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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  August 7, 2024 10:02pm-10:30pm IRST

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"the genocide in gaza has continued unabated, but on the political side, there have been some major developments after the assassination of the hamas political bureau chief ismahana, hamas has new leader, yahya sinwar. hamas has said this means it will continue its path of resistance. in this edition of the spotlight, we will look at what this means and how his appointment will impact ceire negotiations. we also discuss the outcome of the meeting of the oic that was held in jeddha, along with some major statements that the hisbollah secretary general has made in his recent speech. with
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the focus on the recent assassination of ismahana and the retaliation. joining us to discuss that first we have saying abbas journalist and political commentator who joins us from london. so bas welcome uh when we want to take a look at the appointment of senuaire obviously um the message that that sense is abound in terms of what it means. um the sense of unity within hamas obviously is one of them. what's your impression of this appointment now? well yeah sinwar is probably number. one on the hit list of the the mossad and the israeli army, he essentially is the ground operations commander for the resistance in gaza, and they've been hunting and searching for him for of course, as long as one can imagine any conflict between israel and and the palestinians has been going on in recent memory, so yeah is hugely significant character to come to the for as leader, because it it really just... shows
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that actually uh ismail hania was probably better bet, he was more of a the negotiation fraternity, the kind of person who would would have been happy to strike some kind of deal if it was reasonable, but of course no deal could be strucked even even with israel, because the israelies don't want to deal and not to the americans want any kind of deal which has any fairness for for the palestinians and bringing yahya sin war means essentially uh the uh "the situation is much worse for israel, because now you've got somebody who's absolutely totally committed of to an absolute uh, probably upgrade of palestinian resistance uh capabilities, he's got on the ground experience in the war itself, he has that credibility of being on on the ground there, fighting and and being right in in the midst of things and of course he's he's very solidly with the access of resistance, which means the axis of resistance..." also knows that the trajectory
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of the palestinian resistance is uh is going to be consistent, it's going to be solid and they can continue to work together in unison with synergies and and to to tackle the the israeli offensives and atrocities in the coming in the coming months. great, let me bring in spokes person of the masar movement who joins us from vancouver, welcome, so you have yahya sanjar being appointed here and ' it's interesting the way that this is being depicted um when it comes to the impression that one has through the western uh false western uh narrative, but the way that this is going to um advance the resistance agenda is my question to you uh as to where we may see differences when it comes to the way ismaal hania was and now with uh this apppointments um and where the palestinian cause is going to go with him. yes, i think the... important thing is what the
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palestinian people and the palestinian resistance want and what serves the strategy of the access of resistance in the region, of the vast majority of the palestinian people celebrated the decision by hamas movement, electing brother yahya sanwar abu ibrahim to be the head of the politic bureau of hamas, this is a man that have a and respect and admiration of the palestinian people, yahya sanwar is a leader that spend over 22 years in israeli prison, he have very long journey of struggle against designist enemy, he is a voice of unity, not just in gaza, but also in throughout palestine and the region, and he is also a person who have proved by words and
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deeds his ability of leading the palestinian resistance in this very important and sensitive. juncture in the region and internationally, we know that the zionist enemy and the us, the western powers are going to of course, you know, call him all kind of names, in fact israel is calling for the assassination of all hamas leaders, leaders and not just inward, we know that they just assassinated hania who is considered to be kind of moderate and a political... you know person who was handling the negotiations and they killed him in tahran, the you know israel have learned the message and the response of the palestinian resistance by electing sinwar, which means
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that they are going to deal with the head of the palestinian resistance in ghazza, and also that there will be escalation all throughout palestine from the... to the sea, israel have made fatal strategic mistakes, you know, throughout the uh flood and all of these war crimes, but especially lately by assassinating haniah, assassinating you know, shukur, the commander of hizballah forces in lebanon, and we think that we have entered new stage where israel and the united states are very close to strategic defeat in the region, sure. well to expand on that a little bit with you here, simon abbas, i mean it's uh very interesting to uh have the israely foreign minister who has come out and said that we need to go for the assassination of this uh uh appointment yahya sinwar um they were very quick uh as to the way they reacted to this, well we know that the uh sinmar has
