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tv   News  RT  November 12, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EST

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sort of thing done if i can get in this area going i think the 2nd for the life of 2 palestinian babies, a loss is due to a power outage just because of the law just cost of according to local official document on the ground invasion. also ahead, the idea found and that's willing to take your best policies and possibly get out inside know, been gone through and so for residential building the, the monthly ronnie square, sees foreign guns were being held across the globe from the us where i protest as a gathering outside to the biden's residence to tuck yes with demonstrates is holding hands and taking to the streets to show the support the got
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the very welcome. you're watching the weekly on all the international with the latest world news. along with some of the stories the shapes the week, it's good to happy with us. c. o 2 incense have died and doesn't small or endangered causes largest hospital off to a power outage that's according to the palestinian health ministry. electricity was cut a made intense crossfire between our mazda and as well around the house chief, a medical facility. local officials also states. another patient of intensive care was killed by us squarely selling the world health organization on doctors without borders, say they've lost contact with the workers at the hospital. i think that the site has been on several times causing multiple times and sees these way. the military has said it's ready to help evacuate children from the clinic, according to the palestinian red crescent, l. c. far as power they located and surrounded by is where the tongue says
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something. the idea as denied there is no sage. i repeat, there is no sage on the sea for hospital. the east side of the hospital is open on the street for the safe spots of cousins who wish to leave the hospital in. the idea that it has agreed to up in a safe passage from c funds to other hospitals in northern garza, however, there is such funds have been announced full hour could switch the palestinian with present. so it is now without power of to running out a few. meanwhile, the un say several people have been killed off the israel bones. one of his refugee shelters in gauze assessing the you and development program office has a, came a stein. i strongly condense the attack un office in guys and what she called last night with the reports of deaths and injured among those who sought safety in our compound. this is wrong on every account, civilians, civilian infrastructure, and viability of you and facilities must be always protected to me. while outside
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another large medical side, the al acts, the hospital in central garza motors have gathered to be fed. well them very some of the victims within the southern city of con you'd is canadian, palestinian during this month. so show months spoke with some of those directly affected by the it's very assault. it has been $36.00 days since the start of the war. during these times, you have seen on tv, hundreds of thousands of refugees displaced, those who have lost their homes. those who are afraid for their lives and the lives of the children. leave areas that they consider it enough to be safe for you to them bottom and on the invasion. i'm coming to areas where they think the safety such as los are off with and he and how do you want us in the south today, we're going to do some interviews with some people who left some of the areas that are not safe and see what they think see how they are living? well the, what life are you talking about? is there still life now?
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i left my house and since the beginning of the war i've been on the streets, there's no safety in hospitals. patients are dying and everything is bad. what life do you want me to talk about? the whole world is watching. i sleep on the street while the children sleep in the school with the women and their mother, the world is watching us. they know what we're going through. can you imagine that there's someone who's unaware of our situation? this is a like adult sides or small sort hospital. so as you can see here, we have a little bit of traffic and people are walking, trying to do their daily activities, mainly trying to find some food, some clean water, taking their children to the hospital. and as you can see adjacent to us here is a school one of the u. n. schools under was having to and the to the few dissenters,
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people uh, dozens of families are living inside classrooms. you can see some clothes that have been hung to dry inside each one of these schools that are 200 of the schools are around 40025000 feet, but each life doesn't have a cyber. now what that way to challenge and experience the tutoring they use to a specific routine and who move to another school, they used to wake up at certain time and go to get their food. but now things have changed. the living conditions have become impossible. everyone fights for their own substance due to insufficient support from the un. this is part of the suffering, the and you are, in addition to problems with bathrooms, water, and football networks. all of these hard sheets makes a difference between loving your own home and how you leave now, isn't the suffering. we ask the road to see how we leave and do something about it
