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tv   Cross Talk  RT  December 1, 2023 1:30am-2:01am EST

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so that's what ties kind of a thing, it's economy partners for assistance and it's 5 to in locating. and so i nice 1st off the block facing has also sub africa, solar panels, and generates as the can be installed at public institutions to prevent power disruptions. the 1st consignment off the equipment donated by china has already been received and said, no conditions that the chinese have placed it. the only condition is that the ones a consignment, lindsey is african government. these are responsible for you, which is why this is a case that i responsible for the storage we and so we're starting to de escalate the questionnaire. so he does in photo that day. what are the industrialized countries a place explanation that he's been on? i mean the next few days with the chinese frequently, i know that's not a difficult situation. we're prepared to have the ones who, who made the determination of the kind of frame technical assistance that we wanted to kind to all say a capacity that you needed from me. these have been good. you the configuration of
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these diesel and a respond of the say of this. ready a genetic test and they responded to all because no, no strings attached to the 500000000 grand worth of energy. technology is part of a joints memorandum of cooperation signed with 5 chinese entities including it, states, utility. the deal was confirmed on the sidelines of the 15 brick summit in august, which i know plates to home so that i forgot what it's crippling energy prices. the prospect. so please use expertise to help so that because any degree is of particular interest, as the system continues to struggle to meet the countries paul with the moans sauce to advocate, good friend pod. net and the browser is china can very much relate to the difficulties faced by south africa. a lot of equipment has already, it'd be shipped to south africa, hosp peters scores. and as
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a tablet is 2 issues. and you have all be up and running the hand over all 4 hands. you the 50 gas. any generators today is only a small part of our whole package. the next, the package of the equipment. wherever you west the one hand you the 50 mini rent, which way include power supply via because these are generators and upsets minus set of p, the stars and the power supply system. this form of corporation is seen as vital for bricks, nations in strengthening ties, as the space of mutual economy, interest, and improve and victory. also collaboration. the menu, promising areas of corporation and the steel states. an example for the incoming bricks nation is in showing them how imagine economies can assist one another philology. i'm not, we'll corn game pizza merits back south africa. ok, i just,
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i'll leave you with some seconds of the situation developing now. northern gals us huge plains of smoke rise over the end. save more on the renew the souls by israel . um its developments in the coming the the the hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things are considered. i'm peter level framing and contextualizing the israel palestine. conflict has always been politicized. and even weaponized. today this is on full display and it is polarizing beyond the mass civilian casualties. speaking the truth about the
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complex has essentially been criminalized, the processing power assign. i'm joined by my guess, lionel in new york. he is a legal in media analyst in san francisco. we have richard hartigan, he is a journalist as well as the author of the book, the other side of the wall. and in sydney we crossed each aloria. he's the editor in chief of concerning him news dot com. i gentleman cross side girls in effect, that means you can jump any time you want. and i always appreciate, i'm going to go to jo 1st because it's 12 midnight in sydney, a true hero of cross talk labor of jo. yes. wouldn't ukraine? we have this conflict now in gaza in palestine and you know, we have an elite narrative and then we have is a go through a civil society across the western world. it's a lot more complicated than what they're telling us. okay. so being
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a pro power split power help for palestinian. does that mean your pro, her mass, but we're told that all the time, which is utterly absurd. go ahead. joe. as well as a good many of american people in particular, i don't want to talk about who are a human beings with normal human feelings. we like to think we live in the modern age, peter, and that genocides of which there were so many in history or thing of the past. but we're watching one, an old testament style genocide, live on tv, and it's upsetting a lot of people around the world. and particularly american people in young americans were going out in the streets and numbers. and not only people, industry, despite and joe biden is feeling the heat in the street in the white house, in the state department amongst his own party members and voters. this pressure from the american public on by and is the only force in my view that could end this genocide very soon. if i didn't get on the phone and said no more weapons, no more money. it has to stop. it's gone far enough. but of course,
