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tv   Gaza Under Attack 135  PRESSTV  August 9, 2024 12:02am-12:30am IRST

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of welcome back to gaza under attack! where we
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focus on the ongoing us enabled israeli genocidal war on gaza and its regional and global repercussions. before i bring you my panel, here is look at some of the latest developments. the world continues to hold its breath in anticipation of an iranian response to the israeli regime's violation of its sovereignty and the assassination of hamas political bureau leader ismail hania. also, the appointment of yahya sinwar. top official in gaza as hannia's successor and the message it sends. ongoing hisbollah drone and rocket strikes in northern israel in retaliation for the regime's assassination of the resistance group's chief of staff fuad shakur last week and the ongoing genocide in gaza. israel's allies are calling on iran and hisbolla to de-escalate, the uk's foreign secretary david lammy warns of devastating consequences for the region. no such warnings to these. the
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regime though, also killed in the line of duty, another palestinian journalist murdered by israel in gaza, pushing the number of journalists killed in the strip since october last year to 166. more journalists have been killed in a single year in one location than ever. 10 months of the us israeli genocidal campaign in gaza has also killed nearly 40,000 people and wounded around 92,000 others. let's get some thoughts and those developments, joining me in the studio, political analyst alex akaman and via zoom from bangalore india, doctor and of international health campaigner, zakaria abbas. gentlemen, thank you for being with us. let me start with you uh, dr. abbas, the news there that hamas has unanimously elected yahya sinwar as hannah successor, what is the message here that the resistance movement is sending? "the message is very clear, the
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resistance is just going to get stronger and sharper from now, you know, the western allies, also the brain child being the israeli regime, they think pressures like this, killing one leader, you will finish the game, but that's a very, you know, that's a very big misunderstanding, killing one leader will give rise to 10 other leaders, you know, the new appointment of the hamas leader, the the resistance is not going to waste time, they will restrat." rise and they will diplomatically negotiate, killing the main negotiator on the table sends a very wrong message, and this clearly shows that israeli regime was lying about the cease fire and the us was also hands in glove with this lie, and yes with this, i think the, i mean of course the the developments are very disappointing, it's very sad to see the recent killings of the leaders who have given their lives for of the palestinian people, however the message is very... clear and positive that we are
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going to fight strong from now, that we're going to fight from now and the same vein, alex, how much of a blow is this to tel aviv, the given the fact that sinwar is the highest target on their kill list, mean we are, we've been witnessing this um, israel genocide in gaza for last 10 months and unfortunately the... "the discussions between americans and visually authorities have not yield any suitable solution for the for peace in the area, now killing one leader obviously will lead to the change of that leader and somebody else or turnover will come come up, so the need to really have a deep, a deep discussion if they really want peace in this." in this place, in this environment,
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now what might be happen, i think probably another superpower need to join in, because america has been... handling this for the last 10 months and we can all see that, we've seen china do very well, so china and russia should maybe be involved to at least bring some kind of fresh ideas and then maybe the killing will stop at least, and then the key issues about this conflict between palestine and israel can at least be addressed, because for the last 70 years we... heard, i mean, the un made a clear decision 40 70 years back, there's a need to have two states, so israel is in place, palestine is not yet recognized as a state, so probably we need to look at holistically, as a star to look to
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recognize, so the need to look at these issue because once palestine is also a state, i think the relations between israeli and... and the palestinian state would be different, because now what you are witnessing, hamas is a group who is defending themselves and israel is a state, and obviously a resident movement will not have as much power as a state, top of that you know israel has links and networks with globe, including america, you and also in the uk, so we need... to step up the the the thinking, you know, so over powers like china, russia, need to get involved, but i don't know how this can be organized, the un itself has been involved, but we haven't really got any suitable, the
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un of course has been accused many times of being impotent in trying to resolve this, um, dr. abbass, as i said at the top of the show, uh, david lamy's warning of... how dangerous escalation is, warning iran and hezbollah, who have vowed retaliation against israel, but why are they being warned and not israel who started all of this? that's the biggest hypocrisy every single citizen of the world is watching today closely. well, you know, iran has showed highest level of patience in the last few decades and i think... things have been worse in the last few years from the killing of major general qasim sulaimani, you know iran has been provoked continuously time and again and what happened recently with the hamas leader who was a state guest who had come down for the you know for the inauguration of the iranian president you
