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tv   Gaza Under Attack 129  PRESSTV  July 19, 2024 12:02am-12:30am IRST

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welcome back to gaza under attack, everyone, where we focus on the ongoing us enabled israeli genocidal war on gaza and its brutal violence against palestinians in the occupied west bank. before we go to our panel, look at what's been happening in recent days. the israeli killing spree in gaza continues unabated with dozens of palestinians murdered and dozens more wounded in the past 24 hours alone. apartide israel has released.
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palestinian hostages snatched from gaza. they say they suffered assault, torture, and humiliation. in nine months of genocide led by washington and backed by its other allies, 70% of un run schools in the strip have now been bombed by israel, killing more than 500 displaced people sheltering inside their premises. since the international court of justice ruling in january, israel has killed over 2,500 palestinians every single month. iran and his. have warned of hell with no return for the zionists if the regime in tel aviv dares attack lebanon and shaking the hands of a genocidaire, the uk's foreign minister in the region rubbing shoulders with israel's benjamin netanyahu in the wake of two israeli attacks on the gaza strip that killed at least 120 people. okay, let's bring in our panel in the studio, journalist and broadcaster tetic. and joining us from
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ontario, canada, political and dr. ali malah. welcome back to the program, gentlemen. let me go straight to alley, if i may, we're seeing the republicans gather around donald trump, and the palestine question is only being framed in terms of support for israel, threats against iran, and a more divisive foreign policy that will only lead to more conflict. what has been your own assessment of the republicans at this point? well good afternoon to you and and to your guest and to your audience, you know you don't know whether you cry or you laugh with the american politics whether you the republican or the democrats and we know there is an wavering and unconditional support by the us to the genocidal illegal z state, it's interesting that couple days ago a bullet barely grased that the... of donald trump and
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the whole world leaders has has declared deep concern and condemnation of this, while an open genocide going on for 285 days against the palestinian in gaza and in occupied palestine, it seemed that doesn't you know put any conscience in in the us or or the western world, to go back to the... the republican question, we know there were lot of jerking and and politicing inside the republican party, you regarding trump and the legal issues he was facing and the support for him on the ground. it is, it is an indication that you know the unfortunately the majority of the american society as a whole have not mature to the point where they can see. exactly what their politicians are
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doing, mind you, their politician are hypocrites and and liers, i don't want to digest here, but if you remember after the attempt shooting on on donald trump, here we have the hypocrites and and liars you know like barack obama, billy clinton and joe biden saying, well violence has no place in america, are you kidding, you know the american society is the most violent and the most unedicated society unfortunately, i don't want to like a blanket, but when it comes to guns you know culture, correct, not only gun culture, there are more guns in the state than there are people, look at the us foreign policy over the past 100 years and their interventions um us interventions around the world are known to many people
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territories calling for immediate cease fire on that trip to tel aviv, does this whole water? well, it's interesting, you you call it, you say that he was calling for immediate seas far, that was in the conversation, actually when i looked at the clip and i watched it from beginning through to the end, the first five minutes or so was spent commiserating with the israeli people on what happened on october 7th, it seemed to me... when i look to the totality of the clip that the cease fire was something that he forced to bring up very much at the tale end of the conversation, and this is guy who didn't vote for sease fire in the uk parliament months ago, there was an opportunity when there was motion brought forth by the scottish national
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party, of course, and which goes to another matter is that the israel, friends of israel lobby is extremely powerful. "not only in the united kingdom where it's called the friends of israel, in america, it's called apac, yeah, and so there are many, many politicians who would not be in their seats without the funds released by apach in america and the friends of israel here in the united kingdom, labor friends of israel, labor conservative friends of israel, it's all over the place, but you see for me, the outtake for all of this is to very subtly create a binary..." level of worth where jewish lives in israel have a certain worth, all other lives have a completely different uh worth, which is why one person with a bullet raising their ear has completely you know brought the western
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world to a standstil when 2,500 people a month are not having bullets raising their ears, but they're actually being killed and it's not even raising an eyebrow, it's not even raising an eyebrow. brow: stay with this, gentlemen, because israeli air strikes have killed more than 60 palestinians in southern and central gaza just on tuesday, including one that struck in israeli declared safe zone, quote unquote, crowded with thousands of displaced people, the day's deadliest strike came in the afternoon, hitting near a gas station outside the southern city of hanjunias in al-mawazi, a coastal region that's part of the humanitarian safe zone where the israeli occupation force has told palestine. to take refuge in escape bombardment elsewhere. official at the khan unis naser hospital say 17 people were killed in that attack. nearby areas are packed with 10 camps with residents previously displaced. have look. i fled from
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north gaza to the south. we were told about the injury of our cousins, my cousin and his mother, father and brother were all staying in the safe areas that they were claiming are safe. whilst they areas of death, not safety, this is a crime against humanity and the whole world and nations are brutality that jews, zionists are treating us with, this is all death, every day there are strikes, every day they are exterminating our people, so so far we've heard the analysis on the us foreign policy, the uk foreign policy as far as this genocide, and now dramatic uh surge alley in a attacks on un run evacuation centers, the attacks on the so-called safe zones, particularly cruel, well actually you not is not a new since october 7 they have been doing it, whether in at honorwa facilities or hospitals or places run by
