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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  July 19, 2024 10:02pm-10:30pm IRST

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hello and welcome to spotlight. as part of their anti-israel operations, the yemini armed forces of targeted tel aviv for the first time. lebanon's hesbollah is engaged in almost daily exchange of fire with israel and the resistance group in iraq have been conducting strikes on us and israeli bases in the region over the past. months and the most oppressed people of west asia, palestinians are getting killed every day by the israeli regime, but they refuse to give up their right to live on their own land. will the international community take decisive action to remove this western imposed occupying regime of israel from the region? let's see what our guests think on uh tonight's spotlight. here are our guests. we have activists and political commentator. and
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academic and political analyst - ali joins us uh from the lebanese capital bayrut. welcome to the program to the both of you uh we're going to start off with mr. al-bukaitin in san uh sir yemen has carried out a drone. strike on tel aviv as part of its ongoing retaliatory operations against israel over the war on gaza, there's so much significance to this attack, especially because uh the uh yemenese used a drone capable of evading the supposed state of the art radar systems of the israelis, give us your perspective on this sebani operation. i mean it was a significant this operation and how important.
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it is because we know that benjamin netanyahu the prime minister of the state of israel has cancelled a trip uh toward the united states, this is a clear uh message that uh they were of really uh surprised and that they were actually really hurt bad and as well because this drone has actually avoided all the radar system even the radar system in in around yemen either in in egypt as well saudi arabia and as well in in israel that's why uh they are now thinking what will yeman do next will of they? as an example, yemani arm launch tens of the same drones with the which they called yafa toward talib and i believe that the israeli regime will not be able actually to stop these drones because we have seen footages by zionist media which the shows the impact of the drone, there was no awaring sirens by the israeli regime air defense, this means that this drone actually has gone through. the red sea or through saudi arabia
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has a distance of more than 2000 kilometer and then that it has reached and impacted building or area inside and i believe that this will not be the first attack, there are more uh attack to come and yemani army is still trying to force israeli regime to stop it genocide and the demand is so simple stop the genocide stop the killing and we will actually stop the attack. and target against the design state we know that the first stage germany has actually successful uh conducted total blockade against the sign to state of israel in the red sea and as well the gulf of eden and the second step was as well to target any shipping company that actually have a relation or or or is having ships that goes toward israel like they did today in the gulf of aiden, it was not only about targeting it was as well they have targeted aship in the gulf of aiden because it have violated the... the blue cade that temani has
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formed against israel and now we see less, actually less ship uh is going uh toward israel is going through the the see this mean has formed this blocade and believe they will expand their attack to target mainland, to target occupied palestine and to target area like it avib and any other area in in in the entire occupied palestine. mr. ali ham in beirot, we actually spoke to mr. albukaiti uh following the yemen operations, he said that this drone attack on televe sends a clear message that nowhere in occupied palestine is safe. of course, in no way is there a comparison here. but israelis are now finally getting a drop at least of their own medicine, what a strong warning this was to the israeli regime? let me start by saying that we have three phases of this attack from yemani army against the zionist antity, first
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we say that from let's say military strategy, strategically and religious wise, starting by the statements of general with the new verses, quranic verses different from the all the other statements before, and they're talking about entering of the mosk, this is one thing, the other thing is using a new terminology by the true names of the cities such as um rasharas instead of ilalad and of tel aviv, secondly, using from al yeman to tel aviv or yeffa, a drone called yafa, going to yafa, a passing more than 2000 kilometers
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over all the american and bitch fleets and israeli fleets, all avoiding all radars, the fighter jets, and the iron bomb in israel and hitting the heart of tel aviv, diplomatic quarter in the most fortified area on earth, in this case if israel cannot protect this area it means that all israel is insecured now, sure, mr almeni army spokesman, yah said he said that the juon that eluded the israeli radar was new generation, uav and that similar attacks will continue, and abdul malik al-huthi has also promised that the pro-palestinian operations will increase in frequency and in scope. in your opinion, how worrying should these promises for these radies given the fact that their radars
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didn't detect nor intercept this drone? i mean, of course, they are so worried at this point, because uh... "we know they know yemanies when they uh uh threat they actually do what they have threaten the giant state of israel from the beginning from the beginning the attack against the shipping in the red sea and as you mentioned the failure of the israeli geme to stop this this drone or even to to warn uh their settler in aviv of a coming drone this show a huge failure and as well i don't believe that this drone is one the latest drone" that yemen have of course many army we have known since the beginning as an example of the saudi aggression against yemen in 2015 uh which has gone for more than nine years yemany always they uh they upgrading their wibles they are not putting everything on the table and i believe they
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still have bigger drones more stronger drones with more explosive and they will continue to target tel aviv as the spoke person army has said that declared as as he said unsafe zone and is a clear message to all the settlers in tel aviv, they should actually uh rethink twice if they are gonna uh leave that area because we've seen uh that since the attack of october 7 and as well the attack from hizbollah from the north and the attack in towards or ilat in the south and now toward this mean that there is no area that is safe for the settlers and as well when they called thrown as yafa, which is the the the original name before it was changed by the occupation to tell aviv, this mean that yemen is actually, they send the clear message that they are not recognizing israel and they are not ev using those name that mean that israel, the exists of the giant state of israel should actually seized and should
