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tv   Mideastream Sinwar Leads Hamas  PRESSTV  August 14, 2024 11:02pm-11:31pm IRST

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of zinus israel knows all too well that yahya sinwar understands it better that it understands him. crafted by zinus detention centers sinwar holds a powerful symbolic presence. in the israeli entity psychee. following the launch of operation al-aqsa flood, numerous israeli entity security officials have come forward to share their experiences about sinoir. across the board, israeli entity commentators have described sinwar as exceptionally intelligent, remarkably tough, and most importantly, master organizer who deeply understands the israeli entity mindset. in any context, it's impossible to separate the trajectory of the genocidal war on gaza and the... millions of
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the resistance from hamas's decision to appoint yahya sanwar to lead the movement at this very critical and strategic juncture, both in the history of the organization and the palestinian revolution. analysts view this decision as a bold challenge to zianis israel, as if hamas is telling the israeli of entity, if you assassinated the man, some of your politicians labeled as moderate, we've brought you the toughest, most stubborn, battle-hardened and radical leader in hamas. hamas's decision als signals that its leadership structure and organizational capacity have been swiftly restored despite the damage caused by hannah's assassination. it sends a clear message that the movement remains united and fully capable of selecting a leader for its political bureau. according to hamas's internal structure, the movement is governed by a shura system with three key regions: abroad, led by khalid mishal, the west bank, previously led by the martered sheikh salih and now by his deputy zahar shari. and gaza under the leadership of yahya
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sinwar. the selection of yahya sinwar, a man zionist israel has failed to eliminate since powerful message. zianis israel's tactics of pressuring the leadership by targeting their families, as they did with haniye, or attempting to weaken the movement by assassinating its leaders, will not break hamas's resolve. now the most wanted man in of tel aviv, whom they couldn't reach during the war is leading the movement right from the battlefield. one of hamas's key messages here is that. the mantle of resistance leadership lies in gaza, placing the military and organizational weight in its hands. yahya sinwar is seen as the most capable leader to guide the movement through one of the greatest battles in palestinian history. welcome to the medies stream, i'm madwar osman. about a week after the marturdom of
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ismail hanye, the head of the political bureau of the islamic resistance movement hamas, the movement surprised the world by selecting yahya sanwar as his successor. israeli entity authorities described the selection of sanwar as message to zionist israel that he is alive and that the leadership of hamas and gaza is strong, resilient and here to stay. to discuss this issue with us from beirot is mr. saleh ab political analyst originally from jane in the... occupied west bank, a pleasure having you with us, mr. saleh, now how does yahya sinwar's leadership and strategic approach reflect a shift in hamas's operational and tactical capabilities, especially in the recent military engagements amit the ongoing genocide in gaza. firstly, the presence of commander yahya sinwar and the gaza strip specifically, rather than another region or area designated by hamas.
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has a deep conviction in the importance of internal coordination among palestinian factions, particularly with other palestinian resistance group.
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في his belief in these principles, combined with his presence in gaza, affirms a strategy that, while not entirely new, is increasingly robust and resolute. there's a very important question that's being asked about the role of mr. yahya sinwar here, what is sanwar's appointment signal about hamas's internal dynamics to begin with, and his resilience in the face of the constant israeli entity pressure, particularly concerning. the ability of hamas to maintain a united front and effective leadership, because we all know how difficult the situation in gaza is at the moment. structure and its sura based system
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play a significant role in maintaining the movement's unity, internal cohesion and resilience. not only preserves its internal solidarity, but also ensures consistency in its relationships with allies and in its approach to adversaries. الى ان هذه المفاوضات او المواجهه مع الاحتلال الاسرائيلي في ظل وجودs of commander yahya sinwar at the helm of hamas signifies, above all that we are dealing with a formidable negotiator in the face of israeli entity leadership.