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know killing a state guest inside the territory of iran, what message does that give that means they want war? you know of course we are scared about the repercussions, no one wants a war. "no one wants the retaliation because it's not safe for both sides, however there are state rules, the the people of iran need to be felt safe, it's the it's the responsibility of the iranian government to show the iranian citizens that they are being protected. what's going to happen, no one knows, however, but iran surely has a right to defend itself, what israel and us has been screaming all these months about their right of defending itself, when the time comes for us to defend ourself, why can't we do that? even the the recent" attack in the golden heights uh where the israel has blamed hezbollah, hezbollah never denies responsibility, but first they came out in the front and they said they did not do it, you know, and killing those 12 children, you never know it, it must be an israeli job, so this is pattern we've been seeing the western powers, us is just puppet,
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israel is the daddy where us shows that they are the muscle power, they are the big daddy the world, well us has showed how weak the... are in their leadership, as we see joe biden has been moved from his uh, you know presidential race, this is very strong, the citizens of the world need to connect the dots and say, look, who is the attack, who's the person being attacked and who is the attacker, you know, we are not, you know, we are not in 1970s that we don't have access to the media, today every citizen of the world has access to the media, and let me tell you, every citizen of the world knows who's the attacker and who's being attacked, exactly, and as you said people around the world, absolutely, people around the world, as you say, are connecting those dots uh, you said of course that nobody knows what's going to happen in the next hours, days, weeks and months, but one thing we do know is that inside gaza, the humanitarian crisis
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continues to worsen, just on tuesday, the un briefed reporters on the state of affairs inside the besieged enclave, farhan hak is the deputy spokesman for the un. secretary general. turning to the situation in gaza, the office for the coordination of humanitarian affairs says that ongoing hostilities and repeated evacuation orders continue to severely constrain aid operations and deepen the suffering that palestinians are facing. oja says that our partners monitoring population movements in gaza report that despite the recent evacuation orders, many families continue to stay in areas placed under evacuation due to high levels of insecurity and the lack of safety across gaza, as well as harsh living conditions in displacement sites where there is limited access to aid and basic services. they're also fatigued by multiple rounds of displacement. whether they move or stay, people in gaza must be able to receive humanitarian assistance, those who choose to leave their homes must be able to do so
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safely, and they must be allowed to return as soon as circumstances allow. the world health organization reports that mass displacement in gaza is having a grave impact on public health, with overcrowding, lack of proper shelter, and poor water, sanitation and hygiene conditions, increasing the dangers of communicable diseases. who says overcrowding is also raising the risk of mass casualties. is in attacks on heavily populated areas. meanwhile, the agency warns that the number of patients in need of medical evacuation outside gaza is expected to increase, given the ongoing fighting and the shrinking capacity of the health system. who continues to call for the establishment of multiple medical evacuation quarters out of gaza to ensure the safe and timely passage of patients via all possible rots, including the refa and karim shalom crossings. okay, let me put my next question to. alex in the studio with me and alex, how much of a concern is it
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um that the un, of course they would say otherwise, um, what we've seen over the past 10 months that they are unable to really assist um at the moment the more than 2 million people in the in the gaza strip, again this is um, like i said earlier, i don't have the real reason why the un has been so weak and especially when is the highest institution in this world which should be addressing these issues, but now like i mentioned earlier, maybe palestine need to be recognized as a state, so the status will may be help to give the un different ways of dealing with member. states because as we speak, palestine is not yet a state, so maybe what does what what takes for
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for that to happen, do you think it palestine to be 141st or 42nd just because of the way things are worse you control with what you are living in now, because um ideally the un should be the top organization, that's the ideal, but some players some... countries are much more powerful and have influence on the un general secretary, security council also, and that's the reality, the veto wielding exactly, so when we come up with veto, nothing can move on, even four countries like agreed to something of exactly, so there's a need to address the un itself, there is a need to reorganize the un as an organization which is in charge of a whole humanity, because "these few countries with power of veto are one ruling the world, if you
