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tv   Documentary  RT  November 14, 2023 4:30am-5:01am EST

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all i all says or 100 flats. 5 is not good. you know, what do you read that? most. most students will he charters? she goes to you, the do it surrender in 1945. japan. it'd be no p. find by allied forces for 7 years until the treaty of san francisco. during those e, as the country had no national sovereignty, the emperor and government was subordinate to the supreme commander for the allied powers. general acosta. the one of the bloodiest world war 2 bath, or in the far east was the bathroom. on april, 1st, 1945,
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the u. s. army with british and american naval support. no single formation to capture the japanese island. it was late, the cold to steal time because of the severity of fighting and the intensity of showing off to the japanese armies defeat in july 1945, the united states established the us to will look ministration of 3 items, of which one is the largest incentives to change, so corporate, i've gotta alternators may ex joke with the dish to say, so they've got a notice saying, showing over here to my sodium costs are 60 i was on the sign, you know, or has a big st. george. and i'm getting a good saying shall go push this. ok, now enter for to us. so pursued that source to, to can, to little bows out the, you can that, you know, you guys to, what are those are? this is joseph. still especially name used to have one use a shot where you can see the condition that are created of the,
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of the in them. so things just to eat the food shown on here for you, for you, for shopping and ready, sophisticated for this out the home, or the fire for shy mute for a mazda in for, for the full internship with when you were now, he wants me to look at the cam or more towards you, or you want me to log on to the camera, sir. okay. and our primary mission here is one of support for southeast asia and conventional ammunition. and this, that doesn't show us the products that are cussing me. this is for you is super busy. it's in the condition of the officials, she has that sure. and they send me a proposal receipt for so long as baltimore's assignment for that turned on by the focus on the familial part. thank you with them. just told us about the signal for this a shot. not the friday when she spoke to the young that was listening buzzing you some of the trouble of associated with you. many was 0. it's uh, familiar with this with mazda,
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as opposed to remove the tennessee just knowledge and above that you put the lead. so virginia have to just say you're getting the the upset when you thousands of photos in there, a vehicle to suggest is for us to just go from the one you have a way of familiar with the issue with the new, the new old community. and then when it was listed, it's a new skills machine you want me to focus is scaling william, investigate one is to video session. so i would have to do those additional info. as soon as 7, i will also send for you in a mirror doesn't show me if not to the 40 or you for me to constant box nice. a lot of things for i'm using my all the noise because you in and i've got uh cuz i don't know, could i get a local to the kitchen up? does it? i mean, that's a place to go to the height and i gotta municipal don't want it. it's on this doesn't a the difficult the road. so that's one of the, oh do you have kind of the one that i'm going up that i know more on to know how to
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get to go. it's because the hate nothing from this one up on a i know he goes for something, i'm going to email. that's too much the cost though, and we cannot organ assurances up on this. yeah. want you to, it's gonna show you do, i'll get this cut up. once i start the shooting, not let me put you on one more how to do and then we'll just go to get to the ducal pulled up because she will have to kind of stick with the . 2 the okay, now what prefix you in japan was established in 1979 in what had been real kingston, which was never fully independent. get paid tribute to the chinese empire and linked to accepted subservience to subsume the principality in what is now japan?
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no single word, it was put it i cannot afford to proceed in your inform you that the formula, the last name you said they were telling me to support us just through april, excuse me. and the guy that's for the law was delivering in some money because there's some great new offers up. no more. can you, me just go, i'm just gonna see if the thoughts a couple of national next video both of shift. ready or full size, some of these issues, it'd be just simpler of sense of continuous time you showed that as enough to meet me and use them for me when you consume on your home. oh, i know i said you need something. okay. and the thing, and i'm wondering if she's interested in the schedule and the more i know kind of books i think phone as a so you can just have it done. okay. do you want me to nicely or no. i know what the value of knowing if they did the box, i know please send
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a musical no. going the 3 things a golf course or suitcase. it's also called the can i use the date on the think get it kind of thing. my schedule and i might lose available on the so give me a call. i know to me know, it can be set up today or facilitated unless quite a way i can of some sites and fashion meet once a new building 1st because all that i'm going to live, i may have just missed 2 people. so i cannot april, scott, i'm yeah, of the machine immunizations recently, but i have it all visited to me and it was printing wireless costco, and it was a little of the ocean mobile phone share of uh, you know, before with me for a video of, uh, visiting use film, so good luck on the bottom. yes. we chatted was pleasant when you have some originally a quarter. we'll talk tomorrow. i'm sure. what's the the, the cool thing more you wanna do now?
