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tv   SPOTLIGHT IRAN NEW PRESIDENT  PRESSTV  July 31, 2024 6:02am-6:31am IRST

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"the ninth president of the islamic republic of iran has been sworn in in his speech uh to domestic and foreign dignitaries attending a ceremony in the iranian parliament, as suit position elaborated a number of his plans as new president, he out he'll try to boost relations and interactions with other countries, especially the neighboring ones and those in the west asia region. he also stress that while iran is for negotiations, it will not bow down. to coersion and
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pressure from world powers that need to treat iran on an equal footing and on the basis of mutual respect. welcome to the spotlight. i'm your host me introduce our guests in this episode. mostly activist and commentator is me out of houston. also it is masoud shajar chairman of the islam. human rights commission in london, welcome to the spotlight gentlemen, let me pr over to houston texas, first most nag president said in his speech that his administration wishes among one of the things that has top priority in his administration is to forge relations with other parts of the world, with world
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except for the israeli occupation regime there a very few exceptions, so he said that he wants to create balance in foreign relations, national interests and requisites of peace and security in this part of the world, and beyond, let's have your thoughts on this aspect of his speech. yes, surprisingly, the the president's speech was a was truly a, it was a, it was a good surprise. for i guess most people, especially his critiques, because we weren't expecting him to to describe his plans and his his intentions as a president in such a wholesome manner, he covered his intent to not only secure ties with their neighbors emphasizing on the neighbors, hence continuing the legacy of sheikh ibrahim raisi, shaheid ibrahim raisi, but also ensuring... that the world
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sees the islamic republic of iran as a power, as a regional power, they see them with respect on equal footing, and he has, he also said that he will try his best while maintaining dignity to lift sanctions with on on the islamic republic of round because it is the in, it is the right of the islamic republic to be able to compete with other. economies on equal on equal stage, so this is these were very good comments that were made by him in my in my opinion, also the fact that he emphasized on the justice, the the inherent justice that the palestinians have claimed and are fighting for, is a right that he as president will ensure that the islamic republic of iran carries forward and that their... struggle for a free palestine and
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the support for the access of resistance will continue, so we won't see much change in terms of external policies and some of his statements on internal policies were also very similar to shahit rais government, right? masuod pazishan also said that his administration, he said that we want interaction with the world, we want cooperation and ties with the world, but his administration is stress will not surrender to bullying, to coersion and double a standard, and that's uh in reference to the west as you know, so he said we have two decades of experience negotiating with world powers and that has taught us this lesson that we and that iran has been in compliance with its commitments, but at the same time it's for negotiations, at the same time it's not going to give in to excessive demands and pressure, so how would you predict? i mean,
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maybe better yet, let me put it this way, what would be uh advisable for the west and western states, what kind of approach and posture had they better adopt visa v iran? well the the reality is that there was illusion have been created, especially in the west where we are, both myself and the elections in iran, the process is is these are sort of opponents of one another, and it's sort of elections everywhere else is being promoted. as as a sign of democracy if there is a difference of opinion, but in iran is being promoted by west, bbc, be at cnn or anything else, is that you know they trying to put um sort of candidates against each
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other and saying that you know the people are, this is a fight, a fight beyond what is described as a good part of... democracy and so when it comes today in inauguration, people are surprised that really when it comes to major issues, iranians, no matter who represent them, from which side is, they have sort of the same vision of dignity and their inherent right, and they're demanding. the international community and the west in particular to sort of deliver what they preach, deliver when it comes to sort of promoting democracy, deliver when it comes to sort of fair play, deliver when they talking
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about they make decisions on economical basis and concept of justice when it comes to world economy and and so forth. so and and what was very clear today that mr. raisy re-emphasized that the experience that iran has gone through in the last few decades, it gives it um, first that determination to seek its just position internationally, and also is not going to be coned and fooled by rhetorics and he wants to see action, action which are based on mutual understanding, mutual respect, etc. etc., in some ways really one would have expected that the shahit raisi to give exactly the same speech, because this is
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comes not a personality of this president or the previous president, this comes in in the sort of way of the... expression of the public opinion in iran, overwhelmingly public opinion, there isn't really two side of story when it comes to people in iran demanding to be respected and have their relationship with everyone based on mutual respect and mutual interest, and i, answering your question, what west should do, west should... wake up that they cannot go around bullying people and definitely their past experience if they will draw on on their past experience in the last few decade should bring them to the realization that they cannot bully iran any longer and they should respect iran in the
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same way that they want to be respected right uh just mentioned the west and president urged the west to treat. iran on equal footing and based on respect. this is the language that iranians should be addressed to, and he also promised to win iran the appropriate status in the world in terms of economic and commercial ties with other countries, and also at the same time dealing with the unjust anti-iran sanctions imposed on the country. and you know europeans have shown reaction president macron of france the other day called pasashican and he said that we are eager and we are hopeful. to see improve relation between europe and iran. the question is, would they would they do that or is it only lip service because the us has not allowed them uh to do what they said they would do, like they said they would compensate, they came up with this plan, 112 point article plan, they said, well no