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actually stopped and yemenes will do whatever it take to help the palestinian not only to stop the genicide in gaza but in the future if there is any... a big battle for the liberation of uh palestine yemen, they will do whatever take uh to to uh to to to to uh stop the occupation of palestine and the latest attack shows as failure of the united states or the so-called guardian, i mean they could not stop this attack, they could not stop the blow cate against the design state of israel, and i believe as an example today, millions of yemen march to the street in many cities and villages and towns across yemen, they are actually demanding the yemani army to take a bigger step, target more to target other area in the occupied palestine and i believe this is what going to be in the coming days. uh, israeli professor ben netanyahu is facing even more criticism
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inside israel following the yemini drone attack on televive, his politic opponents and the public are particularly furious at him for his handling of the gaz of war and his numerous failures now add this attack to the list as well uh, it appears the sands of time are running quite low uh for benjamin, give us your views on how this could be the final nail in netanyahu's coffin. this is one good point. say the final in netanyahu coffen, but before i have something to say about the technology of this av that tel aviv this morning, we are talking about a declaration or a statement from the israeli army saying that they detect an an flying object that they thought that it's a friend flying object, that means that either this drone is very advanced technology. or it has a passive imprint, we are talking about an armed drone
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flying 2000 kilometers and getting straight the target to the diplomatic quarters quarter in tel aviv, it means that israel is not understanding any of the messages, about two weeks ago we had a big demonstration in ' in yemen about simulating or simulation of how to attack by drone inside in the heart of israel and then we had uh hoodhood operation one and two by hazbullah and showing all the vital points in in the occupied territory uh then now today we have the big head by this drone in the heart of israel uh entity. so it means up to now benyamin netanyahu living in a very confusion, in strategic confusion,
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military confusion, intelligence confusion, and it's like disintegrating decision coming out of the cabinet, we see that netanyahu saying something, the head of the army, the commander and chief saying something else, and also we see genet saying different things and also... gallant, so it means they are living in a confusion, first of all in the beginning about what's the next day, what's coming in the next day, they don't know, so it means they are in big confusion, and now they are not reading well all the the messages that are sent by all the the resistance access and saying that either you stop and you stop your aggression. against gaza and you left up the siege uh or this uh
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this war will be uh passing all that the terrence and maybe it it will go all the way up to liberation how big of a failure has this war been uh for israel and it's murderous far right cabinet the resistance in gaza is still fighting the resistance in the region. is united and unified, nho claimed this war would make israel safer, we see that the exact opposite has happened, and uh most notably the projected aura of israeli invincibility has now evaporated in thin air uh, i mean sir what we see on the ground, it did not make design to state of israel uh save the attack against uh gaza, it make it more vulnerable to attack from hezbollah and as well from the resistant in uh iraq and as well from from yanen i mean those attack and
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especially the joint attack sending a clear message as well to all arab nation and muslim nation if we combine our strength we can actually defeat the giant state of israel we can liberate uh palestine i mean the strength uh of israel we shown the only strength they have is killing civilians in the in in in gaza strip i mean we've seen that the resistant in gaza is still. attack and killing a daily basis israeli soldier destroying tank and as well launching missiles against areas in occupied palestine around gaza and this is huge and thanks to the united states and uk and germany and other countries support and full supplies of weapons and money to the israeli regime, if they haven't actually supported israel, israel will not be able to conduct any war against gaza. we've seen what's happening now uh with hizbollah is launching attacks a daily basis and what israel is doing, they just respond by launching attacks against
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lebanon and mostly they are killing uh civilians, i mean but if the attack from hizbullah came before uh october 7. will see maybe major attack and a ground attack against against lebanon, but this is actually shows that israel is so weak now and as well the united states strength in our region is not because of their military power is because country like saudi arabia, united arab emirate and jordan and other country who is actually allowing united state basis in this area, but what happened with yemen, we've seen the failure in the red sea by the united states is because yemani has send the clear message to saudi. arabia, united arab emirate and all countries around yemen that have bases of the united states that if they if they are allowed to use those bases to attack yemen, yemen will attack every infrastructure in those country and this actually one of the main failure of united state in in in our region and i believe that if yemen will continue and expand their attack and blue against israel, this actually
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will force israel to stop its aggression against the people in gaza as well they will not... actually try to target lebanon or to invade lebanon, because i believe that if they do so uh after any the escalation in gaza, this me yemen is not lebanon alone, they will actually conduct the same attack and the zion state of israel. i ham, resistance groups in the region have all reacted to the drone attack and with all of them hailing the yemeni operation uh as heroic uh successful operation. several resistance factions have said germany attack shook the zionist foundation to its core and the attack showed that security for israel is unattainable in the occupied territories. how do you feel about these reactions and also share with us your views about the effect that this unified regional resistance has had on the perpetrators of the gaza genocide, which also includes the united states. let me
