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tv   Documentary  RT  November 16, 2023 12:30pm-1:00pm EST

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a lesson less of them fires to hold the games every fully as low as live down supervisor. so this past fall. so thank you so much for joining say to that are you know, lot of so what do you make of the i is he's cool for the games to be blake or a hi to take some reasonable bar. i think thomas ball cuz same on the guy and he's try record shows, see what was tries to prioritize individual athletes of nations and the kind of political conflicts that they may be involved in. so he's done that and he has broke to the kind of a deal that doesn't please everybody admittedly. but he will allow russian and by the russian athletes as individuals to compete in the forthcoming olympic games next year as individuals but suit everyone. but at least they will be able to compete, can they was so was full years of training. so he's not confronted by what
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appears to be a rival tournaments on. no, it's not. and legitimate tubs arrive along the global scale. but the proximity of the so called friendship games to the olympics that suggest there is a degree of politicking going on here. and that russia and butler was a stage and a tool that which states they know is not going to be nearly as popular in global terms as the atlantic's, but will never the less represent an attempt to stage a rival of sort so that so, so what thomas ball could said quite ugly sound is that he will discourage nations that all in the olympic movement who will become paid single out to can paid next year's olympics. he's discouraging them from participating in the new
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circle. friendship dates the face of games. so you say, i mean they are quite all they don't quite soft when it comes to the way it compares, the limping games and isn't, is it, is it ross? so that's been in a site, isn't because rushes so sanctioned. i'm assuming that anyone know any country that is currently in a conflict, i won't be allowed to join, including the united states. no, no, but as far as the linux is concerned, they are trying to incorporate as many different countries as they possibly can. now let's face it, russia is not the flavor of the month at the moment. no, they know it is bothers. yeah. and for that reason, russia has been excluded from the next a lengthy gains and probably several more olympic games to come. let's face it, there is not going to be the case of makeup in the immediate future.
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the politics of this situation will the economics of the politics. let's put it that way. all of us that the olympic movement has of the us become progressively more dependent on media money. um, where does most of that media come from nowadays? the united states of western europe, nato, a line countries. and that means that the, i say, although extensively it is an independent, neutral, most ation does depend to a great extent on the cottages. and thus it has excluded russia from the forthcoming gallon. pick gays, as i said, oh yeah, tell us bulk i regard as a fed bonded man and he's done his utmost to, to enable russian athletes to compete. but as individuals, obviously russia itself is a nation resent that. and this presumably
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a reading between. ready lives staging this alternative story and the one i have to tell you of that. i'm terribly sorry. we've savvy one of the time. thank you so much for your time. thanks again. oppression. a mile that wraps up this and he is out. we'll be back at the top of the hour. we'll see you on the i usually, i mean he likes that. i'm kind of like the ones who doesn't from the view, and he's got to be a good on getting a so there are no brother in law and call it added case to see that seem to see, you know, could of been on the, not on the me look at it just like go here and i go to the soon to find you online and go have i do to have it done on the music, on the mini malls and build them on the most. i remember, but i thought i was ready, but saw no go ahead by noon it seemed verified on by you the media to enter the
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image of the import of canada. some of them you got them. would you see what the thoughts can you think? maybe government fucking will chasing my casa a guess of what an iphone, somebody i mean for that is for the gate who of the mouse and, and why not the amount of love, you know, the best. so not even at that point, again, nothing will change when i think he says that only a 4 and her length and the all and i will only so what i said. so do you see the extent that my sent out and do for the for the wednesday? i mean, what's the minutes for them? 3 will not in my role, gm, i guess, you know, for safe side all we do is you'll get, okay, that will be a non de mentos video outcomes. they'll come for a key, better look at my site, you see something you'll get a bit and you'll see what i'm in that out. and it'll compliment all available in the center of the city or the one of them for the la camida you'll get okay,
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what are you on? the a man by the it'll give you the ability to go with either. let me get on via email. sit down, go down. the sad part is have you seen on the face the, the meeting id meant the seo and i went across what i'm being maybe seeing. i take that is and this isn't view english on resume the service. you have bicycles. almost every c o, maybe close as he does as he goes off because they say that on the 2nd hand through to zillow only know, but for the kids to see the doctor like kind of go to they have to meet the 30th. is that like a young little place within? so can i see at the time of the month of financing your model cannot in,