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. i've done this out doing well. school well to help us and have mess hmos oh, shoulder and stuff for more and hung. good. and we'll leave on the boulder with nothing. the idea to tucked us shoulders with their tongues, we fled from the it was one of the more tough mentors, days for me personally. heating the stories, some of the stories of the 1500000 people this place. and one of 220. the few the schools talking to people was sleeping in the streets, sleeping in bed, sleeping in bed called talking to people for trying to fight they by the hour by hour, in order to survive. the current is really aggression on their homes, against the property, against the people. and they called on the woods to please put an end to this madness and to cease by it as soon as possible. the idea possibly split age of his tongue, expiring a buildings in an undisclosed location inside casa,
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the thing is waiting, military sites is full. so the pushing deep into the and play fall targeting him off positions, but above and under the ground, a large number of tunnels notes where we actually use 5 even to 10. so i'll set you have already been destroyed. the 1st part to master these images saying it's fine because it's done thing that ground inside moving guns and targeting the is where the military would not be able to independently confer when and with any of this footage was the idea of says it's fine to just have struck a military infrastructure, including some has but of science across the board in lebanon, as well. also says 5 people have been wounded by an antique tank of missile
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launched from the neighboring country. this footage, released by the idea of show some of its fast wipes on leather lebanon bowed his own. it has seen an increasing number of mutual attacks since the outbreak of warren jones at last month is where the defense minister has. one has below that the ideas now has a road not to respond to strikes from liberties, territory. pro palestinian protests continue across the tech here with demonstrates as in the capital, creating a so called a chain of humanity. pausing the palestinian stock from hand to hand. well, marching towards the is wally embassy, condemning as well as attack on guns of the protest as well. her taunting of paula city and on the, on the look, reports a and know the go on joins is live from a stumble now from one of the pros has cited smelled, i, thanks for joining us. could you describe what's happening around you right now as well? as the thousands of people guesses here in the assembly, one of the most terrific uh area i can say, uh, the process started uh with
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a human chain. oh, almost going to them. it says close uh from uh, bay as a to and then at cooper and uh, we have seen that as the family. so with the kids, most people are holding hands and making the team in china will kill me to a and then the crowd started to be was one of the most to reach the areas of the city here. and so turn off next is you can see the crowd behind me. uh, we have seen the medical school students holding banners. uh, with the names of the book. the kills. uh it goes off. um, also holding the names of the uh, at least 40 gentlemen killed in gossip. um, so uh the, the tech is people are quite uh, again the get again see the bus because it all happening right now when you guys are in the killing of the civilians. as you can see this policy and flags and talk
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these flags. oh, are all over the crowd has been schooling for both codes up is riley products. uh actually the police closest but also uh maybe uh, in case of uh any, any uh, violence. what happened but nothing did really happen. uh, actually, so very peaceful process. uh, they had been turning in phones off the mcdonald's store here in uh, suits on that area. i believe the 3rd and uh, as long as i've been talking to the walls here, uh its uh, with kids and even the kids are very aware of what is happening. this is a topic that obviously they have been teaching at a school and the watching to the tv and uh they're asking the ser austin. so this bill to, um, uh and uh i can say that. 6 very upfront, straight to uh, we to wireless instead of ongoing and now it goes off. now to tell me,
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tell us more about this to be human change. what does it mean to symbolize what, what, what it's symbolizes, please. actually, it's people folding 10 with each other, people that don't know each other that during this process and they don't, they, they want peace in the region and they don't want to. this was to go on and the civilians to be killed any more. so says that the calling piece under calling to the will to ends up as soon as possible. this being a subject probably part of city and protests and took care of recent most recent labels. the general moves towards what we're seeing, payouts and garza sure sure that has been. c some kind of process thing, so they've gone um, so all over the country. uh, actually, uh, some of them are like most process like this one. um, 2 weeks ago there was another big, big mosque puts us with a one and a half 1000000 people joining any songs that was initiated. but president add on.
