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tv   Documentary  RT  November 9, 2023 11:30pm-12:01am EST

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it's a war of displacement and says the cleanser the the sender is attachments also to punch in another punitive action by the nazis best known as the holocaust of bullets. this terrifying footage was captured by german soldiers during mass executions of the jewish population. an exit from a gentleman offices we'll have to 2 days ago i participated in a mass execution. my hands show because i pulled the trigger, but they're not going to used to it like comedy aimed inside of women and children, and babies during the 1st 2 years of the war alone says this squads together with you craning collaborates,
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has killed almost 2000000 people in the us as a and poland and punitive action this like this, the years later, ukrainian nationalist retain the intimidating methods and openly talked about trends in ukraine of undesirables and those who disagreed with a new nationalism. i done, i deal with j. what did you study? i think that the research shows me just a little delay of those which of these are still those names that some of you like talking boulevard in you think of the bill of olive oil show when you can just slide the other. you can easily give this equal drop, so let me put you to so many things. if i go to the must always absolutely like this board new g people. so i, it's a pulled of little things are going to do some yes. let's go to the children's desktop. should i fairly familiar with those? is she just want you to know could i can i get off?
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goes with the options for us, maybe sure. got to reduce some interest interest people tell you on nobody. miller socialists julia to sleep, so i might of course, bye good. what are the, what is the list of all the new holdings these new vis, distressing footages from the village of nation to drink in the jeanette sort public, the as ask what a state that i'm trying decayed cope's is a civilians don't and one mass grave. those brutally tortured and murdered, but the suspected pro russian views by ukrainian nationalists. this is this block. we found that there was an inscription here. died for putting slice and there are 5 things here. it's simple so you're most welcome. good then. yes. do you by the way, i can get them to me just me folks, for me talk with me. i'm so if you bundle, so when you call this done the 1st thing and we use it should that should sign us
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somewhere. when i tell them why done, you see move form, you flaw to hide you on the table in the done natural some way done the show us store he'd be, you know, could i. e, okay, and skis. we've got really, uh we sort of need that. i need those in between each doors a night the menu knew what it was on the field go to a meeting with them, but also even though it's mostly to get our stuff going me out of the city and yeah, on the mileage, i'm a project for what the arctic here, the little skis, most east of the bundle for for already know enough that we met or we're waiting on my visit in pennsylvania where some video to the store more than they were
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at the origin. you're watching it for for sure. since 2014 more more information has surfaced of a special torture and concentration camps in ukraine for those think cool, criminal and supporters units in, in a problem. or does he need to be able to talk to him again? and then so not least of that of imagining slick with our team, that was pretty much, it was full of them. a couple different people. it must be some of the ladies teachers, people screw up. it's a pretty well, it's almost one way to do it. i'll do now we've it is confidence only will get yeah . just so slow but just focus to do for that. it is like i need every single week if i'm not sure i'm ready. so you feel what is was you have to buy a cd pro 0 is a form, a is b, you officer in 2017. he was among the 1st to tell journalist about the ukranian special services secret prisoners and the torture conducted the gift again to
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receive the rents and was forced to leave for russia. when he opened his commander, let me see you interested in that. don't know if you'd find that didn't work at the rate, you know, what seems to be the good one. and that was the reason for this is a unique recording. it hasn't been published before the voices on a totally real bush though is done in the city council deputy in summer 2014. he was captured by militants of the rights. think the far right organization. he was $52.00 at the time. the real skills list to
