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tv   Documentary  RT  November 19, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm EST

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those leaders discussed today would cost that to move in a different direction. a month before the tops, the usa published the documents fairmont are rank about china's nuclear arsenal. the size and composition of the nuclear force must account for the possibility of combined regression from russia and china. us strategy should no longer through china as nuclear forces. as the less i include the threats, the united states needs a new, clear post child capable of civil tenuously determining both countries. the findings of this bi partisan report, detailed the gravity of the situation we face and emphasize that the current trajectory of the us strategic forces is in sufficient to deter looming, chinese and russian threats. the report is also a stark reminder of the significant work needed to expand our nuclear submarine, industrial base to increase production and reduce repair time. the details of this report should serve as a wake up call for our armed forces and the national security community as
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a whole. so what has been accomplished? well, the chinese military and the u. s. military are now directly talking to each other, and that's pretty important with both countries having a lot of forces in the pacific ocean. and there's been an agreement for dialogue around the issue of drugs. but other than that, some of the china is key. a lines seem to be getting ignored. somebody took a rather on diplomatic swipe at the foreign leader while he was in town. meanwhile, conservatives are still pounding the podium, calling biden's soft on china and blaming china for all of america as was. so what has really been accomplished here at a pack? well, only time we'll tell they will not on our to san francisco for that's all for now to be sure to check out. com for all of the latest breaking news and updates. and in the meantime, see if i can. yeah, the,
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to take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shepherd, reality distortion by power to division with no real live indians fixtures, design to simplify. it will confuse who really wants a better wills, and is it just shows you fractured images, presented to this, but can you see through their illusion going underground can the, the every couple of
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days they take down the 10. so childrens move on to a new camp, which will be on for just another couple of days before they set off again, romero with every day of the house. well, i mean its changed on my momma. i a wiley actor, the fact it could be bad for the world miss that we live with the city of the staff. i be giving you a call here here. most of the. yeah, i do that the app app or just go select the
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price once i find that i didn't have to collect any of those today. we a little better. the guy before they went to that as a telling it still reflect the best of that. you know that the best,
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the restroom. fantastic. that's what the monthly the, the,
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i just thought i'd like to reduce it. and then and you know, she has some issues on how much we get the key for flight mostly explains another school that of glass one of those nights um, so let me think looks good with no ones. i asked me for some people to read to me
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who says, nights understood the credit from the show. like he said, when she was a new a, do the rest, did a lot of domestic risky as well. but oh yeah, i had to have to discuss the correct the i the issue of of keep those. oh them why i ship. well okay. which applicant? oh looking. yeah. a think looking i and i see the best person. mm . the full 7 children's belong to one big hole. the family. the great grandfather was a wealthy hotel. he owned simself and reindeer,
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the state of utah. socrates seized him and all of his property and viewed his how to set up a state from 10 to now a few generations linked to the 20th brigade of the yacht to sell a state from as 7000 reindeer again. each morning and evening, the men take tons to round up the massive hut. take too long in the rain, the able one to far and wide, especially in late summer. when the animals feast on mushrooms, i know the druid me, you think you engage in what? gosh, thinking in the solution in do you agree with the task these help them to round up the reindeer code without the dogs humans couldn't handle so many animals. the whole process can take up to 7 or 8 hours the
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the address of the furniture. so you just have to those have enough picture where the invest stuff that goes to produce, compare to the gas of the the a message the,
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you know this out. yeah. the you know, stay with the newborn, you know who also know what the go to is, the individual is present the day, which is which now you know, it's gonna need, you know, for the 3. the one is for the digital understand that's what i was assuming. you know, if you have the choice between the, you know, school starts and your thoughts from the new i thought you would see who it's for sure. i would gladly test this data like how to use it. i'm
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waiting for them to get for the use of somebody, the rain d e to like and if the lift degrees in the same area for more than 2 days, the huge hood will consume everything and destroy the soil with that hoops. which would mean no more like in the following year. that's why they always have to keep moving in and look right. and with the sun that there was rich assignments, you did not know mr. still, we wasn't sure if that is pretty good name if the way near, but they really want more bathroom. good. that's why with that the point by saying muscle dealing with which are supposed to be a deposit on the items and must have been funded. and of course, remember the notion so with the others just as of the status and i failed to share with you for the she but the look, she's not gonna be working for. well, if i had to see i could just take the police even pay
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the whole 7000 strong to, to get comb through the menus and the suit to catch the beasts. they need slip pulling bulls of trains to go into the canal from a young age. the age of florida. like there's a oh sure, it's good to marshall at the guy who's the he's and get to use it. that should they should have an idea though for you assessment isn't the for the last a that's a 3rd of those. if i know you missed school, that is a no shift here that that is a real popular. we have the, i was, you know,
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you brought them lunch. do you see this as i was missed? you? hey, will i have other? so that is will i find the door to door? that's the phone video. and it is used today to get a tool with most of the money to publish it. mm hm. okay. it's got some okay. yeah. language stucco. it's a sure. yeah. and usually too low when i pull. yeah. good on is what it? yes, it does blow 100 them through the system goes up, guys. did ask for tobias. i assume more than i do it as quick as this. i do let us do it by a user and they miss them. is that the this is
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a hot that's me. hello, shes this, that ice guys the project photo the doorstep. yeah. what was the score? it was it was a with but you go away. i bought the door. mm hm. yeah. because of the list, the bottom to the place. so that put them aside. special condition doors, but you have to do is go what yeah. the best of the stores like i guess there's the disease or that the oh oh we deal with school right now. i mean the yes the of the new will do. she has the one fitness split, not the tv. i go to 51st another to it's a son telling we did a little
