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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  August 12, 2024 1:02pm-1:30pm IRST

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warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
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hello and welcome to press tv spotlight, i'm marza hashimi, thanks so much for being with us, israel's best heroes, this is what the individual responsible for zianis prison services and national security has said about the iof soldiers raping of palestinian prisoners and perhaps ben gaver is right since we know the more compass of the design is the opposite of normal human beings, heroes for the regime would mean those who can commit the most heinous crimes. it might be difficult though to decide because you have zionist soldiers who have burnt babies alive to those who have cut up kids into pieces, you have those who have disconnected newborns from incubators and left them to die to those who have killed civilians and and rolled over them in front of their children. which one gets the hero award from the most?
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immoral army in the world? well, it's a toss up. stay with me on this spotlight as we look at the latest crimes of the regime. i'd like to welcome my guests to this program. out of of vancouver, charlotte kates, international coordinator, samadun, palestinian prisoner solidarity network, and sad nemr out of of ramala, professor of political science at versat. university. well, thank you both for being with me. i'm going to start it off with charlotte in vancouver. charlotte, now the type of crimes that have been committed during this american israeli genocide is of really beyond belief, from starvation to imolation, nothing seems to be off limits for the zionist regime and its supporters. do you believe that there are any red lines that the regime would not cross when related to the palestinian population? to be, it's very
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clear that when we're talking about a genocide taking place, we're talking about really attempt to exterminate the palestinian people physically, socially, culturally, and in every other way, and so what we've seen time and time again is anything that one might think is a red line has simply been ruled right past by the zionist occupation forces, so you know, just yesterday we witnessed a... massacre where a us provided uh bomb was dropped on over 100 palestinian civilians as they prayed morning prayers as they were sheltering in a school where they had been forced to seek refuge um and they were massacred and this is not a red line for the zionists what we saw in the videos and the numerous numerous reports and the numerous testimonies from ciday to man where we are hearing from palestinian prisoner after an prisoner who have been subjected to
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the most horrific forms of torture and abuse at the hands of zionist captors from uh gang rape and sexual assault to horrific torture, electroshock torture, people being bound to beds 24/7 being force fed and denied food, people's eardrums being split through noise torture, just a real celebration of torture, and then we've seen this actually celebrated in the streets, but by zionist rioters who were outraged at even the thought of moticum of accountability even just to please the international criminal court for these torturers and rapists and abusers. the only kind of red line the zionists recognize is that that will be imposed upon them externally by the resistance. okay, well sad, mean after footage of the soldiers taking a palestinian prisoner to rape surface, the us responded by saying the reports are horrific and should be fully investigated by the
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israeli government. what does this mean exactly? i mean, what does it mean that they are saying that the regime who's committing genocide, is allowed to investigate itself of after. committing so many crimes and especially if we look at the last 10 months, well good after, good evening for you, miss hashimy and to your guest as well and all your viewers, thank you, um, i'll start with tell you something, i've spent myself in israeli prison for eight years and i thought for some moment that i've seen it all, but apparently after the 7th of october this is totally another world, another world totally. from the testimony of the palestinian prisoners have been released from the some of the reports for the lawyers who been able to visit some of the prisoners and also from the reports that we are hearing everyone and while from either hits newspaper or other
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organizations in israel who you know sometimes they release some of these news, it is horrible and i think that we never ever... seen such a thing not only in palestine during the the last 50 years of war of of occupation but also around the world. i don't think that this kind of things people try to compare the israeli prisons and especially sidtiman which is the prison in the in the desert near to gazza where most of the people in gaza were put in and it is the worse in the... world and they try to to compare it with guantanamo, but apparently this is even worse than guantanamo and that will make also you know what happened in abu gharib in in in iraq is is a amir joke in comparison, so i i we can't even describe the saddest and the
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the fascist mentality of this israeli soldiers when they do this rape in front of everyone and in front of the cameras and they do... know that there are there is cameras in in the present and yet they did it, what kind of mentality do they have, and then the reaction, the reaction is this story went away like all other stories, as you also just mentioned just yesterday's massacker that everyone you just you look at it and it will go away like all other massacres and this is what we call a genocide and i think that regardless of the of the american statement, what we need now for this, what we can call, if we can call international community to take action, not statements, not condemnation and not only you know expressing their concern about what's going on, we need them
