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tv   News  RT  November 6, 2023 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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the, the the, the less up in the is ready on the salt, on gauze the, the, all me announced it has that the own craving to hasn't the city itself completely surrounded god, so he's becoming a good idea and it's that you and that is of golden boy, so that he positively be cute, support inches every day for you i have science, any yellow rings, the alarm of the whole, the conflicting dogs is taking on future generations as, as the number of kind of thing is kill the said the false 10000. so the survivors who said the story didn't try to get up and sold it. i had a stone and my foot,
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i tried to remove it, but unfortunately i noticed that one leg was already turned off and the other was broken. and the bombing began. and as a result, my leg was turned off. i want to live a normal life where tars, this is not flight. i'm satisfied for very cool this indifferent route for me as well. i made great national outrage only continuing the idea of a tax on does the sales go on 11 p. m, here in the russian capital. welcome. wherever you cussing the news hour from today across the globe, this is all see. and also for the been the heaviest slides in the full week. complex sofa is a defense. full is is only a series of missiles on garza overnight as
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a season rolls to gaza. flies lit up for the night sky revealing the damage below. well, communications in the tower, 3 once again, cups by as well before the bomb bought them. now let's take a look at how the situation is unfolded on the ground nato sunday. the idea of analysis had a fact to be surrounded garza city with marine forces landing and limit this. right in adding to is ray, the landfills is old, but essentially separating the ships and all of the area from the south. now the idea of says it will keep a car door open and full of it is evacuate. as the grounding cause of picks up a pace is a problem is a has dismissed any possibility of a thief. why do i want you to know that there is one thing that we will not do? there will be no cease fire. without the return of our hostages, they remove it from the lexicon altogether. we say this to both our enemies and our friends. we will just continue until we beat them. we have no alternative. i think
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today we all understand that gaza based address of all sort of ship on has been speaking to persons who are full to evacuate to the south of the territory. is there any on the ideas has announced that there is a 3 hour window every day from 11 to 2 p. m. busy busy for c, b, and so once we pass from the north to the south, the be able to go so safely in quotations. we met with some of these people, which all does support in this forty's or what they've seen from the old and the treatment of idea of sol just for many of the, the final colleagues who are left behind every thing they had in their positions. what's going on from them? many people have been taken into custody and not being used as human shields. why they've been able to defense horses modifying to continue the vision. and so as the strip people talk about, the loved seeing
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a lot of bodies on the roads and the holding the situation that happened in, in the zone yesterday after the blackout. that it was the worst night on both things on the city. feeling over 500 saw to get the hospitals and the refugee schools in particular, garza and house officials now claiming the palestinian desco highest above the 10000 children said to account for at least 4000 new the fatalities both in just full weeks of conflict view and general, 2nd 3 says their own faith is roughly become a $7.00 fee for future generations. guys, that is becoming a good idea for children. and that is of goals and boys are reportedly being killed or injured every day. more generally is every possibly being killed over a 4 week period vending and the conflict in at least the city that gets a model united nations aids workers have been killed,
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then that'd be compatible areas in the east city of our organization. the number of those in here it has the house of past 240018 half 1000000 passings have been displaced. so the paid a particularly heavy price, both physically and emotionally. some of the survivors of being a recounting that will do is should i was at the street near my house, playing football. when the booming started, i lost my legs, buildings began to collapse, everything began to fall. then i tried to get up and saw that i had a stone room. i should a tried to remove it, but unfortunately i noticed that one leg was already turned off and the other was broken. i wanted to live a normal life, go to school and just play football, but no and without a leg. i told them i remember every single thing god, i didn't forget. and the thing i remember who were shown how the ambulance arrived and how i go out to her this. i remember every single thing. god, i didn't forget and did it just because i felt like my farm was just hanging.