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understand what i'm saying? yeah, so there's a need for these issues to be addressed and palestine be recognized as a world state, member of the un, full full member basically, and then maybe more countries will come out, like south africa was courageous enough to come out and take action against israel, so more country will be open to understand that yes, now enough is enough." "i mean we are talking about human right, you're talking about all these type of development and what's happening there, i mean ashville is being repeated in gaza today, exactly, so we have to be really concerned and those are in charge need to really have an holistic views on issues, not just looking at the few interest and then ignore the rest of the world if they really want to be seen as um op'. and also caring for the whole community. absolutely. let me get uh, zakaria abbas to
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talk about the humanitarian situation. you heard um, the un official there talking about communicable diseases in the gaza strip. from a medical practitioner's point of view, what other than dealing with these bombs raining down on them, non-stop. what else is the gazan population of 2.3 million? people having to cope with at the moment. 10 months into the war, entire gazas in ruins in fact is going to take decades to just clear the rubble, you starting from al shifa hospital massacre, that was one of the largest hospitals which was bombed by israel, and they were, they were, they were trying to lie that it was not them, and they tried to create misinformation, like alshif hospitals, they have, they have destroyed hundreds of hospitals, today we see live videos of children eating leaves, we have water source destroyed by two factors, one is israeli
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missiles and by the israeli citizens, we have a proof, a video proof, isn't that enough for? bodies like united nations, who, unicef, to hold the countries accountable. we are seeing beheaded babies. that was the first lie which israeli regime had spread. we have hundreds of videos where you know children are being taken out of the rebel beheaded. apart from that, i would say the the hospitals in gaza are unfit to treat you know basic injuries because today we hear that patients are being operated without anesthesia with. without you know the the right atmosphere of operation, we have doctors who are getting burnt out, one doctor is catering to 100, 200 patients a day, that is gonna what do i say more than this, the children and the people of gaza, including the women are in the worst situation possible, they are communicable diseases, there are epidemics, there are skin diseases, there are you know cholera spreading because
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of of course you know the water supply being cut, the situation in gaza, i would say you know in the last probably the recent history, it's the worst situation and it's been 10 months, the bigger question is how long this is going to take if arab nations wanted, they could have stopped this war in one day, but you know the hypocrisy is there, if we are not united among ourselves, what's going to happen today, the entire arab world, the muslim nations need to unite against israel and us, exactly, and as you say, none of that has prompted the united states to stop its military, economic and diplomatic cover for the israeli. now, as the world came together to celebrate the 2024 paris olympics, it was difficult to overlook the severe impact that the u.s. israeli genocidal war on gaza has had on palestinian sports. even though eight palestinian athletes have made it to the olympics, around 400 other palestinian athletes have been killed by israeli forces
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in the past 10 months and 42 sports facilities have been damaged or reduced to rubble. despite all that, the international olympic committee allowed israeli athletes, many of them directly linked to the israeli military to compete in the paris games. a lot them have also openly supported the genocide. meanwhile, team russia was immediately suspended in the wake of the ukraine war. taekwondo coach muner azis shalizi says to counter such bias, global sporting events like the olympics should be used to raise awareness of the genocide being committed against the palestinian people. "global events, sporting events uh are a great platform to be used to raise awareness and not just a palestine or any other nation who are uh suffering with the palestines are suffering right now. i believe, there are some people around the world who are not involved in politics at all. these global uh
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sporting events are, as i mentioned a great platform. for those people to be made aware that, although we live in 21st century, we are still witnessing genocide, we still witnessing uh harsh reality that we cannot believe that people are suffering at this day of age, for example was happening gaza right now, and it shouldn't be uh... um accepted by by the world, by the un and by the world, and we need to raise our voice to make sure this needs to stop as soon as possible, children, women or any human being should not be suffering, what the people are suffering right now in gaza. looking back, um, in
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history, oppression does not last forever, regardless of... your religion, um, human beings are not made up to accept oppression, what this going to be for a month, two months, year, it will come to point that the human beings will say, enough is enough and we stand up against whatever it be, because everybody is free and we all have the right to live a free life on our wills, on our terms rather than somebody elsees, as as a muslim, i would uh support um any nation or any ethnic group out there in the world who are suffering uh from genocide or um from what the palestinians right now are suffering and i believe majority of the muslim uh citizen british citizens are feeling the same way athletes uh from russia and it allies
