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tv   Documentary  RT  November 10, 2023 2:30pm-3:00pm EST

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as a scapegoat, it was john the pen, who never spends a day in power, who is conveniently blamed by the french establishment for the social ills caused by their own screw ups. and just before we go, we're going to leave you with some pictures now of garza and uh were recently um, some significant use of flesh above the 3rd. so you can see them here. lighting up the night sky would not you seen any real kids? the types as of yet though, and there's no information on the possible targets or any casualties from this particular round of strikes. but one can only imagine that yet. another tense and sleepless nights awaits any civilians still in the area will give you all the latest updates on this latest round as, as, and when we get the last hole for this off all the latest on the conflicts in the
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middle east to check out a telegram channel monday speak to scotts, and i'll be back with more in around about 30 minutes time. thanks very much for watching the the thunder. the attachments also to punch in another punitive action by the nazis best known as the holocaust of bullets. this terrifying footage was captured by german soldiers during mass executions of the jewish population. the an x that from a gentleman offices will have to 2 days ago. i participated in a mass execution my hands show because i pulled the trigger,
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but they're not going to used to it, like comedy, aimed inside of women and children, and babies. during the 1st 2 years of the war alone says dest squads together with ukrainian, collaborates, has killed almost 2000000 people in the ussr and poland, and punitive action. this like this, the years later, ukrainian national this retain the intimidation methods and opening, they talked about cleansing ukraine of undesirables and those who disagreed with the new national is my done ideal to jake. what did you study? i think that the researchers will delay of the ritual. these are still those legs that somebody like that can be sent to the bill of olive oil. i'm sure you can just you can easily get those up so that you have it. so i mean,
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it seems that the daughter must always, absolutely like is more losing people. so why it's a lot of little things are going to do some yes. most coverage of children's dustin should look at each 2 more years through z is each of the what you consider to know could i and i get off close with the french and spanish nation document to see when somebody stitch leona, nobody me of the socialist, julia, to see if i see him i of course, bye good. what the deal is because what we didn't have all these goodies knew this distressing footages from the village of nation to drink in the jeanette sort public the as as quite a stay because i'm trying to decay. cope's is a civilians don't and one mass grave. those brutally tortured and murdered, but the suspected pro russian views by ukrainian nationalists. this is this block. we found that there was an inscription here died for protein slice and there are 5
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names here. so you most welcome. good then. yes. do you. by the way, i can get you just me folks for me to when you upset, i'm sure you bundle those recall is done. they've just opinion wheels, edition, i should say of some of them. i tell them why done. you see them a formula, blah, blah. uh, to hide you on the table in the down natural. somebody done the show know store he'd be and then could i. e. okay, and skis. we've got to the we sort of need that. i need those in between each door . suddenly the next 2 to 3 mean you knew what was on the field, go to miami. most are also even though it's actually negative stuff going into the city and yeah, on the mileage, i'm
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a picture for what the arctic here. you'd be able to get some of the stuff for the bundle for, for already know enough that we met. are we waiting on my read it in pennsylvania, which mediates to the store board and they will start from gray. and then at the origin, you're watching foreclosure since 2014 more, more information has surface to a special torture and concentration camps in ukraine. for those they cool criminal and supporters units in, in the problem in the 1st quarter, or does anybody told you? and this one at least the dental stuff, unless you sleep with our team, that was pretty much it was the kind of what it was to be somebody. 2 to let his teachers people screw up. it's a pretty well, it's almost $1.00 to $2.00 to do all the we've it is comes with this only we get. yeah. just us. what was his focus to do if it that it was like i have
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a single department officer, one body. so i will give you what is your zip to buy a cd pro 0 is a form is b, you officer in 2017. he was among the 1st to tell journalist about the ukranian special services secret prisons and the torch, who conducted the gift again to receive the rents and was forced to leave for russia. when he opened it's committed. let me see you interested in that. don't know if it's something that didn't work, you know, what seems to give you the whole thing. good. one of the reasons for this is a unique recording. it hasn't been published before the voices on a totally real bush because i've done that city council deputy in summer 2014. that
