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tv   EXPOSE MEDIAS FALSE HOPE  PRESSTV  August 29, 2024 11:02am-11:30am IRST

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tonight on expose, western media touts non-existent ceasefire optimism while netanyahu remains firm on his obstructive demands, stalling progress. the us, echoing his stance, rebrands it as a new proposal, which netanyahu swiftly accepts as talks falter. meanwhile, new evidence in the northstream pipeline explosion investigation reveals the baselessness of western digital media claims that spinned the blame on russia when in fact, ukraine seems to be behind it,
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and the world's largest social media platforms, facebook, instagram, x, youtube, and tiktok, are accused of shadow banning and disproportionately censoring pro palestine content. welcome to expose, the show that leaves no stone unturned. anthony blinkins visit to occupied palestine, egypt and qatar last week concluded without any real progress towards achieving a prisoner exchange deal or a cease fire in the ongoing genocide on gaza. perhaps the most notable development during this visit was blincan's announcement following his meeting with netanyahu that the latter had agreed to the new american so-called bridging proposal. the statement briefly stirred a cloud of renew'. good illusions and false optimism
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which quickly dissipated. let us hear from, our broadcast expert. more about it in fake news expos. na is not backed down from his obstructive and unrealistic demands that have hindered the progress towards a ceasefire deal. what actually transpired is that the united states of america adopted a significant portion of his conditions, rebranding them into a new initiative and then presenting it back to netanyahu who then agrees to them. thus the same circular motion resumed. netanyahu puts forth the position, the united states administration attempts to convince him to reconsider, he refuses and then they concede offering it back to him, which he then accepts. however, broadcast media still presented this so-called bridging proposal as a breakthrough, but the reality is the absolute opposite. here's fuad itaim with more. thank you for having me. so uh, it's exactly as you said, netanyahu's.
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performing puppet show uh for western media by accepting his own terms basically and then they're marketed in the genocide complicit media as this great achievement, you know with lincoln t with promoting netanyahu's supposed flexibility and positive stance, so this quote unquote achievement is then magnified to the point where many believe that they're witnessing a truly dramatic and significant event when in reality it's nothing more than a multiayered media maneuver. yeah, it's important to note, that this new american proposal. which was presented to egyptian and qatari mediators as well as to israel and hamas contradicts the plan that president joe biden outlined in his speech in late may which subsequently became a un security council resolution uh which is why the way broadcast media reported as if it were some uh us made miracle uh that's going well was really over the top here's how dw chose to report about all of this take a look in washington us president joe biden expressed optimism about the new deal. i'll say one thing about one of the reason why i
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was late for you all was was dealing with the ceasefire effort in the middle east and uh we are closer than we've ever been, i don't want to jinx anything, may have something, but we're not there yet, but it's much much closer than it was three days ago, so keep your fingers, thank you, thank you, let's get more on this with journalist balix ladin in tele aviv who's been following the story for us, so biden they're sounding quite optimistic, israel has now also... put out a statement saying it appreciates the mediator's efforts to convince hamas to agree to deal, what do you think this statement tells us about israel's thinking on the way the talks are going so far? well um that takes us back to uh the um position that the prime minister holds that uh uh the few not changes exactly but more clarifications that israel has requested from the mediators
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should be actually um uh accepted by hamas and uh he is hoping or israel is hoping that the mediators will put more pressure on hamas in order to reach that deal in israel. there are some so the presenter claire richardson begins by claiming hopes are high in washington without any clear explanation as to why and then proceeds to ask the journalist obviously the journalist they've bring they brought on this from tel aviv rather from being from any other of the intermediary states involved in the negotiations uh asking him whether hamas will be pressured into accepting the new terms or not. so here comes the reply from velig sladen who reports that israel is a waiting on the mediators again to pressure hamas. into accepting the us proposal, knowing very well that even western media has accused netanyahu of changing positions like 10 times over the past 10 months, yeah, despite the fact that the last us proposal was approved by hamas, the one that was uh uh approved by them on the 2nd of july, but netanyahu kicked it to the curb and went ahead and ordered the
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assassination of ismail hany uh the top command, the top uh senior official in hamas, yeah and just to show you the level of deception, the americans informed hamas that netanyahu had accepted this proposal. of course a blatant lie. in conclusion, mada, it appears that the us administration has gone frustrated with its continued inability to influence netanyahu, leading it to put forward a proposal that would satisfy him, while at the same time attempting to pressure hamas indirectly by leading on egypt and qatar in turn to press hamas into accepting this new bridging proposal. meanwhile, false false leaks from both american and israeli sources have surged claiming that egypt and qatar have agreed to these new conditions, particularly the continued presence of the israeli army. in the philadelphia corridor on the gaza egypt border uh in reality khatar and egypt have merely agreed reluctantly to convey the proposal to the hamas leadership uh clarifying that it's entirely up to hamas to accept or reject the proposal yeah and that they'll refrain from exerting the pressure that the us wants them to and it's
