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tv   Iran Today  PRESSTV  July 31, 2024 6:02pm-6:31pm IRST

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"the iran's leader statement is noteworthy, the criminal and terrorist scientis regime with this action has prepared the ground for a harsh punishment for itself, and we consider it our duty to avenge the blood of him who was murdered in the land of the islamic republic of iran in reference to islam, so uh that pretty much lays to rest if they're going to be for those who may be thinking if there will be a response or not, obviously they're saying that there will be one. okay, now we are looking at live images there from turkey, this, i'm guessing maybe from istanbul, and turkey has been very vocal about the israel regime recently, and this assassination now happening in the islamic republic is highly condemned by the turkish presidents along with other officials there from turkey, so we are. also pakistan we had
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images come through in terms of people came out there and uh sooner or later we're going of to see probably others who will be joining in this course of condemnation against the israel regime as if the israel regime needed more condemnation well we got it by executing these two haus acts in the past 48 hours 24 hours and across the world it is being condemned assassination of hammas official. there's so many question marks regarding the way that han was assassinated uh based on again the statements coming through we are we haven't gotten final announcement because the investigation is still ongoing. "the igc has
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made some statements, but uh, still not a final one in terms of a final assessment, i should say of what has happened uh, calling it an air strike, a projectile, uh, which doesn't really, i mean it does clarify a little bit as to what has happened, but uh, we still need to get a a clear picture how this went down in order to uh lay to rest any other uh scenarios uh that are thrown out there either in the public domain or in the uh social media" but uh what we understand it was an air strike, it was in a residence here in the capital tahran uh called an airborne guided projectile, but again we don't know uh whether it was a missile fire from a jet or a drone, did it have explosives uh with it and at this point still looking for some images of the aftermath, but the irgc has announced uh not only the death of the assassination um but uh it will go and uh finish the uh
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investigation in order to come out and make a statement as to the details revolving around this assassination and how it took place.
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so live images that you see there coming through from uh different provinces here in iran, tabriz mashad, the capital tehan and yasuj, we just brought you images also from turkey prior to that we also had pakistan and how they came out on the streets condemning this assassination, the way that this has occurred has been a shocker in many respects, not only in terms of the assassination itself, but who was involved obviously, and also the fact that it comes a time where you have this us-israely genocidal war happening. uh the uh, i guess what's going to happen in the next 24 hours is we're going to see uh the burral take place um in doha on friday uh which will be in a couple days and also tomorrow there will be a funeral ceremony. iran's leader will be in attendance. iran
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itself has uh announced to three days of national morning for what has occurred live there now from mashad you can see how people there have congregated uh in this area in order to give their blessing towards murder ismal haniah condemnations from all the countries in the region have come through uh a choris of condemnations there uh the us has given some statements that are derogatory um such as the us secretary of state anthony blincan i'm not going to speculate on what impact any one event might have on that meaning the seasfire deal seesfire deal at this point could be going on the back burner if you have one of the uh leaders of the side that's making uh or that's part of the seasfire team, namely to have been assassinated um by the other side, the israel regime, even though the israel regime has not obviously conceded to uh being responsible for it, the is regime has yet to comment
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officially really except for telling its members official members not to make any comments, but what was telling was the facebook page uh displayed a photo of haniah with a stamp on his forehead that's had eliminated, they later have uh deleted that post uh, but uh, even though the post doesn't really claim that the strike was carried out by israel, but it notes that hamas official was killed in precise strike in tehran, but that's customary with israel, it doesn't make an admission and nor does it deny the fact that it's responsible for this. there's gates also making a statement that this has taken the war as it called. with israel to new levels, it has warned of repercussions for the entire region and it went to say quote, the criminal assassination in the heart of the iraning capital is watershed and dangerous event that takes the war to new levels and to have enormous consequences for the entire region, russia condemning this
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attack also. in the end we're also waiting for hisbullah secretary general sayid hasan nasarlah to come out and make a statement even though there was announcement that the assassination of ismalania will strengthen the resistance fighters in all battlefields where he described haniah as one of the greatest leaders who strongly stood against the project of american domination and israeli occupation. reality that israel regime sees in their lands is quite different than what is happening, one of the statements coming from israel saying that it wants after the assassination that it wants to end
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hostilities without a wider war but ready for any scenario, he said has it said his ongoing aggression and brutal attacks are dragging the people of lebanon and the entire middle east into a wider escalation, this came from rear admiral daniel hagari, the military spokesman. i'm wondering how prepared they are for any scenario, as they call it, i'm not too sure if they've even considered with that any scenario that they refer to what it's going to be like when you have so many different actors and players involved. do they want to see another operation to promise version 2? are they ready for something like that? is the us ready for something like that where it has said? that it will still come to the defense of the israely regime, these are questions that we unfortunately in some sense, but maybe fortunate in some other sense, we'll see in the next uh days to come uh, once and if we're most likely when a retaliation is going to take place,
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from semnon, but this person was saying that martidom is misunderstood, says they don't
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understand what martidom is all about, and mariim is some uh form of happiness, and that is something that um is made in reference to people, fighters, resistance fighters for example, and in the case of izmaliania um to have gone to better place, the martidom is not seen as a sad day, as sad day that it is, it it's maritum in terms of the, goals of the resistance and what haniah fought for uh for decades practically, i mean he was the face in some sense of the hamas resistance group, so uh those are quite telling those statements uh being made about the notion of martidom, which uh perhaps the west is not either familiar with or can truly understand.