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international groups, what they are doing is, you know, as as my friend and said, it's it's ext. ination what happened couple ago under the the execu of attacking muhammad, it's like you know killing dozens, 60, 70, 80 people just to get to one person, so that is a justify in the eyes of of the zionis and their supporters, it's a shame, it's a shame to be honest with you that the so-called international community and the united nation is shamelessly silent. especially when you know children and women and elderly people being just blown to pieces, but also since the question is about you international places or run places in gaza and they are being destroyed and you hear nothing beside
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you words of condemnation, it is this is the crime of the century and unfortunately the the... world leader still so blind to really see and and this and try to accept you know what's happening is a genocide against palestinians where you have like just couple days ago as you mentioned there were families you whole families being being wiped out or maybe one child left or maybe one elderly person left yeah and with all the social media with all the access to information and you still see you know word politician whether in the uk or france or or us or even canada you know still literally literally not losing asleep over what's happening and and it's a crime and they are complicit in this crime, it doesn't matter how you look at it,
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it doesn't matter how we try to package it, you know it's a genocide and unfortunately western leaders are complicit in this genocide and more sadly is some some so-called states in the arab region are also complicit as well um that you heard i used the word genocide which we have. been using for since the beginning because we know where this was going to head uh a campaign of extermination, it's not limited to the more than 2 million palestinians in the gaza strip, but anyone who comes to their aid. according to the un, over 200 unra staffers have been killed, what message does that deliberate killing of these staffers, these people send? there are two things to come out to this, the first thing is that um, people all over the world, including the united kingdom, whose government? enabling the stuff are seeing and inserting themselves into that
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situation, they will not be able to unsee what they have seen. few months ago, when we started this whole uh gaza under attack program, i gave it lifespan of three months, tops that we'd be moving to the next thing, it's still going on, it leads me to my second point, totalitarian regime, that is the less of all of history, totalitarian regimes are very rarely toppled, they actually destroy themselves. if adolf hitler had not de seen it fit to invade russia, if he had not seen it fit to uh declare war and america, second world war would have gone on for a far longer time, if japan had not actually attacked pearl harbor, things would have been a lot s for it for a far lot long. so it is that these people have given the world the ammunition by which the world can judge them
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and they will judge them very freely. the only problem is how long can we survive? how many people have to be crushed into this meat grinder before people come to their senses? and briefly, what what is it that's preventing a ceasefire from happening? is it politicians asleep at the wheel or is it politicians around the world israeli allies or? in the pockets of the likes of epiz, do you know, if it was as simple as that, it would be easy to resolve, it's not. on the american side, it's about oil, it's about pure, simple greed, oil, and the need to be in control of that part of the world, no matter the cost, to human life, to female life, to children's life, to non-combatant life, to any kind of life. it's purely and simply about who makes more money, energy has
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to, the flow of energy has to continue exactly out of that region. all right, we'll continue in a in a few moments, but for now shia muslims across the globe mark the most significant day of muharram this week, commemorating the martter of the prophet muhammad's grandson imam hussain, was brutally massacred with his family and friends for standing up against the oppressive and tyrant ruler of his time some. 1400 years ago, mortoners attending the ashura procession in london said the commemorations this year were more symbolic given a similar kind of oppression being meeted out to palestinians who are experiencing an ongoing genocide. in regards to karbala and ghazza, i think we can definitely find a link there, because as shia muslims, as followers of the salam is the epitomy of. sacrifice for the sake of the oppressed, for the sake of justice, and is
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very famous line, he said someone like me cannot give allegiance to someone like yazid, so we notice here that he didn't just say me, i will not give allegiance to him, and someone like me, so it's in a way, it's as if though he's referring even in future generations, there's always going to be people like hussein standing for truth, standing for justice from all religions, not just even muslims, and there's always to be forces like those of yazid, and so we're meant to basically emulate that and know which sides are those that are on side in today's world and those are on yazid side in today's world, and obviously we can see that clearly. palestine even a question of or we should investigate, it's open to the whole world to see, we have the obviously palestinian flag because if you look at palestine, it's it's it's the same thing, it's injustice, imam hussein stood up for injustice and what we're doing out here with this very small symbol is we're standing up against injustice, complete injustice, mean it's it's it's black and white, there's no gray area and killing innocent people and
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killing children, there's thousands and thousands of innocent children, last night was... "now it's it's it's there in front of your eyes, you'd be reblind not to see it, it's our responsibility each and every one of us to stand against and justice even with such a simple thing as this palestinian flag, which is something we're trying to pass onto the younger generations. imam husain with his companion and his family is sacrificed for the islam, palestine people also, they are muslims now being genicized with the israeli regime." "and they want also the american also they support them, that's which big problem now in this world we leave in these days, they start to demolish all the countries of muslim countries, special palestine, now the talk that they want to destroy destroyed all the palestine and all