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be showing you these done on like your roll sheets and you know, ski luggage we're shipping us to locate you well, the lowest, the, the, the deity was probably see that a zillow like it. reject them up. change that is alludes irina to it go, is one of the few who, who likes evidence of the atrocities committed by contemporary bundy or follows a few years ago she recorded this interview with the told a real bush cole. so she is not the so she has to do a stomach flu of syllable must've been some blood mantel deep. you have you produced of the list. you move the, the beautiful book, a lot of people growth and i totally was one of the few who are
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lucky to survive up to 4 consecutive months of torture proxy. just give us the money for the visually not be able to come covered up the $3012.00 weeks from done on the mature mostly seat at the lowest of the steel boom. mostly st. you. so i may speak by a grove unit. i and i the deal, let me know, got i got the state of lights, the state of much restored in east 2 digits. we just got to read them. we need the, i steals only the. how to when your next door for a scheduled one. what do you use going with this so detail, but we're going to and it's for you to come when you probably don't want to see it on your financial. the broker's think it was more of the machine. yeah. let me, let me just finish the date of the
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window according to such as good. you might find the prospecting, it's a lot of interest to keep. you look at those couple more to now it's quite in the streets of money. you put, when you read, simply seen as battles raged, to this city was to arise for weeks by the, as of the nationalist regiments, which took my equally spring 2022 points. but diamond wanted to put in the system because he's going to have to deal with the numbers and he's really pretty new at the front desk. these guy, the end of the month and the deal of the, the hard on you are the, especially the one where do you so i will do that. then you move by piece some of the way in the men starting up with almost with i'm social velocity. when i press the law, i'm done the rest of the good because i didn't manage to escape,
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but nevertheless survived the hell of murray you pool or these in kindergarten with the in laws of how do you made it bad for has the budget gotten it the on plan. yeah. but while i see a good special and how is your new do you what i'm doing is getting along. oh goodness legislative both come then you're going yeah. and then a know will national have been saying here and i've been yes. commercial stood ice for me as like, almost done here, we will proceed. restoring is the subject level goodness publishing. yeah, i knew that i'm we wouldn't mind this as long as they do. what do you suggest? we don't, we're getting ready to simply con, comprehend how as it all views the civilian population was a human shield. so somebody giving this to you as well as i'm going to assume later by trying to get you to a couple of shifted on the score and a couple of what you mean. your blue story i need to provide is going to ask, i'm assuming impressed with the deal a pressure wound deal and is a subtle, i'm not sure i'm doing what you handle on a particular watson question. i was given assuming, you know, i mean there's just because congress bung dealership,
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obviously in the city. there's not in school. i'm assuming the, during the conflict this 9 story building became the convenience lowering points. are you a fighters from where they rang file and civilians? dustin so somebody needs to explore somebody specialist or something just so they can shift the the ruthless attitude towards one's own population is no different from bundio is doing the great pantry all day long. these orders were given by the commander in chief of the ukrainian rebel on
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a b s. s. huffman real 9. she'll gave it in the 1940s. i repeat, do not intimidate but exterminated. we should not be afraid that the people would cost us some of cruelty, that only half of the $40000000.00 ukrainian population remains. there's nothing terrible about this would occur upset with a lot easier to get you to use the old school with you right here. we usually show up with enough for out in the 4th, if could i ask on that on that if there was an increase of rescue from that older so i'm oh, jimmy's basically share some thoughts to doesn't get them on school. we just got believe what it was, only toys is focused that's already easy to bundle. recently declassified documents show the bench was scaled at least 500000 ukranian civilians during the great patio table, which does oddly safe. but they have that that much. the mother by what the dates where you go look year i delegate there. so that was and you've got just was what we just doesn't use like last year. the joy can you ladies?