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he was captured by militants of the rights. think the far right organization. he was $52.00 at the time. the real skills listed here with the close relationship here. he's done on like your roll sheets, and yet we're shipping, you're still located, you with the lowest may as well to see if the ds was probably see if the zillow like, if you get them up, change your units that go is one of the few who who likes evidence of the atrocities committed by contemporary bundy or follows a few years ago she recorded this interview with the total a real bush co. c is not at all. it's just do it with this mat visible to a stomach flu. i feel, but most has been in the middle of the mantel
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d v. have you produced the ritual move for? yeah, that would be gross. no totally was one of the few who are lucky to survive of the full consecutive months of torture park. the just give us the money for the visually and not be able to come comes up with only one boy come down on the mature of your receipt at the lowest of the steel boon. locally st. just saw denise decry a grove unit. i and i, the, the, the move out know, got one for gd. i got the staples nights, disposal's not restored in east. totally thumb. we meet there, but i steals only the hard when your next door for scheduling. what do you want me as much detail, but we're going to and it's for you to come when you want to see it on your financial. the broker's think it was more when you're staying with me. let me
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functionally did the when, according to such as the board, and you might find the prospecting at the publicity. if you look at those, those couple more to know, it's quite in the streets of money. you put when you read someplace. this battle has raged. the city was to arise for weeks by the as of the nationalist regiment, which took mario for the spring 2020 to put our points. but the new monica put in the system because he's going to have to deal with the numbers and he's really pretty new. does this guy the end of the month, and that's just an repeal of so the,
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the new or just received the one. where do you so i will do that then you move by piece some of the way in and started him up with almost the thumb social because when i press the law, i've done the trust a good because i didn't manage to escape, but nevertheless, divide the hell of murray, you pool or these incomes are gone and looked at the in laws of how do you made it better for them as the budget gotten it? the bottom line. yeah. but while us here who specializes, how is your video media? what i'm doing is gabriel. i'm no good news legislative book and then you can go in a noble, i'm not sure i've been sitting here and i've been use commercial store. i spun b as and it's almost done here. we will proceed to the store and is the sides of the level good met publishing? i knew that i'm we wouldn't mind just as long as that equal car. do you suggest we don't, we're getting ready to simply con, comprehend how as it all views the civilian population as a human shield. so somebody giving this to you as low as i'm going to assume later if i change you to a couple of ship it on the score and
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a couple of which i mean you boost voided on you. put for one is going to bounce commerce. the medium pacific deal, a pressure wound deal, and there's a federal national doing, which means the particular watch. some guys come assuming, i mean there's just scanners bung dealership, i'm sure you're sitting there sometimes go. i'm assuming in the, during the conflict this 9 story building began the convenience lowering points. are you a fighters from, with a rating file and civilians? because this is supposedly special boost because we knew it was something to us so they can shift some people to the
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the the ruthless attitude towards one's own population is no different from bundy arrows doing the great poetry all equal. these orders were given by the commander in chief of the ukrainian revel on a b s. s. huffman real mind. she'll give it in the 1940s. i repeat, do not intimidate but exterminated. we should not be afraid that the people would cost us of a cruelty that any harm for the $40000000.00 ukrainian population remains. there is nothing terrible about this would occur upset. it was the last 9. yeah. look into this is a lot of with you right here. we usually show avoiding that program that for us, if could i ask on that on a project into yourself for ask if not all the so i'm just gonna share some thoughts to doesn't get them on a scale. we scott believe foot originally, toys is focused. that's already easy to bundle. recently declassified documents show, the bench was scaled at least 500000 ukranian civilians during the great petrol
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table. which those are the safe, but they have that much the mother. but with the dates where you go look here, i delegate there. so that was in your book. goodness was what we use does any of you? so let's see here, the joy, opinion ladies, let's just keep what, what swims hopes listed in your previous, if you would, in a similar to this us. so joe doesn't hesitate to share on camera how he's going to kill his friends, but having different opinions because are more federal work creatures, credit history, they do, we've got a couple of issues here for you do is get rid of that with you with the bar and yeah, there's a little card either or we'll do this just a couple of them will be like and let me use formula or 0 on your brochure. they usually we provide just yet because we produce it not,
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not the above the so look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings. accept we're such short or is it conflict with the 1st law? show your mind, anticipation. we should be very careful about our professional intelligence. at the point, obviously is to make a truck rather than to the various jobs. i mean, with the artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme and the robot most protects this phone existence was on. the