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i tried to move my hand, but i didn't feel anything. i screamed and ran outside. there was a man, i grabbed them, an ambulance arise and took us and the other victims away. they brought us here and started shooting out. thank god. and they're going to end of the last, so i was going to the store to buy groceries from my, from the bombing began. and as a result, my leg was trying out of a, i want to live a normal life we're tired. this is not life. i lost my life. life won't be so wonderful without it. we just want to live a normal life. we don't need anything else. you guys are based just around me. i'll move out a says a south. all the territory is being bombed incessantly in the past 24 hours. this flight to assurances from tennessee that people would be safe and goes over the past to 24 hours. as we're 80 iris rags have gone minus to as usual, over the past month, with morris collation on the ground headset,
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they hit several plots of the gaza strip, including the solving parts of garza to which the days were in the government. so that is where the army had demanded the residence of god's us web at thousands of knows in areas as it goes, a city to go for a describing these areas. the 1000 bucks saved it places as well as in different in other different spots of garza, including given by left down there but left out in the middle of the guys thread where a larger scale is what either strikes left dozens of people, either killed or injured it's according to the hospital official, has been the middle area, read the hospital off. i'll oxide marked as lots of mazda is hospital and other parts of garza in the nose and parts of the guys a thread. also that drives of gun money stopped these as well. either rates where
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the heaviest, over the past month at that goes was or come again come a gaze the by the job of the report it report it is we're either statements by they as what the army officer in armies, folks, person, they might take the action of surrounding this or condoning of the hospital they as layla's as richard inc, or warning, a gays to to has to main hospice. it was particularly they, i'll ship a hospital which is a major risk, but the leading cause a city where there where there are 40, at least 40000 people, including displaced ones, them with the color stuff and other stuff and other people right in the right of the hospital itself, this is the slides on dogs in 10. so 5 civilians being treated in hospitals all becoming the victims of the latest attacks of the images within the show. you now
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reveal the complete destruction of a psychiatric hospital in gaza. according to the report, as 8 policies have been killed in separate effects on 2 different hospitals, located near each other in gaza, city the bypassing in house, massive plains ambulances, as well as medical, soft close on the being to august, it is already full, as is on the other hand, the latest that hospitals in gauze are being used by how much as hiding places as the civilian deaths, so continues to rise. bodies piled up on the streets, we may find these images disturbing they were taken and the i was chief of huffman for moultrie, in gaza. people gather to say that last goodbyes to friends, family, and loved ones who were killed. and the ongoing is where the attacks hold on thing on the younger, in classes view as says that quote, how is settling in. and it was against collective punishment and the naming, imagining crisis in the region. because a test seeing people is the entire, hey,
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you can see one pass in my bidding, the advise of his dead wife and 4 children. he was looking when he discovered his family members, including his 8 month old son among the casualties for the rough off hospital following and is very slight rough with the escalating situation is put in the issue of self defense in many people's mind. the shop fries in his res, taking up arms. i'm at least be the issue for if i'm not sure to picks up the story . and alter also books to oh hi ray d in religious closing is training with a gun. it's a painful range. a c and you could hardly imagine just a couple of months ago. these people are known for studying the torah most of the day. and know in little was all security but violent attacks on his rarely towns and october 7th, when it took hours for the forces to come,
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changed everything up. so now we trusted the security forces, but now we see that we have to prepare ourselves for the, for the, for the worth seeing, like we saw in the south and different tony's one of the front men of a mess of campaign aimed at the raising the level of her rate, the people's capability to defend themselves and the homes, and not only from him as they are very afraid because they say they are, they live very close to they are the villages. and in 2 or 3 minutes, a fence when say 50100 arrows can come with guns or with a knife hurry to jews around they have any military experience. they are exempt from mandatory military service. last year or less than 10 percent of eligible alter, all spokesmen were drafted into the idea of and how many believes that they are an ideal target for all those hating dues. the 1st of all they know there is they,