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instead of lucille i can, you can i punch the, what is i believe they got the right timing thing up inside of a level for me because some excess theo, internally, you guys are ladies and nobody is going to resume couple umbrella, perfect. i'm in pennsylvania. the i can send that. can you will see that us from data mazda mazda the, the little bit. i, but so like a know what else i need for my page. and when we sell cars id i, my thing is that it would only come in there, but i wanna sell, not a grocer going up as one of us and it goes to be so good for you to go get a new b as in satellite, as you get a feel of this ago. one of the 2nd bro give me one of us are giving us a lot of yeah. money, fema, i'm sad a liars and you can see them difficult on notice. i did give you the ones to say
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that i said, oh no, no, the event the me see me, lucy mean is that isn't the municipal unit veiled and lovely supposedly waterfront can apply anywhere from the the so let me see are the middle based on the city and what will then how do you do not lie under the get always on the you know, made it find the do one of the nice out for them. i get the 170 in model that born hazel, somebody in the set of course the money that he said, and then i then was the serial. and don't mean to say, you know that because even get us out of the whole. i don't know, whoever you know, but honestly send even us in. i live, i mean i was on equal, or you know, for the money to this team down, it seems that i mean to get
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a ok for the side on the top, on a, for a little guy and we'll see on it because on the fever and we'll see on it cuz i'll be able to see and we'll see what it gives you as long as i'm being in c, i a to a get a ok. meaning that it will give us the most of them i have uh you say what about the 2nd load on that? so let me see. so it will get how to proceed. i mean, this thing went on. yeah, they will notify you and miss diesel. only agreeing to sign on to say, hey, they need that out of. okay, so the main thing i do understand supersonic, you want to set them with the same thing in there for the you see me, i think they might say that maybe we give you a level but then see. and then what do you mean? no is especially a are on form of idea of the road is a key for a system i guess and got it. i think it was black,
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florida got body board side of out of can seen as me said, the single single thing for some, you know, some of the big data from the a bundle. dig on me on because it you that simple thing that i mean by me you and is able to smoke on that at that point yet i feel that to the best possible means though they don't want them to say we need that up. i didn't them in there, but i will split up as soon as i can get them to sleep out of the form. i, you don't know if you ever got this set up and something for them. you mean those 50 for the bidding, the admin fee on that? will you send us a lot of particles, toyota sense on $9.00 is that i'd be like i don't i for. so like i said i each in my name is like my ceiling in my name is that i still go to the specific one for me . you and my name is the name from the base and see that ends in the bottom. that'll be said more from based on that and the some of the
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other women's. okay, we'll see until i see when we add them for g. like a, a one i guess on we'll see on audi. last ones on audi. anybody but a one will see, i guess what i'm saying. i don't know the handles. i know the significant what else can you see go get on the heavy. i know it plugged in there. useful, but will be open for audio and i'll see i'll, i'll share no, like you have it all depends on the level that you and i'm going to go into my soon as i get in and see if i'm getting a swab the soon we're gonna need i don't know, i need to meet the needs of the mouse. i mean, i think i'm in to more. i'm in the guess i need. i see on it. like i'm a hold on to a little bit busy to get i had decided i forgot to bring them onto the boards like there is a good place, a little bit of peanut, i am really good using the the size of it, annual identity or get a hold of somebody that hit on body of value, let me know when they load on you know, the cit, bradley,
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my leave an easy and accept the a focus. maybe i think of almost like a do kind of a bad audio on the course of like a size and maybe that, and that's a villain. allegories isn't gonna finish every single day, and then your boss, all on the basis of this unit, that's what and they are to me, but on i can for that or 33. and i said, i am said the same back what and they would show me what the sample is. you need us . i mean, what is that, you mean is in need of any the so based on a given and but didn't say, i guess what the percent. but i'm a deficit. i'm in korea, i offered, but at the end it goes so we so again, it was about sample and the zip of getting that is what the sample for point 8 and focus. so i need somebody getting unplugged, but i think that is what it all could have been. like i said in the unlikely event that this book is nominated easily for the sample of all of them will get. so when a messy on your motto, it goes, it will say that this what the,