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but this one is a symbol initiative said it's, it's a, it's a civil issue too. um. so there is, okay, so some um people, uh, i will say individual protests being, uh, a brand that, uh they, they believe are associated with it as well. um the solve at store, uh, was a talked to the mcdonald's store, was a talked to someone in the, in, in the other speak to the account. um, so this is a general move in the public. uh, i might say uh the, the probably be the very angry uh the plus straight up old. something like that. okay. uh, really uh, with the civilian situation that is ongoing and dogs are right now. now, so many things to bring in as the update from the ticket that smelled to do on local, opposed to talking to his line from his stumble across the atlantic. hundreds of per palestinian support, his most awards at j biden's residence in delaware, where he's spending the veteran's day holiday weekend. a
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hello to be waived upon the city and slacks outside the us, president's home and full force. these foreign dogs are accusing find and have complacency in what the labeling of genocide washington's and wavering support is roswell and so to spunk, mass protests across the us in recent weeks earlier, my call the key to no nails, but we don't to contribute to. and for the us senate stuff is tara reed, who stays americans long as they refuse to say government stones on the crisis in the mid me look at actions speak louder than words, right? we're sending weapons were continuing publicly to, to stay with the aggression and the genocide this unfolding before the world. this happening and, and i think the blinking is been very clear about his stance of standing with israel in the past. and i don't really see that changing from 3 even offer
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$12000000000.00 in a israel, and that doesn't seem to be going anywhere. we'll see if it passes the house for congress. but that's what's really interesting about this union, is it now you have some republicans and republican politicians buying in on this and, and wanting to give the 12000000000 and aid when they were yelling and screaming, not to give it to you to the truck proxy. when you crank, so it's very interesting, there's a shift, isn't there? the president's home state has been somewhat of a safe space for him, done the years. that's where he goes. until now, how likely are these things are indeed wider, sings or protests, or across the us? how likely are they to make him question the is really on slaw, in gaps. so do you think, well, that's a good question. you know, and because it's, it's then asking the question of how much influence does it present actually have as he does seem to be showing signs of confusion and dementia like you did over the weekend again during veterans day when he got lost on stage. but you have a recent pull, 66 percent of americans that want a ceasefire. so you have
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a lot of americans frustrated with these foreign wars. republicans and democrats. you have a lot of people feeling like the money is going overseas rather than at home. and so big push would make a difference. well, from the sources that i've been talking to there is a pushing pull behind the scenes with you. we in the advise immunization. however, the people leading the scene like former obama staffers to really have kind of lead um, many of them as far as perform policy like blinking like dig sullivan, like kirby and, and others with the on a say. they are pushing for this conflict to get wider and i had been on before talking about iran. i really do believe that the us is trying to provoke a hot war with iran at this time a. and as in bob way, suppose the palestine has continued this time with people taking the streets of the capital. have already st. baldwin gathered in front of the british embassy on the
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european union offices, protesting the ongoing conflicts and gone to the mazda in an immediate cease fire. as an end to the genocide demonstrates is also to condense the west for it. stones on the monster is, was some of the firms just as high as the mobile is us saying that the point of funding starting must end up in fight for their freedom must end up and keep on fight. didn't even need it, takes them fall under the most coupon, realizing that the end of balance then belongs to them. and there must fight these occupier as we condemn the acts of uh, israel on garza and appraisal with him. um, obviously you know and like to see what's happening then we obviously praying and hoping for a ceasefire as human beings. these are all brothers and sisters. you do not have to be most slim. you do not have to be assessed and skin color, you just have to be human to recognize that this is dennis side to recognize that this is wrong, but sounds what loud and the message is clear, stop the violence and free palestine. now this quote is happening and cut out if
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somebody's capital comes on the back of a depth. so in palestine of at least $11000.00 civilians in the israel, gaza conflict. the pain of knowing that, according to a report, by the saw the prince, 70 percent of the casualties of women and children. hundreds of people today got the did not a too much to was the european union. and the british embassy office is demanding that is around stop stole and gives the land back to the palestinians. and the irishman, both of your p impala and has spoken out against your p and commission presidents, us live on the line. for now, quoting for a truce, and goza does accuse the e u of genocide against the palestinian people. and amongst has elapsed since the commencement of the own relating mass, murder of palestinians in gosh, it's no spiral of violence, sprout underline it's genocide. openly declared ontario, quite the apartheid stage of his right and you can't even call for it to stop. you
