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tv   Iran Today  PRESSTV  August 28, 2024 6:02pm-6:31pm IRST

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civilization, known as persia ancient times, iran bosts a heritage that spans thousands of years incompassing various empires and civilizations. for its people, iran transcends mere geography, it embodies their collective memory, traditions and values, serving as a focal point of pride and unity from the accaminate empire, which established one of the largest empires in history to the saphavid era and beyond. this land has been a
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cradle of civilization, art, literature and philosophy. the country also holds great significance due to its geopolitical position and natural resources, which have tempted of world powers to seiz control throughout history, particularly in this absence of powerful central government. in such circumstances, defending iran has often required immense sacrifices. iranian hero. both historical and contemporary have emerged in times of conflict to protect their land from invaders and oppressors. they exemplify of valor and commitment safeguarding iranian identity and territory. countless individuals, including soldiers and civilians, have made the ultimate sacrifice to defend their homeland against any encroachment. one such individual is rais ali delvari. the anti-colonial fighter who risked
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his life to defend the country against british aggression, like other national heroes of this land, he reinforces the idea that a homeland as great as iran is worth fighting and dying for. on september 3rd, 1915, rais ali delvary lost his life on the battlefield against the british soldiers who had occupied southern iran during world war 1st this day. is called the national day of fight against british colonialism. of dr.
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in india, making iran increasingly important as gateway to the subcontinent. for nearly 100 years, the british utilized iran as a buffer zone for their interests in india. this policy imposed severe damage on iran and its people. with the onset of the constitutional movement in iran, rais ali joined the constitutionals pioneers in southern iran when he was just 24 years old, the movement faced significant challenges with the rises of muhammad ali shah qaja.
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dictator who had no belief in democracy, at the request of religious scholars who opposed the tyrany of muhammad ali shah qajar, rais ali took up arms in 1908 and liberated busher in the south of iran from the shah's agents and maintained control of the city for approximately nine months. jawad mansure a prominent iranian historian based in tehran known for his extensive research. and contributions to the field of iranian contemporary history. یک جنبشی در جنوب ایران. in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, a significant movement emerged in southern iran that extended into the 20th century, characterized by the shia clergy stepping into leadership roles in the resistance against british hegemmany. during this period, shia scholars took on responsibilities that the central government had neglected, spear heading. nationwide
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efforts to counter the advancing british forces. the gajar shaw's in contrast remained largely passive as the nation rallied under the guidance of the shia klergy to confront the dominance of. the british empire. this dynamic not only highlighted the clerge's pivotal role in shaping national resistance, but also underscored the limitations of the ruling monarchy during a critical juncture in iran's history. at that time, iran had internal strife characterized by a weak central government and political instability. this power vacuum had rendered the country vulnerable to external ambitions, particularly those of britain and russia. after the constitutional revolution, particularly following the fall of muhammad ali shah of rajar, the country experienced political instability due to internal
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conflicts and foreign interference. from 1910 to 1920, the british pressured iranian officials and politicians to sell them the iranian islands in the persian gulf. iranians rejected this request, the british then ased to lease the islands. this request was also declined. this along with several other factors gradually resulted in the occupation the south by british forces. one of the consequences of a fragmented central authority and imperial interests of foreign powers was the occupation of iran in 1907 by british and russian soldiers. the occupation was formalized through the anglo-russian agreement which delinated sephears of influence within iran. under this treaty, britain secured its interest in the south, particularly in the oil rich regions while russia exerted control over the north. this
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arrangement effectively diminished iran's sovereignty and further entrenched foreign intervention in its domestic affairs. tabrizi, a distinguished iranian historian residing in tehran, recognized for his scholarly work on iran's historical narratives. among the crimes committed by the british during that time, was the transfer of iran's grain stores outside the country, creating a devastating famine that claimed millions of lives estimated at around 10 million people. they even exported iran's grain to africa. where their troops were stationed, the colonial powers have attempted to whitewash their crimes, but we must revisit them whenever the opportunity rises. after all, nation that forgets his past has no future or is doomed to repeated. the lack
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of robus central government meant that the iranian nation was unable to rally against these incursions, leading to a period marked by humiliation and disillusionment, and this was not something tolerable by the freedom-seeking heroes of this land. encouraged by the religious scholars of the time, rais ali mobilized popular forces to confront the british occupation of the south, a long struggle that took for over seven years and ended only by his death. rais ali confronted the british forces in two major battles, one in his hometown, delv, and the other one in busher. delvar was location that british sold. ers had previously invaded several times, but they had faced defeat there. raiz ali sought to defend his homeland by mobilizing an army of men against the occupiers. the british invaders, numbering nearly 5,00, became trapped by the iranian fighters, resulting in heavy casualties among
