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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  August 24, 2024 10:02pm-10:35pm IRST

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what can i see my picture? hello and welcome to press tv spotlight, i'm marza hashimi, thanks so much for being with us. well, the 323rd day of the genocide in gaza has come and gone. washington says a...
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fire deal is nearing, more talks are scheduled to take place in cairo this weekend with representatives in egypt, qatar, us and israel to be present. hamas has agreed to send a representative. can sease fire deal be reach amongst parties which have vested interests in the genocide continuing, and what kind of seats fire can be reached with an israeli administration in power, which doesn't even see palestinians as human. we're going to take a look at this in a lot more. on this spotlight. i'd like to welcome my guests to the program. isabel lazidon, academic and political analysts out of damascus and peter ford, former british ambassador to syria out of manchester. thank you both for being with me. let's start it off uh in damascus and isabella, i mean your perspective. why does the us continue to say
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that deal is nearing? actually uh the only reason the the americans they keep saying that there there there would be very close solution, something is coming clear in the near future is only to buy sometime to buy israel and benjamin netanyahu sometime and they just want to spread some hollow and vacuum optimism. in the near future, because we all know, as everyone knows, that the palestinian resistance will never accept any kind of agreement that would that does not include or guarantee the whole land for the gazan people, and does not guarantee the the the right of the palestinian people in gaza, the gazans who have... sacrificed a lot so
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they would never, mean they would not never like the palestinians resistance, they will never accept any kind of a cease fire or agreement or anything that would never guarantee the rights of those people who have sacrificed over the past 10 months, right? well peter, um, there have been several rounds of ceasefire talks and even hamas had agreed to some terms after it had agreed then the regime added more conditions, i mean, what does that mean to you in general? it means that the israelis are not being serious and it means the americans are not being serious. biden in july put forward a plan that was accepted by the palestine, that plan provided for a three phase agreement: first, an interim withdrawal by the israelis a
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withdraw away from the populated areas, away from the populated areas and the next exchange of prisoners. phase two was supposed to be full withdraw, full withdraw of israeli forces and finalization of the prisoner exchanges. phase three was: supposed to be reconstruction of gaza, now at the moment the israelis are saying that whatever happens, they're not going to withdraw from some of the populated areas, that that's the netsarem corridor down the middle of gaza, which borders gaza city, and on the southern end the so-called philadelpha. corridor bordering
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egypt, which is also a populated area, so the the americans are just being completely disingenuous. by saying that israel is ready to respect the terms of the agreement, and they've agreed, and hamas isn't, the it's the opposite of the truth, and and we have to ask ourselves, why are the israelis introducing late in the day, these demands that they should stay in these two military corridors? well, obviously, because they have no intention whatsoever. ever of moving to phase two or phase th, that is complete withdraw, and in fact what we're seeing is a repeat of the experience over many years of the so-called middle east peace process, which
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has been another sharad, right? well, isabella, hamas has blamed israelyahu for... the deal not being able to be reached and says that he continues to add more obstacles to prevent a ceasefire. i mean, your thoughts on it, because on the one hand, the israelis have uh been hit hard inside of gaza militarily, much harder than they ever expected, and more than 10 and a half months later, obviously they still have not been able to reach their so-called goals, so uh, on the one hand we have that, but then we have netanyahu basically continuing, um, throwing up... cicles that any type of propos? so how do you your assessment of exactly what's going on here? actually, if we go through the cease fire convent, mean the phases that your respectful guest has talked about, to those who read arabic, they would
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know that there is huge difference in translation into english, because in arabic it's something, and in english withdrawal from last. in arabic is something and in english it means something else, i just want people to those who read arabic, there would be there, they would see huge difference between the let's say the terms written in arabic and the ones written in english, this is one reason to know that they are not being honest and they're not not being serious about about any kind of cease fire that they would whether the israelis or... or the occupation or the americans would propose, this is one, and two, i want, i want you just to go back in time when we were talking about july, for example, when when american, when biden said like, said, there was a statement,
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there was a stage when the palestinian resistance has agreed on one of the proposals of seas power cease fire in gaza, and it was, it had been already proposed by netanyahu who refused it later on, so i don't think of course it's in the it's very right from the side of the palestinian resistance to accuse netanyahu of not being serious uh about sease fire. they keep telling us about like for example the statements by the israeli officials, it's all about let's say what liberating or let's say cleansing. cleansing gaza from hamas terrorists according to them, what they call hamas terrorists, and by this of course they don't mean just just hamas members, they mean all the palestinians people, they are planning to commit a
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genocide, which the word keeps refusing to admit that, and people who commit genocides, people who commit such heinous war crimes, they will never be serious. about coming into a ceasfire or taking action towards something called cease fire or peace convent or anything, they would never do anything towards peace, they are just, i mean, just today, this morning, yesterday, we would just look, look at the genocides taking place day after day after day against the palestinian people, and most of them are civilians, and under the justification or the pretext, the pretext that they want to like, they want to assassinate because this is what they are good at, like taking, betraying, backstapping, they want to assassinate one of hamas's leaders, they they are ready to kill 300 people just to as attempt to kill one of hamas's leader, and this is, this is, let's
