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tv   Iran Tech Titanium Implants  PRESSTV  August 15, 2024 3:00am-3:31am IRST

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right to return to palestine, to their homes, now that would compound even if you had a willing partner on the tel aviv side, that would compound the issue enormously, so my solution is for one democratic state between the river and the sea everyone with a right to be there jewish, muslim, christian lived as equal citizens under the law, under the constitution, that's the only solution to this matter in my opinion. thank you very much. let me go to uh veteran journalist warren thornton. warren, what's on your mind today? hello, george, given that we're only few weeks into the disaster that starman geden. um, i was going to ask you about their of joints. basically should we say where they
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turn around with france and germany and say we wanted deescalation in the region. now we know that american workships are going there, we know that they've got a us submarine on there, which is nuclear submarine, and i'm hearing from my intelligence sources in cyprus, that they're uping the surveillance uh with flights from aquiry airbase. um, does this sound like deescalation to you, george, or is this bullying policy of the americans and the west? yeah, as dr. shivan pointed out, warren, it's it's gunboat diplomacy, but from gunboats that are distinctly vulnerable and uh and rusting uh, not just literally, although the british ones are literally, but rusting metaphorically too. this is from a 19th century playbook uh where palmerston uh would order uh gunboats uh to the coasts to bombard. the restless natives until they sued
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for peace. well, iran isn't like that. the world isn't like that. the balance of power in the world doesn't allow that. this joint statement to which you refer, does not even mention the word israel, not once. in that joint statement from these western leaders. so, you're calling for an end. escalation without mentioning the principal escalator, iran, hezballah and the others will be responding to dramatic and bloody escalation, but our leaders couldn't even bring themselves to name the party which has caused this situation. never mind mentioning genocide as found. by the icj, never mind,
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mentioning arrest warrants as applied for by the icc, none of that is mentioned in these joint statements, so somebody comes along, god forbid, waren and burns your house or my house down, but if we come out from the ashes and determined to get justice, we're accused of escalating, it's perfectly, absurd and it's been treated, i think in the region with the rebeldry uh that it deserved. warren thornton, top journalist, thanks for being on the show. now, i've got an audio question for obvious reasons from iman in deer alballa in occupied palestine. iman, welcome to the show. hello sir, i am imam from gaza. of
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displaced since 13 october 2023, a civilian of and mother of twin daughters who lost everything. can you please give me answers to my questions? when will this suffering comes to an end? when will be able to leave this trap? will egypt open the borders and wave the taxes required? is there a way to force israel to? open the crossings for people to go out, will we have a future as we dreamed of? please, who can give us answers? well, i wish i could give you answer and a positive of one, and my sincere condolences and that of all the audience, i know, for what you have.
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gone through, we are sorry that we have failed until now to stop the endless agony of the palestinian people. and the last most dreadful period of 11 months of genocidal massacar. when's it going to end? i don't know, there's no reason to believe that it is going to end. the western governments are still supporting the apartite state and its criminal gang of leaders and the... states are still collaborating with the same gang, i don't want to go through them name by name, but as long as leaders of arab and muslim countries are not just refusing to join the
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axis of resistance, but are positively a part the access of enablers. that help netanyahu to carry out these crimes, then i'm afraid that the worldwide solidarity movement which will grow and grow, and your resistance, which will continue as long as two palestinians remain alive, will have to continue to do everything that we can, you should not expect anything from... joe biden or camela harris or donald trump, and they are, respectively, the president and the two contenders to be president, and all three of them are slaves to the israel lobby. you
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cannot expect anything from the british prime minister who told us, he didn't, he didn't hide it, that he was an unequivocal. supporter of zionism, that means with no equivocation, with no qualification at all, he was a supporter of israel and of the zionist ideology, the same is true even more extremely so uh in the rest of the european union uh, in the councils of the european union itself and in the chanceries of europe. from the so-called left-wing uh green coalition government in germany, to the so-called right-wing uh government of victor orban in hungary, all but one or two and only
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on the ukraine issue at that are 100% behind whatever washington decides to do, so i hate to be... the bringer of bad news in that regard, but i not only cannot tell you when this will come to an end, i have to tell you that i have no reason to believe that it will come to an end, however something dramatic is about to happen that may change the uh the whole balance of power in the region. if the axis of resistance succeeds in inflicting strategic damage on the zianist project and on the willingness of western governments to remain completely behind that zinast project,