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can't even call for a c spar. well, of course it cons because these crimes against humanity are very tiny joke with your weapons in your name. it's not just it's ray of genocide, it's yours. i think to us to play uh, that's just a great responsibility on what she cools right. it comes to genocide. i mean use institution which is founded on the ashes of the 2nd from the mode, from the ashes and the 2nd month more and is very, very heavily focused on human rights and dishing out the more what you to is to level. so countries around the world, what, what human rights, all of how humans have such values and what else doesn't house. but when you look at this particular war, i mean you has with america, give them the, the design is entity, food, green light, cut, blogs to go ahead. not only with will, but also a guilt edge guarantee that no crime is proceedings off towards whatever be held
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against the israeli government and individuals within it. so i think you plays a huge role here and it's shocking embarrassing and going to frank c. a business that such an institution, such as the youth who withholds itself and the highest team i'm talking about human rights is basically is become complicit and will crimes itself. and the for another twist. and they know what the stream sabotage saga with the washington post novel forcing that in the office, a close to ukraine's commander in chief cool today to the attack on the russian gas pipeline. the story comes at a time of reported with between 12, the crating and political and military figures of the failed counts were offensive and future. the conflicts a vermont a vin ski, a decorated full to a 2 year old can now his after new crane special operation forces. what is the called the nature of the not stream operation, managing logistics and support for a 6 pass and seen that transfer the sale bolt on default identities and use deep
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sea diving equipment to place explosive charges on the gas pipelines. the officer decal this from most senior ukrainian officials who ultimately reported to general ballet resolution a ukraine's highest ranking military officer. well, the story relates to a 48 year old ukrainian special forces, colonel, called roman. sure vince keith, colonel. stravinsky is currently in prison in kiev. on charges of abuse of power. when the washington post alleges that he is the mind that led a specialized team in a sail boat directed them a 6 man who went to the bottom of the baltic sea essentially to destroy the north stream pipeline. of course, the russians completely dispelled this as mit as do many independent out of the suggesting that the only beneficiary from the destruction of the north stream pipeline was of course the united states will shift if it needed to cut off the gas to europe. could have done so at the switch. so it also comes amid
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a significant difficulties for of a lot of them is dimansky in kiev. he's gone to something of a spot. something of a schism with the valeri is illusion at the top mine and ukrainian armed forces and we've seen zelinski ordered the arrest of one of the illusion east hoffman. we've also seen one of the loose needs assistance actually killed by a grenade, which was hidden in a birthday present, which in what looks like an assassination. and of course, these allegations come in the midst of the washington post, adjusting the president's lensky himself. meanwhile, had absolutely no knowledge of this attack whatsoever, but did not stream alteration was designed to kids to then ski out of the loops, people familiar with the operation side. all of those involved in the planning and execution reported directly to the chief of defense, the allusion, so the landscape wouldn't have known about ted, according to intelligence reported obtained by the c i a. so it seems to yet again,
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the washington post finds itself at the very center of a big, intelligent story. it's not so long ago that the washington post, 1st at told us about leak documents, which cast doubts on ukraine's ability to defeat roche. and it's a counter offensive, and there were also one of the 1st to publish details of who the actual person who leaked the documents was. at last week we saw a story which confirmed according to the washington post, at the very integral and granular relationship between the s b u and the c. i a, even when it came to the killings of people like diarrhea do gonna and gloves and capacity on russian territory. and again, we have the washington post, the able to see me, the name and individual responsible for uh, one of the biggest attacks on energy infrastructure in decades, the biggest pipeline destruction for sure. and again, if you would ask questions,
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what evidence is given by the washington post and in this instance, there's absolutely not all the sources yet again, are speaking on the condition of anonymity. we spoke on the phone with us on the officer scott bennett to set the washington post, is trying to shift the blame for the node stream sabotage from the us on to other axes. and having worked in the military and the state department, i can tell you i've interface with many of those agents and i can say the new york times and the washington post is full about my know tom hamburgers is he. i said, i know michael, this a cough is, is he, i said, and these people write stories for the agencies narratives. and it's very clear to me they're trying to create this fantasy narrative of 6 ukrainians dressed in speedo as pretending their job cousteau sailing on a bought a yacht with martini's out to the middle of the arctic or the north sea. and just kind of jumping overboard with flippers and snorkels, going down. uh huh. 150 to 300 feet, planning explosives and blowing up those pipelines is completely impossible. a sail
