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tv   Iran Today  PRESSTV  August 7, 2024 6:02pm-6:31pm IRST

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questions and more in this edition of iran today. the follow. during day, an air of salemnity enveloped the capital as people from all walks of life made their way to the university of tehran. here, the leader of the islamic revolution, ayatullah sayyad ali khamenei, lit the funeral prayer for the murdered guest. as the service commence, sea of morners gathered, paying their respects alongside high-ranking iranian officials and military leaders. among the crowd stud president masud pesishiyan visibly moved as tears stream down his face. this pointed.
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evident that he was killed by a projectile contrary to claims made by others, including the new york times. mr. hania was not killed due to bomb explosion or assassination attempt from close trench, he was killed by a projectile. other narratives surrounding his death are unfounded. technical teams are investigating various aspects of their henous crime. how the israel is pinpointed the exact location of mr. hania. during the attack
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remains to be determined, however is speculated that this was at least facilitated by smartphones which hezbollah secretary general sarola referred to as killing phones in her speech following the assassination of shokor, the group's senior military commander. iran is seathing like never of before. the blood of its beloved guest has been spilled its sacred soil. igniting a fury that cannot be ignored, tehran has made it crystal clear, it will exact vengeance for the assassination of murder ismail haniye. in the awake of hanieh's assassination, ayatullah sayid ali khamenei, the leader of the islamic revolution, issued a stark warning, a harsh response would be forthcoming against israel. he articulated a resolute stance declaring that avenging hannah's death is not merely an option, but
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of national law to launch a retaliatory attack on israel, speaking from experience, if we of exercise self-restraint, the regime might misinterpret that as a sign of weakness, making them even more embolden to continue their acts of terror. therefore, inaction is not an option for the islamic republic at all. earlier this year, israel pushed the region closer to the brink of war when it targeted iran's embassy in damascus and april
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provoking a swift retaliation from tehran. on april 13th, iran unleashed a formidable barrage of over 300 drones and missiles at israel, an operation dubbed true promise. this response followed the assassination of several iranian military advisors including a high-ranking commander an israeli strike that had targeted iran's consulat in damascus on april 1st. the stakes are rising and the region stands at a critical cross. roads. we also sat with mr. mohsin, a former iranian diplomat and currently a prominent expert on international affaires. جمهوری اسلامی ایران هم حق داره که انتقام بگیره. the islamic republic of iran has the right to seek revenge and simultaneously views it as moral obligation. tehran asserts this right under all international laws and as our country's territorial sovereignty has been infringged upon, thus justifying. for us to retaliate
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against his killer, there is no doubt that we will exact severe revenge on the israeli regime. how this will unfold is not something i am privy to, but it is clear that it will occur at the appropriate time and place. i believe that this time the retaliation will be significantly harsher than that of operation true promise. now with the assassination of iranian. the potential for further escalation looms large. moreover, this reckless act may drive hamas to withdraw from ongoing ceasefire negotiations, heitening the already precarious situation. once again, the landscape of west asia teaters on the edge, with some foreseing a
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descent into chaos, a scenario they describe as armigedin. as tensions mount the region faces an uncertain and increasingly volatile future. dr. fuad is of tehran faculty of world studies had more to say about the assassination of the political figure of hamas. what is the significance of the assassination of mr. han in tehran? mr. ismail han was negotiating with the other side to reach a peace deal, so it can tell you lot if you kill the negotiator of the other side, it means that you are not interested in peace. it's a violation of international law, of course, you don't. attack other countries, and iran i think will respond using article 51 of the un charter, gives countries permission to defend themselves when they are attacked, it's a serious mistake, it can lead to a big war in this part of the world. the islamic republic
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has yet to strike against the israeli regime, when will the reckening come? it's anyone's guess, some insist, it's just around the corner, while others say... tehran prefers its revenge to be a dish served cold, whatever the case, it's just matter of time. the spectra of retaliation looms ominously over israel, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty as officials grapple with the unpredictable timing and method of any counterattack. in addition to iran, the rest the axis of resistance, comprising lebanon's hizbillah, yemen's ansarullah, the islamic resistance in iraq, and various resistance movements in gaza have vowed to avenge hania's death, dr. hamid reza gholamzade, an iranian political analyst with a phd in us studies, the previous time iran just wanted to show that it can uh attack and it can do something, it was just message uh, but now