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the british forces. during this assault, rais ali's successful gorilla operations inspired other fighters in the region to join him in the summer of 19. 15, he led successful campaigns against the british navy, compelling the british to bring in reinforcements from iraq and india to bushher and to heavily bombed delvar. مبارزه را آغاز میکنند. در این حرکت, they began the fight backed by religious and tribal leaders. the british became mired in area as they started to encurre a significant number of casualties. in attempt to find a solution to this humiliation, they reached a conclusion to target del vari with cannon fire from the sea. in other words, they could not confront the locals directly. despite the heavy
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bombardment, the iranians displayed remarkable resilience. when the british decided to occupy bushher and advance towards shiraz, they attempted to... bribe rais ali. to accomplish this, they sent two men to delvar to secure his approval for the landing of british forces on the shores of the persian gulf and their movement towards shiroz. during their meeting with rais ali, the representatives indicated that if he refrained from confronting the occupying forces, the english officials would pay him 40,000 equal to over 1 million pounds today. in response, rais ali stated, how can i see the other way when iran's independence is in serious jeopardy? after the representatives returned empty-handed, english officials sent a threatening letter to rais ali, stay: "if you rise against the british government, we will fight you, destroy your homes and cut
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down your palm trees," in response, wrote back to the english officials, our home is in the mountains and destroying them is beyond the power and capability of the british empire. it is clear that if that government engages in war with us, we will resist to the fullest. ایران خوشبختانه شخصیت های بزرگی داریم که. in iran we have had remarkable figures throughout history who have been willing sacrifice everything in their possession, including their families and their own lives for the homeland. martter raiseli delvari is one such figure. he served as role model for future generations in the country to resist any foreign intrusion. had ray sali delvari not demonstrated such resistance against one of the most powerful armies in the world at the time, the country would have succumbed to... hegemonic power, as occurred in many other countries in the region and around the globe. however, in
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iran, the spirit of resistance for the sake the homeland has never wined. this week on expose, western media promotes false hopes of a ceastfire as netanyahu stands firm on his obstructive demands, halting progress. we also delve into new evidence from the northstream pipeline explosion investigation exposing the baseless claims of western digit. media that blamed russia, while indications now point to ukrainian involvement, and will uncover the truth behind accusations against the world's biggest social media platforms, top of which is youtube of disproportionately censoring pro palestine content. stay tuned for expose, the truth is just to revelation away. after the british failed to persuade e
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delvairi, they landed their forces in buchher on august 8, 1915, without prior notice. having previously occupied the islands in the persian gulf, they also sees bucher, which due to his geopolitical significance, served as major hub for trade, exports and imports with the indian subcontinent, the sheikhdams the persian gulf and european countries, this action. prompted a response from rais ali and his men. following his successful operations in deadvar, rais ali intensified his nighttime raids on the british garrison in buscher. collaborating with other local leaders, he divised the plan for a big operation to liberate bushher. in this manner, rais ali delvari defeated the invading british forces, defending the independence of his homeland and preserving iran's territorial integrity alongside. his companions, the battle against the occupying forces under his leadership continued until
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september 1915 and the british were unable to defeat him and his allies. دولت انگلیسان. initially, the british did not take the popular resistance seriously, however, over time they recognized that this resistance was a primary obstacle to their occupation. unable to manage the situation, the british requested reenforcements from india, they perceived themselves as the losing side in the war in iran. it was then that they regrettably divised a plan to undermine this popular religious anti-colonial movement. they instigated divisions among the iranian fighters while simultaneously infiltrating the resistance movement, both of which inflicted significant damage. nevertheless, the spirit of resistance never faded in this nation. the war between the... this man led by rais sayi delvori and british forces continues spreadically until september with
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the british unable to gain the upper hand over the situation, however infiltrator shot the iranian commander from behind a location called tange sef, just as he was launching a surprise attack on the british troops. it was september 3rd, 1915 and the iranian hero who had nearly bogged down the british army was just 33 years old at the time of his martterdom. with political instability due to the absence of a strong central government, the iranian people, spiritually led by the shia clergy, confronted foreign forces. in the north, they resisted the russians and in the south, they challenged the british. in tangastan and bushher, ray sali delvari served as a military arm for shia scholars like sayrami against british encroachment on iranian soil. despite the significant
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disparity in weapons and military equipment between the british forces and the iranian popular forces, it was iranian patriotism that empowered the locals to confront the british army, even as the iranian government refused to assist them. the conflict was between a gorilla group and a conventional army, and surprisingly the group managed to inflict serious damage on the british. ultimately, ray sali was killed by infiltrator, but the resistance against the british invasion and occupation persisted until the end of world war i. the...