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i'm not on this cuz i'm on. okay. now send. they're not gonna 1st on your quotes, so 40, that's the sort of equal to kind of going on with that cuz you want to keep a home of course, and i'm on this cut on the side of this because sound good. how are you? and how can i that would i have to show through faith though? do you know jimmy lucas have oh, good news. you money my money you handle the most. get them. so what did you looking on or still got journeyman to this? yeah. i know i'm not anymore. cool. how this is what they needed and i've done this whole thing. it was to start, i'm like, you know, 49 this smoke of comfort advisor was august 5th, call you go for to was,
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you know, knock on, mean the height of that and you get them. so if you get a hold of them as to what you can do or do you want me to say hi, so long. you know, i need to be here. cool. get you started that. so can you let what that she left you bethany? no. that nothing, no. so it be easier for you to do. she can come up for the best deal for the can you hear me? i know. i mean let me take him on the line. she's, i'm she said kind of getting a little slow because i've gotta keep it and take him was, is that sort of the
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what do i equal to the show? it goes to the chicken bush. i'll go with i think it's going to do for me quite a while. so who shall handle to this email? you'll also have one for many tools, also show up listings. assemble show the customer will question this on what you'll see on the bus or no final issue. it's going to not quite as simple as you on the positive or the, the, the, the fulton my basis thought by
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many to be the world's most dangerous cute, with proximity to the residential area. strong protest in 2006 plan residents of getting to one city of 100 failed to being supposed to be located. the whole new school district in the city. not to build a new base, some 157 heck to attempt to be reclaimed. from the see what they're supposed to. i will cut off at the home. no, no, no. once you well what this you, when you home the, you know any one by now you know, they cannot this know the, the, the home most go throughout. ok. now know, to handle the open out if it is so you don't know what i mean. going back. she didn't listen law school mega suggesting icon. no skin system handles introduced. it's a lot again. but story show this, the
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flow of mind to this is all right, so this will give you all to address that. you've got a story say, so got kind of a couple you fits fish stuck in there. and when i eat,
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i know that i don't know what the market the oh well, the cool thought that the boy showed on this good boy show notation one. see how long this is when you finish up soon was boy shall send by the so you this, you sort of order shows us. so you cornerstone to at tech, you know, i made eco know chose to get them any show you what sort of check for to show to
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so i think this goes to the question, what should i say this here? so if i should have what i do, i want you to, to put them all, isn't all the, for the sake of the the there's no end in sight over how you're going to continue to destroy the earth. is the case for the madness of the people. i tried to go to the gym, but i'm certainly not ready to fight russia. this is also absurd. this is the 3rd world will receive re washing as for so the funder line likes to say,
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we have the tools while we just start with stability and business deal. so what should be living on that we have very close propaganda. you know a price here in new york. i think we don't know the aftermath any time that you're not allowed to ask questions, you should ask all of the questions. the more questions ask the better the answer is will be the . just let me know what to do for you. um so, so what so, so here's you know, nothing up for her. she don't use it for me. she'll carson from corner to call,
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you know, pricing of this issue pricing. this sort of, i know i'm not gonna at the to can of course you'll is open. i'm gonna put you on the quote from us. it will help when you get it to. so quick question. this total is showing you a simple show with how much you can kind of some sample channel to think on the so you about what the issue mean is still hold on for to this in the window to understand how the thing is um all the videos you know what i mean? is it to go? i know i could close that today. key modem with our step one can just go to the demo or the more questions on it? no, gonna, i'm holding on 9. 0 gosh, with all of a sudden the not once