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we don't expect that to happen by the way. nothing yahoo! who went to high school in philadelphia and started am i to your massachusetts and was the you and invested israel from israel who up in new york. he knows he speaks, i can put an american accent in english. he understands the american. so i called you, i don't think was coincidence at this 4 day pause, which is now yes, has been extended. thank you. have added a 4 day for day thanksgiving because he knew the american people will be watching tv and he didn't want to show genocide while they were having their holidays. so i think the american people are the ones that get in this and button and nothing you all know this, you know line or you know, the, we have the anti defamation league is going after jewish voice for peace calling them. and ty submit it, can you explain to me how that is even remote remotely possible? i know i'm still trying to figure out jews for jesus. i didn't understand any of this. in fact, what we're doing right now is this is a war of taxonomy,
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appalachians. i am now replaced with my my world used to be trumped arrangements and drums. i know i'm into an is really a gaza derangement syndrome. i have to follow certain pre set things. the site. i'm losing friends. we're doing the same thing. yeah, we're, we're using the word anti semitism. like we use the word racism, it's been deluded to nothing. then we'll throw in zion is, i'm just like, what does this have to do? then we will say, well, this is about religion. and i say, how do you think that troubles and northern ireland were a good product since the catholics? but here's my best one is this, we always talk about proportion. there's no proportionality between what's happening out and what's happening with russia. somebody actually a prep, a prominent person, i'm not going to mention his name actually said i'd said that israel should be applauded because at any time they could go in and just level guys up. i said,
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but at any time put in could go in and level you great. well, that's different. what do you mean? that's well, the feedback, the, that's the point lionel is always, except, except for ok, i'm for free speech, but. okay, let me go to richard in san francisco. i'm going to name some names here. i think they're all pretty well known. dave reuben, alan duras, who with douglas murray, jordan peterson, been shapiro. bar barry wice. well, 15 minutes ago they were all free speech advocates. what happened? yeah, that's an excellent point. i think, i mean free speech, it's kind of generally known that free speech is people support free speech when it's in favor of what they are in when it supports what they are in favor in favor of. i mean, you, you see what's happening to the students in the united states, they're being modeled on to, especially on campuses. it's a really, really difficult situation. they are, they are, you know,
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the right wing is all about free speech. everything as well, free speech, but in this case that has gone completely out the window. yeah, yeah. it's really unfortunate because it shows the hypocrisy that their, their advocacy of free speech was just the score political points or something. and means it wasn't very important to them, jo, in, in, in sydney. well, you already brought up the operative word here and it's something that i think we should always use very, very carefully. but it's not used carefully by the us government, and it's called the word genocide. okay. rocha's committee goes to a jet as like china is committing a genocide. everybody's committee content is like but not in gaza. and that is truly, truly a odious because the i c. c, a, you know, always going after the adversaries of the west. but have you heard anything from the i c c, when it comes to the gaza as well? they've had a file open for 5 separate years now in spot and 2015 palestine,
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when it became unobserved. state filed a complaint against israel. they've been, it was 5 years, a preliminary discussion, and now it opened up in 2021 for good. he doesn't need to wait, carry him con. who is the prosecutor, chief prosecutor, the i c. c. he didn't wait. how long was the green world going on before you indicted fulton? so he can do this right now. he doesn't need for the war to end. and the evidence is overwhelming, and i agree with you the word genocide, for example, should not be used lightly at all. but if you tell me the contents are convention defined in various ways. one of them being quite deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring a physical destruction in whole or part. that's key people to forget about or part . you'll have to kill a 1000000 thousands to be guilty of this. we haven't had francesco been age of the un. rubber 2 are on the occupied territories. another guy who is investigating possible war crimes in this current dodge of war uh for the un human rights council . both of them have talked about genocidal intent in discussion in statements by is
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really officials. i think we've all heard them by now. they're human animals. we're going to burn it to the ground. let them know who is quoting from the old testament . they have made over and over again, the statements disappear. i see she could be doing something right now, but why aren't they? we all know why? because united states putting enormous pressure. what is the most politicized court in the world? they will do anything to stop. israel and american soldiers are being indicted and so far they've shown absolute cowardice to only indict african leaders. and the 1st white man was vladimir poor thing. okay. well you know, a line. no, i'm why, why the bide? why is the biting administration continuing with its policy being asked repeatedly, are there any red lines? let's make sure it's what everyone should know. our audience should know. almost all the weaponry is real, is using right now, is american made ok, america is culpable in this. it is a is as uh, as far as i understand,