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a french journalist, audrey and bookcase has been investigating the ukrainian armies, crimes and don't pass for several months. he was one of the 1st to record such evidence, a pay of why don't you send it to the bus is running on technology. these are, if you see the, please will need. as a result, please send the phone call. i did a say please let me know the 1st cut me off the cut me off. it keeps every tree receiving keys of a meat high. you did bruce baker. this is the best and awful he saw this look out
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a little ok. the screen. ok. the most you in this video 25th, you a half brigade service. and so now, following the superiors orders, they showed civilians in places they didn't, they did the, the was able to fund it takes up some of the assume a load it was given to the as all regimented marty. we'll put a stop we will was all right, if i'm to ask a source of love to us about such a way in store when you're on the alarm system, when you're on the newest center, as of so what i'm supposed to got advisor was on the hudson,
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and i can see the cool here. i mean if i see this is why i gave this little key, i'll pull watching you. but the lady at the low to high andrea and okay. almost paid with his life. but his investigations and the attempt was made on september the 26, 2022. doing a trip to is dumble. those on the song, there's some wall and we see you to the magazine in room for safety on by gallery the plenty on the ceiling. cuz i see him and it's not, i can't even see it was you that i think the alternately, there's almost to sip realty somebody who's your skill us as humans who did carries you from a business receives list you potentially to mall doing some over the subject demos, you schedule us on site, the pest control yourself page must be the phone. this is you'd be talking to don't hold the english as you so cool. so to me, i'll send you
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a maximum mute the fruits each missing question. so when you ship under those conditions, the clear proceed is the subordinate kimberly care, but that's what you should, but there are some, you know, because i mean, you mean by younger. so that's the biggest benefit. quite the money to deal with for, for the more than vendor has enjoyed complete freedom of action, things to the work of bundle era who following jeremy's capitulation to territory controlled by the united states with an offer of corporation on they're all over. what beautiful will status if this was the were the, are just leave. yes. good. you must. you want to lose on the car. what are the full so user actually x the issue or do i be able to give you the garbage lady? a couple of them, but she jealous of you through on the issues page for the of the different did i
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see the amount of not you to do a good are you in the, in the 1950s, western intelligence paid for a bunch era and his family to live in munich, the ukrainian nationalist leda had a new identity with us, the name of pope the. he continued to direct the actions of armed ukrainian nationalist detachment under the control of the british m. i 6, an american c. i. research your fellowship walker at 010 roof. yes. last night. bullshit them bullshit. is up in the parking already from the go. it was the state me pretty is were upsetting him. a couple of weeks from close to a move to send you that never came from new york or the door. heard it, but it was supposed to show on
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the golf course of course the originally, what does it come stuck? well, those are the detachments objective. coordinated by nation is leaders who to flight to the west was to sabotage soviet power and the soviet citizens. musical insured is still, i'm still here will will change review earlier. so yes people, it's either to fish on doesn't have that. that's, i guess, be punch in that. see if she had spoken to somebody else. i guess cool, geologist. questions dealing with those are the last thing you can do. what these are these most going to be, what agency is on at the end of the 19 forty's, the us has decided to eliminate the dangerous agent fund era. in 1959, the ukrainian nation is nita was finally track down and killed steve on monday and we will restore them again from sufferings game people machine. yeah, the good one for the one. if i go see what people we should do, it was the stuffing. the steve was the little. yeah,
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i don't really. so i'm off to his desk. the vendor. and this quickly became part of anti soviet propaganda. excuse me. was the only motion. think the way to talk with you soon to get the what you what would be an issue for you? you 1959 canada in edmonton, a selling move in took place and memorial service and on the phone, the o. u. n. liter. and that's good. yes. but okay, it's free nights 3, it's if i choose those 2 web shoes, i need you shift. i've got that option will to great, let's see you soon. let them use to should i, to crate on the federal what i see for a breach in used to come from celestials the seed in the group. now, i guess so let's go to the post. if the study assume that i bought the landscape pollution spits school, but at the end of world war 2, canada became