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not just the philadelphia corridor as well there's the netsarim corridor they're building new corridors there is is showing us that they're they're trying to colonize gaza again they're trying to resettle they want. here also from inside the zianist israel where people are saying that they want to build new settlements in gaza, anyways, thank you very much for your analysis and hopes that this fire will be reached uh inshallah fuad. ladies and gentlemen, next we have major media expose. the leaks revealing the involvement of a group of ukrainians in the northstream natural gas pipeline explosion using poland. as logistical base have sparked a sharp disagreement between berlin and warso, two close us allies supporting ukraine during its war with russia. more importantly for us, it has exposed the lies of the western media machine that presented countless theories without any evidence that pinned russia as the perpetrator behind the
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pipeline in. here is our expert sitam to show us how the western media changed its story after the latest findings by germany. hi, thanks for having me. my pleasure. so this was predicted. i think i think you'd agree with that, because after the explosion in 2022, kiv charged russia with the crime, zelensky aid actually called it nothing more than a terrorist attack planned by russia and active aggression towards the eu, and other allied leaders blamed moscow and so did us and allied media and commentators, but they didn't offer any evidence whatsoever, just assertions, and the western media speculated anyway why moscow would disable its 19 billion dollar assets. and some allied governments even cited the putin government's denial as evidence, i don't know how that works of its involvement, that's we witnessed that, but nothing gets lost you know on the on the web, so uh just some examples of how major digital mainstream media outlets
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reported on this issue then uh versus now, so starting with none other than the new york times, which published on december 26th, 2022, a piece by rebecca. and justin check entitled in nordstream mystery, baltic seabed provides nearly ideal crime scene. so in this piece, the nyt claimed several countries along the baltic, including russia, have dive teams that specialize in seabed operations, officials in the region said, russia, with a port along the baltic has small quiet submarines that can move undetected, according to former military and intelligence officials in the region, so it then ended with very shotty comment from a swedish counter intelligence official saying, an interview daniel, sweden's top counter intelligence official declined to speculate a perpetrator, but he placed the nordstream attack squarely in the context of increasingly braizen russian espionad, so he
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didn't want to speculate, but then he he speculated, so fast forward to 2024, and last week specifically, after a 19 month investigation to identify who blew up the northstream gas pipeline between russia and germany. in 2022, berlin issued an arrest warrant for a ukrainian diving instructor, and so here's how the nyt exposed its own previous lies by publishing a piece that gave weight. to the german results year before the german investigation was even finalized. in a piece published on march 7, 2023 by adam entos, julie, julian barnes and adam goldman called intelligence suggest pro ukrainian group sabotaged pipelines us officials say. so the nyt, peace said the following. despite ukraine's deep dependence on the united states for military intelligence and diplomatic support, ukrainian officials are not always transparent with their us counterparts about their military operations. especially those against russian targets behind enemy lines, so this was apparently
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the nyt's attempt to you know prime or prepare the world for the facts that were eventually made clear by us intelligence that it was ukraine who was behind the northstream attacks and not russia as it had previously claimed year prior. so next we have a piece by the cnn published by katie boelilis, natasha burtran and kylie attwood. on september 29, 2022, called first on cnn, european security officials observed russian navy ships in visinity of northstream, wow, pipeline, they sew the ships, very suspicious, so in this piece uh, the cnn claimed that european security officials observed russian navy support ships in the vicinity of leaks in the northstream pipelines likely caused by underwater explosions and that russian submarines were also observed not far from those areas a week before the incident. hm, yeah. mean strange that they would be there, i guess, yeah, so fast forward to august 14 of this year, just
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recently, cnn published a piece by rob picheta called ukrainian men wanted over northstream pipelines explosions, so cnn again similar to nyt, kind of expod exposed itself and it's own, lies and assertions that were told two years earlier, by reporting that according to the new german media reports in investigators in germany believe that the sailing boat set sail from rostock germany in september 2022, stopping in denmark, sweden and poland with a six-person crew, including five men and one woman. cnn added that during that voyage the crew is reportedly suspected of diving into the baltic sea, and attaching explosives to the massive nortstream pipelines which subsequently detonated and damaged both lines according to the outlets, so very awkward, nothing less than awkward, and imagine how many other... things um, you know, we're lies that we have yet to discover, but can imagine
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ours, uh, you know, the all funded by the western digital media, i would be surprised a bit if there are other espionage attempts that would be pinned on russia and then uh uh basically be uh committed by someone else, anyways, you're staying with us because next we're going to talk about social media, there's a lot of talk about there, ladies and gentleent, stay tuned, next we have social media expos. from the us to europe to india, passing through the entirety of west asia, netizens and activists say the world's largest social media platforms are curtailing the reach of content critical of zinist israel. no surprise there, giving that we here at pres tv's expose were censored last week after youtube decided without any prior warning or notice to shut down our youtube channel, because why not? here see my time again with more platforms. were hit with censorship for simply defying the zionist american narrative. thanks again. thank you