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a tony blinking visit the secretary of state, he won't be attending a war cabinet. he will have a seat at that table. lionel is, this is the reason why people are so upset that you can have and you can have an opinion on the palestine question. i mean, it's been around, i look at all of us here on, on this program. it's been with us our entire lives. but when it comes to mass casualties, most people gonna say not in my name line or 2 points years ago, i'm a lawyer back profession. and years ago contracts uses a party of the 1st part party, the 2nd part. and i see just now whatever we discuss, anything evolving is real or palestine because people always confused palestine with whom us because we have to get definitionally, correct. let's just call it party the 1st part party. the 2nd part, if i would just say, let's assume a country did this, you should be able to answer the question there is in, in my country, and i've been in media as we know, brother peter a long time. and there has been through years of, of, of i guess,
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conditioning an absolute 3rd rail patel or, well, recoiling from ever even brushing the subject of the word israel less you feel this incredible kind of breaks on you. all of a sudden that's off. have you noticed how in the world of social media, people like finkelstein and mir shy marie and others who themselves were to load them pretty much outliers. now they're enjoying this incredible research. it's a problem and it's because people want to hear this. and finally, we have an election coming up and jo bye and the democratic party to show you this gets so affective this association from reality. how do they go to their base and say, we are your favorites? we are the, the, the standard bearer of the classic product, typically liberal progressive wing when it, in fact there absolutely indistinguishable from fox news. right. i mean,
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look what's gonna happen to bobby kennedy. yeah. look what's happening. october, the 7 peter change. every thing in terms of labeling nomenclature, political positioning, strategizing, it changed or reset, but it also, you know, line or what it did. also, it reveals who has a moral compass and i think that's the most important thing. you know, richard, you know, we come across this a, a claim. israel has a right to exist. well, that is the most last i got argument i have ever heard in my life is real, does exist. it exists under international law. it is a member of the united nations nation. states have obligations when they are a member of that body here. so i'm so sick and tired of that retort, richard as well. exactly. i mean they do exist when people talk about the right of israel to exist. it's kind of a, it's a very on. it's a strange question. so very loaded question, right? because, you know, known chauncey says states don't have the right to exist. they just exist. yep.
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right, and so when, when you ask a question of whether israel has a right to exist or not, there is a question about, you know, does it have, does it exist, have the right to exist as an ethnography? is there a right for a country to give complete preference to one group of people based on their religion over another group? and that's a completely different question. all right, so now i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on palestine. stay with our team, the the the,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the the welcome back across, ok, we're all things are considered. i'm peter is about to remind you, we're discussing power, assign the ok, go back to joe and sidney joe. i think probably the most pernicious element of all of this is the word zionism,
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and how the zionist have been able to very effectively make a design is i'm in israel and judaism is being one thing, which is not a part and couldn't be further from the truth, ok, zine isms has nothing to do with judaism. zionism is a ethnic nationalism that is very, very intolerant. ok, it's a premises id. ology. let me give an historical, an example for our audience. this is like jim crow. okay. it just called zine is a many different part of the world. and israel, the be extreme white wing, people that are running the country right now are very comfortable in using it because they think the west as, as joe has already told us that in. yeah, i know now who knows this very well that you americans won't, can't see and understand the difference except for american views to see the difference. and they are appalled by the use of zionism in their name. go ahead, joe. of what you write. zine ism, is
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a secular political movement has nothing to do with religion. the old joke is a dinosaur 8. this would think god gave them the promise land. so there's a real problem to conflate, a judaism and zion is my big problem because you could be certainly opposed. design is, i mean that doesn't make you went into jewish, but i go by conflicting it. it gives them coverage to be able to say that anything, any criticism of the israeli government is somehow anti drawers or anti semitic, you know, call and power back in 2000. i think in the 1st you and conference on racism and durbin and south africa was asked to depress, come and visit. and us admitted to criticize these really government. you said, absolutely not. we've come a long way from that. they've gotten away with this look how they've changed the debate. we're nobody's debating about whether this is a genocide or not. it's whether this is at this american not what's going on today . that's a smoke screen behind which israel's carrying out its ethnic cleansing operation looked clearly. they want to kick. they've kicked to rid of all the thousands out of north guards. looks like they're gonna try to kick them out of shop in egypt.