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then you and i should talk again. thank you for that call. let's go to alec cave, leader the... party, alec, go ahead. mr. galloway, you advocate for the palestinians right to self-determination, ethnic homogenaity and to nation state, so my question to you is, why do you not support our people's right to self-determination, homogenenity, and nation state, and instead promote diversity and multiculturalism as demonstrated by your fierce pandering to the islamic demographic in this country. well, when i saw your name was cave. "i figured you'd be cave man, and so it turned out to be. uh, first of all, i'm so in favor of britain having the right of self-determination, that i played a leading role in the fight for brexit and the leaving
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the european union. i'm so in favor of british self-determination that i fought and was possibly the leading fighter in scotland for..." uh the defeat of the separatist independence project, i believe in britain and its unity and its sovereignty and its right of self. determination, where you lost me, mr. caveman, was at this ethnic homogeneity, because you see, i don't believe in your kind of blood and soil nationalism, not least because i'm not of the same genus as you, you are white and english, and i am half irish and half scottish, i am cheltic and you look... distinctly pink to me, so we are not of the same ethnicity, and you just
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heard me say, my policy on israel, palestine is for one democratic state between the jordan river and the mediterranean sea, where jews, muslims and christians lived as equal citizens under the law. and guess what, mr. caveman, that's also my policy in britain. i don't care what color of face. i don't care about your pink eyes, i don't care about your peely wally demeaner. i don't care about the fact that you hail from one set of invaders of this island, and i hail from another set of invaders. none of... that means anything to me. i believe in democracy. i believe in
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the right of people in a nation state to choose their own direction on the basis of one man, one woman, one vote, wherever they came from, whatever color they are, however they pray. so get back to your cave. tim scott is the executive director of the freedom association, well tim, most welcome, what's on your mind? hello george, and firstly thank you for your support for brexit, i remember that wonderful meeting at westminster we had um back in the day, and uh, just to butter you up before we probably end up disagreeing, you did actually, i think, give the best speech of the night, but i did um, warn your producer, knowing that it was your show, that i am, generally. western and often sympathetic to israel, but i think one thing we can agree on uh as well as
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brexit is that there's not going to be two-state solution um anytime soon uh and i think um i suspect that neither of us sees it as being possible or even desirable although i suspect for different reasons you seem to want a 1948 uh not a two state uh you you're calling for not just air attacks but you appear to be calling for some sort of land invasion of israel, um, which maybe you could confirm that, and you say you want democratic palestine from the river to the sea, well there haven't been any palestinian authority elections, as you will well know for 18 years, in fact president abbas, i believe is in the 18th or is it the 19th year of his four-year term, but anyway that's my sort of question, thank you for having me on and the fact that there are no election. of course has everything to do with the fact that the
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islamic resistance movement, hamas won the elections and were then besieged, sanctioned, starved and regularly attacked, so it's kind of difficult for a supporter of israel like you, to hold that against them, but i'm against president. abbass, he's on your side the argument, he's with you, he's your mate, not my mate, the leader that i follow in palestine is in roughly his 20th year an israeli dungeon, he is the nelson mandela of palestine, his name is marwan barguti, and you should try to remember that name, because you will, i promise you be hearing more about and from him, i'm in favor of one state, you
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can call it what you like, i favor this name, you can uh, you can thank me later, the holy land, let's have one state called the holyland, between the holy river, jordan and the mediterranean sea. a state in which every person, whatever color they are, whatever religion they are, whatever ethnicity they are, live as equal citizens under the law. now "you may well be saying that that's a pipe dream, but when i was underground illegally, in apartite south africa, working for the african national congress, led by nelson mandela, people in the freedom association, were still supporting apartite,
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and they believed that white supremacist." the apartite rule would run south africa forever. now you're a young man, i'm not blaming you personally, but the freedom association believed that nelson mandela was a terrorist, that black people would never be able to be trusted with power, and therefore democracy, one man, one woman, one vote could never be allowed in south africa, guess what? "we won and we're going to win again as to your points about air attacks, land attacks. i'm not calling for anything, i am describing what is possibly going to happen, and you may or may not agree with me, although by the
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weekend you might be forced to, haman." sing kapoor, hamman sing kapoor is in england in london and haman is the next caller, haman, welcome brother, i am first time here and questioning some one's first time, generally my wife keep on questioning me, so first time i'm questioning someone here, so my question to you, mr. gulway is, in the uk, the palestiny flag is offly waved rally with. participant getting, receiving police protection and facing no fear of prosecution or any attack, meanwile same time, any british individual, when he carries british flag, he get hostility, is it possible that if any british man wave his flag, british flag in palestine.
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