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tv   Mideastream Resistance Revenge Strike  PRESSTV  August 7, 2024 11:02pm-11:31pm IRST

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in a single moment, the enemy boasted of significant security and intelligence achievements from sending its fighter jets a long mission to bomb civilian facilities in yemen to executing a precise assassination of the martters. in tehran in between, its aircraft targeted a residential building in the southern suburbs of beirout to assassinate the lebanese resistance commander martter fuad shukr. on top of that, it seats the opportunity to announce that its army had now confirmed the successful assassination of the head of hamas ziddin qassam brigades muhammad dif, which is so far not true. for netanyahu the show must go on, therefore he took a series of politically... and
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militarily significant steps with new chapter of the drama that includes the following: chapter one: suddenly phones rang in the capitals involved in the gaza negotiations, informing them that zinus israel was now more prepared than ever to enter into a deal regarding gaza, instructing mediators, bring me the other sign to negotiate the deal. the war criminal forgot that he killed the man facing him at the negotiation table. chapter two: he asked his western allies, americans, british, and others to inform lebanon that zinis israel is immediately ready to enter negotiations to resolve the outstanding border issues, provided that it occurs within the framework of a political security agreement to establish new arrangements in southern lebanon, oh the audacity. now chapter three, he requested international humanitarian organizations to update their requests for aid to gaza, however he reiterated his provocative question about which palestinian entity would be responsible for receiving and distributing... the aid.
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netanyahu actually believes that hamas is not in a position to impose conditions even after he took out their top political leadership, while ziness israel can demand an extension of the transitional phase to allow its forces to move in the gaza strip if necessary. regarding lebanon, the enemy acknowledges that hezbulah will respond to the assassination of commander shukr. however, it seeks to alert hisballah through intermediaries that the response should not compel further retaliation. the... request directly contradicts what hizbullah secretary general sayid hasan nasrullah stated during shuk's funeral. intermediaries who are consistently aligned with the enemy have discussed with the libinese officials the possibility of measured hezbulah response that would enable immediate negotiations for deal leading to a cease fire on the lebanese front. while the enemy does not have file to present to intermediaries in iran and considers itself capable of addressing the huti issue later on. its focus on the of lebanese and gaza fronts stems from its view that the ongoing lebanese front now extends
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beyond more than just support for gaza. welcome to the media stream, i'm marthman. hisbullah secretary general sayid hasan nasrulah was clear in his speech, but additional unspoken messages were conveyed to relevant parties. he stressed the need to maintain the lebanese support front suggesting possible adjustments. however, he clarified that the resistance separates its retaliation against zionist israel for the assassination of commander shuker from the lebanese support front, which depends on the ongoing aggression against gaza. to discuss this issue with us from beirot is mr. ali murad, political commentator and geopolitical researcher, a pleasure having you with us. mr. murad, now nao's attempt to negotiate with gaza and lebanon have utterly failed, i mean to... top men of the resistance were
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taken out by the israeli occupation forces, let us say that has actually retaliated, the retaliation was done against the assassination of the recent anist aggression against beirot in specific, what happens then, will it be an all out war with beirout or rather? greetings to you, firstly, we must consider that the leadership of the resistance and has unequivocally stated that there will be a response to the assassination of the prominent leader. however, the manner, timing and specifics of the response were deliberately left ambiguous. we also know that the israeli entity aggressions have not been limited to the southern suburbs of bairut. there was also the assassination of murder is, and 10 days before that, an israeli attack on hudaida. this ambiguity, in my opinion, was intentional to plunge the
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israeli entity into a state of uncertainty and anticipation. we can all observe the psychological state of the israely entity settler community, anticipating the response. will it be collected? retaliation, i believe this will determine how things will unfold and where we are headed. well, these is insisted through their mediators on what they called a measured respon take a tape and then measure how much he's going to response. israel won't have to reply back to uh to any kind of retaliation uh, maybe that uh won't go as they uh wish, i'm actually sure of that, but is that an option for hisbullah given that the capital was hit, i mean beirot, the capital was hit, and it's something that sad hasan nasal has always
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threatened against uh, if the zienist entity does, and if it is measured response of actually hisballah says okay, we'll do some sort of measured response that would uh for sure not allow israels. israel to retaliate, what reassures that israel want repeat a new aggression against the capital? first, we must agree that a calculated and studied response from the resistance is a certainty, there will be a response, but it will be calculated from the resistances perspective, not as the israeli enemy desires. this point must be taken into consideration. therefore, all the intermediaries and messages sent through. other parties to lebanon, aimed at the resistance, suggesting that israel might accept targeting a specific goal, entity, or facility, are irrelevant. in my view, the resistance is not concerned with what matters to the occupying entity in this regard. the resistance operates based on fundamental principles outline during his speech at the