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iran needs to seriously and practically punish the israelies, so there is going to be severe attack against them, but it doesn't that it's going to be only by tehran and it could be only by or just uh from terwan, it could be from the whole network, because as i said we have a network of resistance in the region, each part of this network each member is individual member and organization, but they are connected each other and they are serving a cause that is in benefit of all of them, so they are not paroxes of iran. yemen, hisbullah, the the groups in iraq or syria or the others, none of them are proxies of iran, unlike what they are claiming in mainstream media, they are parts of a network uh whose center is the islamic republic of iran
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because it is the most powerful one member. footage from news outlets captures the popable fear and desperation of citizens in tel aviv and other israeli occupied cities, each grappling with the looming threat of a military response to the regime's assassination campaigns. in the awake of these escalating tensions, numerous airlines have canceled flights to israel, reflecting the widespread apprehension among travelers. based on what happened uh, does international law allow iran to take retaliatory action against the israeli regime? the israelis have violated the the territories of the uh islamic republic of iran by carrying this attack and... "according to the national, according to international law, iran has all the right to respond to that, and it was something that the secretary general of the united nations has actually admitted in conversation with acting foreign minister mr. bagheri that he had, he has also, he has also
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admitted that iran has on the right to carry out this retaliation, because it is its right, because it is according to the un charter and it is" according to the all international laws and political regulations that we have, they have violated our territory, our integrity and there would be some response to punish the... the potential for reprisals from iran and its allied resistance groups has also put the us and its western allies on high alert. reports indicate that the ussss theodore roosevelt and aircraft carrier has been deployed to regional waters, a precautionary measure amit fears of impending retaliation for hania's assassination. iran uh first response was in april with drones, that... was more to show iran's capabilities, i think this time iran
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will use all available means to respond, they will have different tactics, different methods, but this time it's going to the pain is going to be much more, and the reason is that if attacking iran is painless to people like natanahu, they will do that and... daily basis attack on daily basis, they would like to see tehran the same way as you see gaza today, and the reason you don't see that is because they realize the cost of turning iran, tehran to another gaza is is very high. his will as response to the recent zianist aggression on the lebanese cavitol, will it spark in all out war with beirot or remain a series of targeted strikes? we'll examine. zinist israel's demand for measured response from hezbulah and whether such an approach is
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viable after major attacks on lebanese targets and with iran, iraq, lebanon and yemen, all vowing retaliation, while zianis israel, the us, the uk, france, and some other arab nations prepared to counter, how close are we to a full scale regional conflict? du in for in-depth analysis of the escalating tensions and what it means for the future of the region, don't miss it, resistance revenge strike, this week on the media stream. we have lot more to cover today, but let's take moment to catch up on the latest headlines. hello everyone, welcome to the new section of this program. here we'll go over some important news headlines. iran says will use its legitimate rights to create deterrance against. israelna: iran's acting firm minister alibagari has said that
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his country will certainly use this legitimate and inherent right to defend its security, sovereignty and territorial integrity with the aim of creating deterns against israel's aggressive measures, the iranian diplomat made the remark on sunday in a phone conversation with slovania's foreign minister tanjafajun with the two discussing the situation in west asia following israel's assassin. nation of top hezballah commander f shakur in beirot and hamas political chief ismail hania in tehran last week. israel mistake in assassinating kenya, not to go unanswered. maar news. the new iranian president has said that the zianists made a big mistake by assassinating the hamos resistant movements. pult bureau chief ismael henia stressing that iran will respond to the zinanis aggression. masud pesishkian made the comments in a meeting with the visiting foreign minister of jordan ayan safadi in tehran on sunday. the assassination of guest
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the islamic republic of iran was an act against all international laws and a big mistake of the zionis. pesishkian said adding that the islamic republic of iran expects all islamic countries and freedom seeking people in the entire world to strongly condemn such a crime. the president declared that iran would respond to the israel regime's assassination of ismaal hania. condemning the western countries for adopting double standards when it comes to human rights. us sends message to iran over response to hannah martterdom. shark daily, the united states has reportedly sent a message to iran through mediators over the islamic republic's response to the assassination of the hamas leader ismal hania by the israeli regime, according to a report release by al-arabi al-jadid, cairo conveyed americans messages to iran on target. israeli officials or diplomats in any of the countries in the region as well as targeting sites, areas or
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civilian or commercial facilities in the israeli occupied palestinian territories, whether directly from its territory or through its allies in their region. however, cairo did not receive any signals from officials in tehran regarding the nature of the next stage or the expected iranian measures, and what happened was nothing more than the iranian side. listening to the views and messages carried by cairo, the report added, iranian officials are yet to comment on this issue. ansarullah, iran not sold party to avenge. hani assassination. irna. aliul qahumhum, top official of yemen's ruling huuti ansarullah movement, has said that iran will not be alone in its retaliatory response to the assassination of hamas political chief, ismail hannah. earlier ansarlah sayid abdul malik al-hoti highlight that the martterdom of resistance leaders has historically had a profound effect on