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again. so expose was actually one of the hundreds of channels that are uh accusing the world's largest social media platforms, facebook, instagram, ex youtube and tiktok of censoring accounts or actively reducing the reach of pro- palestine content, whether it's shadow banning or straight out banning and disabling. you know, because there is uh, the shadow banning has been suffered by many accounts and there's the clear disproportionate effort that targets any palestine related content, and in contrast, the israeli narrative, regardless of how violent it is, and we know how violent it is, has gotten a free pass, free rain, because meta considers it to be coming from official entities, including the israeli militarian government officials. let's, starting with what happened uh, with my team at the cradle, yeah, um, we were permanently bound from meta, for, shedding light on these, on these entities that are considered terrorists by the west for reporting news basically, and we released the following statement after meta
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permanently banned us, both instagram and facebook, and in the statement, we mentioned that this is part of much larger campaign to silence any accounts that give regional and palestinian voices uh you know attention or you know amplify those voices, so the statement was uh accompanied with the following post, meta has permanently banned the cradle on instagram and facebook for cover. youtube, tik tok and rumble, so that was just one example, big blow to us there, but you know, keep going, so next we have the gray zone, which was also banned on youtube, with the video from max bluminthal, the editor of the gray zone website, so let's watch the video of blumenfall, what's up, we're at the democratic national convention, 2024, we're
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actually inside this securitized city within chicago, and we are. able to report from here on youtube because youtube has banned us for a week, they've given us a strike and they removed our first live stream, which was a live stream from the ground at the 1st march anti-genocide march outside the dnc against the biden harris policy of supporting israel's assault on gaza, they just totally banded on the grounds of what, medical misinformation, because we covered the resurgence of polio in gaza, i mean can you believe that, and we didn't even... say, didn't even say anything about the polio vaccine, there was no vaccine misinformation being spread, didn't say it was bad, so it's obvious that this was a political purge designed to suppress our factual. all right, so that was accompanied by the following caption, youtube just banned us from live streaming the dnc 2024. our first stream from
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chicago protests was removed on bogus grounds and we were suspended for a week, but amid this... political purge, we got into the arena to challenge the media hacks and officials that authorized the gaza genocide. stay posted. next, we have the infamous jackson hengel who also complained about censorship, youtube specifically. yeah, breaking. youtube has removed all episodes of george galloway's show in which scott ritter or i appeared as guest hosts, bit intense. then he posted the following. video of george galleley, see that video. youtube have taken off all mots episodes off their platform, which involves scott ritter or jackson hencle, which is an absolute abuse uh of technical power. uh, it is not something that
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we can accept, and therefore we're having a meeting with council this week. uh to discuss how we respond to it, so also in june madua, youtube suddenly uh struck and deleted the entire samid network channel and its years of content and simultaneously targeted the and deleted the channel of their international coordinator charlotte kates, charlotte kates, so sam said this about it on x, we have faced an extremely high level of online censorship from big tech, specifically meta and... google, youtube, almost all countries and chapters instagram accounts have been closed despite them having thousands of followers and high levels of engagement. sam then continued in a threads post, this is part and parcel of the big tech company's direct involvement in and profiteering from zionism and imperialism. that means suppressing sources of information and analysis that
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confront zionist imperialist narratives and attempting to prevent organizing from taking place. and just quickly these are just examples. there's so much more, we need to to show this handful of in such a short amount of time has happened, but it's you know endless and now with what's happened you know with the telegram and all that opens up a whole new thing, resistance news network was banned in the eu, yeah uh on telegram and uh the targeting is has really accelerated, yeah within the span of one month specifically actually, so finally as and just one more example and our final example, we have the famous judge napolitano's case after he was suspended from youtube for a week. his famous uh show judging freedom, which by american standards is actually a brilliant show, yeah, daniel mcadams uh commented on this with the following: how is it possible that youtube has taken down the brilliant judging freedom from judap? one of the best podcasts on the channel, why does the disgusting censorship of political ideas continue on that once
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great platform? yeah, so once again m we note this bias and clear al... ment of big tech firms with zionism and imperialism and it comes as no surprise to anyone, 10, almost 11 months into this holocaust of the century in gaza, we've seen you, it's okay, nothing is censored about, no israeli voices are censored, even when saying they want to drop an atomic bomb on gaza, but this is you know blind, coming after everyone blindly for amplifying what needs to be amplified, well we anticipated this and uh we prepared ourselves and we are on different platforms, but at the end of the day platforms like youtube or meta are huge. and people follow them and some people actually believe that they allow freedom of expression and freedom of speech, so we're here to tell you, don't believe them. well, ladies and gents, first of all, thank you, being with us and giving us the latest on this special uh matter and ladies and gentlemen stay tuned next we have figures expose. new poll in the us has found