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can just keep what, what williams hopes listed in your previous, if you love it, even if the or visit us. so joe doesn't hesitate to share on camera how he's going to kill his friends by having different opinions because you're more familiar with chris, you're scratching history. they do a whole emissions here for you or through the skin. really no difference. yeah, there's a regarding uber or whatever you should be like and let me just for me or is you on your budget or your they usually we, i was like just yet we purchased it. no, not the the
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new. i mean, you clear the love seeing those little muscles you, if you look for them, the initial do well, of course, significant dealer post on zillow, while it be almost getting used to put value, what do you do, origin, but you also as the, was done, the newest frame on the belief systems to good ludy what i see these the buses, the little cute, little dice and says do some uh, tutorials on both of the
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a french journalist audrey on bulkhead has been investigating the ukrainian on these crimes and don't pass for several months he was one of the 1st to recall and such evidence of k avoid the only expenditure the bus is going on to it was a visual if you see and the please when you as a result, please send that phone call. i did as a piece of the movie plus cut me off the cut me off, keeps the retreat,
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receiving keys of a nuclear. they couldn't use in the gas and awful. he saw this will count on all the screws and ok, the most you in this video 25th you a half brigade servicemen. so now, following the superiors orders, they shot civilians in places they didn't, they did the, the was able to find it up to 60 days a month just needed to speak with them to keep the extra 61 assume of the order was given to the as all regiment in mario put the
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was all right, so if i'm to ask, as i said, globally, us that session with email. so when you're on your last system, when you're in new us and as of so what i'm supposed to go to as of as of the hudson, i'm gonna have to talk to you to call here. i'm gonna have to, i see there's like a busy little key. i'll pull my she me up. but then we split the lady at the low to the high adria and okay, almost paid with his life. but his investigations, a murder attempt was made on september the 26th 2022 during a trip to as dumble. those on the systems to some wall. and we see you to the magazine in room specifically on the gallery. the plenty on the ceiling is i see, and it's not counting the issue was you don't have to make the alternate in the mall to sup realty. somebody who's use gallows if you missed you did get easy, doesn't receive which you put. these are the 2 law don't some over the soap to come,
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always use carlos, don't say to. a typical use of patients for additional news is repeat what the control don't hold the english to us. you so pool. so pool. said you a maximum mute. feet is missing question, so when you ship under those conditions, i'm no good. i'm glad to see the the subordinate kimberly care, but that's what you should. but there is some showing what does that mean? somebody over so that's seems like as a better put, put the money to deal with 0 perfect. the more than vendor is enjoying complete freedom of action. things to the work of bundle era, who, following jeremy's capitulation to territory control by the united states, with an offer of corporation, bundle. before what people will start is if this was the one i just gave you the list,
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you want to move on to what our study of both the user actually the expert. yes you will do. i be able to give you the garbage lady. a couple of them, but you know a lot of it for you on the cheese from a see age to 30 of the different did i see the amount of not you to do or you could or you man in the 1950s, western intelligence paid for bun, dera, and his family to live in munich, the ukrainian nationalist leda had a new identity with us. the name of pope the. he continued to direct the actions of armed ukrainian nationalist attachments under the control of the british m. i 6, an american c. i a we assessed your scholarship longer at 010 is less than bullshit them bullshit. so supplement policy or additional the go i don't sustain anybody else groups, anything you can make up points which pro store move to send you that never came
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fully from numerous number or the store credit cards. few associated with people are still in the social on the golf course of course the originally but the concept of those of with them. so showing that there were joseph the detachment, subjective coordinated by national is leaders who would fly to the west was to sabotage, soviet power and the soviet citizens. musically, she had a storm still still for change review earlier. so you have to be part of the either to presume doesn't have that. that's i guess to punch in there too. if she had spoken to somebody else, i guess school geologist, questions. html does not always think of you can do, and these are these most couldn't be ready to t. as on at the end of the 19 forty's, the u. s. a saw decided to eliminate the dangerous agent montera in 1959, the ukrainian nations nieto was finally tracked down and killed steep on monday or
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we will restore them. i give them sufferings, games, people, me see of the good one for the one. if i go see what people mission to deal with, cuz stuffing is the voice the i don't really so bummed off to his desk, the vendor. and this quickly became proud of anti soviet propaganda. excuse me. it was nearly motion. think the way to talk with you soon to against the way it will be an issue for you. you 1959 canada in edmonton, a selling event took place and memorial service and on of the phone the o. u. n. lead to i'm not scared. yes. but ok, it's free nights 3. if i choose those 2 web shoes, you do shift. i've got to look for little grades to see you soon bye to mr. spectrum, crating on the federal. when i see you for the preaching these to come from
