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tv   Israel Watch Majdal Shams  PRESSTV  August 1, 2024 10:00am-10:30am IRST

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well, i have to explain that this is not a retaliation, it is a hard revenge. i would like emphasize on this expression, because what's been done so far was part of the retaliation and punishment of the باید. of of
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or operation through promise, or other attacks that the yemenis have carried out on vessels, israeli bound vessels and israeli-linked vessels.
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that i will be the one fighting you, and this means that hezballah in and of itself is enough to defeat the zinanis, if it uses all of its military power, and there will be nothing called israel on the map. we've been seen reactions from from many countries condemming the assassination. of ismael
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hania, but uh we're still to see uh any type of of reaction or condemnation coming from the likes of the united states, the uk, france, germany, etc. why is that? well, i think that's entirely to be expected, um, that's simply standard practice that um, the so-called rules-based international order depends. on who the who is doing action and who is the recipient of the action, so even despite the fact that ismail hania was in fact the elected leader of uh palestine back in uh 2006, because it was hamas that won those elections, um, elections that i believe rhetorically at least the west wanted. to
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present the idea that they were supportive of, rejected those results in outrage, and ever since we have had the de facto palestinian government being run by the party that lost those elections, namely fatah, um, which attempted to overthrow um hamas control in the gaza strip in 2007 and failed, which is how we ended up with the political um bification of the palestinian national movement, um, it it just comes down to rank hypocrisy that um, when a certain leader is assassinated or a certain norm of international law or diplomatic protocol is completely flouted, um, the west, the the...
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powerful countries of the world um base their reaction on their own narrow interests rather than any actual uh principle. right, so these are live images that we're getting from the iranian capital, tehran, a state funeral is uh being held uh, which we were covering earlier, it started at the uh tehron university, leader of iran's islamic revolution said ali khamenei uh was leading the funeral prayers and then a a marches commenced toward tehron's iconic azadi square uh where the... the funeral processions uh will come to an end small honey will then um according to reports be taken to his final resting place in doha uh qatar and uh we've been covering uh the uh the implications and the fallout from uh the uh the assassination
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the head of the political bureau of hamas ismail han in the iranian capital teron which occurred in the early hours of uh wednesday morning that's uh that's yesterday. uh so uh let's uh let's go back to uh our guest mr. kanan who's with us in our studio here in tehran uh mr. moqadam we're seeing um these uh these basically destabilization uh as is at the core of the existence of uh the uh the israeli regime i guess that we spoke to um yesterday here on press tv said that basically this issue is embedded in the dna. the israeli regime, so that constantly leads them to crossing more and more red lines, but there has to be point where enough is enough, even the staunchest israeli supporter has to think how much support is just too much
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support for these acts of destabilization carried out by the israeli regime. well, it's based on that, and you can't take this away from it, unless it is annihilated itself.
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this is very wrong perception, they have shown time and again and history proves that every time that they've had the opportunity for talks, the palestinian people have given many things without receiving anything, and these actions from the zionis and what they.
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iran and saudi arabia, they pointed to that as an example where negotiations was useful and they were fruitful, and they thought that this could be the same, they could uh initiate something similar to that, well recently we witnessed that hamas and
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nature of the zionist regime, when it comes to the deal of the century, and when they have that in mind, obviously this type of agreement will not reach any kind of result, and those who come out victorious from.
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uh, well, different solutions were brought up, the two state solution for example, there are different solutions, and these are not solutions that will eventually lead to uh lasting peace, and the only way forward is fighting them and fighting them in this war. samuels about the nature of the israeli regime, it's destabilized, destabilized, destabilized, that's all they've ever done in. region since uh its inception and creation on palestinian land, hasn't it? well
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that is inevitably the nature of settler colonialism. um, yes, i mean, there's there, it really is that symbol, i mean it, the um, the same kind of process that has occurred unfortunately in many parts of the world. in relatively recent centuries, whether in north america or indeed australia, um, new zealand, and no doubt many other places as well, settler colonialism always necessarily involves violence and discrimination and some form of apartide, it cannot be other, it it cannot be other than what it is, um, because "the pre-existing population is simply never going to willingly accept being driven out of
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their homes and driven off their land um by people by um by political project and by a population that is ultimately not from that land um and i don't think it would ever be reasonable to expect that anyone would accept that situation." uh some breaking news that we had on uh on the bottom um of the screen um the uh iran uh un envoy has said the assassination of ismail honey it constitutes a war crime under the geneva convention i'm going to address that question to mr. kan animal adam uh so just to to um reiterate that again uh the iranian un envoy says that this assassination, this constitutes a war
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crime under the geneva convention, but mr. moladam, i, i think that many people are skeptical that that would be dealt with in terms of a war crime, because the israelis uh, they they get away with carrying out so many war crimes, namely what's taking place uh in gaza, um, and uh, in addition to that, all the other.