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been banned from competing at this olympics um however athletes from um israel been allow to compete so it's - it's double standards and is sending very wrong message to the next generations of athletes and olympians to come. meanwhile, the palestinian health authority in gaza says the israeli occupation force has returned to bodies of more than 80 palestinian marters to the strip. the bodies were handed over at the border and taken directly for burial at the city's turkish cemetery. officials were shocked at the state the remains and why it took tel aviv so long to carry out their repatriation. the israeli occupation sent us a truck containing 89 bodies. these are bodies collected from the
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jabalia and beni saheila areas as well as from different areas in the gaza strip. we were surprised that these bodies were decomposed to different levels, some of which were decomposed to the fourth level, which is the last as skeletons and we found in one of the coffins or bags, 13 dead bodies. okay, gentlemen, we have around four minutes left, let's split it equally between you two, and i want to talk about the hypocrisy of the olympics, olympic truce, there's something called the olympic truce, which means all conflicts, genocide or otherwise, have to stop a week before the game start and until a week after, israel was and still is bombing gaza, and still the ioc as well as the french authorities rolled out the... carpet to the israeli athletes, 30 of whom we understand are iof members, the the double standard, the hypocrisy could not be more stark, i mean we
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are living in a world sadly with such hypocracy which is no longer hidden, you look at the world today we have different wars going on, we're talking about gaza here, but we know also that in in in drc, republic democratic of... congo wars been going on there for the last 20 years, all of these due to the fact that the minerals of that countries are used to to really feed the industry of high-tech, and despite the presence of a un soldiers in the drc for the last over 10, 10,000 st soldiers in the drc, things have not moved forward and killings are still going on, we look at sudan again war in sudan, we talk about that four years back, but again sudan with different conflict down there, and then gaza and then ukraine,
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so the world leaders today were not really interested in having um a relationship which is really based on fairness, you know, and this paris olympic, i mean just give more evidence, epitomize the double stand. of this international organization, because the ioc which is seen as an international community organization is making two different rules for two different communities, israel is still in the conflict allowed in russia has been banned, so i'm sorry to interrupt, i'm going to give you the last the last few seconds to uh, dr. abbas, um, can you expand for us, if you can, the issues associated with the repatriation. the over 80 palestinian bodies um to gaza in 30 seconds if possible. i think the sure in humaneness of israeli regime is they've not, they're not
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just killing life people, they also torturing the dead bodies and the families. today there are hundreds and thousands of bodies which are missing. there also reports that israeli regime is you know capturing these dead bodies and using them to harvest organs. well, that's one very important subject. where the media needs to focus on and giving returning bodies after months in very bad state and you know i saw a video of lady crying hoping that it's it's a body of her son, well it's it's devastating, it's it's it's very sad and you know media needs to focus on what are they doing with these bodies and why they also reports that they dug out symmetries of freshly buried bodies, while these guys are nothing but monsters, i don't even know if i can call them humans. it's a good note to finish on uh, that is all for this gaza under attack everybody, special thanks to alex accaman here in the studio with me and dr. zakaria in bangalore india,
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zakaria abbas. and of course to you for watching us, catch our earlier episodes on, and until we meet again, continue to keep palestine in your hearts. this is for palestine, in today's show, we'll be asking why saudi arabia and the united arab emirates are facilitating the expansion of illegal settlements in palestine as well as contributing to the gaza genocide, extremely deeply embed and that's why those
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people say oh trump wouldn't be. as uh as supine in relation to israel as as biden, well yes he would, i mean krishna is was key person trump presidency, there's really a multitude of ways in which the uae has invested in a quiet way in organizations that are very uh closely um involved with the israeli military.
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your headlines on press tv, israel intensifies its attacks on han units in southern gaza with several civilians killed in a missile strike a tent housing displaced people. iran's acting for. prime minister describes the assassination of the hamas political leader in tehran as a costly strategic mistake by the israeli regime. and the leader of yemen's ansarullah movement says no pressure can prevent iran's inevitable response today's rail racing.