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far from being passive or sluggish and engaging with proposals or in advancing hamas's position against the israeli occupational aspects: a strong stance against the occupation while simultaneously employing rationality and wisdom in managing the conflict. capability in confronting the occupation and approaches it with a high degree of
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in fostering genuine alliances that support palestine and gaza. will have an impact on the future diplomatic negotiations and the military strategies as well, but how will he be able to balance those two, knowing that he might be assassinated any point? it is essential to clarify that the leader of... there are other members and deputies both within the occupied territories, such as those managing affairs in the prisons, the west bank and as well as
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in external regions. although leads on the ground and plays a significant role in overseeing both political and military activities. the military leadership of them brigades and other resistance factions in gaza, there are key figures who align closely with his approach and management of the conflict. for instance, dr. khalil, who was previously senar's deputy before the lighter was elected head of the political bureau exemplifies this alignment. when it comes to negotiations with the israeli occupation, i believe that israel has come to realize that the palestinian negotiator it dealt with in the early 1990s. is not the same as the one it faces in 2024. zionist israel has had experience in negotiations since 2017 when senwood assumed leadership of hamas and gaza. over the course of several wars, i'll be at short rounds lasting only few weeks. sinward
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has demonstrated remarkable skill and acumin in managing these conflicts. i believe he will succeed in handling the current struggle, both politically and militarily. we are witnessing the resilient. leadership of the resistance in gaza, as well as to the support provided by allied military fronts such as hazballah and lebanon, the yemen armed forces and the islamic resistance in iraq. additionally, there are significant political and diplomatic backing from the islamic republic of israelيه الاسلاميه في ايران. well, i want to thank you very much, mr. saleh ab political analyst. for joining us today to talk about uh how the appointment of mr. yahya sunwar will change or impact uh
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the military and the negotiation strategies in gaza. thank you very much for your time. ladies and gents, please stay tuned because next who are going to talk about the us's grand scheme in protecting zionist israel. the united states of america is intensifying its efforts to rescue azinis israel from a dire situation facing potential violent attacks probably from hisbullah, from iran, from yemen and from other forces in the region, washington is now promoting a prisoner swap and a temporary cease fire as
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some sort of a step towards ending the israeli entity genocide in gaza. this move aims to undermine the resistances justification for any retaliation, deviously suggesting that any such response could derail the peace process and deny gaza the chance for sease fire and a relief from civilian suffering. more details in the following report. the united states of america is ramping up its efforts to assist zionist israel which faces the threat of intense attacks from iran, lebanon, yemen and other resistance states and factions. so far, washington strategy involves three key approaches. number one, facilitating a prisoner exchange and temporary cease fire to help end the israeli entities genocide on gaza. this move aims to undermine the justification for retaliation from regional resistance groups and from the islamic. republic of iran suggesting that any such response could disrupt the peace process and
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prevent gaza from securing sease fire and alleviating civilian suffering. number two: intensifying diplomatic efforts with iran and regional resistance groups through intermediaries, using a mix of threats and limited incentives to persuade these forces to avoid substantial retaliation or limit their responses to minor actions. number three: building a military coalition with zionist israel was estern allies and regional arab normalizing partners to prepare for potential attacks. this includes strategies for early detection and interception with a theoretical readiness for preemptive strikes against resistance targets or iran, while currently excluding direct action against iran in the near term. amit the potential for the conflict escalate into a regional confrontation, the united states, egypt and qatar are exploring a possible solution through a swift deal to achieve seasfire. recent develop. nts indicate that the us has been informed by qatar that it can no longer exert pressure on hamas following the
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assassination of hamas's political leader ismail hanh in tehran. similarly, egypt has reiterated its position in light of yahya sunwar's election as hamas leader and has informed ziness israel that it will not abandon the rafah border crossing. the new initiative by the us, egypt and qatar is grounded in the shared conviction that ending the gaza genocide is crucial for reducing regional tensions and avoiding. further escalation. it also seeks to appease the resistance access by offering a chance to halt the war, presenting this as a preferable option compared to retaliating for the assassinations of leaders ismail hanye and fuad shukr. the us is warning that it will impose additional economic sanctions on iran, if the islamic republic follows through its threat to retaliate for the assassination of ismail hanye. this stands sents dual messages, one to iranian president masayan about the economic and governmental stability. costs of any attack on zinast israel, and another to israeli entity prime minister benjamin netanyahu signaling that
