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tv   Iran Tech Titanium Implants  PRESSTV  August 12, 2024 5:00pm-5:19pm IRST

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hello everyone and welcome to another episode of iran tech, i'm your host at design. when we think about uh fixing broken bones or fractured bones, we immediately think about platinum implants, at least that's uh what we think about here in iran, because that's the most popular type. of surgical implants, of course there are still steel implants as well, because steel is very durable, but the con of steel is that it's not super biocompatible, but anyways uh we are coming up with - perhaps you could say better material to uh not not really replaced platinum but also like be alongsided as a viable surgical implant which is made of uh titanium or titanium alloys because titanium is still very strong much like steel is uh
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and it also is very biocompatible much like platinum is so it's really the best of both worlds uh so today we're going to be learning about uh titanium or titanium alloy surgical implants uh the pros and cons and uh everything around it stay with us. now making these titanium or titanium alloy orthopedic or surgical implants uh, while they may be small, the parts themselves might be tiny, it requires uh this entire facility because we're dealing with uh micrometers of precision, because we're dealing with things that are going to be implanted inside the body, so the tolerance for all of these a machines needs to be near zero. uh, with that said, first... why do we even choose titanium
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as the material of choice? because titanium has the strength of steel, like i said before, but it's also very biocompatible, meaning that it doesn't really interact negatively with the organs of the body, not every material in the body will do just fine under the circumstances in the body, for example steel is not a super biocompatible material to use for such. implants uh so that is why we use titanium, it's also very light and also very strong like i said before uh so with that said before we take a look at the exact parts, we need to take a look at uh the broader scope of what kind of uh parts we're actually talking about, what kind of implants are we talking about?
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we are under various sanctions in the field of healthcare, we have been trying to provide the patients who were injured during the imposed war or because of the car accidents and osteoporosis with services in our company, we are also. providing implant services for orthopedics, spinal cord, skull and other types of fractures. we decided to start our domestic productions with the help of our friends. there were more than 500 hospitals in iran lacking medical equipment. fortunately, our company alone is able to provide services for more than 150 hospitals all of iran. we are producing up to date machineries. our raw material is important since we haven't produced raw titanium. we are. producing more than 3,000 parts, we have
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obtained the required standards and we are offering our products with international standards. out of the three different types of uh surgical implants that we have, nails, spinal and uh plates, we're going to first focus on the plates, which can look like this, but they can also look like really anything, any different. shape that you can imagine uh because uh each part is going to be designed for very specific area or part of the the skeleton. in this case we're going to be focusing on the cranial implants, implants that you will see on the cranium or different parts of the skull. now they're primarily used to help with the healing of injuries to the skull or to the cranium when for example a part of the skull is fractured they can uh hold those two parts together. with these
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joints so that the the the bone structure can mend itself, but they can also be used for all sorts of different maxo facial uh operations, even for cosmetic operations when you want to add some like some... sort of jawlineine uh or for people have their chins a little bit too far back uh these plates can be used uh for all sorts of different maxo facial operations. where these plates are probably not going to be sufficient is in more severe damages to the cranium, for example when in motorcycle accident with someone who hasn't had their helmet on uh when their uh skull is grinding against the asphalt uh a part of their cranium might be completely broken or... grind it down to the point that uh it's no longer going to be able to protect the brain. in those severe cases uh this part is not going to be enough, it's it's too small, so we're going to be using uh mesh plates such as this one and we're going to cut it down to size to essentially not
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only reinforce or join the different parts of the bone structure in the skull, but to essentially replace it for a certain period of time until uh the bone structure can attempt. to mend itself and like recreate itself through the uh the holes within uh the the mesh plate uh so there's also uh this type of uh cranial implant uh now with that said let's take a closer look at uh how this mesh plate can be uh actually done the surgery process and what happens after the surgery and also what we can do even more severe cases where even the mesh plates would not be enough when it comes the cranial reconstruction, the choice of implant is critical. we utilize various types of maxilofacial, orthopedic implants to address everything from trauma and congenital defects even tumor removals. among the best solutions are solid titanium plates and titanium mesh
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plates, each serving unique purposes. solid titanium plates are favored for their unmatched strength and durability, making them ideal. for situations where robot support is needed. however, in many cases, titanium mesh plates are the preferred choice. titanium mesh plates offer a significant advantage due to their lightweight structure and flexibility. these plates can be easily shaped to match the natural contours of the skull, providing a more customized fit. but the real magic happens with their design. mesh plates are perforated with small holes and crevices. allowing bone tissue to grow through them. this unique feature promotes osteointegration where the bone reforms and integrates with the implant. the bone cells proliferate through the mesh, creating a stable and natural reconstruction over time. this not