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be, let's be clear about it, they are not trying to kill any hamas people as much as they are trying to genocide the people inside gaza. and the word should take these ideas more seriously, if we look - if we look yesterday at the statement given out by camala harris when they when she said something about about the palestinian people are being subjected to atrocities by the israelis, however she never mentioned anything about the cease fire, she never mentioned anything about the weapons that are being exported by the americans to israel, so they are just giving us hollow words, hollow optimism, vacuum, i mean words of vacuum that will never be translated into action, right? unless the region, the region as a first and the world as second takes serious action
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against this terrorist regime, temporal regime of israel, nothing will happen. okay, well - peter, a former israeli negotiator daniel levi says that the us is just pretending that deal is near in order to give themselves and the israel more time for themselves, they want to bring in more military assets to the region for the israelis to... them more time to kill more palestinians as we've just been talking about, i want to look at the other aspect of it about the military assets, bringing more military assets in the region. on the one hand, as our other guest, isabella just isabella just talked about, we hear comala harris and other american officials and talking about wanting to end this um, of course they don't call it a genocide, but we will uh wanting to end it in the conflict. on the other. can we see as babies heads are being blown up, um, as babies are being
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pulled from under the rubble, they are trying to send more military equipment, more weapons to this genocidal regime. mean, what prevents peter from the rest of the world, besides the resistance front, from actually condemning the americans and what they're doing completely, they're complicit with this genocide. well, a short answer to that question is that the americans and their allies have control of world media, except press tv obviously, and one or two other minority um platforms, no seriously, they they they do control the international media narrative, and and this is why they are able to get away. with the sharad, this pretense that progress is being made, um, they they
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feed the the media beast with this talk always of of progress, um, and we we we've seen it all before many times, it's a performance in any negotiations involving the americans, the israelis and the arab side, um, they the americans uh... suffer no consequences for being so one-sided, and you could even argue that the resistance of making a mistake, even being involved in this charad of of talks, i think hamas refused to attend the previous round. i really don't quite understand why they're even bothering to give the talk some legitimacy by sending delegation to k. now, i suppose it's to please the khataris and the egyptians and
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that that is another part of the american israeli game, they're trying to turn the arab side cut in these talks, qataries and the egyptians against the palestinians, um, it's all part of the the game, this very one-sided game, but at the end of the day - israelis are not actually doing very well, after 10 months, they have failed to achieve any of their stated goals, right? they don't appear to be drawing any closer, and this is why they are in in desperation, just bombing randomly every day, turning the screws on humanitarian aid, because they don't know what to do, just jump in here with what you just said, because you said they're in a desperate situation, so again i posed a
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question, then why won't they just in this right now? yes, there it, their situation is deteriorating by the day inside of the regime, so why don't they just end it? well, because it would be the the end of netanyahu's career and possible possibly his personal freedom, because he'd go to jail uh on corruptions. charges - if ever he stops having immunity as prime minister, and many in israel would like to throw in the towel. netanyahu himself. complained to the media that his negotiators were were trying to surrender, some of his top generals are advising semi publicly that israel should call it a day and go home, but netanyahu and those in his close circle, particularly the
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the the religious zellots um won't allow that to happen. though that would be the rational thing to do, right? well, isabella, going back to this so-called cease fire, cease fire talks, i mean us national security council spokesman john kirby says they are focused on attaining immediate cease fire deal, he said they would allow them to get the quote hostages home and get six weeks of calm, i mean does that mean that actually hamas then should release all the captives and then the z will just simply restart the genocide? i mean, your assessment of these type of statements? uh, trust me, miss, i don't think the israelis themselves, especially netanyahu is interested in the safety of the captives being kept in gaza, this is the first, second of all, i would just try to comment, it's a
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little comment to your respectful, to the respectful guest when he said something about that. didn't join the first steps of the um, let's say the talks or the negotiations, well hamas has lost their leader to very let's say to very cowardic attack uh that took place in iran when he was just there as a diplomatic guest a a country with the sovereignty and on an on the lands of an independent sovereign country, the hanya lost his life to due to the cowardick assassination committed by the israelis, of course i wouldn't trust any kind of negotiation with this criminal regime, this is as a first, as second, i don't think these the americans are really, people are
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being just are trying to be optimistic because of camala harris speech yesterday and i would just like to confirm two ideas, camala harris when she said we are the, i mean the palestinian people, they have should have their freedom and they should uh we should get rid of or stop this gen, she didn't say genocide, but these atrocities and the killing in gaza, however, however she said, although i know that... sexual attacks happened in gaza in october the 7th, she she's adopting the narrative of the israelis which had been proven wrong later on, and yet she kept adopting it, also one more thing, that speech, the most of the many many americans of palestinians origins, they