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motivating the resistance members to persevere, adding that the zinus enemy. is nearing its inevitable collapse as it escalates its crimes, he underscored that the assassination of hania was a clear violation of all customs and norms, noting that the act caused a scandal on part of european countries and certain arab states, which even came short of condemning the assassination. al-hoti stressed that martter hania had major and outstanding contribution to serving the just and holy cause of palestine, including the liberation of palestinian. land and alaksa mosk. jordan in last ditch effort to prevent iran retaliating for hania killing the guardian. foreign ministers rare visit to tehran appears likely to fail given iranian insistance on making a decisive response. jordan's foreign minister, iman safadi has made rare visit to iran in a last stage
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effort to persuades to hold back from attacking israel in response to the assassination of the hamas political leader ism. hania in tehran last week, the western ally with a large palestinian population is facing tough balancing act as it faces domestic calls to break off relations with tel aviv and to stop protecting it after shooting down iranian missiles aimed at israel earlier this year. the visit looked doomed to fail given that iranian insisted on sunday that there was no room for a compromise and that it would make decisive response to the assassination in a meeting with safar. iranian president masud pesishiyan said the assassination of hania was major mistake by the zinist regime that will not go on answered. iranian state tv reported. and thank you for joining us in this section. please stay tuned for the main narrative. if the united states is addicted to sanctions, israel, the darling of the white house, is truly addicted to
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assassinations, the weapons of the cowards, those who lack the courage to confront their enemies directly. with all the support the regime receives from the us camp, killing defenseless, children and women, and assassinating political figures or the only achievements israel has to boast about. it seems as though assassinations and acts of terror have become fixture in the israeli regime's behavior towards its enemies. uh, are we dealing with rogue regime that has no ethical red lines and no rules of engagement? israeli regime has been. practicing terrorism for 76 years, they're good at it, they have been doing it for a long time, and the nature the regime and the nature of zionist ideology is racism, is occupation, is apartide, and if tomorrow is taken out with an iranian missile
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strike, the nature of the regime will not change. "the nature of israel regime is criminal, these it's a gang of people, generally military people who have taken over the land and they engage in this type of activities to continue the illegal occupation of other people's land. the assassination of ismail hannah has sparked wave of global condemnation bringing to the foreground israel. longstanding practice of targeted killings. to grasp the full impact of this event, one must examine israel's historical strategy of eliminating figures that views as threats, particularly within iran. israel has a well-documented history of targeting iranian individuals, especially those linked to its peaceful nuclear program. this pattern of high profile assassinations serves as a
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cornerstone of israel's efforts to maintain its regional dominance and secure its occupation. notable cases include the killings of nuclear scientists such as masud ali muhammadi in 2010, majid shahriary also in 2010, darious rezainjad in 2011, mostfadi roshanan in 2012 and mosen fakhrizade in 2020. these targeted strikes illustrate the lens to which israel will go to neutralize what it perceives as threats, alarming reality that reverberates across the globe. hania's assassination. in tehran marks a significant departure from prior targets focused predominantly on nuclear expertise. as a leading political figure within hamas and he is killing introduces new layer to israel's. strategy aiming at undermining political leadership rather than solely scientific advancements. mr. hania was not the first palestinian leader that was
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assassinated in this terror attack. sheikh ahmad yasin was the first leader palestinian leader that was assassinated. abdul aziz renti second leader was assassinated. even with islamic. jihad, you had leaders of islamic jihad assassinated, and every time they assassinate a leader, you look at the fact, that organization actually becomes a stronger, so hamas is stronger today when you compare the organization to what they had after the assassination of sheikh ahmed yas, and this is the foolish thing that israel don't understand that by assassinating leaders, "you provide incentive for palestinians to become stronger. the assassination of ismail hannah is not merely
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an isolated incident, it is part of a broader campaign of israeli operations designed to destabilize its adversaries. while these operations may achieve short-term objectives by eliminating key figures, they carry significant risks. such actions can escalate tensions paving the way for." measures that have the potential to spiral into larger conflicts as اول آغازات the conflict scope to encompass the entire region. he aims to draw the united states and iran into the war, setting them against one another. his underlying motive is to maintain his grip on power. with this goal in mind, he has opened new fronts across the region from iran and yemen to iraq, syria and hezbollah.