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been on their radar just like other uh resistance leaders, but uh to come out so quickly saying that uh first of all what does that mean? does that mean that there is no way that there's going to be any type of seasfire negotiations? that may move forward at this point, is that dead deal? that's exactly what their intention is, they don't feel that they need to have any kind of ceasefire, they're desperate to crush ethnically cleanse, destroy, genocide, whatever has anything attached to the the palestinian cause, i mean that doesn't just mean the people in gaza, it also means in the medium term those in the west bank, and i believe it also means their neighbors in lebanon. as as well as uh anybody else who is siting with palestine and of course uh they uh they have made this belligerantly clear, they essentially are continuing to get a full and free supply of arms, the heaviest, the most deadly weapons and military arsenal and
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missiles uh from the americans, they continue to get encouragement from uh the the the anglosphere generally, they're being given every diplomatic encouragement, no progress is really being pushed by the americans in a genuine way, and if they couldn't do it with - with uh ismael hania and and his his conciliatory approaches, then i i can assure you that with they're not going to get uh any mileage whatsoever, and what will happen is that the palestinian resistance and the access of resistance will become stronger and it will become much harder for the israelis to manage. than it's already been, i mean, they failed, for instance, i mean, the international community of course has to hang its head in shame, because they failed to bring israel to any kind of book, they failed to allow you, the palestinians, hostages, which i call them hostages, the they're being tortured in in the prison cells of palestine,
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yet all we hear about is the the torture cells of israel, i mean, but yet all we hear is is the handful of um the the israeli if you like prisoners. of war who are are held legitimately, of course all of this is really ultimately now spinning towards perhaps a regional regional crisis and of course we're still waiting for the islamic republic of iran to respond to the uh the extrajudicial killing of ismail han, so we haven't had that complete and yet, here we have an israeli minister talking about killing more uh hamas leaders, of course that means that they want to accelerate war. "and the lack of effort in terms of a ceasefire means that they're not interested in any kind of uh civilized negotiations whatsoever. well, it's interesting that when we talk about this how the white house has reacted uh, and what we're looking at khalid barakat is a statement coming from the white house just in the past couple hours where they have said
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that the hamas leader, yahya samwar quote, needs to decide now to take this deal to get sessware in place, saying that the deal is closer than ever, that doesn't quite..." go go with what we just discussed, does it? no, and the people of the region and the palestinian people understand that united states is not just comp sit in these war crimes, they are leading these war crimes, they flying israel with all of the zionist war machines, they are supporting israel, military, financially, politically, covering israeli war crimes and genocide worldwide, united states is responsible on every palestinian child that was killed at the hands of designist army in ghazza and throughout the conflict, the united states is a, pathological liars, no one trusts them, no one believes them, including their
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collaborators and those who they considered in the region to be moderate, they they they also are not exactly confidence on the united states position, we have seen what the united states is doing on the ground, biden administration have continuously supported netanyahu, although in some you know... media outlets, you would hear that some kind of an us officials expressing disagreement here and there, but in reality we see that the united states immediately start moving its military ships in the region to defend israel, and this is a public declared us position, no matter what israel commits of crimes, the united states protected, every time the united nation calls for a cease fire, the... united states block it, the united states veto is always ready to protect israel and
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the palestinian people and the people of the region understand that their enemy is the united states and western backers of the zionist regime, everyone knows that, this is not something new. now the united states is failing in all fronts, and yes they don't want a regional war because they cannot afford a regional war, and they might defend israel as they did in april 13 when iran uh you know attacked designist regime in response to the aggression against the iranian embassy in damascus, we saw how israel needed the protection of the united states, france, italy, britain, some of the arab reactionary collaborator regimes like jordan, emirats and saudi arabia and others, and still... israel considered that you know it did not you know it did not israel