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no space for them and they want to throw them in different countries, this is not right, we should all we are muslim or..." to be unit and to stop and alhamdulillah we got some countries which is like iran, islamic republic of iran and lebanon and in palestine also himself and yemen, we see yemen, they are all together and they fight for this the right of palestine and hopefully and we hope all the muslims that muslim country of palestine to be established and build up there, that's what uh... you see the flags of because they know this, the policy of imam hussain is to protect all muslim anywhere in the world, which is now iran and other countries, they follow this way. the israeli occupation army says it'll begin sending draft notices to jewish ultra orthodox men
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next week, a stat that could destabilize prime minister benjamin netanyahu's regime and trigger more large protest. in the community, the announcement followed a landmark supreme court order for young religious men to begin enlisting for military service, under longstanding political arrangements, ultra orthodox men had been exempt from the draft, which is compulsory for most jewish men. the government, the high courts have decided all ready, orthodox joys boys have to go to the army, recruit an army, the army is not a army for fighting, it's an army, which is indoctrination camp of. of zionism, of atheism against um religion, therefore our children, our boys and i have a son on the road over here will not go to the army, not for one minute, so we only have um five minutes so left, a couple of questions to get in there, i'll start with, alley in ontario, um, how are the struggles from
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carbala mirrored in this bombardment of incessant bombardment? well karbala is is the day that literally awaken the world, it happened more than 1400 years ago and people, hundreds of thousands and not only muslims, not only shias, i know from lebanon and from palestine and from iraq and from syria where huge numbers of brothers and sisters from the christian community participate. in what we call majalis, the events and the marsh for justice, i've seen so many videos of ulama from the sunni school of thoughts facing ashura and comparing between say salam and palestinian womans who lost their children's,
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their husbands during this ' barbaric genocide by the israel state against the palestinian if i can sideline you show the clips of zone state army and police chasing religious jewish who refused to serve in the army. well we've seen many footages where they were beaten up and the dragged in the street yeah and if what they do to their own people and we know what they are doing in gaza, that really gave a a clear picture about their tyranny and... and their barbarism and the criminality, and other than that, ted, what does that say about the the morale among the members of the israeli
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occupation force? um, are they not bogged down in the gaza? this is nine months later, and they thought they were going to go and proportedly take out hamas out and and then go back home. now it goes back to my first point, that totalitarian regimes have a way of self-destructing that. "this is another step in the tip toe towards the self-destruction of designist state. there is one other thing is that actually the the consciousness of the world community has subtle shifted, but it's not, it's totally lost on the people who are posturing and doing the glad-handing and and calling for cefires and so on. it's completely lost on them, but the consciousness of the world has moved forward in such a way..." that what is happening in gaza is being felt as a pinch point and as painpoint for people who are not muslim, people who are not middle eastern,
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people who are completely irreligious, all they know is that what's going on is the crime against humanity. what do you make of netanyahu's craving for this larger regional war trying to expand the war into lebanon? now they know, it's clear to many that they have lost. yeah, um, this for want of better word war in in gaza, because hamas is still standing. how did we describe the mentality of adolfitza? the man is not, he's not thinking correctly. i mean, i, i, i declined to say that the head of state is insane, but what he's doing is such is such bizarre desire that the average man on the street will tell you what your looking for is either impossible or foolish, impossible or foolish and... and ali, we haven't talked about the atrocities that are taking place in the west bank, no surprise to any of us, certainly not to you, at the hands of the israeli
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occupation force and the settler terrorists who are armed, as we know, it is an important part of the discourse surrounding this genocide, is that not a fair assessment? uh, it is, it is, and the irony is the us and... i'm not sure about the uk, they impose impose sanctions against certain settlers group brutalizing palestinians and taking land and attacking ordinary people in the street, but i can't help but to be too political here, what's happening in the west bank is another indication of the failure of the palestinian leadership in the west bank, because next to... happen or what is happening in in gaza and here you have what is going on in the west bank and the continuation of israeli rads israeli army raids anders on and
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civilian palestinians i know you know sometimes we have to be diplomatic but if you allow me i want to go back to raised by by brother about the powerful zionist lobby in the us or uk yes may they may be so powerful and when it comes to and institution etc. but let's keep in mind you the leaders of political parties, whether in uk or us or france or other places, they are fully complicit and they are cowards, that's why the slabi is strong, because if they have any morality to stand on, this will not be taking place. imagine after 285 days to for now, with with the criminal act by ben netanyahu he is think the us congress, just go figure exactly, go figure, and you're not alone in thinking that, alle, i'm afraid we're out of time, gentlemen, uh, that is all the time we
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have for skaza under attack, my thanks of course to ted kofy and dr. alimala, and to you for watching us, catch our earlier episodes on, and until we meet again, continue to keep palestine in your hearts.
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israel as society is not used uh to protract it if you will wars that last let's say nine months. private spending amongst israelis has dropped significantly as well as overall private investments.
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your headlines on press tv: israel's indiscriminate strikes killed more palestinians across gaza as total death job nears 30,850. palestinian factions have condemned as invalid the israel. parliament's resolution, but rejects the palestinian people's right to establish a state, and the leader of yemen's ansar allah movement has called on all muslims around the world to wage an all-out war on israel over the genocidal campaign against the palestim.
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