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they are jewish because the gods do go to a secular area. you don't know, maybe it's another jewel. maybe it's a european, maybe it's a. and when somebody is dressed like it, you know, he's a jew, the higher the community has no army background. they don't know anything about security. and the arabs know that this particular part of the training is for those who have guns, but no link to the about how to use them. like he and g o behind the project is tasha may have had dash established years ago to help jewish farmers and ranchers safeguard the land. it also fulfills design is to mission of ensuring a stronger jewish presence. i asked one of the founders, if there was a risk that small weapons and reading is to use them, could spark violence rather than determinate the cities at least such as gonna use a warranty. a but days that he's at least that they were going to be selective. and the people that's coming hills feeling that tomorrow morning like
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a is it can be still at the own houses as, as happened, like 3 weeks ago. so anyway, i need to, i think we need to do. it's like very, very small me to volunteers who have it as part of the project already is really from a security area and a former american naval forces, special operations officer, both sharing their experience for the sake of building what they call a national fabric of communal security i came to mind to become a bridge between these guys that nobody seems to care about their, their learning and their gender efficiency. and that's all and building a good program to where they can learn the basics well and found them a place which they can do it on for them to go outside of these guys and say, wow, i have no idea i can be that's useful in an emergency events, after leaving the training, her rated dues will come back today. i'm a genius communities to additionally strongly,
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family oriented with many children women and an armed man who is the starting religious books as their profession. and keeping traditions as they mission. like in the south are also the city of been a blog just outside to leave. there is a feeling the time has top tier. it looks more or less like it used to look 20 or 30 years ago. but now it is changing. the server severance attacks that triggered at large scale conflicts have skilled over into all sectors of israeli society, age, profession, political views, or explicitly wise, it also sparks, truly tectonic changes across these rows. almost 1300000 strong ultra orthodox population, usually conservative and somewhat detached. they felt especially vulnerable in the face of religious, the multi rate of hatred and violence, but also perhaps for the 1st time strong enough to confronted resolution a how to you with bolting from the day brock is around 4 weeks on,
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on this. so little news about the fates of the $200.00 plus is raising with kids. not feeling that how much that's, that's useful to guy and sexy is a nice lives among those taken houses. he said the details of what he has found may have been going through the state that you know, what can to a mother and father do the ability to go skating up in, in nga based off the mistake and uh, and what happened is, uh and then uh was the music festivals with those friends? you know, this is a huge rate with the hundreds of all federal design as well as on saturday morning when editing started. and then uh, go to my bill on the list with them. and then one of the phone with their
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mother and she says for a few hours and during that time, they have also got shots. they've been crying. and i have a lot of sort of this is the only slight thing from us because she is the best of gun shells. but certainly it was in mexico. i think the whole shouldn't be known ceasefire no new military and equipment to enter the unless they listed just all these hostages. the way the niece says that they will sleep as well. and i will very happy to you that i hope this is indeed the case. immunization cost claims. they are made it that is legit and needed to get his visual sheet, not civilians. so i would like to for this please
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release the, the civilians at loss downloadable. and then based on we love you, we think about you all the time on your friends, family, bill the me see be so you wouldn't be back at all. so the middle off the pen, they're going to have that allows on o i o cause nuclear power of submarine arrived for them, at least the largest on the water. will that still in the us also will, sorry, i said in the sewage, come out and take the story. so as the us say, if the state is in the region and all add to the bank and stressful of that is fine to prevent the call that from spreading, he issued a switch as well to anyone who might seek to take advantage of the conflict. and gas, but to threaten our personnel here or anywhere else in the region. don't do it. we're working very hard to make sure that the conflict and gas it is not escalate