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deterrance was shattered and now the israeli economy is crumbling if you watch what is the discussion that is happening today in the zionist regime whether in the military or political ranks whether in media or even the general public they are deteriorating they are reckless they are not. organized and yet the access of resistance have a strategy and it's coordinating its efforts and actions in a very will organized manner. well we had the word retaliation here and uh say mosan abbass i'm going to come in on the military aspect of this retaliation we know what happened in operation true promise uh this time around uh not only iran but the other resistance groups also including yemen um have said that this is going to be different this time. around just looking at the capabilities that iran's missiles have, including their drones, um,
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the mere fact that it has hypersonic missiles of which the fatah 2 was unveiled, and also the missiles that have the range that it does, um, the military perspective of this all points to the fact that israel will be defeated, so the always the big question mark here is um, even with the help of the us and its allies if they were to uh use anything to thort these missiles, it's israel will still get lots of hits all over the place because the reach of the missiles uh, why would israel uh then go through if it will uh with uh this type of miscalculation that it did and now that it says it's going to militarily respond? well the the fate of israel i think is pretty much sealed and they know it and what's driving them is that uh they're caught between rock and a hard place. on the one hand, as you, as you rightly point out, iran's military parity in terms of
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hypersonics, missiles, ballistics, even their navy, uh, the tanks, if you would compare, iran has 1500, 1500 tanks, israel has 400, you've got around um, 169, israeli soldiers, you've got 610,000 iranian soldiers in in a standing army, combat aircraft, of course the israelies have got superior air uh capabilities in terms of the the the quality. but they're still actually 340 to 288 is actually what the the the party and even in the navy if you were to go across the navy iran has a one of the the top navies in the world amongst argubly. the top 10 or or 13 nowadays, now that all says israel will not get away with uh with with the just simply striking uh iran and uh having a free ride, it will get uh knocked out. iran's capabilities in terms of cyber technology mean that they will be able to jam lot of the israeli mechanisms and systems they already can, and they proved it with the last strike.
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so uh, the fact that they so desperate that they're willing to provoke iran and the access of resistance, including yemen, iraq. syria uh towards an all-out regional war tells you something about the current battle, it tells you that israel is losing and it tells you that they their the the the tactic that the access of resistance has employed is one of asymmetric uh if you like war of attrition really almost like it's almost like a python strangling its pray and israel is the prey it's being strangled as as was pointed out that their economy is collapsing uh their um settles colonialist folk on the on the edges of north northern occupied palestine and southern occupied palestine are all they've all left, there's been u million or so people or hundreds of thousands certainly in excess of half million for sure who've actually just done exodus, there's another million or so that have left the country already, romania etc. and many other
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countries are reporting that they've got they've got dual nationalities for these israelies to to run way to these countries and so uh there is a general realization in the uh in the israeli establishment they can't win either way and they they guess by pan hitting the panic button they're trying to with bring in the americans in an offensive capacity the british the americans and the nato hoping that that's one last way they can they can save themselves but i'm afraid i think that the writing is on the wall israel will will die whether it's five years, 10 years, nobody can give a time or date, but he's on the way down, some of the sentiments there uh is what the uh secretary general sasanlah has actually stated very powerful speech that he gave yesterday, let's look at some of those statements, one of them is the fact that bas clearly just mentioned that is on the economic uh front uh is really
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suffering is hemoraging rather badly and it's very hard to imagine how he can grow out of it and it's interesting that it's still... has an appetite to continue this genocidal war. on the other hand, amongst many points that he made there, sasan talked about the retaliation that it could be uh something that's going to be multipronged, in other words, few of these groups along with maybe iran who knows might uh go through with the retaliation, what is your feeling on that, and if that happens, where would things stand? i think the speech of sayid hasanday was a historical and strategic one, because it was very clear in the importance and priority of the access of resistance now, but it also shed lights on israel weakness and position. in one hand, he literally listed the factories and how much it costed the israelis in the north of palestine, and that
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this infrastructure, industry infrastructure in the... north that israel has been building for the last 34 years, he said it will vanish in one hour, and the israelis believe him, of course we believe him, and we think that the resistance have the upper hand, the other issue that he highlighted is that israel is going to lose definitely, because the strategy of netanyahu have been failing in pro'. you now the war and extending the time of his government, and also he said that all other options have failed in the last 30 years in term of the illusions of establishing a palestinian state, and he is absolutely correct, because today the palestinian people across the board have an alternative revolutionary path represented by