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simultaneously they either threatened the leaders or eliminated them primarily through assassination. unfortunately, the british's cunning measures proved effective, leading to the failure of the popular resistance at that time. the tang is an uprising, as it is usually referred to in southern iran, led by rais ali delvari, is notable example of anti-colonial resistance in the country's history driven by. both religious and national motivations, historical documents emphasize the significant religious aspects of this movement, a time when not only did the government failed to support the patriotic fighters and their quest for victory, but at various points it also positioned itself against them and aligned with their enemies. religious scholars regarded the resistance against foreign
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occupiers as a form of jihad in defense of islam and muslim territories, something that provided further. them. even today, another significant aspect is his popularity: people adored him and he genuinely cared for locals remember him not merely as a revolutionary figure, but as a compassion. fellow countryman, he was their man, their hero, not just a military figure who would look down on them. rais ali delvary and his companions managed to defeat the british a time when the world was embrailed in world war i, and the central government of iran was extremely weakened, unable to defend the country's territorial integrity. the regional
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rulers in the south, particularly in bucher, also lacked the ability to protect iran's interest. against the british, however, the steadfast resistance of the young rais ali against british colonialism and his success and defeating the british rekind the spirit of patriotism among iranians for the years, decadess and centuries to come. despite all their efforts, the british failed to establish iran as their colony due to popular resistance. in the country led by the shargy, meanwhile, many other countries in the region along with a large nation like india, became british colonies. the british had influence over the ruling system and politicians, yet they could not turn the country into a colony. the last attempt by the british to take control of the country was embodied in the anglo-persian agreement negotiated
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between, the prime minister of iran and lord kurzen in 1919. this document guaranteed. colonized by the british, but we were consistently threatened by them throughout this lengthy period. as a colonial power, they committed numerous atrocities. the french in algeria killed. over 1 million locals, these colonial powers, whether british, french or american, have shown no restraint when it comes to their interest. we
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must learn from this history and pass the lessons on two future generations. that will be it for today. thank you for watching from the whole team, but do join us again at the same time next week to see what else is on. now entering its uh fourth day, we're looking at some. earlier this month, bangladesh's prime minister sheikh hasina resigned from her post
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and fled the country in a helicopter. it was the culmination of month of anti-government protest during which scores of people were killed and hundreds were arrested. sheikh hasina had ruled bangladesh for 15 years, her resignation came as a surprise in this episode of in a nutshell, we're taking a look at the events that led to her resignition. it began a month earlier when a
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court reinstated a quota system for government jobs which allocated many such positions for the descendants of those who fought for the independence of bangladesh from pakistan in 1971, student led protest soon followed apparently over the reinstatement of the quota system. which would give preferential treatment to some, but the protesters had reservations about deeper economic issues, the stagnation of the economy and the shooting up of food prices as well. the opposition was also angered by hasina's treatment of protests. many court cases were ongoing at the time of her escape against opposition leaders. when the protest linger, the youth wing of the ruling party was mobilized to confront the protesters. they were later... aided by police and army forces and even the rapid action force so-called anti-terrorism force. right groups accused the administration of seasing control of state institutions and suppressing
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opposition voices, even resorting to extrajudicial killing of activists. in july 200 protesters were killed. the government then ordered a curfew and cut off access to the internet. some 10,00 people were in prison. the protest movement seemed to have died down, but when the... few was lifted and internet access resorted, their protests erupted once again, then another 100 protesters were killed in one day. the day after the new deaths, protesters announced a march on prime minister hassina's residence. she called for her supporters to confront them with iron hands and roads leading to her residence were blockaded. by midday, however, it became clear that hassina had been planning. to resign, as security forces were trying to stop people from reaching her residence, she had already resigned and started fleeing to india. army chief general walker uzman then appeared on television,
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addressing the nation and declaring that hasina's rule had ended, protesters stormed her residence, ransacking it, defacing her pictures, taking objects away as souvenirs and taking selfies, by nightfall all statues of sheikh hasina's father, the founder of... bangladesh had been taken down. hasina has blamed the united states for her houster from power after she refused to seat control of st. martina's island, which would have allowed the us to sway over the bay of bengal. she also said she fled the country to avoid the loss of more lives and resources, but vowed to return after the situation returns to normal.
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this week we uncover the key points sinus israel during the latest rounds of negotiations which led to a firm rejection from the palestinian resistance. we'll disect the media silence on these crucial details and analyze the strategic implications of zionist israel's continued occupation and genocide in gaza. in addition to gaza will's delve into the growing internal pressures within sinust israel, where anxiety is mounting over the possible upcoming second phase of retaliation from hizbullah following the strikes on bayrut and the inevitable iran retaliation following the aggression on tehran. don't miss this essential discussion on the real dynamics driving the conflict and the looming threats that could reshape the region. negotiation breakdown revealed this week on the medias stream.
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rest of the headlines, there's really occupation forces launched the largest military operation in two decades on the occupied west bank. "more palestinian civilians fall victim to israel's indiscriminated strikes across gaza, with overall death dolls are passing 40,500, and iran and turkmenistan signed several cooperation agreements to pave the way for strategic partnership in different fields.