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this is the continuation of the not for that never ended, but it intensifies every once in a while. this is the most intense. it's certainly been since 1967 or 73, that they are continuing the driving of the post to the people of the land so that israel can fulfill ben green's dream that he had in the red house and tell of eve which was to take over all of his dark palestine at that moment they will go for a one state solution theatre and allow whatever arabs to remain together. but just the way the americans gave the american immune that is the stage game of american indians about 1924 sapp enough of them were killed off. yep. it, you know, richard is very interesting. is that again, the way that's being framed, particularly in the west, particularly in the united states, the joe biden and anthony blake, and we have to go back to the 2 state solution. well, just in the last new cycle, netanyahu was trying to convince the little quick look the code party that he should stay in power because he's the only one that can make sure that there won't be a 2 state solution. i mean, american media,
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if it doesn't even realize what's being said on the ground in israel and, and then the state department tries to sell it, the big a will be a mediator with united states is not a mediator. it's on one side, richard. the united states has not been a mediator for a long, long time in this, in this so called conflict. and the double speak is just incredible. let me actually i do want to address one thing about the completing zine is i'm with the or and design is one of the anti semitism. not only is it completely wrong, but it also, i mean, anti semitism is a real problem in this country. and by obscuring that definition, it completely diminishes the fight against true anti semitism. and not only that in saying that and that anti zionism is the same thing as anti semitism, is like saying design is i'm in judaism or the same thing, which is which is itself anti semitic. are you saying these people are saying the
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draft of land and and apartheid are jewish values. that's anti semitic. it's probably into slide level. you were green jump and go ahead. you know, a couple of things i've, i've been israel twice and the thing that people have to see is when you say is riley, their arab is real, is, is rarely, if you want to read what is i, i read something from her read one time to a friend of mine, so can you believe this book is a good? this is a look at his anti semitic path, but i read it and i said, look, no, this was okay. peter gentlemen, i am from the united states. i have been absolutely fearless and sometimes brutal in assessing my own country's brutality, whether it comes from to vietnam or are the stupid wars in iraq and afghanistan. i've had no problem whatsoever. nobody ever called me at the american. nobody. i never have negated my my, my faith, my fidelity, my field due to my country,
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but something happened. sure, that's different. and by the way, the trump, the actual book, when you go on a product, typically classical conservative show, you must ask the following. number one is how much a terrorist or is ation? number 2, do you denounce october? the summit? number 3, this is you will have the right to exist. number 4, what if it were you? how many times do these troll business have to be repeated? gentlemen, there is something which i love and this called complexity. and we, we could take peter, one of your well crafted questions and spend 3 hours to go to what i know or the american media don't have time for that. we speak in a 140 character sound bites, and we need names and yes or no and who's right and who's wrong? this is, i'm going to say this again. the world changed october. the 7th does change the matrix the, the, the track, the, the, um, the mortality of politics, geo political,
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you name it. nothing will be the same from now. yeah. but so i agree of absolutely with lionel. but october 7th, opened the eyes of a lot of people in the world, and that is what's so important here. when i saw jewish voices per piece at uh, in new york and a grand central station, i almost almost brought a tear to my eye because i thought, finally these people are speaking for themselves. israel doesn't speak for all jews in the world. no, absolutely. that's just going to be any silver lining in this horrendous, the uh, the master that we're watching right now. it will be that more and more people in the us and particularly young people especially are opening their eyes to the history of israel and palestine. what the concepts really about and they've given up on the idea that there were no people there and the israel has made the desert bloom when they drove out 750000 people violently from their homes to take over that country. and that process is still going on more,
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i'm up to see that that is the great worry of israel, that they will find out. and people of the world is finding out and the trying to cover up by calling this any criticism of what they're doing, anti shipments. i'm just as we've discussed, and they will continue to do this. i'm afraid that they will, after this pause is over, they're going to hit start the world again and drive out as many people as they can . i only biden can stop this and only american people can force that's the that's what they're worried about. it's joe. but let me stay with joe here is that that's what's really problematic here because you know, joe biden, by his own admission, is a great zionist here. and we have a lot of people is hired a higher up in the administration that are the of the same elk. and i really worried that they, they will not deter netanyahu netanyahu's fighting for his political life. let me switch it over to richard in san francisco. this is about about his personal legacy