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the palestinian resistance and the access of resistance, also he said that... that iran does not have to be involved in a war after this retaliation or even syria, because the resistance supported by iran is capable of engaging in a very long war and that israel is going to come out defeated. the israeli public and the israeli media immediately we saw the effect of his speech on the israeli internal front and the the immediate respond of even some of the israeli allies that they don't want to see a regional war in the you know in the region and that you know uh... there should be no escalation, the lebanese resistance and especially the yesterday speech by sad hasan nasaralah, i think that he draw kind of road map where people and the
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popular cradle of the resistance understand very well that what next steps the resistance is going to be taking, although there was no revealing of the tactics when, how, where, but he said will respond, yemen will respond and the lebanese resistance will respond, and that has been a decision made. indeed, the speculations are are pretty um, there's so many of them, sayid, i'm sure you agree, uh, only time will tell when that's going to happen. i'm curious as to the way that uh, we're going to see the cooperation of regional countries that cooperated last time around when it came to the us uh and his positioning militarily trying to uh, i guess hit the uh incoming missiles. uh of which there were some countries that cooperated with it such as jordan, um, what what do you think, do you think, i mean there's some news that jordan is not going to do that this time around uh, but uh, you know, that i'll leave
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that up to you to answer, and other countries that may want either their airspace or otherwise to cooperate with uh the us, which iran has said, by the way, if you do do that, you will be our target also, yeah, it's a fascinating uh scenario, first of all, the psychological impact of iran waiting, this uh this promised revenge or this this this strike that they say is is not to be underestimated. the israel is sitting there waiting, wondering, searching where this is going to come from, who's going to do it, how they're going to do it. this in itself is psychological warfare that the axis of resistance is very adapt at and is using uh to great effect, because the morale uh in the israelion if you like settler colonialist fraternity, uh is is dropping day by day with this kind of um this tactics, but but in reality of course any strike that comes it could come in the form of uh, it could come
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in the form of ground operations, it could come in the form of missiles from hezbollah, it could come from iraq again in the form of missiles, it could come from yemen with increase of the attack on on shipping etc. or and it could be all of those, it could be a combination uh of those, because this is not just - tinia didn't belong to iran alone, he wasn't just ally of iran, he was ally of all the axis of resistance, so all of the axis of resistance has investment in making sure that israel understands that when it does these things they have a price to pay, but also don't forget that the accessal resistance does not really change its strategy uh based on the actions of israel, they're not going to be reactionary, they've got a tactic, i think the war of attrition and gradually destroying israel is still what the... to continue and israel wants them to to to have a direct war so they can take the emphasis off palestine uh and and that's they want the emphasis a war with iran 25 times benjamin
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netanyahu did this in his speech in to congress so i don't think that iran is going to provoke a full-on war all right sorry to cut you there last question quickly if you can khalid barkot you have this emergency meeting that was held by the oic and of course they condemn the assassination that happened at the request of the iran and pakistan this uh meeting was held but pretty unanimous. the board when it comes to the palestinian issue, what do you make of that meeting? will it have any impact regarding the whole state of affairs related to palestine? honestly, all the you know these meetings and summits, the only political position that have weight, i'll say is the position of iran, because it talks about a practical and actual actions in support of the palestinian people and the resistant and confronting. us, germany, we see lot of statements, but we don't see real actions. the same goes on the arab league who uh just
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have service and statements that is empty and has no value whatsoever. thank you for that. spokes person movement from vancouver saysan abbas. thank you. journalist and political commentator from london. with that we come to an end for this additional world news. thanks for being with us. let's bye-bye for now. join us as we unravel the dramatic tale of tab haj zait, controversial figure whose actions during the turbulent 1950s helped shape iran's destiny, navigating the treacheus waters of... loyalty, power, and rebellion against the backdrop of monarchy on the brink.
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم بدايه نوجه من قلب الجمهوريه الاسلاميه في ايران تحيه لشعبنا الفلسطيني ولمقاومته الباس.
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israeli occupation forces killed 10s of palestinian civilians across the gaza strip in one day, raising the death doll to around 39,700. also the headlines, retaliation for israeli crimes in gaza and