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funeral of the murder leader. he mentioned that first, this aggression targeted the southern suburbs of bayrut, which symbolizes the capital. attack a civilian building, third, there were civilian murders and fourth, a senior military commander was targeted, thus, the basis for the response and the nature of the target that the resistance will aim at stem from these four factors. practically, this is what worries zionist israel. defined these criteria in his speech, leaving no room for the enemy to ascertain that the response would target a specific place or time. therefore, the element of ambiguity falls within the framework of... the calculated response that the resistance in lebanon seeks. it is important emphasize that so far, the escalation of the war into full scale conflict is something that one wants except perhaps one person. well, we had iran, iraq,
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lebanon and yemen all vow that they will retaliate and revenge for the rising marters the resistance, but we had on the other side as well as israel, we have the us. we have uk, france, many other european countries that are ready to defend and protect zinanis israel, and there's a possibility that even some arab states might use their interceptive defenses to stop any sort of missiles that would go to zinus issue. we don't know if that's the case, but that is an option uh there. if that's the case, sadi, how close are we to a regional war that uh would might most probably ignite the entire west asian uh part of the world and if first, it is natural for all these countries you mentioned to rally in defense of the israeli occupation entity, as we witnessed on the night of the iranian response during operation true
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promise on april 13th. this, i believe, will happen again, however, there is slight change with some arab countries. we saw the jordanian foreign minister visit tehran at the... we still do not know what was discussed, but there is undoubtedly a shift from previous times. in my opinion, all these countries, including the united states, are not ready to get involved in a new war in the region. yes, netanyahu dreams of dragging the americans into a war, hoping they will rid him of his regional enemies, a longstanding goal of his, which led him to return to power in 2009. he still harbors this dream, especially with his current far right coalition leading the enemy's government. possibilities are on the table, we must not forget that america's constant readiness to defend the israeli occupation might eventually drag them into the conflict. however, a full-scale war in the region will not resemble the iraq war, the afghanistan war, or any contemporary conflict we have witnessed. this is a war against the rising
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access that possesses both the power and the will to fight. if america decides to get involved here, it may determine when it starts, but it certainly won't determine who wins. and here i am speaking about there is a possibility that as you said that an entire uh war will hit the region, but there's the very important factor of the gaza enclave and the ongoing genocide in gaza, they've been doing this for almost 11 months, you think that they will be able to stay put and uh maybe just uh not, i'm not only talking about the resistance, i'm also talking about the people who have nothing left, do you think that uh they will be able to wait for much longer? in my opinion, the palestinian people
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in gaza undoubtedly aspire for this war to end. however, we see daily demonstrations of their determination endure, their constant expression of submission to god's will. they bury their marters while simultaneously showing us their readiness sacrifice in defense of their honor and land and their insistence on confronting the enemy. this resolve is what most worries the enemy's government and army and their american backers. this same determination extends to the people of the region. every friday since the alaqsa flood, we have seen the yemen people in the streets raising their fists, ready to join the fight when the opportunity arises, and they will be at the forefront of confronting this enemy. similarly, the majority of people in lebanon and other vibrant populations in the region want to see an end to the aggressions, crimes and genocides committed by this entity against the... everything we have witnessed in the
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past 10 months points to zionist israel's eventual demise and the peoples of the region achieving their long sought goal, the liberation of the holy lands and want to thank you very much political commentator and political researcher for joining us to discuss this very pressing matter in our region. now ladies and gents, next we will be talking about how the resistance will... retaliate in coordination for these assassinations. stay tuned. designers. the assassination of leader ismail hanye in tehran has incensed iranian authorities who believe they have the natural
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right to respond to this aggression. on the sidelines of the funeral proceedings, chief of staff of the iranian armed forces muhammad asserted that avenging a's blood is certain. however, he noted that the manner of iran and the access of resistance retaliation is under investigation, asserting as well that various measures must be taken and zionist israel will undoubtedly regret this aggression. more details in the following report. on the 300th day of the genocidal zionist war in gaza following the alxa flood operation, the leaders of the axis of resistance announced the start of new phase in the confrontation with the israeli entity enemy. this declaration followed the serious escalation and foolish acts committed by the war criminal netanyahu backed by biden to the assassination of the significant palestinian political leader ismail hanye, head of the political bureau of hamas. described as an honored guest in the iranian capital, tehran, was assassinated just hours after