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that is why legal action in the framework of the united nations, obviously it should be pursued, but we are not hopeful and... it comes to stopping the settlement buildings and also getting aid into the gaza strip,
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these are resolutions that have. the genocide that israel is committing, all these are against the geneva conventions, this is completely illegal to attack healthcare centers or places where... women and children or innocent civilians are gathered, these are places that should be safe and they should not be attacked, but you see that cluster bombs are used in these places against all international law, and the genocide that now we are discussing uh and referring to as a war crime committed,
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and even if resolutions are passed, even if the strongest passed against this regime, it will not be implemented, and that is why the resistance of the palestinian people is so
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important, and that is why they have chosen this path, let's... talk about some of the uh uh political turmoil inside israel as uh benyamin netan was facing even more criticism there uh specifically following uh the the recent yemeni drone attack which hit the heart of tel aviv uh his political opponents uh the israeli public they're particularly furious at him for his handling of the gaza war and his numerous failures uh and uh uh add all the recent developments to that as well, give us your views on how um benyamin netanyahu is basically tying the continuation of this war and uh the uh uh further destabilization acts in the region to his um political career, because uh it's almost inevitable to say that when all of this comes
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to an end, it will be the final nail in the coffin for netanyahu as well. yes, it's very simple, um, whenever there is any realistic hope of seasfire um and an exchange of captives finally being struck uh netan who does something to torpedo it, to impose new conditions, to make claims about hamas supposedly imposing new conditions. because he ultimately does not want the end of the war, he does not want the end of the emergency, um, war government, um, or the war cabinet, he certainly does not want new elections, because he knows what the results of those will be, and that he will no longer have any legal immunity from prosecution. um,
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it really, it feels as though... um, i mean, obviously i'm very much removed um from it, but it seems as though the the level of internal anger um among the israeli public uh has been rising steadily, um, his his, the number of his internal political opponents seems to be growing somewhat, in a not unrelated issue, you had just two weeks ago, the beginning of... um conscription of the harady or ultra orthodox um community who have since the beginning of the israeli regime have been exempted from military service, and of course, if israel has any realistic intentions of fighting a real war on multiple fronts, it's going to have to
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increase the size of its armed forces. um, the perverse irony of that is that the parties who are most fanatically trying to push him to the level of total war are also the ultra right, ultra orthodox. religious parties that that insist on demanding all kinds of concessions from the government, including that members of their community never be expected to or required to perform any kind of active military service, so that exception, that exemption was legally struck down um, i believe over a month ago, so as we speak, these conscriptions are beginning. and it has generated quite intense protests among the ultra orthodox jewish community and anger
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at their own political leadership, so it may be and it's an outside chance, but if one is going to try and hope for the most positive outcome or the most positive way that this could end, namely that... netanyahu's government could be brought down, it could be um, one, or indeed, both of those extreme ultra orthodox parties leaving the coalition government, as they have said that they would do if um, if the exemption on ultra orthodox conscription were to be removed, it now has been, so the ball very much is in their court as to whether they follow through. on that threat, and for the sake of the region and perhaps even the sake of the world, um, one would probably hope that they do follow
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through on that threat and bring the netanyahu government to an end, because there's no way that he's going to um end the war or end the mandate of his government such as it is um voluntarily. mr. coun muadam, in line with uh the uh the double standard and western hypocrisy that we're seeing with regards uh to the israelis. i just recently saw uh an interesting uh message uh that was posted on social media, it said that if an arab or muslim country did what israel has done over the past 24 hours the west would be bombing it mercilessly. now we're not even seeing. any condemnations for uh the actions the israeli regime? unpack that for us and our viewers please. sorry, excuse me, mr. canon, i'm going to jump in there, i'm being
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told by the control room, we're going to cross over to our correspondent in tehran rshimi for an update and then we'll get back to you uh with that. rezashemi is joining us now once again from the iranian capital tehran uh where the final processions for ismail hier are taking place. therezo, what's going on? "hi, hope you can hear me, there is thousands of people that have come out here, as you can see behind me, the bodies have just passed behind me, his body, i just passed behind me, and there is thousands of thousands of people have come out here right now and support of palestine and to show that they are willing to stand up against israel and the western uh country and support of the people and right now, there are many many people here." that have shown up and support and are willing to stand up uh for the people of palestine, can you hear me? yes, very
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difficult to hear, there's a lot of noise out here, um, there's people here with palestinian flags um showing their support with hisbullah flags showing their support for the lebanese people that are standing up for the resistance. "i've also seen flags of the yemenis, um, all people from all over the country have shown up with short notice in tehran to show support for the people and the resistance and gaza. very well, joining us uh from the fun processions taking place state funeral in the iranian capital, tehran uh for the political uh bureau uh head of the political bureau of hamas." resistance movement ismail hunia who was assassinated in the iranian capital in the early hours of wednesday morning back to our guest uh in our studio here in term mr. cannin muaddam.
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please continue with your answer sir.
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