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tv   Documentary  RT  December 1, 2023 6:30am-7:01am EST

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the did seem to change quite dramatic name is why the phone doesn't to render moody . well, why was that? what's your take on his change? i don't think so that he's particularly fond of the movie. i don't. i don't agree. it just is that the entire bought into your, into us at least once and in good sizing, economic bama and exchange, and also wanted the full history to revise this. and it'll, to mand, is that going through like, by reaching out to india. but i, i think it's a spot offer image making the building any creates and see a feeling that he and of incidentally i met him in a couple of times. and also when he came here, he is even impressive. babbled out and his books on diplomacy and there's some that are very, very readable a lot of very good insights into the united states and for policies and this and that. but uh, i don't think we should make the most of the facts that he's fond of,
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that and the more the no, no, no, not. luckily, he's just as a farmer making events. and as i said, i can not do the like history and is many thanks for speaking to us today. oh, it's great to get your take on things. carlos about from a foreign secretary of india have a good day. thank you. a thank you for joining us. hey, on all t international, as always you can find plenty more on all of these stories and much more on our website on see dot com. join me again in 30 minutes for the the
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january 2023 bills of them. the ukrainian orthodox church was submitted to you credit by spring 2022, a ukrainian activist recording. so keep insured as low road to be recognized as ukraine's main catholic church warranties the wrong with the events occurring in the russian ukrainian conflict and the ongoing confrontation between russia and the west. the
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city near the cost of putting scholarship, funding at closing and planning to spacious name the most. and if the company going has gone, you know, but so low i to what the by jason could buy on this kindly to cheat upset could be more of a monoxide in the sheets of a pistol about the subject. not too good. now, can i have liked to possibly continue exec could mail up soon, but so if not old fashion, that they both have the most gross most definitely senior glendale ability just to be on you have to come from the new office just that doesn't. it covers the chest by definitely, but my name is kirkwood senior to con, like somebody to say of pneumonia and have a structure on may 2023 and the city upfront is received. id me
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a zillion scale. the ukranian presidents had been requesting this summit for 3 years. the meeting last is less than an hour until the escape left visibly annoyed . he dismissed the vatican's peace initiatives. ukraine doesn't need mediators. the agreements, the ukraine and leda had hoped for would not reached the pub, is repeatedly express support for the people of ukraine. 20 for an end to the conflict between moscow and cave, and the laying down to bombs. but as also spoken of russia's interests, disposition on this complex seems highly contradictory. so won't go, is the vatican pursuing, and there's confrontation between russia and the west. the late march 2023. the ukrainian capital also to express some change goes, trying to protect, keep the chance lover, then mainshine,
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the it with get married, just go was, when i was talking to, to measure, to use, to get, to upload it to post on the circuit coach. what must we will do is to put allows how necessary to get possible. scrub budget upfront amongst where injected from. can you put chances, lover on the ukranian authorities orders? historically the monastery came under the most good country on secures dixon. the c c r c. b, m, in the most of those you have to put us on from that to mind this to me, i am working more towards the end of the year and december 2022
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is the landscape proclaimed that should be no religious communities affiliated with russia. and ukraine, deputies in the ukrainian parliament immediately draw through the balance of band the u. o. c l right charges were seized, and congregation members were facing the tear gas was sprayed inside 2 inches by cones was set on fire and 3 square arrested. symphony myers are still in you might be betsy's deluxe, and that's a shake. it is. but did efforts have to know cutting is dylan murder, dumpster fisher store too, or the new york city, as they must have made so much pain in the aging. and took last couple of us let us win yet he says, wretch bus. so to deal with the do not get it took that it just good to go to the stella, but feel it to themselves because they just feel kind of those and then ballistics . probably going to be doing to turn it because it pretty much slip in february 2020 to the vash again and keep negotiated. a special agreement core to conclude
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that which gives catholics unprecedented rights. the deal involves the restoration of old catholic cathedrals in ukraine at the states. expense of catholic schools will also be financed from the bunch it costs. late. church wedding certificate will carry the same weight as a secular one. the chaplain say will be handled by a military bishop, a vast. it cannot points a well this lead ukraine on historically orthodox country was support. is the pope offering an exchange for the country renouncing this traditional face blown to get a national a fema eastern and it's only a global for here or she could then you just go see me and i get there by stickle. if someone sensitive to kind of the class to me and i was just through p at the m o l by shooting event which and so i've got a couple of the, i just thought it's