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only enhances the healing process, but also ensures a stronger, more resilient skull. mesh plates are particularly beneficial and treating complex. fractures and defects, providing the necessary support while facilitating natural bone by growth. this combination of strength and biological integration represents a remarkable advancement in maxcelo facial surgery. so we talked about how plates can be used as an exterior solution to help amend broken bones. you can see here, this is the example of an applied ' surgical plates that from the outside of the bone structure can help mend a fractured or a broken bone, but uh, it's not the best possible way that there is right now. let me give you an example with uh for example a uh femer bone that is broken. um,
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so the the process is rather invasive, the surgery itself is very invasive process. uh, the example of a broken femer, we would have to first insert this bit screw it in so that like would it would leave room for uh the plate to be attached to the to the exterior of the bone and then each of these holes would need to be screwed into place so that it would be fixed in place and it would help - mens the the bone structure but uh this process is i said very invasive you would need to cut the entirity of the skin and flesh uh there's a lot of risk of infection uh it would take a lot longer for uh that person to be able to stand up and walk because of the risk of infection and because of the large cut uh that is now made because of this this plate uh and it takes a very long time up to two to the hours so there's another way uh that this company is now pioneering in iran which is
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using these uh nails so i'm going to use the example of this partic particular tibia so here uh instead of applying first a bit here's would be uh added to the exterior, we would essentially cut a hole in this part of the body and we would uh drill a little bit of a hole on on the top of the tibia. and then we would slowly hammer in this nail which is uh shaped to fit the tibia's uh shape, now then we don't we haven't really cut anything uh all that much, the only thing else that we need to do is uh to add uh a couple of holes right in here to just be able to uh screw in uh the the bone from the inside uh as opposed to screwing it in from the outside with like eight or 10 different screws uh this is lot less of invasive uh
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surgery uh you would only need three holes in the body it takes down to 30 minutes uh as opposed to two to the hours uh and uh there's an even better way uh that this can be done that this company has managed to make so by adding some grooves uh to uh this circular structure it is going to be a little bit easier for this nail to be hammered inside place because it's going to be let's say a little bit sharper to hammer in uh and that could make it even more of an efficient surgery uh so this was nails and how they can be compared with uh metal plates or surgical plates and the kind of advantages that they could offer but let's take a closer look at what happens in the body the move from the traditional dynamic hip screw procedure or dhs to the more advanced proximal femal nail procedure known as pfn is a significant development. the dhs procedure involves
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attaching a titanium plate to the exterior of a fractured or broken bone requiring multiple incisions and extensive surgery. while effective, this method can be invasive and demands a lengthy recovery period. enter pfn, revolutionary technique that's changing the game. instead of a external plates, pfn uses what's called nails inserted inside the bone with three screws attached from outside. this minimally invasive surgery requires fewer cuts and significantly reduces operation time. patients benefit from quicker surgeries and shorter hospital stays with faster overall recovery. the internal naves provide robot support allowing for early mobilization and reduced. the risk of complications associated with traditional methods. pfn's
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precision and minimal invasiveness mean less post-operative pain and lower chance of infection. it's a clear advancement over dhs, offering a superior patient friendly option for bone fracture repair. and now lastly we come down to the spinal implan, so uh this cage looking thing that we have going on here uh is going to be. thing as the infrastructure for a vertebrate plastic uh which is going to be needed when for example you have a herniated disc like this uh red bulge that we have here, this is the uh the disc that is uh bulging out of where it's supposed to be. in these cases we have uh degeneration of the discs in between the vertebray which could be caused by number of different things, for example old age or um obesity can cause the the discs to disintegrate. now in those cases uh the the bones are going to be essentially causing
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friction in between themselves because there is no disc separating them so what we need to do is to create that separation once again and we can do that by using these spinal implants uh to essentially create that space that gap that is necessary for the spinal implants uh to be added where the discs used to be which are which have now disintegrated uh so we create this space with these very highly adjustable uh cages uh and uh then we add in the implants to replace the disc and after a while once the bone structure has adjusted to this new new gap in between the vertebray uh we might be able to remove uh this titanium cage so that the the body can go back to its normal function of course there's still going to be depending on the person there's still going to be some sort of limitation in the move. ments of the back uh depending on how severe uh the damage to the disc have been uh but uh in some cases this
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is the only option that you have to replace the disc with implant uh and this was the last category of the three uh kind of surgical implants that we covered in this episode and that's it for titanium surgical implants there are around 1200 skews of products that are being made here uh 200,000 parts more specifically are being made annually uh in this facility and uh while they are fulfilling a significant part of the market share that the it's fulfilling the... needs of the country uh, it is also being seen in uh west asia, central asia, south america and eastern european markets as well, and here's hoping they can cover a broader range of implants uh in the future. with that said, we've come to the end of this episode of irantech, thank you for watching, i'll see you guys next week.
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on the last day of july, a critical event occurred in the ongoing conflict between israel and hamas. the israeli regime assassinated the chairman of hamas political bureau, marking a shocking act of terror designed to undermine the group, yet in a swift response that... would reveal the miscalculations of tel aviv, amas appointed its gaza leader yahya sinwar as the new political chief at large. سناتيكم بصواريخ دون عدد.