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that democrats could drive support in key swing states this fall if vice president kamela harris calls for an end to weapons transfer to zionist israel am mid its geneside in gaza. the latest institute for middle east understanding policy project ugaf poll released wednesday august 15 finds that large proportions of voters in pennsylvania, georgia and arizona say that they would be more likely to vote for the democratic presidential candidate in november if the candidate came out for an arms embargo on zionist israel, and that by contrast there is essentially no risk of losing voters if they did so. now the polling of nearly 1500 likely democratic and independent voters found that 34% said they would be more likely to vote for the nominee if they pledged to withhold. weapons to zianist israel, while only 7% said they'd be less likely. now young voters, key demographic for democrats are the most supportive of the call to end the military
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support for zionist israel with 60% of those aged between 18 and 29 saying they'd be more likely to vote for the democratic nominee if they made that vow versus only 7% who said the opposite. support jumps among those who say they are undecided in this election with a whooping 57% saying they're more likely to back the nominee if they make the pledge, with 0% saying that they would be less likely to vote for them. by contrast, if the nominee were to continue president joe biden's policy of nearly unconditional support for zinist israel, 60% of undecided voters say they would be less likely to vote for the nominee, while 24% of respondents overall agreed that it would negatively sway their opinion. only 6% of all respondents said they'd be more likely to vote for the nominee if they continued byden's policies. now let's move to the most notable expose voices for this week.
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broadcasting live from night to of chicago during the democratic national convention, stephen colbert last week welcomed to the late show, the former speaker of the house nancy pelosi who, as had been widely reported, was key player in efforts to nudch her long. time colleague and friend us president joe biden out of the 2024 presidential race. as spelosi began to answer, or rather deflect a question about her private conversations with biden, a protester in the audience began to shout about the ongoing genocidal war in gaza, and this clip became viral, especially on tiktok. you can see from the continuing protest out here, that that answer is unsatisfying to some to some people, because they believe that the united states, hold on one second, would you like to respond to what they're saying? what i was saying is you listen to her response if she the with the screaming i can't hear them but to those who have that said that the united states should not have any role in supplying israel arms to kill the
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people of gaza now that's what they're saying israel has a right to to defend itself agreed and the hostages should be returned and the hostages should be returned protesters not only heckled us officials and shouted in the streets of chicago but also made sure to use their tiktok platforms to put biden in his rightful place as the infamous genocide joe. biden us protesters have much more than point. we have great disgust and disdain for your presidency, and how dare you in your family recount one more sob story of your own families, tragedies or demise, while we have been witnessing the holocaust of our times, live, live streamed, children, dec. capitated returned in plastic bags, children sniped off of bicycles like targets, children now
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covered in disease, starving without water, newborns eradicated off the face of the earth with their mother, all this brought forth by you and your dual citizen blinken who have far so... pass the atrocities of nazi germany. i for one, as an american citizen, will not become desensitized, nor succum like the brain dead sheep, who still believe in the american political system or its presidency. thanks to you. this country is nothing but bought and paid for assassin for israel. the disgust and shame you brought is your name. genocide gel ladies and gents, with that we conclude our expose for tonight right here on pressv, do follow our handle exposptv on x, instagram, rumble and tiktok.
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stay tuned for more eye-opening investigations on expose, the truth is just the revelation away. an anti-colonial fighter, an iranian who stood bravely against british aggression. risking everything to defend his homeland during timulchous times, martter rais ali delwari. join us in exploring the life of this remarkable hero whose courage continues to inspire generations in the face of adversity. in today's
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show we'll be profiling the new leader of hamass after the previous leader ismael hania was assassinated by the zinist entity on the 31st of july. sine ware was of course one of the thousand who are uh released by the zionists in exchange for a single idf prisoner which is guy called gilad shelit and so that uh is very much at the forefront of what the strategy was. yahya sinwar is in a totally different category to many other hamas political leaders. he never abandoned the idea of the total liberation of palestine and he never joined in with the regime change operation in syria.
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the headlines, more palestinian civilians fall victim to israel's in discriminate strikes across gaza with the overall death tool surpassing 40,500. the death toll from israel's major assault on the occupied west bank, which started on wednesday rises to 18. and the islamic resistance in iraq says it has launched a drone strike a major power station in high find response to israel's genocidal war in gaza.