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does not spread to other places. america's top of the zip to might to didn't receive the world. most of welcome is in a rock, has thousands gathered to protest his arrival in baghdad and influence on she declared tad is as follows, to condemn the visit. friends with thoughts of moment pictures of the mouth and ad is what do you need is the victim is also recently met with senior officials in egypt. cuts are the u. e n. saudi arabia was out of the, this queen for an immediate cease for the states i,
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for reinstallation to washington, a position to that 7 all getting it wouldn't give how much time to regroup, is known as the director of the us states and departments and divide media have sent me a wire bug, said washington is going to send over dogs of slides, but also for the advocates, for as well. right. to self defense isn't that within the 1st it is necessary to understand that by natural relations between the us and israel did not arise 3 weeks ago after the brutal terrorist attacks committed by how much us and israel have enjoyed a strong relationship for decades. and that remains unchanged. today we're paying special attention to certain top priority issues, including the release of us hostages as quickly as possible, as well as other hostages. will start with its must be made to deliver humanitarian aid to the palestinian people in garza and is necessary to do everything possible to provide any policy in the region will be owned from expanding this conflict at
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the same time, as we've heard from us, secretary of state entity blinking and present joe biden, we are in daily contact with these route to hear from him how he intends to respond to these attacks within the framework of international law. taking all necessary measures to avoid home to civilians. as i said, israel like any of the state has no need to write to defend itself, but also the responsibility to protect its citizens. so that neither how mass know any of that terrorist groups can repeat what we saw away. but this does not mean that we're not concerned about this difficult situation and goals that we remain in contact with the palestinian authorities, as we saw during the meeting between us 6th, through the state blinking and present mahmoud, abbas. we're also in contact with the gyptian and is where the officials and other policies. the usaa is allocate to the largest amounts of humanitarian aid to the bible study and people. so the question we have to ask other countries, european countries or russia or any other country, where is the humanitarian aid for the palestinian people? to as is a alarm pass on. and so the 5th week of opening call,
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the process of going around the world is support. this is v as in gaza in progress on thousands the to the capitals, seats in old, a protest way, them both power affinity that impacts on the flags. events organizes also how the riley into the nights cooling for an immediate cease. one has been a wave of support sleeping and most of europe to is thousands gathering in brussels, athens answer god. any loops gather didn't find a visit with him disease, and then the on the invite. and in new york, rocks of his hell, the mattress on the show sort of data and see what is the people of bozza. encouraging one is i'm certain changes to how many ways, how listed in flags. i also i in the us pro policy endeavors. it is gathered in front of a boeing system the, the state of missouri criticizing the company for supply weapons to israel. people have the plaque causes that red. boeing of genocide then brought the boxes. however,
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we will. nagle and media analysts align nova is becoming increasingly difficult to express any opinion on the conflict free speech that we used to discuss. and we lot in this country, free speech is shattered because if you don't say the right thing, not only a irrespective of when you're right or wrong or let other people determine next, but not only are you not entitled you free speech, but your careers can be ruined your uh and any chance if you're working on wall street, if and, and it's, it's so crazy inside people who are merely saying, i feel for the people of palestine or, or for the guys that i see over the as i do those individuals in israel i personally have lost friends. this is, this is through the trump during the middle over again because they help perceive
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me either be pro is real pro palestinian, and i ever said anything other than to exhibit a human is the concern for the lives of innocent people who have nothing to do with the political a platforms, i mean this is, this is like nothing i have ever seen. and if you don't look into the, the minds and the eyes and the perspective of those people of other countries, how are you ever going to sort this out? i, i've never seen such myopic vision politically and such rancor and see trade and by oh, of the big castigation excoriating to the people literally, for having that opinion. it's like nothing i've ever seen. i mean, the good thing situation in gaza soft, i forget how's the cold as to who might say as alpha briefings on the situation. but the order i have it for us is appointment. oh the i'm this is ready attacks.