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the israeli prime minister is attempting to provoke the islamic republic into engaging in the war. what should we do? the islamic republic has demonstrated that it can make the best decisions without falling into israel's trap. we must wait and see. in response to israel. the iranian government is likely to adopt a measured approach. while retaliation is seen as inevitable, officials seem poised to execute a carefully calculated response designed to maximize impact while minimizing the risk of escalating into broader conflict. this strategy reflects iran's commitment to resilience atmit provocations, exercising restraint to avoid hasty actions that could spiral into open warfare. as the region holds its breath, the implications of this assassination will probably unfold in the days to come. the west silence over the political assassination of
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ismail hanyer, a prominent palestinian leader, is simply deafining. whatever happened to the self-proclaimed champions of civilization and human rights, perhaps they're busy with other pressing matters like aiding and abetting israel's genocidal campaign in gaza. how do you? european countries acted very poorly, we didn't expect the united states to condemn the regime's act of terror. after all, washington is the main culprit in the war on gaza. however, europe acted very poorly, it took no stance on this act of terror, despite having long preach to the world against terrorism, consequently europe. has lost its reputation in this regard. western countries silenced alongside the absence of a statement from the united nations security council regarding the
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israeli regime's aggressive actions against iran, reveals a longstanding pattern that has persisted for decades, flakering double standards by those who set standards for the rest of the world. how do you see the west's reaction to this assassination? be نظرm صحنه امنیt in my view. "the un security council reflects the position of western world in response to the assassination of mr. hania. the russian representative in the council raised the issue of double standards following these reality act of terror in terron. he stated that western nations are selective in their condemnation of acts of terror. at times they denounced a terrorist, at other times they criticized the victim. the target. of condemnation is not the act of terror itself, but the entity they hold a grudge against, clear example of double standards, none of the western countries
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express support. for iran after the israely attack. similarly, none condemn this regime for its actions. on the contrary, some like the united states, the united kingdom and france openly declared their unbavoring support for israel, siting with the assassin. this illustrates that the west has its own definitions of good and bad entirely disconnected from universal values, closely tied to political interest. "the islamic republic of iran asserts its legitimate and inherent right to defend its security, sovereignty and territorial integrity. in the face of ongoing threats, iran aims to establish deterrant strategy against the aggressive actions of the zinest regime, all while striving to maintain security and stability in west asia. that's all for today, thank you for watching from the whole team. please do join us again same times next week
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to see what else is. till next time, take care, by the time you see this, the world might be at war, the middle east and west asia, almost certainly, so the world waits for the new superpower in the west. theater of operations, the islamic republic of iran and its friends in the axis of resistance, to the israeli savagery that killed two important commanders, have it out with gallow, why don't you?
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the headlines, the organization of islamic cooperation slams assassination of the hamas leader in tehran last week as violation of iran's sovereignty and international law. israeli occupation forces kill tens of palestinian civilian. across the gaza struck in one day, raising the deaththoll to around 39,700. and elite video shows iof soldiers sexually abusing a palestinian man held it an israeli detentions camp.