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worries, we will try to compensate what the us didn't do in terms of jcpo, but the they failed to do it under pressure. what about this time? well, the us has had a history. of not abiding by their contracts, not abiding by the commitments that they have made with different countries, and obviously in particular with the islamic republic of iran as well, and another mistake that the west in general has made that they have always underestimated their their fose and the they have exact they have done exactly that with the islamic republic of iran as well, the islamic republic is has become a force to reckon with, they cannot be ignored, and let's not forget that they have become a regional power in spite of the sanctions, the illegal sanctions that have been imposed by them on the west, all of them "all of this seems like lip service because that's what history teaches us that the united states and
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its allies, specifically those in europe, they do not want to see a strong, powerful force in the region of west asia, the only powers that they want to see are the ones that they have placed, which is which are the monarchs in jordan, in saudi arabia, in bahrain and others and..." and unfortunately for them things have changed over the past 20 years the islamic republic has positioned themselves in a way that they have not only just strengthened themselves but they have also empowered their allies they don't dominate their allies they empower their allies allies in iraq allies in afghanistan allies in lebanon um and and and others obviously and the fact. that that iran, that the islamic republic of iran is now focusing towards, focusing towards stability, economic
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stability within the region, their focus is now to move away from the dollar in partnership with russia and china, these are all concerns that the west has, and the west doesn't have an option anymore, it is not a matter of predicting what the islamic republic can achieve, it is matter of facing... reality at this point, meaning the nine month war that has been imposed upon the innocent palestinians, those groups, the acts of resistance who are supported by the islamic republic of iran, who are trained by the islamic republic of iran, islamic republic of iran is part of the access of resistance, they have defeated the they have defeated the united states, they have defeated their allies in this region, and this is not the first time that they're doing this. with them in 2000, in 2006, we saw yemen defeating defeating saudi arabia, we
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saw the hashd shabi fight against us backed isis in the region, so consistently and continuously the plans of the us have failed, they don't have a chance anymore, it has become matter of existence for the zianist regime in the region of west asia, so they have to take them seriously, and as far as president shian is concerned, as my my colleague also mentioned, that it almost seemed as if this was that perfect continuation that the islamic republic required, and inshallah we see that rehber's guidance and agha raisi's legacy will be implemented from what we see from today's speech. okay, masund just mentioned palestine and the resistance friend, so let me ask you this: question first and i was ask about some other aspects of uh the speech that made uh
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well uh the president said that those provide weapons that to the israeli regime that bombs the women and children in gaza they cannot teach other countries lessons of moral virtues is said that no one on the planet endorses backing gear regime that fights women and children in gaza and they act as a human rights are determined on the basis of complexion, race or faith as selected by the west, so that's part of his another highlight of his speech today, so the question is on what basis that us congressman, stood up and gave a standing rovation to the child killer regime prime minister and applted netanhu during his speech, yeah mean that... that sort of watching that scene was so absurd and
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and really showed why united state is not a power anymore, why united state is losing is sanity, is morality, and indeed it power, military power and influence around the world, and it deserves to do so, mean it it is really outrageous. after everything that we have witnessed on our tv screens and after all that has been said by the international community and international course. icj, they there to come and behave so in such abomination in such a way that is actually a front to humanity, but i think this is what we are expecting now, and from now on, united state is not the power that it was and is not, it hasn't sort of dictate any morality
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around the world or power. be it economical or political or militarily, it's diminishing by by day, and it it it's opposite, we are seeing iran is becoming much more powerful, much more independent and much more respected, i mean, you know, in the last 10, 20 years we seen the influence of united state diminishing, not just in west asia, but right across the world. "and in same time irans have become more popular, more sort of powerful and more respected and you know joining organization like brexit etc etc. having a better relationship, much better relationship with his neighbors, which in past there were satellite states of united
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states of america, so things are moving, this is a real world, and nothing united state could..." do to stop this or change it, and i think those who got visions for the future need to recognize this, and i mean europeans, they need to wake up and smell the coffee and realize that things are changing beyond sort of what they could imagine, and the bot has you know moved on, things are moving on, and if they want to be part of... a sort of international community which is based on international law, respect, mutual respect and all those principles, then they need to drop us as as a sort of boogy man, as a sort of sorry bully man, and and stop that really,