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really to do something about it, so far, so far, because the the united nations organizations in general, they are you know talking about the issues and but no one is taking any action and that would encourage israel to continue since no one is doing anything to israel apart from you know condemnation they will continue that's the problem that we are facing now well charlotte as sad has just said no one is doing anything and we've seen that the uh uh there were some protests from other zionist settlers uh those who gang raped the prisoner and been detained were not charged and and were freeed. i mean, what does this say not only about what is taking place by iof soldiers, but in general, the overall psychee of the zinist society. in many ways sman, this is the true face of zionism. this is what zionism looks like,
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this is the reality of zionism, which has always been a colonialist, supremacist, fascist ideology that has been based on supremac. and exclusion of of palestinians and arabs and based on basically the eradication of indigenous people of the land in order to create a western settler colonial garrison serving imperialist forces in the region and has always been willing to take up any measures in order to carry out that aim and so when we look back at al nakba of 1948 we also have numerous stories of palestinian of palestinian, especially at that time, women and girls who were subjected to horrific sexual assaults at the hands of the zionists. if we go back to the 1960s and 1970s, sexual assault was routinely used as a form of torture and abuse in order to extract confessions inside the zionist jails by
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interrogators and this was exposed before the united nations, and there was testimony about it. rasmia oda among others spoke bravely in exposing this. years later wound up being deported from the united states fundamentally because of her role in exposing those kinds of zionist crimes and this is so this is part the theft of the land. the destruction of homes, the burning of olive trees, the sadistic behavior that we've seen displayed on every tick talk of every zyonist soldier, but more than that, it is sponsored by the united states, it is sponsored by britain, it is sponsored by france, it is sponsored by germany, it is sponsored by canada, it is sponsored by every single one of these western imperialist governments that are funding, supporting and providing political cover for the zionist regime. well, sad, um, there have been discussions even on israeli tv as well as in reconness about to the right to sexually assault palestinian prisoners and
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one of the mps, hannah milisski um said that if the person is hamas then everything is legitimate. your thoughts about that statement. muhammas is is not the humans, there are some you know kind of aliens apparently from the israeli point of view. this is exactly what's going on. in this society, this whole society is sick, it is the reflection of that is exactly the speech what was which was delivered by netanyahu in front of the congress and the american congress and all these applauses for him, he said literally, we are the civilized against the uncivilized, so we are the uncivilized, so in such case, and this is you know um goes with the same lines with the mentality of the colonialist generally, the colonialists and especially the western colonialist and
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particularly the europeans who had eurocentric ideology in their heads about you know their superiority over the people that they occupied in africa and in asia and everywhere else around the world, it was the same claim, the claim that we are the civilized and we are there not for the you know... to exploit the the country, but we are there you know to develop these uncivilized people, and that was exactly the same speech of netanyahu, so the whole israeli society think in the same way, which is the colonialist way that palestinians are not humans, they are less than us, they are not matching to to the the israelis or the jewish if you like, from that perspective, so because of that yes everything is allowed to... palestinians and there are many statements for many israeli officers and and
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officials, just last week it was motrich, one their ministers in the cabinet who said that killing the palestinian is something you know ethical, ethical to kill the palestinians regardless whether he hamas or not, this is even not that mutter, any palestinian is you know it's it's they are allowed to kill. palestinians because palestinians are less than them, they are unhuman and remind you also with the beginning of the war when the defense minister said we are going to cut the electricity, the water and the oil and everything, and they we are dealing with with animals, so with this kind of mentality, what did you expect from the israeli society? yes after this rape happened in cidiman, the mob of settlers, they attacked the the this prison because because they don't want these soldiers who commit this crime to be arrested and when they were arrested and taken to bit
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lead center in the middle of of of the country those mob also they storm the the the center the police center there to release those prisoners who are you know commit a crime in front of camera and yet these mob still you know defending them and saying that they should be released we have many of these cases where the the settlers who are supporting soldiers who commit crimes in front of everyone and yet they get nothing you know of sentence or they will you know get very very soft sentence most of the time so it is the mentality of the whole regime this whole entity it is as as your guest also said it's the zionist zionist is is based on hatred and and discrimination and violence so this the basic for for zionism right, some interesting points. what about that? charlotte sad talked about um, basically this