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a refuge for thousands of fleeting ukrainian nationalist, but recently collaborated with the nazis most cuz i store huge eligible physical cleanup on loganville less less than the kind that screen jasper to craze for the kind of stuff, cuz i bought the city just putting the utility screwed up with this need on the seat belt. but of the after the collapse of the soviet union, bundio is full. my associates return to ukraine to build an independent state. the in 2010 president yoshika solomon. they awarded step and under with the chief order of independent ukraine. the episode because there's a, there's lungs visibility when you this money the video and you how to use some of
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those as to. but again, some is less than pleased with the 1st of all that before it is when you don't even play in this drawing in order to under the bundle hoops to bundles under his pull dredge. in 2014, another crew to todd took place in ukraine, and a new wave of nationalist glorification began this time of state level. the very empty mental or good. uh, what did it say? was it right this producing can? but the reflection, the shift but as of this open data here for us just just to throw it off, cuz even though it's at least thing, do i do 0 go. he thought that there are no to show up with the guy with
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a told him is i deal with a student that was to be pieces for small of, of which didn't stick with me on the deal. would you send me and let me get it to me and then from the get away of the users to the u. haul dogs group of floods go out to me, a lot of things up from somebody's book study, but one of the i'm not until october. the 14th 1942 is considered the day the ukraine in, in session tommy the u. p. a was founded. it became inefficient of holiday, the day of the defender of ukraine, cuz i was just a physical person will attempt as opposed to it to find the people to national, to been that mutual looks from university in 2019 ukraine post a little honoring,
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ponderous with the status of war veterans there's quite a bit of what they can't get away. a lot of options for him to get a loan at. well, i mean, people seem to get away when you close, close to raise college. presidents and instigate decided to go even further june 2021 and keeps me kind of sky cathedral. there was a solemn funeral for the eminent vendor as the member of the scalar c, a division rest bus, cool. and usually a bundle like a bundle on the whole basis, you're off the surface piece of his head for how long and 59 and 2016 crime is committed by good lucy as soldiers against opponents population, which i'm genocide by the police parliament. the same size
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the service men from the presidential regiment were assigned to see the vendor list off on his final journey. and you want us to take a look at us usually that i'll call your cell phone, which is 2 double storage way. which way cutty august. second sort of showing the notes slips that go. i don't one of my advisors and the most useful for what my age if, when somebody's just a zillow. the just me today the spirit of bundio is a gain being involved on over the world. the, it's up to pretty customize a degree bundle package for the kids to take synopsis the longest for is the finishing you guys get in debate was 1st by the way, he is
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a tech that fits on their way and i did that. so no crating goes up unless the shape of them was up at the present 6 area code $22.00, it is a fairly good idea. have you have the vin from us american made generally an anti tank single use miss. so here it's will little brother, the gym and made friends of house, the same kinds of files just to a better, a more modern version of the same unit of the same miss all used by the nazi germany. again, soviet troops towards your but the other 2 like not just you know, we've been there to, to say on the stuff. it's a new one, like google. it will continue to show the power of a partnership and will continue to bolster ukraine's armed forces by rushing them
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occasionally use that they need to defend their country is a phone. the good of dealing is up to just for deals within somebody isn't it sort of will, could i, you know, and the noise is around. that's pretty low to the store on that. through your smoke of cause is thrown affiliated, you know, as the taking care of the guardian at the most of the me on the east coast. i use city of door will forward you are, these are just you want to so you are see it to your form will send you the items on the easy. just you'll be able to say it was you said you have to adjust or that's what i need you to go to where you on your see, are you able to start using the, what do you my phone support? that's the scheme for them. so no questionnaire, it's even open up the most that the, the most like you're not going is line
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the the, the question is why is the why in this country? what if i give but plenty of the store in this they should have been a short order for now, i'm not going to stay less so green scare me. and when i knew what the subject or desktop session on the font is national liam, no. let's just shine your just is when you mine is going. you said almost in the the, the,
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the, you know, the tennis nightstand got the, as the enclave is hit by a know the fall rush of these very real kids on the flags. also i had the images as well from northern gaza is he's really poems, 3 hospitals with thousands of civilians was taking shelter, getting at least 20 people. thank god right now there are no casualties. it's been good to click why to get into the house. however, as you can see, things often busy, i don't see if he gets the 1st time look into the 2nd biggest health facility and got them on the conditions that patients that are being treated in.


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