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a young buddy set equal to validate. you see what you should see on, on the signing of a home phone over on the 7th of august, this made up of all the nails and i know how kind of for you, for this and how much is the part of that extent. but of course you don't have to get excel, i'm going to cuz that's got the night before the last. we have some of the normal police open on so to up i know night that i mean the small part of an old japanese symmetry has by some miracle survived on one of the banks is once a year the americans allow can owens to visit the relative graves of kill uh another he only dies the notion of this new law ideal. so i called you a study of what, so what takes time to send or still touch the class
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tell you i was sort of the issue was cut out in the exclusion speaking. hi. both of you know who you mean the same is on site where you can do a moment. do you on a mobile session? was that your phone or email when you would like to put a good value too big or not? should we go? so stay has proven all students get into a more full going on, or see about 100 mid to the funeral costume. songs items, but the remote. yeah. so you can you a big, i'm not going to use the must cut off the flow to hold it kind of thinking
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about room that i told you on a home the so low to just big or no. have you called the thought. so you've seen one of us, so when you, i, here's, here's what on you. well, it was, i need, you know, congress through reaching out to the point 0 highlight. so you know how to do that . as well as providing vast tracts of land to the us to use the military bases in japan that pays for the maintenance of the state office. what the this now okay, now looks to me, i'll commit to new homeless tendency to, i mean he goes out here things to judy or steve, my stuff, the new homelessness go home for the cleaning, not thank you. my stuff. ready the pulled i me to color this next struggle not try to point out guys at all. i say i find you excitedly. you put the next home down. the old one of the tongue was stupid at all. do you want us and not knowing,
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shouting, i swear the technician, who say very much, you know, to your, my thousands of it all adds to know to your not only kind of model seems smith, one way or your supervisor to one user. others may external coolness. yeah. how do i want to see the how you doing today? the we want to know how to do so the 1st the, i mean he fell out as an old still take us to, to continue this or the, as i pull up the most, oh, you mean do at home when the fun wish definitely to your little that there is a new home that more or more in your home, i'm going out of sound. so they go, are you ready not to homes on the business to put, you know, you know, getting a stop to 9 know, start this man instead of connect sooner. julian, the to the new home that to go hot out the so you compare the audio sort of cut that you, that we, or saturday and the home, the lawyer tumbling the state of nature in. but i made it,
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i need the stomach or state of the system where state is somewhat from us panic, i'm living at all, you know, mean thinking that a month for 0, that's a no, not for me. you know, i'm pretty tired. and i suppose in there, so you want to watch the videos on the, on the zillow thing, you know, i don't mind because out, ok, i'm going to come back. i'm really going, you talk to and see is she, how is the full uh, physical drivers. i said, i think so. so you is ma'am, and don't show it on the music on you. she, how many candle the can you know, the total and audi q you has to do with all the adult who gave you your husband 3
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to send you the mother and you'll know sort of the new 5th i'm going to go to your book the whole the stuff sorted out is not from a ton you now i cannot live the summer with a code that you my boy, for you, for the from the issue of you, not something of some bundle from dish and it will good enough that i can have a set of cards, i'm afraid you must, the simplest use not the machine. yeah. it's a positive, but maybe it is 3 or 4 and your thoughts are for tool of ours on a stretch of incidence to freaking out for people to get those get the jetta now do they? should students defend on some good movies on the meeting? if we do, let's use one for police to meet out of the fields. junior, simulate bergs officials, let's get all for the another from about that to should students from the laguna. not that i'm looking our boat isn't but on, on august the fish, for, even though supposedly doing for tv come to work on a mazda the, was the point you mentioned it, could you point to go, so, gosh,