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what the kid i don't see. so mind maybe incl. yes, i had always some you a from the sun. i'm not always doing the they, they asked me. where does that mean integrated because that's a lot for the alabama and doesn't get the be made a payment to us the last. what about the best time? either size game on the when we sent, i'm able to, we can tell you for like what is the vehicle on the 11th the loss and know what the letter means. that that's what i mean on the key. and i do for the purposes here in oklahoma, but it's what the point is. so what you a, so we, i give us people in the you're gonna see might need to get it needs to get a moment for so normally the category of non duty, i put them in the center. you didn't have the end to get by say, get them, you know, so, i mean, no, no, get, i mean, you know, getting this that i get isn't get any problems if i mean, i had to get, this will buy it if we're so we had a model, so pretty much so, so, i mean,
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it does say that it has like a single method save method seem to feel in a seem to say like a 2 point is that again nobody's, i mean, ely and for much on some of the data. and it's that one city or more than what we thought of the more this that would be why you are the ones is seasonal. and the girl that doesn't really mean don't get no, that's nice. the only one of the field inopportune was 2nd. it right or indecent ends and then the numbers are not meet on the and then your muscle doesn't mean being living the but as need for somebody to see moments ago. and the something was the messy she and so so, so that they say it's a simple indeed be going flexion. if and that makes sense. i mean, the people they need to have a sort of need on the board, a person that need and thinking you got a body, buy groceries in a little while, let me. but i still have at least some of us that other common sense as a seat. and is this people pass up a little bit, but it'd be
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a hard for getting them in the home. yeah. how to make. i mean this and it was for the impossible for me, but even be honest because a lot of these are the interesting, i mean, does i pressed on and still find your level? a lot of them is that officially the cable, they might have a son when he the extension to say is this the best one i can come and do any focus on interview. my electric and you know, meet on the list i'm with you can look at him us or you know police, i lease the saddle, all sort of model corners to forget he's coming to them that he's okay. meet us. you need to know somebody and the other money i don't is one of you. i'm going instead of the one, the on the, the money i'm in all to buy this thing going to getting all getting on him for the event the bus will be model. guess the photo, my view that have been side of a little here know the drive on the here. if somebody's gonna be showing up on the
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person people in my last see i'm not official from this one. is that the button assume that you went into the sort and i guess and now the audio can see the vin symbol, the by the side of the bead. i look into this as a functional either this are unit associated, not the back of the you. you will get a thought we have the name a mean and associated us on the left and we need to see if we can do that. you after i use, i get it. can you stand on the, on the to start when you stop. i mean it's in the, i'm in the and i can come in date if i was looking to be in one leaving unless you open that up for you to, as i look for my lice, are so familiar a so that i send the message from the kentucky the more late to get back into possibly, i mean, unless you have a lot of little seeing the so a so you would've been 9. i think i'm gonna photo remove it added. i was only meant to get any more. you can only have one here, but in the interest of course, we will be in the, in the,
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in the morning and on the line 30 gardner bits. and natalie, how you the rush. it was a country of great achievements. today, we're making scientific discoveries. why not children study instinct of the classrooms? we're creating new cultural values. and of course, discovering new it's a fascinating attractions. discovery countries or treatments come to the rush of international exhibition for the side. you can kind of the a single meals, the problem, the at africa and also a lot that big deal 11. i had the other like the last 2. and so this have all
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you'll seen last week. i remember seeing the was a, there's a lot of for the gun on the see if i'm going, i have to go on the most of the, for, let's see on the like the by you surface, you know, in the that you have the gum wayne. but the funds, i guess i what's in that i have amazon notes the invalid. yes, i gave problem. and most of us, whether if you need, do you want me to complete those? i don't see any of them. i haven't had a problem. i think 75, i'm not going to the not do that either in come uh until i seen that book. definitely gone. no, no, my case is some way up, but i only 30 on that and then yes. and then the single, the saying, i mean, that has an audio video and is we just had, i, we went in and i gave it to you. i get on the, let's see of it. are you wanting to tell me you were to die like one on the go after and on the book says another policy on it. now, you'll get, this will send you out of the, the kind of for the, you know, so long as i have not seen of them being promoted by any of those. and you guys, i'm going to be able to get some sales people in. are you at the appropriate saves?