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downtown tehran from what we understand that she joins us now to tell us more over to you, well we're stationed right now at tehran's palestine square where a huge crowd has gathered to express its anger and enragement at this cowardly assassination, the way they describe it and calling for immediate response as you can see. behind me, people are holding the flags and uh the flags of uh palestine, the flags of the resistance
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movement, and also on the wall, as you can see right now, there is huge banner with the picture of ismail hania on it, and on it there is slogan written in hebrew calling for immediate response for the assassination of ismail hania in tehran, the strong message that iranian. people are now sending to the zionist regime of israel, and like i said, they're chanting slogans in support of gaza, in support of the resistance movement. i've talked to number of people k, all of them say that none of these assassinations and cowardly acts of the zionist regime will have any effect on the resistance movement and on their efforts to reach their goals, which is the liberation of... um, what are people saying about what has happened? have you had
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a chance to talk to them? yes, i did, actually, i talked to a large number of people, something that i found quite quite interesting covid, was the huge number of women who are present in this particular protest, it was interesting for me to see women from all walks of life who are here expressing their anger. saying that ismail hania was guest in iran and this is completely unacceptable, they condemned this assassination in the strongest term that they could call it. okay, and uh what are we to expect uh any news as to what uh, i mean this comes a time where you have the inauguration of masud pazayan, but now you have this incident to have happened uh, so how are things going to look in terms of for example tomorrow uh we understand that there's going to be a funeral ceremony that's going to be held. yes, yes, definitely, there's going to
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be, first of all, you know that the islamic republic of iran uh has announced three days of public morning following this assassination, and also tomorrow uh funeral procession will take place, and obviously we will be covering that for our viewers uh in press tv, and also we do expect very huge crowds to gather as you can. see right now even uh palestine square and downtown tehran is filled with people who are here to express their anger and enragement at this uh cowardly act of assassinating ismael. there in palestine square, we do appreciate it. iranians obviously have come out in mass and some may uh still be in shock us to what has happened, many are trying to absorb the fact that you have on their soil, the assassination of a senior leader that has
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been synonymous with hamas and the palestinian cause. this is something that uh has been going on for. decades uh the face of the palestine and particular the gaza strip obviously and the palestinians there what they have endored uh so it's very hard to actually absorb this piece of news for what has occurred uh for martur b. historian a social activist from kwaalalampur olsey jasekshi joins us now to give her give us his thoughts on this ols jazeksi welcome to the program here in the islamic republic uh the uh shock of this is uh still being felt. uh, there's a lots of uh obviously emotions that are going through uh, but when when you heard this news uh, what were your thoughts on this? i mean, we can't uh disregard the fact that thismahana as i was saying, really represented the in some way the face of palestinians and the struggle for resistance. yeah, i mean, the assassination of ismail
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fanya came as a great shock for the whole muslim ummah. ismail hania and his movement, hamas, they are loved and they are dured throughout the planet from the global south to the muslim world beat sunni or shia, but his assassination shows in a way the success that hamas is having on breaking the israeli hegemony over the palestinian issue, i mean we know now that the conflicting. has entered in its 10th month and israel has not been able to break the will of the palestinian people, even though the zionist regime is committing crimes against humanity, is committing genocide, hamas is still resisting, and i believe that the reason for
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the assassination of ismael hania in tehran by by by israeli musad was... made because it is an act of desperation, israel doesn't know what to do, they do not know how to give an end to the conflict, they do not know how to bring hamas to their own terms and moreover israel is really mad with with iran because they do understand that behind the axis of the resistance, behind the success that palestinians are... having their resistance stands iran and we have to remind our viewers that this is the first time in history since the creation of israel that israel has to fight such a long battle, a long war. i mean, the previous wars that israel fought with the arab governments, they lasted the most like
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two weeks, but 10 months is very long war, and we know from the history of the... second world war, that while your opponent can be superior militarily, like nazi germany was against the soviet union, the parties who win the wars are not those parties that have military superiority, but are those parties who continue the fight, and this is a big problem for the netanyahu administration, they are going crazy with hamas, they do not know how to... subjugate the palestinians and for this reason out of desperation and in order to provoke iran to enter into open military conflict with israel so that israel can drag united states, great britain, france and nato into conflict, they did this calculated provocation. what do you think
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that they did that, especially given the fact that they carried through assassination in southern beirout of a senior. military commander and then following that with this assassination here in the islamic republic, these are acts of desperation, and look, we, for those who have observed the speech that netanyahu held the us congress, there he was very desperate and appealing to the americans for backing him, and moreover, in his speech. netanyahu continuously attacked iran, iran, iran, because he knows that it is iran behind all this, but israel doesn't have the guts to go. into an open conflict and war with iran, why? simple, because iran is a regional superpower, so what netanyahu is doing now,