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the cabinet has also noted the continuing disparaging remarks of these rarely ambassador to south africa about those were opposing the atrocities and genocide of these really government. the position of these really ambassador to south africa is becoming very untenable. the cabinet has decided to instruct their code to take the necessary measures within the diplomatic channels and protocols to deal with the conduct of the ambassador of israel to south africa. i think we are really starting to see so that because government be quite the size of the 8 and the kind of side of the battery, the standing on. so that's the task is indeed calling it's diplomats of from tennessee for took the cabin. it says it believes that as well as palm beach, the global piece, therefore it has decided to be ruled off. it's a different mass and kind of the, the full consultation, the timeframe, and the next step to ration of that particular consultation is to a known to the move. a lines of with global pulls to hold against one the
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comfortable human rights violations and kind of steining prisons. the cause those type of notice has is struck suited to the department of international relations to take action against the is really invested to. so dr. gates from the 7th of october, so that we can government did say that it condemned in the strongest terms possible by binding to person carried out by is really awesome sources. in fact, this is what the international affairs member stuff. step 10, that may be planned to have to say, we're extremely concerned about the continued cooling of children and innocent civilians in the past and in territory on women leave. the natural 1st post by israel has become one of collective punishment, who fell to the border that was signalled the concern of south africa while continuing to call for a comprehensive secession of facilities. some people are hoping that the minister announces the suck you down off of these really embassy is kind of africa as a price of applicants themselves, that they have experienced boost had effects of racial inequality,
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discrimination and denial. and they cannot stand by while i'm not the generation up for this, do you need is a list behind it we've, we've seen before, kids folders every other day. it's even going, as far as a boy clock seems towards the, from east to out. the, all of this is also being accompanied by leaders seeing that to visit the country. countries that can comprehend the suffering and software for feed them in independence. okay. and it's done so that the guy happens to be the stick to an african nation. optis had to record an invoice from east while since the war started turning to the news now. so they, a twin
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t bodies including those of children, have been covered off of passenger, boat capsized and nigeria. the tribe did the method in the east and the state of panama. and you may find some of the images in timothy of be as is reports of disturbing, of the top rabbits states commissioner for special duties and social development. safety and office said at least 20 bodies have been recovered so far from last saturday's boat accident. the boat was carrying around 100 passengers when he hit barricade built on the waterways by fishermen. the barricades were built to catch fish. the boat afraid of toad, local media brought about 50 of his passengers drowned and some others who would swim, made it to the river bank. local, safe to where all the sites of decomposing bodies floating on the water's surface after the accident. no co visit at the effect had been their community in the
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company of public government officials. ambrose, my sister here, she's the one whom the both mishap happened to. she died was a little boy. she was carrying on her back. both of them died in the boat and it's painful. it's painful, but with things the government for it's with intervention and the recovery process . i believe the governments were one of us to stop overloading. the bullets with bessengers officials ordered the removal of old barricades within 7 days and band nights. trips on boats or fridays also threatened to punish afraid of overload the boat and to not use life. jackets authorities also said, afraid of some us now, always have a passengers manifesto to account for people on board in the event of an accident. fatal boat accidents are come on in rural areas of material where we could have boats. a rough and overcrowded and safety guidelines,
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a hot the and force local residence that the boat was also viewed an eye on food items and at the most in september, a boat carrying more than $100.00 passengers. most of the women and children capsized in central niger state, killing at least 28 people. it was the fault, reported both accidents in 5 week alone. timothy o b o r t a bu john nigeria assigned to the conference. the claim that was given in error is in the dumbass of once again come on the shutting by keywords, forces all these role on closer to as well on the off them off you korean nationalists can senior shillings civilian areas and then that's people's republic . this time, they struck the city of the giants, enough far away from them. that's because this residential building was part of destroyed according to officials. ukraine once again,
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used american made munition here multiple launch for what your system school timers were gonna say that within the system, i couldn't do it, but it's just cuz the military investigators of the investigative committee of the russian federation have recorded another fact of criminal actions on the part of ukrainian nationalists, the armed forces of ukraine carried out a targeted rock and attacks on the civilian infrastructure in the city of dr. try asking the genetic people, republic residential building in the private sector were subjected to rock and fire . as a result of the show in for 2 people were killed and one minor girl was injured. presumably the strike was carried out using the high mars multiple launch rockets system. a total of 5 missiles were fired at civilian infrastructure. once again, this is purely residential neighborhoods in the city of dealt with, i asked that was struck by ukrainian military on sunday, an elderly couple that was killed. they lived on the top floor of this bill.


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