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wanted to attend that speech, why weren't they given the right to attend? why when they allowed? because they didn't want any different voices, so it's just like anesthesia, they are trying to give people anasthesia, like sleep for a while until we finish this - elections in america, we we do the genocide in israel, and i would like to commend what your guest has said, i would like to commend the idea that meeting yaho does not couldn't care less. about the the captives being kept in gaza, he couldn't care less about them, and he would uh sacrifice the life of all of the colonizers or israelis located in palestine just to keep his place as a prime minister and not go to jail, well let me say isabel, if that's the case, sorry
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to interrupt you, but if that's the case staying with you, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, one more reason, one more reason why the... are uh they they wouldn't, it wouldn't be in their interest to stop this failing, fail, fail, failure after failure after failure that happened in gaza, it's some israeli officials, they have the illusion, the dream that they still have the deterrant power, the power of deterring others from attacking them, and this is just vanished, this is gone, what the the will of the people, the desire of the people has been translated on land, we are looking a nation at palestinian people, a people, who are more powerful than ever and they would do anything, anything to stay on their land, unlike unlike the neighboring canalizers who
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took over their lands a while ago, several years ago, they would just go to the bengian uh airport at the very first attack, so it's, i mean, they just have, i mean, so we have two reasons, netanyahu does not want to go to jail, this is the first, and second of all, 'we have some israelis who still dream about the deterring power and they still think that they can deter other countries from attacking them, which is also illusion, it's been proven as as illusion after the the military failures that happened over and over and over over the past 10 months and a half, right, right, well peter, netanyahu says one of the main goals of this genocide of course is the destruction of hamas and i mean 10 and a half months'. we fast forward from october the 7th and we see that uh obviously that has not been accomplished in your perspective is this even a goal that is attainable um for the
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israeli regime destruction of hamas? absolutely not, and even many of the top officials inside israel uh can uh can see that belatedly that after 10 months. "they're nowhere near crushing hamas, every week the the israelis are taking casualties, um, it's impossible to know how many hundreds or thousands of israeli casualties there have been, this is an important part of the picture that we are not seeing, but the fact that we are even discussing an israeli withdraw without them having achieved their" goals um shows who who is the winner here, i don't think it's israel, of course the the enormous loser are the people of of gaza, but
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if it's any constellation, they have achieved more in 10 months by being steadfast and resilient and brave, achieved more than any arab country did over 50 years, right, right, yeah, very interesting. point, well, isabella, in your perspective, is there anything besides the resistance front which can bring true victory to the palestinian people? um, actually, the the active, the active demonstrations we are seeing now in the streets of the arab world, in tunesia, jordan, egypt, um, i think this, this, as much as it's not, although we have... we're seeing some distance between the government, the governmental stance, the word the israeli genocide and between their people. however, i
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think just like when the desire of the people has been translated by the groups of the resistance, the powerful fronts of the resistance in lebanon, yeman, iraq, i think these streets will be able, this public... opinion that is raging and screaming really hard and trying to speak up the voice of the people. i think this will be able to translate the the desire of the people who are in some arab countries who are not very satisfied with their stance of their government and i would like to commend what president said. when he said had the countries been united against israel and against the american intervention in our region, the neither the american or the
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israelis would ever dare to do or to commit the crimes they are committing now, right? hopefully we can attain that unity. thank you so much for being with me, isabel is academic and political analyst out of damascus, peter ford, former british ambassador to syria. out of manchester and thank you viewers for being with us on another spotlight, i'm marsia hashimi, hope to see you right here next time, goodbye, a blood thirsty cult, a terrorist group by nature, the meck. it was formed in 1965 with the aim of taking power in iran after the ouster of muhammad
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reza shah. having failed to win the hearts of the iranian people, the group fled to saddam husseins iraq to carry out operations against them, and yet that is not the end of the story. can you call the people terrorists for defending their own land? against the crimes of zionists they're making a stand such nation is it an act of terror too when the leaders of the world distort the basic truths the world is waking up and history turns of page the truth is shining bright in every heart and every age the resistance for
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stronger with courage and with stand up forward try in the darkest of the night, they say itself defense for the ruthless cold regime, but the ones who fight for freedom are the ones they call extreme, in west asia, the tides are turning, new fate to unfold, people's conscience rising as the truth starts to be told, from american universe to uprising world. why your professors stay with you against the unjust eye find comfort in this solidarity through the pressure you face empathize with young hearts in this relentless the comands guide us in humanities fight be steadfast as commanded in the quest for what's right do not oppress nor be
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oppressed let these words like the way, through resistance front advances with god's victory some day, the world is waking up and history turns of page, the truth is shining bright in every heart and every age, the resistance trunk more stronger with courage and with might, stand up forward tr in the darkest of the night. the us said it was going to reconstruct
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