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a lot for school. okay. so sylvia was close it. if it's giving you a dental appointment, it was the deal with a hotel. i mean, you heard that and then we'll be able to wait for so you know, at the origin, you know, and it said no, it hits the,
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the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best ingles, all sun set up the same assistance must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin machine, the state on russia today, and split the r t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center. for what question did you say
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a request to check the the
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whole day of the day. wonderful. your family water special. much better was a still new of she doesn't. if i get from the district a go quickly and you pull the news, mine is not here. literally splitting blue then you just and then what was it the a dozen obviously nearby to see if it should boom for them to good william william mobiles and i would have pushed in order to do more to help us. ok. we also put because we, i love my diet so i can give you the 30 much 30 georgia school there to clarify what was this present before that again, are you good with that? sure that i said that i should should be able to put them on the internet. yeah, ma'am with you guys at the see the deal is what is this for this facility before? yeah, we for the let's just go to put it at school. and
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i've got the show. what do we need to know? show me where chevy dealership and for fear to get on with my and i j worth what it or not. even when that besides most another that's the most which is that correct? yeah. you know, i did my problem a few years ago they started setting up no magic kindergartens in the tundra, in brigades stuffed by women who work as teachers, especially if a dual facility you start to split that to him. what you do. he was basically the tickets for the new book of school. yeah. in the going, it's a physical little was just like you to start. so just give out which will go with
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the vision the end of the last to go to the stand with that me. that's what you can, you know, and i was concerned or not, i've missed a small the silhouette and i will come soon. then you can put continuous the with the up to see there's no you move felt was yeah, it was my 1st session letting you come, this man that i'm, that she's got to do so much. unless you, me, when you're most, she'll do a fairly easy the blow as instead of not getting back to where to pick bestest flight call please stay on the line with you related to yeah, i'm a guy in line with the with as i got the g 6 score looks like it came across, do i need you to book a score? and again, if it doesn't work for the student and it's the most of do i knew what i knew, it would be just wondering if i just the moment i got a nice ok the when you 1st of all casually. but the most of the lead,
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and then you know, usually with be single female, he hopes for what but adult company medical. what's the new the most we was to, nobody knew it was, i mean you most people wish would. i mean, we can do it, but i'm almost assessable castillo gulf. so was hoping you can reach us unless that as well. is that the national safety 50. can you hear me back at the good of what would you think would be the at this stage that is the
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so that's kind of this of the, the, the give them i may go ahead and do the one of the, the people that i have been using the last time we used to so much in the in the now the thing
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is i know the new on the machine and the thing is she is in the this, i'm going to lose this new me or what the flight is going to it's for the day, but there was some of this that the because the model thank you and then for the it that it should bates which do lose you learn? we tested the no, no, no, i thought him to let me see my little video through both types. the items, not that much to figure out a bit of them to keep the logo her name in some local needs. delia:
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but he's dumbly age to them, which the suitcase will cut if they think about any but the slow on your splintering list. that's and then i did though, i would the means the customer does the instead of the mortgage and the gift as well. but it's the 4th of what am i to the cause estimate the lobby, keystone, listening. what the, who did the bible says it goes away with us, the voice and i am offer local stuff. okay. license key stuff and then you said this you through to that, but i'm looking for the latest on the quote itself. okay. who does that include with the 2nd one it says on to the way the
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yeah. lucky, the other sites can 2nd the federal that the as low as the new, which is the member to the so to me and the last 50 c, unless you know that i spent, the sample is supposed to come up. what he's supposed to do to me now going to what's up, what's it going to get these squares? and think of sort of the most fun mission i printed most the night for just the way that you would choose would assume the pressure cuz even go to that then which was to be to the conclusion. those are
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the . 7 the the, the, the, the, the board of the,
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the mobile, the on the, the, the name of the one that was the the uh the, well the, with the way to get us, hopefully they've got a better that'll go through compressed so kind of do a bit of a assessing once in log in, but let's focus on, oh, that's a, that's the training but it's going on. so the, basically the letter that i would use that fire from there. let's get to the next
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one. how does so have a list, i really would come back. i never saw any resilience for her last 2. and you would know there's this, there's a little bit of that kind of, i was like, i'm not seeing it. maybe i'm not sure it's in that flight. facility is if the service and the village i think for the course someone should of it's the many more boys you live grow is there any leaves feel uncomfortable in 2 days? is really because it's, it's become masonic. it's become there right tween and nationalized races and that's why you had the lot of manage just a lot of demonstrations against the current government. the from the beginning of
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this year, the as soon as 2016, numerous monuments to serve as soldiers in poland, ukraine and the baltic states have been destroyed or vandalized fish their stuff, but it must be the most certainly within. yeah. unless or even some others could ask if i'm in the field that's the most on whether it's it's classroom, we're just putting in the police government denies the room of soviet sonya is in the victory of a naziism. and is it raising historical memories of world war 2 is the $48.00. this one is to order. although it did seem the non c regimes, the trustees would remain things in people's consciousness forever. but as long as russell phobia is profitable and brings dividends, you are willing to have a to rewrite the cost. yes. yeah. you've got the, i'll provide i need the seats in the car box. do i need to leave
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it to put it over to take financial babies or evacuated? it's from the i'll see if a hospital in northern garza, that's up to the w h o u monetary emission to gain access to the facilitate. also, i have the, the idea of intense funds. it's deadly strikes on targets in schools, on hospitals, across garza thoughts. so this was 5 minutes to help or he called the high moral standards of his military. and the crowds of protest as bending fury at these really governments and television of to benjamin netanyahu rejected the prison his fault deal with him of some relatives of the health.


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