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participating in the inauguration of iran's new president masud bazeshkian. the courtly assassination came in the wake of a brutal israeli entity aggression on the southern suburbs of beirot which resulted in extensive destruction of civilian areas and the deaths of five civilians including children and women as well as the assassination of the senior hizbullah military commander sayid fuad shukr. this aggression coincided with an american attack on bab in iraq, which led to the martterdom of four members of the popular mobilization forces, including a leader, and occurred 11 days after the aggression on the civilian port of hadeidah in yemen. these reckless actions by the us and zianist israel are pushing the entire region to the bring of eruption, potentially expanding the conflict into a regional war. this stands in stark contrast to washington's claims of striving to prevent the escalation of the conflict. the timing of these crimes following netanyahu's return from washington and the absurd applause in the holes of the us congress further exposes the hypocrisy of these assertions. the access of resistance
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factions have declared their readiness to join in the operation of revenge against the blatant assassinations after intense meetings and continuous communications took place between iraqi faction leaders and iranian, yemeny and lebanese leaders to device an appropriate response against sanionist israel which may target the interests of countries supporting the zionist entity. from the very first hours following the assassination of the palestinian resistance leader ismail hanh in tehran, iran through its leader of the revolution, imam ayatullah vowed a harsh response and promised to make the enemy paid dearly for the life of the on. guest the palestinian resistance also pledged to retaliate for the crime, while yemen through a statement by sad abdul malik al hothi declared its readiness to assist in avenging the morters. the stance was echoed by hisbullah secretary general say hasan nasullah who affirmed that the response is coming, it is inevitable and calculated, leaving no room for debate. he stated that the matter is in the hands of the field,
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conditions and opportunities, warning the israeli entity settlers that they will shed many tier. now to discuss this issue with us from tehran is political commentator and deputy mayor of tehran for international affairs, mr. hamed gulam zader, thank you very much for being with us, mr. hamid, now what strategic implications could the vow made by the islamic republic of iran for a harsh response to the assassination of leader ismail hanye on the broader geopolitical dynamics in the middle east, particularly in terms of its relationship with the regional. allies and the regional foes as well, in case the advert adversaries of the islamic republic of iran decide to retaliate inside iranian soil. thank you very much for having me. the first and the most important point about the retaliation is that iran needs to carry out this retaliation to stop further escalation of the tensions, so it is
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necessity for the security and stability in the region, first of all, and the second ' just like the other operation that iran carried out a couple of months ago against israel, the impact is going to be a rebalance of power and the dynamics of power in the region, so we remember that few years ago some arab countries were actually getting allied by the israelis, by the zeranist regime within the so-called abrahamic accord, and they were actually normalizing their times with the zinest regime despite. on the violence and the brutality that the israelies have been imposing on the palestinians for many decades, but they they did try actually to uh alive with them, but these operation revealed that the and of course before that the october 7 uh operation revealed that the
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zianies don't have any such power that they claim and they fail to protect themselves. let alone the their allies and the others that are actually working with them, so in that regard the the geometrics and the dynamics of power in the region can be affected by the developments that we are going to have in this region. well, mr. hamid, given the coordinated instances of the access of resistance that we have heard over the past couple of days, including hizbullah, political palestinian factions, palestinian resistance factions in iraq as well, and iraq factions in yemen, how much israel's action and basically the subsequent regional alliances shape the likelihood and scope of a potential regional all-out war with all these factions involved? first of all we should consider that this assassination of mr. hania in tehron was part of a larger campaign which
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targeted fchoker in beirut and others in in iraq in yemen and even a failed assassination terror attempt in sudan, so this attack, this series of attacks was against a network of the network of resistance in the region, and the network needs to respond to these attacks, so these are necessity, and the point is that the israelis and even the americans are not able to continue a full fillage war and they are not going to respond to a military. attack uh, just look at the last 10 months, the israelis avoided a military fight against the hamos fighters and instead of that they adheere to uh terror attacks and dropping bombs on women and children, and more than 40% 40 thousand women and children are have been killed by the