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is as well. i am terrified that the war will return in greater intensity richard as well, i think. yeah, and that's in yahoo. i mean, he's fighting for his political life, but he's also, i don't, i, i think the bombing will start again. i don't, i really, really hope not. i don't know. i mean, there's so many conflicting a couple of, i don't know if conflict things, right. we're but there's so much pressure on him, his political life. so the families of the hostages are, are begging and you know, there are marches and protests begging him to, to continue the ceasefire. and i, i really don't know what's going to happen. i hope this thing the violence somehow ends, but i don't, i mean, his stated goal was to eradicate from us. and in fact, i mean that's what he wants to do, but he wants to do more than that. they want to eradicate garza there is a spurious for crime happening at the moment. it's all, we're just, it's always understanding how these things are framed and you know,
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getting rid of him us, but line on wouldn't have been better how to bring peace among all these people here. see that something and aspirational thing is something that could be thought about. but what would netanyahu in, in the us government is just pursuing violence? and that's not going. does it last 75 years, the 75 years of violence has not created a solution line. oh, let me tell you something also here i am in new york. let me tell you what i find fascinating. as 2024 elections. bloom. many many friends of mine who have been part of typically died in the world. classical, liberal, limousine, liberal, upper, west side, whatever you want to call on. they are jewish, and they always align themselves with the, with the prototypical classically liberal progress of rain. now they're finding that their support of israel is being met with violent political and sometimes
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physical violence by people who of 2 way or prior to october, the 7th aligned themselves as liberal. ok. so we're seeing just this, this association. so we're seeing classically, a part of typically liberal jewish, new york, americans now aligning themselves with the conservatives. and you're seeing this complete re shuffling of everything. so i say this again, unless we get, as you gentlemen have said correctly, unless we figure the nomenclature, the operations in the tech's taxonomy correct. when it comes time to vote, you're going to be confused. i'm telling you again, bobby kennedy. pet is a darling to see you rather, we everybody and he has now because a recent event shifted to the right. he therefore could be poaching. vote from trump. yeah. and handing it to the next president, gavin newsom. so this is you name the area, the implications that you say correctly opened the eyes from october. the 7th, everything's different now joe,
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i'll give you the last 35 seconds of the program. go ahead. yes, my fear is that of the paul's, that way of seeing the seas far will continuing to as many hostages of prisoners can be released and then the user will begin it's bombing again and bite. and it's got to make a calculation here. does he risk his re election or the democratic parties re election by continuing to be seen is complicit with this genocide or to the face that the typical pressure of the israel lobby that can primary and destroy political careers? this is the cat goes, he has to make out, and we all hope that it makes the right decision and tells these rallies to stop. well, we know what brock obama side of the way i think it was. a former defense secretary said about jo biden's decisions on foreign policy or as all the time we have gentlemen want to thank my g as in san francisco, sidney and in new york. and of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at r t c. and next time we members prospect the
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the pit the but with good he does go was like court firm, but i was calling to check to see to see, oh see ya need them to see. she must see washing who'd be in the, in the most, i'm the you have to put us on that i can is, i'm dudley. an institution developed dependent on many countries. they have 1300000000 roman catholics around the world. and as they say in america, follow the money that it can guess most of its money from pro western countries. that lot of the nato countries, spain, italy, england, germany,
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as well as mexico and the united states. so it is dependent on you to sort of cult oh stickle grants. and you said you have to deal with rich new. i mean the like no it's, it's very heavy fighting happening on the grounds. in addition to also an air strike on that off. they most south city here is it has a script or they can use an r t 6. people are dead and dozens more injured. following an idea of attack on the go. so according to the palestinian health ministry, about the israel restarts, it's a salt on the and play if i choose and come us of violating the troops, the officially expired this friday morning. or both sides swap, another group of prisoners. we hear from the mother of a release palestinian beach in the days happened as the swedes,
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but it saddens me that all the prisoners remain instead of providing meals. they


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