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celestials the seed in the group. now, i just so let's go to the post as the study. i assume that i bought the not schools lucius bit school, but at the end of world war 2, canada became a refuge for thousands of fleeting ukrainian nationalists. but recently collaborated with the nazis models. cuz i told you download people say a screen of on logan bluff was the kind that screen just pretty crazy, stuck out stuff, but i'm with the city just putting the utility screwed up with this me on the see about $12.00 after the collapse of the soviet union, bundio is from associates return to ukraine to build and independent states. the in 2010 president use into solomon they awarded stepped on bundio with the chief
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order of independent ukraine. the if the so because the lungs who is still you when you this money, the video and you how to use some of those. i have to but i did. some is less than pleased with the 1st floor to 1st floor. it is when you don't play unit is the destroying him or the bundle keeps the bundles law under his pull traits in 2014 another code it took place in ukraine. the new ways of national his glorification began this time of state level. the great and uh good, uh, what did it say was the way it is producing can, but data reflect initiates different of course. no. can you put them as of this
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window here for us just, just to throw it off cuz even dates are listening to idea of zillion. no, it does show that the public guy with the children is a dealer. say student up with a piece of the source mobile, which didn't stick with me on the organized deal. would you send me, elizabeth? look, need you to me and them from that. let's get away of the users or the u. haul drawings. give us, let's go out and somebody's book study, but one of the i'm not in the deal, could i? you? ok, but the 141942 is considered the day the ukraine in, in session tommy, the u. p. a was found is it became inefficient holiday,
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the day of the defender of ukraine up cuz obviously something is cool. personal and not a village, invisible. yet you get to find the fuel filter, but that mutual looks from university in 2019 ukraine post a little pondering, ponderous with the status of the war veterans. there's quite a bit of them, but they can't get away a couple of options for him to get a loan that, i mean, we will send you a new course function was calling to see presidency landscape decided to go even further as of june 2021 and keeps me kind of sky cathedral. there was a solemn funeral for the eminent vendor list and member of the scalar c, a division i raced by school. when you have on the coupon that also goes to show us the surface piece of his head for how long and 50 you push them on in 2016 crimes committed by get, let's see
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a soldiers against opponents population which of genocide by the police parliament, people the same for the sides. what have you on the service men from the presidential regimen were assigned to see the vendor list off on his final journey. and you want us to, to have the address, isn't that up with your cell phone? which is 2 bills to would you like which way cutty, i guess that's the consultant showing the notes slips in the go. i don't want my, the address and the bill still useful going forward with my agent from somebody's business today, the spirit of bunda is,
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again being invoked all over the world. the septic because the crew bundle package with a key code takes your notes as long as far as the technician. you guys get him to be able to swing by it the way he is a tech it's on their way to get out to know, could i use both of those up and then let's to show them both of those up. and then there is a 6 digit code to to it was a fairly good either. have you have the vin from us american made generally an antique tank single use miss. so here it's will, little brother, the german made kinds of files, the same kinds of files just to a better, a more modern version of the same unit of the same me. so i'll use by the nazi germany again, soviet troops towards it. but the other 2, it looks as though you know, we've been there to see if i need one like google. it
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will continue to show the power of partnership and will continue to bolster ukraine's armed forces by rushing them a capabilities that they need to defend their country. is a phone. a good deal is up to the transport deals within somebody as an adult. uh, could i, you know, and the noise is around this pretty baltic. you the store on that through your small golf course. are you still on the city? and, you know, as you said, you get a stick. i need to put all the, somebody me in the city of the door. we'll just be able to see if we can see it here, or we'll submit the items on the issue just you'll be able to say using, since you have to chose to, that's what i need you to work on this. you'll be able to start using for the month, lunch for not 15 for them. so no questionnaire. so you would type the most fit the
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the most like you're not going is line. ringback the the sense world war 2, united states as fostered extremist and 2 russian prejudices and hatreds among the ukrainian. the asked for and at least in canada, united states and countries in eastern europe, probably everywhere. and it doesn't
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matter what these groups say or do they will support them if it is the groups are causing hatred and chaos within the target country. joe again might done on the choose the guns great deal or instead of do when i was one of the my so if it just means that the printer was using just $50.00 when the 1000000 ca uses anyone at anything if there's a religion the, [000:00:00;00]
12:00 am
the the israel obama 3 hospitals with thousands of civilians at sheltering in northern gazda. we hear from a local journalist who witnessed one of the attacks the architect to the north end of this trip. right now it's very happens everywhere. there's a walk ins the storm into the headquarters of the new york times accusing the outlet of supporting


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