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washington is not currently considering involvement in a regional war, even if iran launches a significant revengeful assault. instead, the us will focus on defensive measures such as detection and interception, along with political and international support, and additional economic sanctions on tehran. now to discuss this issue with us from beirot is dr. daniel yagich, geopolitical commentator. having you with us, dr. yagich, now how do you think the us's strategies, including the proposed prisoner swap and the uh temporary cease fire aims to influence the dynamics of the conflict between z israel on one part and uh gaza on the other and what impact might these measures have on the regional resistance as well which has promised a retaliation against zianis israel for assassinating ismail hanye and uh commander flad shukr. so if we look at um the developments over the past more than 10 months, it is very clear that the only strategy that the united states has been
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following very aggressively is to shield the israeli regime from accountability and to make sure that it can continue to care. out this genocide without any interruption, so when we look at the cease fire talks, there is lot of talk about these talks, but actually it hasn't led to any end, while of course the israeli regime continues to carry out those massacers and to kill palestinians um as we speak, so the entire premise of these talks is very much based on imbalanced uh structure. now what could this mean for the resistance? of course the resistance has... it very clear that there cannot be any deescalation or sessation of hostilities as long as this uh genocide uh continue so from that perspective this um sort of diplomatic um discursive level that we've seen um has helped the israely regime actually to to gain time and to continue to carry out this genocide at the same time the israeli regime
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has killed the other side uh involved in those negotiations so making very clear that there is not only not an interest from the israeli side to stop this genocide uh but also no reason to do so because it has been able uh to commit all of these crimes for over 10 months with the full backing of the united states which shouldn't be seen as a um uh which actually should be seen as part of this genocide because it has been enabling it well uh dr. yagage it's it's very interesting for me to see how the negotiation table will look like at the moment because we all heard how qatar was saying that i cannot pressure hamas anymore because you killed their leader, egypt saying, "i'm not going to give up that of a border," and now you have new leader of hamas. how do you think the shape of this deal would be, or the negotiating table at least, because senar already said that, look, we have set of uh points, you either agree to them, or we're just leaving the negotiations. how do you think that will
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turn out eventually? well, it might continue to be of course very difficult given these very imbalance structures that these... negotiations are based on, and of course the assassination of hania has made it clear once again that israel are not interested in uh finding uh solution for path towards the ceasefire, so it will continue to to be difficult, and at the same time of course the entire conversation about um the cease fire in itself should be alarming, because now over 10 months into this genocide, there hasn't been any stronger. response from the so-called international community, no intervention on behalf of palestinians, no sanctions against the israeli regime, no how to arms sales, so in the end the ceasefire negotiations in themselves or prospective ceastfire um is also not necessarily an end uh to this genocide, so from this perspective um regardless of the current dynamics of
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these talks, it will continue to be very difficult, and of course we need to keep in mind that hamas had previously agreed uh to a cease fire which had been rejected by the israeli regime and 11 times in specific they agreed 11 times and israel just reneged exactly because the israeli regime um knows very well that it can continue there is no red line and it can continue to kill uh and massacer palestinians while pretending to be interested in a cease fire so the entire conversation within the so-called international community shifting toward the cease fire isn't itself very alarming and just uh allows the israeli regime to continue, well uh, there are the implications audaciously if i may, that the us wants to impose new sanctions, economic sanctions against iran if it retaliates, this is beyond hypocritical, be very honest, and they're doing all of these threats while zinus israel was committing new massacre at the tabin uh