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acknowledge other several, yes, is a your yeah this, how are you? i'm not going to. so the thing is, if i'm being over to you, i'll say the question again, commission and normally when get along the lines, there's a release of getting concerned, let them get that done. okay, so it was really and then it will be interesting at the end of august, and as always, as you get into the classroom, i've been a little bit. i'm a single and a one kid in, but it's getting a little out. it is. oh boy, it and now my legs missing a little bit, i'm going to somebody say present, that'll gas invested. they a get back to them in the works. it's not going into it. if i'm not a better fit under a 100 different and that gives us a better fit under our newly cannot even get done in this in its own. yeah. mean,
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so no problem in the i but when you know the last, you know, the style, you know, you know, to be, i is, is push, when i push the on that those, because again, the problem was not, were still under dollars to the, you know, things you and i to, i'm like you, they get up on an order showing up or have you been doing this though? it's just to get that goal for them. so if we fi sealants inside of the middle and they will not at all and i'm not. yeah, and can you be enough? see, sorry, i'm not a little bit by side. nothing. yes, i'm thinking this, i'm worried up. most of any, the setup initial invoices. you'll get to get the video line. think of them in to them in on sales. and then they get an idea how to get there. i mean debbie at the top of site and looking at that, my son, noah delilah. but again, i get a little steady uh, sending that to this would be at a mm. but it will still be a bit of an i guess you'll see side of what i think i just pulled out of a forget to do it. i'm not going to shouldn't getting logged in. that's fine. yeah . you know, make it that way. i can use that. yeah, i am sending me 5 media. the
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is it you said on these? i believe that it should have been sooner. so here's the, the middle, google, me, your name. you need any me to find cuz i'm up front that kind of thing. i don't think i'm in my hands that this thing i don't, i don't think they need it is it will be my name, is it a thing? i look it up as one of us if we haven't even them in facility and but i'll come get them almost all the same anyway. so the gentleman in my hand says that he need this thing. i know the level of use of being seen share the thing that let me this. i had seen it when i 1st of the of the policy i see the so give them 100 minus or the village of all it all or that i give them a have one out of 200 out of the photo my vision. but i gave the movie up on it, i get a view from 0 from buick on view. you will? yeah, yeah, we're simplifying into something i'd like to get on with that of jeffrey clements in my name is, is the thing i'll either have it as of yet. i think we're okay how it was and see i
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can see my last slide moving. we'll see in our last, almost the last time of my check unless that's when i can find you and it's only the team. ok. you that of the for me to will. that is so much so good. am i left for you only to leave it at that link? that's the landline good idea. if it's and then we'll have them, i came to the office in the machine. yes it is. so the net or the new name unit is able to develop them. this is this thing that i thought i support the solver and a lot of vianza companion ever since the 11. but i have been having a sort of the list of some and see what is sitting in about and the some of the funds that i can be. some is what i be like is some of the us. she says thing that i don't know if you having any move in so you have in all of your social for me and let me look into a level here age when i have this one you can see on here. so one of the video that it for from them is that a few months ways it's still city, a fit and things we've had in that for. so would you possibly look into that? don't know a month, i'm getting the one with a fee and your last name, click on it and go to the notary. so what i'm about, i can pick it up on the field,
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it'll get, okay, see that? and if you don't have this, i'm going to see that live in the bottom right joe. and i believe i've been getting a lot of them. won't let you forget that, but he doesn't get a lot of them when i would get a septic on database because i think i'm able to get a full cycle on me. so i will get you to send these out. but the very easy for the ultimate, of course, and that's what i are going to be. so we've got a lot of people who will be a little bit of guy. he's going to go a little bit, but as a and then it gives him. and if it's the for know, but at the nice bottom of the is a really good fun. but another question i need to do, i need a hassle to get by this week. is it in the that doesn't mean it out. it's interesting. all right, my form, i get simple formulas, but cost me that either because the whole within the of them the services i give them the
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the, by the document they gave. i'm holding up my data. anybody said no to know why we're heading to my data and doing them both in a god you know somebody and i would, i guess is no say it does. is anybody anybody maybe say i've lived in
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a level heard about that by me. get out of owing them dollars save you sad us, you know, i think it had the vehicle on me. how many of us have you gotten either in the system but i mean, yeah mom, i'm even going to dial. i live in vegas. i see human sending, we're gonna stay the same way. i mean that anybody, you mean by the way, maybe uh, way through streaming instead of waiting on someone to get into a low end and download your bible. so instead of going to say no to might, i will. and if they meet, i will come, you know, see if i've, you know, and if it is, i've said you already send me that. i think i may not be able to bubble up. i did, i did gotta be in the muscle to get to that that would be sort of level headed up on, but i can be in that in that email by it. i mean, you said why not? yeah. would it be slid oh, just throw in the last valley your little the the soon to come look
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look the with the google getty of the world, the policy of the all look, this is the lease of the most of the of the, the to the store let's go to the let's see, get us. uh,
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up to the guy you'll get the your to that the is still available as the that competitive, but i can get in on the i did most,
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some place, but so the be done at the sky. the meal, the look to that is good. yeah. it was for the most of the oh god to school. people just hit the button the
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acceptance and i'm here to played with you. whatever you do, you do not watch my new show seriously. why? watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to please or do i have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time. but again,
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you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the is a ray though, the out she falls. villains isn't the 2nd day and the idea says it's part of the stuff of how much weapons and one daughter who for the ever described move on and see. i am 52 years old and i've never witnessed anything like this before. i lived through this opera and shut to unless it goes, but this is much less. there is snipers in elevated positions targeting civilians. they frontier, got some people, even at the, i'll shoot for hospital policy and i'm back to the, since it was all to the really is no intention of taking a business solution to the place where they need to be. so do i looked on this issue, but in the end people the deal on visit inside i'm mainly and if any of the above the ones that.


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