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say first about the uh israeli army when he lost uh now the the israelis lost their confidence in their power and in in the army and by that attack from lebanon and from yemen and join attack by yemanies and iraqies as a specialized france against the israelis entity uh now we can see that we are either a step ahead of the enemy or we have advanced technology and why i want to concentrate on advanced technology, we are talking about a payload, payloaded weapon triggered drone against flying 2 thous kilometers and then the israeli statement saying that it's a trend flying object, it means as we know
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military wise that every weapon. "i'm talking about drones or fighter jets or even main battle tanks, they have a system called iff, identify, identifying a friend of four, so when this drone penetrate all those obstacles and the statements of the israeli army saying that it's a friend flying object, it means that..." that either we have now the technology of coding and decoding of iff system or the the israeli army is weakening now now the if if we see what's going if we compare between what's going on since the 7th of october we see that israeli army before 7
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of october called the undefeetable army. now it's not only undefeatable or defeatable, now the the israeli army is collapsing from woden and disintegrating, we see that the salary is going down, we see lack of numbers of the main battle tanks, the pcs and the avs, we see that women soldiers are, they have no places to or they have personal carriers to take them to the to the front. on the other side we see that the yemen yemenese army extending to 65000 fighter uh lebanese declaring the lebanese resistance. declared that we have over 100 thous fighters, so it means we are moving from one phase to another, we are moving from resistance phase
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to liberation army, this is one thing, the other thing that we are also controlling the the phases, we the time is on our side, the time is not in the israeli side, and i think if the israelis now smart, they go for... seas fire and uh uh and leave gaza right away, because after that they will pay to to go for negotiations and we might accept or not. okay, and mr. al-bukaiti, the lebanese resistance moving hisbollah of course says uh, it recently said it fired rockets at abbirim settlement in northern israel, hisballah says that that settlement was it for the first time since fighting broke out with israel early october. "we know the tensions have been running high along the southern lebanese border ever since israel started this genocidal war on gaza. are the israelies still willing to risk a full-blown
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war with hezbulah at this point? with the heart of tel aviv being targeted by the yeminis and all-out war with heizbollah doesn't seem like a idea anymore, does it? of course, i mean uh, it will be an idea that will uh maybe resulted in major..." attack by hizbollah and it will not be that israeli will be able to invade uh southern lebanon, i believe that hizbollah now are ready to actually start to liberate areas in northern uh in northern palestine, israeli has actually used all its power, they have used all its uh uh types of weapons, all the support from the united states, but we see on the other hand as in yemen they always have new step to take like they did today by targeting ilat and as well hizbullah when they targeted uh new area in in north of occupied palestine, this mean that the target list of the resistant either in iraq or yeman or in in in lebanon is still big and they are
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the one who actually have now the upper hand and as well israeli will fear if they will target libanon they are sure that yeman actually will continue their attack against israel and i believe we've seen that we are now in the in the fourth stage of yemany escalation which included a total ban again. all shipping company, not only israeli own ship and this attack on tel avib is the second step of this for the stage, i believe that yemen as well can actually expand the their attack and their blue caid to reach the mediterranean sea and as well they could at one point form a blue cade in the red sea against countries that have relation with the israeli regime especially countries that actually supporting israeli regime like germany and as well france or any other european country and this is actually yemen and the resistant will continue their attack and as well i just want to mention that said abdul malik, the leader of ansarullah have said in his latest speech in the last 24
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hours that and send the clear message and a warning uh to countries like saudi arabia, united arab emirates, because here in yemen they are they they know that there is something is planned by the united states maybe to conduct a major attack against semen, but they are actually cannot start this attack only if they are allowed from this this country, that's why i believe yemen have set all the steps to to stop that, and all the warning has been sent, and we've seen that from the beginning, yemen actually has used a new type of missiles, like the united state have said, the anti-hip ballistic missiles, it has not been used before, anazol hypersonic anti-ballistic ship missile, i believe that temanise at one point they have a hypersonic missile that could actually reach the design state of israel, okay? and the coming days it will shows that yemani will actually do uh what's needed to help the palestinian all right unfortunately we have time for tonight's uh show activist and political commentator hussein al joining us
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from the emmy capital sana academic and political analyst ali ham joining us from beirot thank you for contributing uh to the program tonight and also special thanks to your viewers for staying with us tonight spotlight it's good night for now and see you next time. carmen de bolívar llegó a ser del año 50 año 80 una región productora de dólares donde se producía tabaco, se producía café, se producía cacao, se producía guacate y ganadería en gran extensión y en pequeña extensión porque la zona minifundista. land known for its very fertile soil and for being the great agricultural pantry of the caribbean region of colombia, ahora donde usted se mete lo que tenemos es pobreza y lo
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que... the keystone cops debackle in pennsylvania
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when donald trump. himself, notorious killer, was almost killed by a 20-year-old boy with no social media history, who somehow managed to get a roof overlooking donald trump's podium whilst the secret service looked on, believe it if you like, i think the band played, well it has all but guaranteed trump victory in november, so the orange cowboy, think jruing for older viewers, him from dallas has now picked the king of the hill billies j.d. van.
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