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school in the central uh in center of gaza, taking away the lives of at least 150 civilians, but how do... how do you think that uh stands from the united states of america might affect the us-iran uh relationship and uh, which is obviously not good to begin with, as well as the maybe broader regional landscape. i mean, these threats of sanctions just once again show that the united states doesn't have any other option, and um, it just adds more sanctions to continuous sanctions that the united states has been issuing against iran as a form of economic... warfare and coersion over the decades, one might even wonder how many more sanctions can there be placed at this point, and this is very much part of the us very aggressive foreign policy uh this region and of course at the center of the us foreign policy and one could even argue at the center their political identity is the israeli regime, the zionist entity and its continuous
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settler colonial conquests, so at the end of course iran, which is a leading voice and forest within the resistance, continues to post major threat alongside with its allies in the region against israeli regime, and so of course it is not surprising that it will continue to face these sanctions and accusations of terrorism and be labeled um as the enemy, so from this perspective, it is very much expected uh from the united states uh to to continue to exert this pressure, and at the same time of course uh the sanctions themselves are a part of the reason why the resistance throughout the uh region has become so significant and strong uh throughout the decades, and we also need to keep in mind that the us um not only its involvement in western asia, but its global standing a global scale has increasingly been damaged by the continuous support in
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particular by the biden regime of this genocide, so i think the power or any the say the us is is going to continue to decline in western asia? well, in one minute, the big question, dr. leegich, do you think the region is going towards an all-out war or possibly end up? the genocide in gaza? it's difficult to predict, but um, unfortunately, the israeli regime has shown that it doesn't have any restraint, that nose no red line, so from that perspective, it is clear the israeli regime is going to continue to kill, to provoke and escalate with the assassinations in the last week, being just the latest example of how willing the israeli regime is to risk a broader escalation, the resistance has shown lot of patience and restraint, but at the end of the day uh questions about the... region are also answered in washington dc and beyond, so unfortunately it is of course very possible that with the continuous us zionist
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aggression that the region might be torn even further into a broader colonial and once again imperialist warfare against the people the region. well dr. daniel yagich, geopolitical commentator, thank you very much for your analysis uh for the upcoming wave of possible new violence in the... region because of the continuous uh genocide on gaza by zin is all aided, ebated and funded by the united states of america and its friends. ladies and gents, thank you very much for watching us right here uh on the medias stream, please do follow us on telegram and on x and we promise to always get you the latest right here from west asia on press tvs the medies stream.
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the kingdom of morocco and the israeli apart regime agreed on december 10, 2020 to normalize relations in a deal broker with the help of the administration of former us president donald trump. now this deal was betrayal of morocco's historical commitment to the palestinian cause. despite sif opposition by moroccans, the monarchy is entrenching this betrayal by signing military and security deals with the israeli regime. in the most recent move this north african kingdom plans to acquire a satellite from the israeli genocidal regime in a shameful one billion dollar deal.
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allow the... الى ارض الاجداد لعل هذا الادعاء هو من اوائل الاساطير المؤسسه لفكره الدوله الصهيونيه خرج الاسرائيليون اكثر من مره اول مره يعقوب عندما ذهب هو وبنيه استجابه لدعوه يوسف الى مصر ثم رفضوا العوده لها على الرغم من دعوه نبي الله موسى له ثم عادوا واخرجوا منها السبي البابلي ثم عادوا بمساعده الامبراطور الفارسي كرش ثم. خرجوا منها وطردهم الرومان
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منها واسست فيها حاضره مسيحيه ثم جاء الفتح الاسلامي ولكن اهل هذه الارض الكنعانيون والياروسيون لم يخرجو. you talked a great deal in part one about the narrative and the rights and all being about rights. by what right? because look at you and you don't meet the classic stereotype in the west. of settler with a skull cap and a machine gun in the arm and tourer in the other, don't meat that, you're you're a secular man, i believe, on what grounds then do you say you have a right to be in the west bank when the international community says you have no right to be there? as i said, it is my homeland, you're from argentina, yes, yes, but as a zionist, i believe that every jew should, of course is entitle, but should live
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in the land of.
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israeli occupation forces kill more palestinian women and children across the gazo strip and the west bank. "iran's leader wars a nation about enemy psychological warfare that's aimed at intimidation and submission to pressure, and the iranian un envoy says that israel aims to weaken the palestinian struggle for freedom and independence by assassinating resistance leaders."