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yeah, that europeans have been smelling coffee mumerican made coffee, so that better try. "iran made exquisite tea this time, it's will prove to be much better than us made coffee. okay, it's good, it's worth a try at least. now uh, mohsen, of the essence in iran's foreign policy is having better relations with neighboring countries. we have already uh great relations with neighbors and regional states, but iran is saying, and the new president is also stressing that this needs to be augmented and further expanded. he believes that we need..." to join hands in this region, in the west asia region, or in other words, middle east, as people in the west call it, we need to rely on one another's capabilities and possibilities, join hands together, we won't need extra extra regional players in this part of the world in terms of security, in terms of whatever you name it, so is this the right policy to be pursued at this sensitive
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juncture, or there are some people who say that we got to turn to the west and talk directly to the america? and get what we want him to get, but given the us past performance and west performance, do they really care and iota about iran or other people in the west asia region? i mean, i think it would be foolish to to try policy that have already been tested and failed, we saw in the governments of president khatmi, we saw under president rohani while... was the foreign minister that there was so much hope that was put in to the nuclear negotiation, there was so much hope that was put in to the lifting of those sanctions and so much time was spent on that to no avail, but in such less time we saw within present dracy's time, his focus
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naturally was to live those sanctions, but he kind of shifted the focus more towards... regional powers in empowering their neighbors in empowering the region as a whole and to expand their ties, so if russia and china are sanctioned, if they have limited sanctions by the west and the islamic republic does as well, it only makes sense that they that they expand their their economic ties, it only makes sense that the islamic republic increases its ties with azerbaijan, with the with the with iraq, pakistan for instance and and within aagha race tenure we saw that this that this focus seemed to bear more fruits than the previous. ones and so it wouldn't make any logical sense if that foreign policy was shifted towards focusing on lifting on on
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seeing hope from the us in general, there were two main contracts that were fine, it was bricks and the shanghai corporation, the islamic republic became member, the islamic republic has so much to offer, so much to offer to the world, and i was just thinking about this the other day, the one area... that the islamic republican really really empower this region is in academics, the islamic republic's academia is the underestimated, and i i think there we will see a shift in that that the that the islamic republic public will become a regional power in terms of their ideology now as well as we see the world progress towards fighting against oppression. all right, we have one minute left. only and there's only one highlight i just wanted to comment on uh saying we're all in the same boat in this tumoous world today, so let's move forward with the aim of tranquility and progress for
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people, what needs to be done to this end? well, i think we need to be realistic, we need to recognize that what was tried that the sort of by mr. zarif and others is no longer, that that train has already left the station. "and we are now dealing with the united states which is rapidly losing its power and its influence and indeed could become much more dangerous and the rest of the world needs to unite and think of their future, mutual respect, mutual interest, and that is those are the key words and the fact is that as he said, we want iran wants to have relationship with everyone based on respect, but..." is not going to hold his breath waiting for united state to change his mind and and it will move forward with them or without them. okay, that's all the time we
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have, gentlemen. thank you so much, musa. houston and masod shajar in london. and thank you for watching this episode of the spotlight on press tv. i've been your host behruz najafi. i'll see you next time. the remarkable life of zainab hamoud, a courageous syrian photo journalist who fearlessly ventures into the heart of conflicts to document. the realities of war and shed light on the untold stories in our homeland,
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student loans have been an issue in the us for decades. universities no longer provide an opportunity for people to learn how to know more any longer. they in fact give students lifelong burden of paying off loans. watch in this documentary how academic centers were commercialized and turned students into modern slaves. مشکل تعبیه توی همه کارخونه جات تولیدی بود از جمله خود ما
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به این فکر افتادیم که یه کار اساسی اینجا انجام بدیم برای تعبیه سالن با خیس شدن آجوره های سفالی و عبور هوا از دیوارهای مشبك آجوری هوای خنک مطبوعی به داخل سالن هدایت میشه. از تو این دریچه ها باد خنک میزنه زیر هر دستگاه یه دریچه هستش که از این ما هم خنک میشیم هم آلودگی بغلمون همین سنتی آجر هست و هوای خنک خودش یه دمای ۱۸ درجه خیلی مطلوب با کمترین هزینه به شما میده.
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wake up it's a long night darling wake up it's the brightest sky no love it's a dark night darling hold to me for delight wake up where where do we go to wake up fire fire in your eye oh love we will try to come and save you it's all just to mat matter of time, wake up, don't you listen to the people, wake up from the mountain of the lies, no love you've been upon through every sequel, wake up, wake up, wake up, wake, wake up, call your brother, call your mother, wake up, under aid from the sky, oh love we digging deeper in the rubble, hold on, to my voice outside,
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wake up, we just lost another family, wake up cuz we need the world to see, no love, they won't ever understand us, too bad, we're just bodies on the screen, wake up, they don't care about the people, wake up, they don't care about you too, oh love, if you're walking with the people, oh hold on cuz they're coming for you, wake up little boy, they don't want you, wake up you might threaten their plan, run, run, no before they come and find you, grow up till you're taught to fight back.
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headlines, health officials warn infectious diseases are spreading across gaza amid israel's genocide, which is claimed so far the lies of the... 39,400 palestinians. conormitions pour in after an israeli air strike on southern neighborhood of the lebanese capital bayrut kills and injures scores of people. and iran urges the un security council to condemn israel's air strike on beirot unequivocally and immediately and prevent the repetition of the regime's aggression.