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zionism being extension of colonialism, especially, we think about the europeans, it reminds me of what joseph borelle said a couple of years ago about the garden and you're being the garden and everyone else trying to get in it. do you think that that is part of the reason why the zionist regime has this uh 100% support from this western? hegemonic group in general or your assessment of that, because of course they are not saying a whole lot even verbally, although they have started to make some comments here and there that it should... take place, but in general we know that they're in bed with designs. well, designist project has always seen itself historically, and the imperialist powers have always seen the zionist project as essentially an extension of imperialism in the region. theodore herzel approached seesil roads to talk about something colonial in palestine, and that was the building of the
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zionist project there, it was the british imperialist powers power that issued the ball for. operation for the creation of the zionist project in palestine uh recognizing so-called jewish national home to be built there and then supported, trained and actually enlisted the zionists and their paramilitary gangs to fight alongside the british forces and suppressing palestinian revolt after palestinian revolt in the 1920s and the 1930s, so you and now of course it's the united states that is the lead sponsor of the zianis project, i mean just two days ago they said there they cleared release of $3.5 billion dollars and new weapons and bombs and missiles to to throw at the palestinian people and to conduct this genocide in gaza. so it has always been like a sponsored project of imperialism first and foremost and and one of the things that's happened uh recently and certainly on the 7th of october is that it was really quite visible that the
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possibility of a palestine that was free and liberated of zionism was not just a dream but some... thing that could become a reality very soon, and the same thing with a region that was free of imperialism, especially with the rise of the resistance forces and resistance powers in the region, and this is something that the imperialist forces and the zionist entity do not want to see by any means, and so we are seeing this absolute sick fascist lashing out of this wounded dying beast uh, and it is causing tremendous tremendous kill. and harm and devastation to the palestinian people, but this is nothing new. look at the history of france and algeria or vietnam, look at the history of britain around the world, look at the history the united states and its cia interventions in countries around the world, this has always been a history of devastation and exploitation, and the zionist project is part and parcel of that entire imperialist agenda for the world. yes, well - prior to october
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7th, there were at least 5200 palestinian. prisoners being palestinians in prison by the israeli regime. i want to look at the importance for the zianist regime in its six in its 76 years since appearing of using imprisonment to try to crush uh palestinians and and of course we've seen how aggressive they have been even with palestinians in the west bank almost doubling the number of prisoners. i mean your assessment of the way imprisonment has been and is being used. by the regime, if we are going to talk about the issue of prisoners, sashimi, let me just tell you something, yes, before the the 6th of october, 7th of october, there was around 500, 5,500 palestinian prisoners, but over the years since 1967 we are talking about almost 1 million palestinian prisoners, can
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you imagine that number, one million palestinian prisoners, an average, if we are talking about what what is the the the the the number of the palestinians anyway in the west bank gaz and jerusalem after 1967 so that amount of more than 30% 35% of the total population can you imagine and apply that to any country around the world to say 35% of your population are being arrested the number is huge the number is unbelievable because the israeli they don't care about you know arresting anyone and they do the arrest as something you know they... whether they are having evidence or not having evidence apart from the administrative arrest which is something it was created by the british mandate in palestine 1945 and the israeli at that time or the jewish organizations at that time they consider it as a barbarian law now they are using the same law and they continue to to use the same law and this law allow the
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israeli to arrest any palestinian without charges without interrogation. and without a trial only because we might, you know, we think that you might have done something in the past or you might do something in the future, we have no evidence, but because of that we can put you for six months in prison and this is renewable once and again and again and again and so on, so we have people who spent 12 years in a row under this administrative arrest, they don't know why they are arrested in the first place, so and this is one part, apart from the sick treatment. apart from lots of other problems that palestinian president do face in front of this state, the problem is that the story and the israeli are ' "if you like, manipulating the world media regarding this issue, they talk about you know, a bunch of terrorists that we are dealing with, according to the law, according to the law,