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boat that you rent doesn't have the radar or shown our technology to be able to locate a pipeline in the middle of a vast oceanic field. and this is only done by professional divers who are frogman, who are seals, most likely trained by the united states. that have been part of a us military, a nato cover operation. so i think the real story is the us is trying to tie off. it's loose ends fine people to blame. i wouldn't be surprised if your vin ski suddenly disappears. either killed 40 disappears into a mansion in miami is a convenient uh pay off. but he said he said nothing to do with it. the other thing that they're trying to do is show confusion in the ranks imani and ami claims to have destroyed to abandon due and on the vehicles coming dead by terrorists of the peace keeping troops withdrew from the country. molly's military launch several s
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trunks and then rolls off of the humans withdrawal. they came to conduct a town locates and the northern region has been onto the occupation of the 2 all right verbally. and since the 1990s has been a major concern for the government, the current administration came to power in 2020. subsequently asking the un peacekeeping troops stationed in the country to lead. if i may, to examine the offices declaring the admission of failure, deterioration and security setup for withdrawal process. early we spoke with a person from the unit road of civil society movement, which opposes the french presence in molly. he claims that the us evaluation is suspicious or the same that these stabilize over the country to this did not surprise us because we already knew that this in the news. my mission was planning something suspicious. this is just one of the ways to finance terrorism. a way to help the terrorist by the army of molly to just the blight of the country. this is nothing you mean news?
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my has been doing this for a long time. they provided weapons and information about the positions of the mountain army to the terrace. will look at the positives of menus and the departure because this will mean that molly will have more decisions to make related to security and terrorism. already things are going very well on the ground. since all the positions left by him, a noose must have been taken under control by the mountain army. the army has destroyed aid positions. all terrorist forces and controls the situation on the ground. the army is located at 6 kilometers from the thought. they just need to consolidate this. now. how many, thanks for your company here in on the international. we always appreciate it. we'll be back with more at the top of the on export and the
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hello and welcome to worlds of parts in all amber hammock religions, depression, ality of violence is a major tenant, and today's is no exception. in fact, according to the total would interpretation. the 2nd temple was destroyed exactly as a punishment for gratuitous hatred, which once again, it's us to be driving a bounce in the middle east. because religious or perhaps political ideas, offered any response from the blood shirts and retaliation engulfing. they call the land. we'll discuss it. i'm now joined by rumsey, the room with a non resident senior research fellow at the center for is long and global affairs at east timble design university. dr. berth. it's great to talk to thank you very
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much for being available. essentially for having that look to be rude. i just use this term, the holy lands, which many people today associated with the state of israel. but historically, as i'm sure, you know, it refers to the entire area between the media to rang and see on the eastern bank of the jordan river, which includes the palestine. this is where i want to start. what is palestine to you at this point because it's not this fade, and yet it's not fully devoid all state structures or assigned to the states. so what is it? of course that has to be is how this time was quite swayed to be coming a nation state in the modern sense. but there was a destruction that has happened, particularly when britain in 1917, also be so called both for declaration on the boss for promise has granted a israel to design is movement. and in doing so,
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creating this destruction in the historical cycle at this time was becoming a state like all other states in the region. but that date and the events that relate to the equation is well between 1917 and 19 going to change this dynamics entirely. so i'd be more than by the city and state and the modem that has to be a struggle is really essentially a political struggle. nothing you really just struggled with ease of correcting the course of history, the baby to because of the british colonial has a empower response and it's inception. and the grand thing of i respond to these i just moment in the last 3 years. and it was there is this expression hope dies last and it's usually interpreted as something very aspirational. and the other thing it also reflects the very dark connection between hope and death. because a promise was realization is denied continuously is bound to leave to the very
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opposite of hope, which is range, malice, despair, revenge. how much do you think this suspended scope have to do with what's happening in, in gaza today? right, so there has really been periods of order just to even watch icons. you know, that indeed there was this kind of collective sense of despair and this collective sense of despair follow political promises. the total for example, after the madrid negotiations in 1991 after the also a quotes in 1993. this problem is that everything is going to be ok. our people are going to be ok. is it always stop building supplements? and there would be a palestinian state and to even make it more difficult for that collective palestinian hope is that they gave us enough symbols so that.


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