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i just noticed we had taken our, our people due to not that and then have somebody take a little bit of those uh quotes from on with the creation process thrown, the loose jewelry is operating into should you need to order in finance of a disc efficient for volunteers or whatever. you know, if there is to move out of the field is sustainable, there's just a set the worst. and so they didn't discuss made out of the yeah, me got access. if let's go over a co incidentally. ok, now what profecia is current governor is any time. ok. so nobody us marine the japanese way to peace among those who actively opposed the american presence in okinawa, between 90451952 about 10000 a raisins football. and you know, you know what, the, so i think it was, you know, my understanding was to send to a local young's newborn in my new hung up saying, so you're not going to the, i mean, he kind of like of the kind of source code that we need to know what goes on,
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why the municipal, you know, so that kind of can school just listed ok. now i'm kind of like, i do not yet so familiar with this. know across on a lot of down along with the toy, assuming that necessarily in some way length and then nobody. well, i mean he finds the company or thinking that the only thing i see on there, it's no below that connected to no. i didn't wanna expect anissa coronado joseph i think it's, it's a lot of. ready yeah, so they don't need someone can use it that way. so knowing one thing and even though not being boy not to grow that it's not with us and got always in with that. if any of our, you know, they are going to go ahead and get them on it. so if any points to think about it, i don't so not the will it done. i didn't well with this new you always question
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for going to go sign you with us with us. not working on the same campus. 0 then you might have block out the color guys invoice the waiting on the right, the same right now that i can get it working on the the hey, that's the got a deal killer. then we can a nice, i hate a scientists and expensive for the if i don't normally the grandma and samantha went to the office that we can i assign to complete the kindness, i see. same thing, simple. gosh yourself. okay, ends in 7 days and congress is saying the only thing in the meantime was saying
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sort of thing about 9. see if they send us the assessments and we will find out what's to pay or do i don't know, can i open the 3 lines right soon? i can lower though, and you have somebody junior middle aged, but for the trip across my snap, the snap mazda condemn positions use, which is just the one for $40000.00 those. why have a trust that she was wazoo? she model cx, it please to some of the human, you know, really profound issues social system. but this is nonsense. this is for me just if the receptionist has got some good dr. shopping and lots of this phone is through the newest of the film for stuff up to 50 for new me as soon as you see this sort of issue, a funeral home. our spacious sions. you associate who says you got them going to discuss during the, from work fishing me to improve the
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slow just because of the size the needs of the union for them to move this inside the system. first of all and about the city. so not sure if the shop i need really good for this either one of the most racist associates, let me finish. it started as an essential motion book of this for symbol for one. yes, of course you prefer, shoot is for me to come school 3 of you with the 1st of all i need a voice from both system i was my yes and is very similar. i mean the, which of the system is it is yes,
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it seems to the company and this is useful especially for the suggest to me to call before you know, the phone line is this is a full demo to someone in the office. this is the 1st for the
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rest of the voice in the most kind of i'm ready to put them in the store and they can send me to go into my case. i forgot it's going to be, can i do my so that's the thing that i do want to continue looking at then i'll be done within. so anything like that, i mean, i don't think there's anything similar to the kind of doing this more than what the guy is with the site that's the most committed. what's the account on that for them? i that one approval of course the, the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the motion of the nuclear love seeing the muscles, if you look on the initial do, while of course, significant dealer post on zillow, while it be honest, can use the body. what do you do origin, but you also as the was done, the newest frame
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on the belief systems to good lou do what i see these the buses. the cube limitation says this to the, to the boss of the nice, the t one palestinian refugees are reportedly killed in a major as strikes on northern both sides from the victims trapped beneath the russell continued. we can find one. so shouts that we do not find schools. history is repeating itself again in a harsh away. as operative protestant in such a safe haven is really politicians open. you have meant to triggering yes and not the massive displacement in the region. and oppression reporters covering the


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