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it is going after leaders of hamas and hizbullah. netanyahu is a desperate for a world war, he is desperate to drag the americans into conflict, because simply he has no more power, israel has no more, no more... power to keep two front conflict with hizbullah and hamas and for this reason he is doing all kinds of provocations so that he can have a bigger war so that the americans can come and rescue israel. well um here's the part that's uh quite confusing, if you want to take a look at the fact that you have uh these two assassinations take place, one uh against hezbol and the other against the islamic republic. given the fire power that only these two have, not to mention the rest the resistance groups and countries that are against israely regime, hasn't it taking a miscalculation here, because that's part of
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the reason why israel has not dared attack the islamic republic throughout all these years in decades. well, we have to understand the personal situation of netanyahu, the person who is doing all this stupid steps, probably is not the israeli administration. it is not the army, the army wants to have peace and deal with hamas, but it is netanyahu. netanyahu is fighting for his life, because he knows that at the first moment that the conflict in gaza ends, he will end up in jail and he will be nobody, so he is a suicide mission, he simply wants to provoke a war, he doesn't care if israel will be obliterated by hisbollah. iran, what he cares is his own safety, and if you talk to many israelis, they will tell you the same
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thing, this is a mad man. unfortunately, israel has been taken hostage by a madman who, unfortunately has the full support of the us administration, because the israeli loby and the evangelical zionis, they believe that they can in. wars with this new israeli hitler uh some talk about how there should be cooler heads to prevail here, but i don't think there is any chance for that, the notion of revenge is what's uh dominant when you read the news, and that is what israel is actually expecting, so when you take a look at the the the fact that that is going to happen in what form and manner may we see that happen uh when it comes to the ones who want to execute it like: what iran's leader has said regarding iran and also other resistance groups, well the the the the main or the, i mean today middle east is suffering
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from one madman whose name is benjamin netanyahu, so benjamin netanyahu today is acting like adolf hitler during second world war, he has total control over the israeli state like hitler had total control over nazi germany, the only solution towards the war that is happening is the liquidation of netanyahu, but who's going to do it? if humanity will be lucky enough, there will be some brave israel who are going to remove him from power or take him out, like like number of germans tried to liquidate hitler during world war ii, the other option is that the access of resistance. has to deal with this mad man. i mean, if netanyahu was not to be the prime minister of israel, but someone else were to be, we would have not seen the
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nightmare that we are seeing. the problem is that today, the state of israel has been hijacked by a desperate psychopathic person who is fighting for his own life, so if if iran or hizbullah has the necessary technology. is they probably should pay netanyahu the same visit that he did to ismail hania? well uh, the retaliation that is going to happen and by all looks of it, it will, um, how, at what point would it cross the red line uh, where uh the us needs to come into action, um, the last time around operation true promise the us was there, uh just shielding israel and um uh thorting these uh missiles incoming missiles and drones um that was defensive nature in a sense uh but this time around don't think
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it's going to be like the first time uh where operation true promise was executed, it's maybe uh even more severe uh what are your thoughts on that? do you think that this was what israel wanted that this would be if there were to be a counterattack by the islamic republic that it would be severe enough to pull the us into doing something against the islam islamic republic? i think this is exactly what netanyahu wants, he is... hoping and praying for a massive iranian assault so that he can ask and drag the americans to join the war. i believe that the best thing that iran can do in this moment is to use its allies in the region to launch a massive retaliation against israel without entering itself, because i mean i
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mean if..." if you heard the speech that netanyahu held at the at the us congress, his speech was a speech of desperation, netanyahu and his zionist lobby who control the united states, he feels, he feels very desperate why he cannot do anything about iran, and for people who study the history of middle east, we know the the the the cv of netanyahu. netanyahu since 1980s has always been a warmonger, in 1980s he was pushing the americans against the soviet union, then he pushed them against iraq, then against libya, then against syria, and he always was obsessed with iran, iran and iran, and now that he his days are numbered, because he is going to die, i don't know, either by god or by some iranian missile. "before he goes to
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jahannam, he wants to create the armagedon, because i mean we shouldn't forget that benjamin netanyahu, he is a religious extremist, i mean he believes in this zionist messianic ideology of the end of the times of the armagadon, and this person is very dangerous, this person he is ready to use the nuclear bomb against iran and..." against hisbullah and against all the resistant groups who are fighting for the liberation of palestine, this man is very dangerous person, but in my humble opinion is that iran should not give to netanyahu what he wants, i mean netanyahu, i believe is going to get the answer that he deserves, but probably iran should not militarily attack israel.