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a look sorta clip blasting and multiply to scandal. deals can 3 of them, verse 6, for when he goes some way from fastpitch escape, they are sent to shift living in the old and the family has lived in the authentic and for over a century. pietro and emanuel, his father worked for the holy c and the people residence, or the end is at the phone. how it is if unique, fasick and citizenship. there are only $800.00 citizens enjoying the status, which is why and manuals disappearance is regarded as an exceptional case. we've been to a junior me to go to the weight up the cost of the sort a lot for that he got the more weight of that going, tod, do they put up with onto a scenario includes or remember to soon ok. one moment the symbols that have gone through mean to around like, you know, being a, could you call the most appreciate to feed them as you file. now let me close that they simply did, they will on the do you and i did 30 of them. so maybe she, i'm looking for us to go out there. we service suna lujan so you can shoot me the
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condo. yeah. my gosh. it can you put me silver k. there we go. different me. so judy, i couldn't find the have that was i see that the manual. i never returned home. the old and the family filed a police report, but it wasn't registered. neither on the day she went missing nor a week later. and as soon as you validate the state level, the see i gotta be near this. usually what i'm under the judo. one level, those groups are going to be out of $1.00 to $200.00. it will be a lawyer, just drunk that on jewels. so please the following up a little bit and by the way it is city of old judy schools, boomers, they're literally just every single game with us. so that'd be, that's the
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slaves only by stop by and put on. yeah. what was it going? the window and we had so 3 on finally, what on the other stuff down what, what i'm, that's what i would say. there's only valid or no shift or just the value of the media. you have as soon as it goes, that goodness to be this infiniti. i mean, if i spoke with the edge of was input, attentive a to eat it, done by the guy that be suddenly bob stopped doing that. i got seen i should tell you what you're gonna put under. it's another counselor finished. what could be that could be identified? they'll give it, isn't it? i'd be dougherty. how do you either shrink when we'll do it? dave on know, enjoyed showing a little. i don't remember one way like either one of us comes you win or the ups are locked into a little bit 5 bucks. it at least it could add those, these cows. i live a little more than the media. lift gate ship allows into the left instead of bava. we went to the southern together, looked into the problem. john
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kish national may from italy. i'll get you off with serving on live sentence and is totally on the prism. in 1981, he fired a pope, john paul was 2nd wounding him in the stomach pack, chugs numerous, testimonies reclaimed. he'd been hired by this the secret service to eliminate the pope. the motive being the pontiff. antique comment is rhetoric collaboration with police trade unions and undermining soviet police relations. fortunately, surely what your kind of business loan that you are, the it's a good that is just good to play against the love she'll sit on the hm. yeah. uh get the bullying little dish, the piece cup of shift dish. so shit your call at the middle and the minute is a little more just cutting your slice bits, but it's debbie today if there's a buy my own so you don't set order with your gun. is it just to give
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a learner's sent that to me as we have to tentatively, it does to visit you to give it to us, which means you set them going to push it. i mean, if i give them that promotion, you get better solutions for michelle bush were submitted to just the vision. you told me, molly shipping a bit to move by the him, but you can reach me by the 20th. since that i know about and having hard to pin down is the alliance between ronald reagan to publish pope john paul, the 2nd and solidarity and the efforts to change the government in poland at the time. the c, i a, a national endowment for democracy, finald funds from the united states through the vatican, and into poland. they're using crease, they're using religious organizations there to carol money to solidarity. it was the polish people themselves, especially the religious leaders, through the aid of the polish pope. but i do and we took the bucket, i,
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she and i bought that it was nice to be just for almost a whole different things. i look at the starting, the new interest. i just want to switch to come to a girl. i'm going to coin with i let me get out of control. so let's get started to move this around loosely by any but the doors and they would have to simplify. she would do to just do that if does the catholic church carry on this world today? that's the thing and i need to stop by some one. it'll save me because any minus easily, my gosh, kit origin business got the phone up thing is that the system of which a gun you show for us. that's great. name me. see sweets of the prepaying of life to clock us and i should talk promotion and pollution that a lot of dawson on the with the chief but then you just put him manama dish to bring it up on that they'll come back home. he wants to pity me, check you. come always, but it's very to the bushes to not or to not have to be unless that's fine. see if it makes me papa francisco be, are we by jesus easily? is that suicide over to con?
