of god is coming, the promise of punishment, this corruption and this arrogance cannot continue, yes it's a matter of time, there is very important comment regarding the verses i read, the first and second punishments, brothers and sisters differed from the punishments the previous nations and groups, meaning for example the people of lot or the people of saleh and the other peoples, the peoples of noah. some people they encounter the flood, some people they turn the situation upside down against them, for some others he sent to them the winds, for others
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everything we read in the quran, but here the punishment from god will come via humans, it will not be punishment via natural means, whether it be hurricanes or earthquakes o or via angels, rather via humans, we sent to you our worshipers, and in a second time to enter the mosk like they did the first time, of course, according to the discussions, who will these people be, faithful, not faithful, that's a long discussion, but what's important here is that the punishment will be from humans, via humans, god almighty sent to the... humans, he didn't sent to them for example locusts like he did with the pharaoh, he sent to them humans, and in the third punishment, it's only logical and normal that
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they be from the previous two punishments, the third punishment for the third corruption and third arregance will be via humans. now who are these humans? first of all, they are those who believe that israel is an enemy, and that israel is... racist existence and it's a cancerous tumor and israel is the mother of all corruption and israel is an all-out evil and that dealing with israel is forbidden and that this cancerous tumor must cease to exist, so punishment will come on the hands of these people, not on the hands of those people who want to recognize israel or make peace with israel or normalize time with israel, even in the 1967. borders and this is what makes the access of resistance different in this day of age, and it's a matter of time, we don't know what will happen in the future, the jews themselves,
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they set a time between 70 and 80 years, now we are in year 76 for them, that's why they're speaking about 80, of course, what makes them more concerned and afraid is that the natural, historical and social factors, brothers and sisters and i spoke about in detail and today there are books and studies and israeli professors who go on tv screens and they debate, they say, they lecture, they say that this entity, this society, according to the normal social dimensions, it's approaching its very end, here we're taking social sciences, political science, history, naturally, it's coming to an end, that's why they're speaking about eight years and other years with so that this will take place in a
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current generations and the current generations they are the ones which can achieve this pushment from god and fulfill this promise from god. if we don't do this, the punishment will come, but it will come from the future generations. he will oppress you. with others, he will replace you with others, so god will come, will bring a group whom he loves and they love him, so the replacement will come, but what it seems, what seems to be the case according to the indicators, these current generations fighting today in gaza in the west bank on the supportive fronts in the region, and i know and you know behind them, if our arab and islamic peoples indeed, if they were allowed, if the opportunity was given to them to express their real stance, you would find that this is the real stance of hundreds of
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millions, what the resistance fronts and what the resistance is doing in gazza, so we are fighting and we have this promise from god and these factors which are: to their failures, ساعدنا على نعرف حقيقتها انها ثانيه مؤقته، من اهم فوائده ايها الاخوه والاخوات انه يجعلنا نحب الاخره بالعكس نحب الاخره نتطلع الى
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الاخره. and christians for helping shii muslims distribute food among the needy lebanon. he said that the alexa flood operation has reduced the strife and it further unified muslims. he also described the zionist regime as cancerous tumor.
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