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zianist regime in past 10 months, so instead of fighting against the uh fighters, in military battleground they have drop bomb or they have used the intelligence and terror attacks against their enemies, so that's the point, because they are unable to fight a military fight, and for that when either iran or the others or a combination of them retaliate in this this series of attacks that they carried out, "there is not going to be a full village war because they are unable actually to stand against that, they have had lot of media hype, they have had lot of claims that we are moral army, we are the strongest army." in the region, but they have failed to fight against hamas, which has been under blockade and lot of difficulties for
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decades and how they could they stand against iran or the other resistance groups in the region. the other point is the americans, the americans paid a lot of cost to leave this region and they left the region with that ' mess that may they left in afghanistan and we have all seen the scenes at the airport in kabul and all the other damages that they made in iraq and afghanistan and they after two decades of pointing they could not bear any results and they felt in that regard as well so they cannot uh fight against iran or the others directly and successfully and the point is that they want to leave this region because they have paid a lot they paid a lot of... cost in this region and they had no fruits and no outcomes and it is something that meeted by the several presidents of the united states and they want to remove the
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forces here and remove the sources here to go to the east to fight against china directly or indirectly that's another story, but they the the the boots undergrounds in this region is nightmare for the americans so they they cannot get involved in the uh fight either, so a harsh response from iran or the other members of the network of resistance is for sure not going to uh trigger further fullfilled war. there might be some assassinations, some damages, some let's say targeting the facilities, it it might happen, but a full village war is unlikely because it translates into nothing but uh the removal of the zionist regime, well we have seen mr. hamid a lot of european diplomatic efforts and also arabian diplomatic efforts likely
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seen in tehran and sometimes in phone calls to try and contain the situation, to try and tell tehran not to retaliate. what are the potential consequences if these efforts fail to prevent further escalation between both sides, meaning are we headed to a comprehensive alliance against iran? resembling uh something resembling something that we see in world wars or something that we saw against syria, for example, 82 countries an alliance to attack syria, what would prevent them i'm sure that you already said that it's a bit hard for for them to open a full-fledged war, but uh we've seen them conduct uh distinctive targets, distinctive operations targeting very important facilities whether in syria on iraq, what would prevent them from doing so in iran and would iran able to handle such a pressure, first the example of syria, the experience that they have there showed that they fail to achieve what they want. second,
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their interventions is doom to failure from the beginning because they started from a wrong place, so they let the zionist regime do whatever it wants to do, and then they get received, they reach to iran and want iran to refrain from escalation of tension. such things and to show to show restaurant such things, so it it never works like that, if they want to be successful and they they really and honestly want to deescalate the tensions, they need to stop designers regime, they need to force designers regime to accept scis fire in gaza and leave that region, so that is the problem, they they let them do whatever they want to do, and they are... silent against all the brutalities or the genocide and all the child killings that the zionist regime is carrying out in the in gaza street and then when it comes to the other
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countries they remember just remember to ask them to uh forget about revenge and they ask them to show restraint and they ask them to forget about retaliation and to be careful about the escalation of the tensions no it's doesn't like work like that as i said the retaliation is necessity for the stability and peace in the region, if it is not carried out then it would lead to further attacks and further brutalities and this is part of a wider deterran strategy to try to put some leash on the zionist entity that no one seems to be able to stop except power and receprocation. thank you very much mr. hamid uh gulam z for being with us, political commentator and deputy mayor of tehran for international affairs, thank you very much for joining us to talk about the very pressing issues in our region at the moment, ladies and gents, that's our show for uh today, thank you very much for watching, please do uh follow us on telegram and on x and uh we'll be here next week for more updates from west asia right here on press
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tv's the mide east stream. this is forest in today's show we'll be asking what. by saudi arabia and the united arab emirates are facilitating the expansion of illegal settlements in palestine as well as contributing to the gaza genoside extremely deeply embed and that's why those people say oh trump wouldn't be as supine in relation to israel as as biden, well yes he would, i mean krishna is was key person in the last trump presidency. there's really a multitude of ways in which the uae has
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invested in a quiet. way in organizations that are very closely um involved with the israeli military.
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you pressed to be headlines, the organization of islamic cooperation is slam the assassination of the hamas leader in tehran last week is violation of iran's sovereignty and international law. israel occupation forces kill dozens of palestinians across the gaza strip in one day, raising the death toll to around 39,700. and in retaliation for israeli crimes in gaza and the us attacks on yemeny cities. yemen's arm forces have targeted two us destroyers and an israeli bound vessel.