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since israel is the only democracy in the middle east, but it's well known fact that all palestinians who were arrested were trialed in front of a military courts, military courts, because we are under military occupation, so if your enemy is your judge, so how can you have? have justice, so there is, for the palestinians who've been in prison or going to into prison and arresting palestinians, israeli don't care about neither the international law nor for the the geneva conventions, the second and the third, sorry, the third and the fourth geneva convention, which deal with the palestinian or the people under occupation, and they don't care about any kind of law around the world, and they do their own ideas. of law and now we have bing ver who's the the minister of internal security changing all the laws and allow the israeli you know
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guards and wardens and even soldiers to do whatever they like with the prestinian prisoners and we saw some pictures of palestinian prisoners how they went into the prison and how they are after getting out of the prison the picture is speaking for itself say with me side with me side we we're just running out of time here, um, um, charlotte, on saturday uh, more than 100 men, women and kids were killed as a school housing, displaced families and the regime targeted at the airports during morning prayer when it knew that more people would be gathering. i mean, what does this say about the regime itself, that it wants to, first of all, target uh, the more densely populated areas and and that the targets. are always are just about always civilians, although let me say they did say that there were hamas operatives in the school, um, i guess that would give them the right to kill about 120 men, women
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and kids, and many of them could not even be identified because they were cut into pieces so badly. this horrific massacre is exactly what genocide looks like, it's the targeting the population as a whole, the targeting of civilians and mass, and we've seen this through. out the entire assault on gaza, the targets have repeatedly been um schools, mosks, churches, residential buildings, refugee camps, hospitals, the mass devastation of the healthcare system, uh, the targeting of public service workers, of police, of people doing a distribution, i mean that this kind of standard of targeting civilians and mass has been the military strategy of the zionist regime, they've absolutely failed in attacking the resistance, and it's important to note here that the zionist regime... has absolutely no right to engage in attacks against the palestinian population, it has no right to be occupying or invading gaza, it has no right to so-called self-defense against the people
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it is occupying and colonizing, and the palestinian resistance is legitimate and legal armed resistance under international law, and so no, it would not be legal for them to attack the school even if it were actually base of support for the resistance, however obviously it was not and was simply a place where civilians were sheltering, and so this entire narrative of it being of of debating who is or is not in the resistance is basically a distraction that the zionist regime wants to occupy us with as instead of exposing their crimes and holding them accountable. indeed, indeed. well, sad, one minute, i have left, i mean in your perspective, is the only option for the palestinian people reliance on the resistance front or your assessment of that? yeah, yeah, we tried other ways for 30 years, we tried to say, okay, we want peace and we tried to say let's negotiate, and we tried to say we will give up lots of things of our rights, we
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agreed to give up 20, 78% of our land in return for a minor state in in 22% of our land, we agreed even not to discuss seriously the issue of of refugees and yet what did they give us? what did they give us in the peaceful way and means and international law and united nations? president mahmoud abbas went to the united nations many times and said please please help us. so what what happened? there isn't any way apart from the resistance and that's why the the support for the resistance now in the west bank as well as in gaza strip is very very high. everyone is supporting the palestinian resistance because this is the only way to deal with such regime. and on that note, i think both of you for being with me on this spotlight, charlotte case, international coordinator samadun palestinian prisoner solidarity network, out of vancouver, sadnem, professor
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of political science bersad university out of. ramala and thank you viewers for being with us on another spotlight, i'm marza hashimi, hope to see you right here next time, goodbye. we live in interesting times when murdering anyone from babies to journalists, from artists to the elderly can be shown live and allowed to continue. however, posting about or protesting against the genocide becomes illegal, but it takes people who are willing to pay the price for telling the truth to
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continue to expose. the crimes of the zionist regime, and today i'm here with you with the story of a musician, a composer and father of two who was summoned by the french police on june the 4th.
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first ofe headlines, more palestinians fall victim to israeli strike. across gaza as thousands are displaced following the regime's recent evacuation orders. another aggression on yemen: the u.s. and british aircraft carry out a fresh air strike against the yemeny island of cameron in hodeda province. and aquanian drone strike causes a fire at zaposia nuclear power plant.