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the always brand is marked to the district didn't not start voicing mesa, so do i give them? i done no crane. and even though i thought about a good thing, each many of us pushed nice to meet ladies. normally ceiling because it's a complete stobel as deals and if i put in a light done this machine, they just use the solution. thank you. first the body, the money they produce the value of jewish state and you know, so that's the name of it. it was this, the village in you, me as i pulled into my system, is there any it isn't that i'm probably just the for the, you know, just to put any of you ever saves for these or what did you but a piece come over, but it really flushed you booked today and that's it a little bit too much to deal with. and then each of us limits have to know can i get what could i is to publish them. that's my next u. k. would be just comment is that it just somebody that sort of suggests that then, you know, just want us to hope that that is probably to create them for the meals don't just as i'm getting put the, the,
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what our solution is in when you have the team and just giving us that or think you might done for you for the children. that's what they'll do the transmission because you may have busted idea of what you to look at in the judge and to good relationship. if i read you cuz the it is impossible to get lost in time,
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wealth comes up in tucker and see for yourself here. several groups are remaining in their own bubble of sorts, surrounded by beautiful landscape and conditions and culture. and if we've come this far, we know that it's going to be worth the journey, the angel a 20. so it's saying the tense of a catholic charities you can reach us appeared on my don. they know 70 offered food and medical aid to the protest as but also gave lake chose you can gather what these folks are about from this leaflets. the proud bulk of a revolution rate. the leaflets handed out on my den, stated old messages here in a blast by the vatican. the middle east definitely is different on the farm on the roof. if we have so many it
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will not be able to pull you hopefully it's going out. in december 2013 vatican envoy card and ocean bone arrived in cave. his 1st stop was my done the mission, the pope was interesting to me is a sign of his unity with the ukranian people, ukrainian states and people are very close to the pope's out. especially close of those who suffer. my mission is to show that this food least is the case called an ocean bone. discussed the main purpose of his visit with ukraine's authorities behind closed doors. a few weeks later, keeper's main square was flooded with students from great catholic the keys. yes to go. institutions, they were addressed by, well known ukrainian politicians by cities shall boone and say, listen to most of and i am one of whom owns only regarded as most the minds behind the might and protest on the wall. so faculty members of the ukrainian catholic university,
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the richard, the what you've done, how can i use it this summer, but almost attending so, so i just show that would you call me when you see if there is just but also i'm not, no great, it's not you i use, come on, you skip to get the chance up on my be me. i will see you soon. you ask it so you have through a particular double just don't space. i'm thinking which across 2016, some ukrainian region started floating. the idea of moving the christmas celebrations from january, the 7th to the catholic date of december, the 25th, according to oppose by the ukraine's resonant call center. between 20132020 great catholics in the country had grown by 6 percent. but why have the ukranian authorities set how to catch all the size, the country? this choose some of them garduno crane, but let's coordinate can. but so in the process log that said couple gray and salt
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in the 4 inks activity, but that's what i show for all the parents liberated president. press going to get bullshit of that. you follow me some wisdom to gifts of greek oppression by jeff cooling off. instead of going up with the push it a scroll up or those eyes image sent landscape in an opinion on which they started saving. they've grown myself. lots of drama. the commercial came from a slab in ok and then they would, i think that's good, that each is going to push, leading the magic and authorities would find it manual. so pietro orlando, took the investigation into his own hands. request stomach. i mean, i've gone through all the, all the info here that's come 1st serve you one way. not only so the, the see, one of them show this as i suggest. so someone and just anybody gonna just tell them about it. so have you seen on file box come through us? no, so here's a quick shop for a while the legal sent in. this is a bill of 10000. i'm lazy. i brought up what it does not work. if i don't one way to send me the data that i meant this gonzalez, the kid,
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i didn't much that will definitely go down because kimberly looked on sunday and in that for simulations, they are now get, i was doing it feel free to either is missing a lot of orlando, a told italian journalist of these facts, nobody could, you know me, mom the care about it. the president didn't go another, otherwise you got to get uh, name. what's new to the castillo. alada ended up in sarasota in categories by the got a lot of those and for them i got even son to get somebody say city walk a so i can read them off because everybody, the vision be 5 to get that. and so fees are 2 of them with us, with all that i wish to joe, not a me fucked, a crystal say, see a vision, you know, maybe that you're not in the body shop immediately. it was stuff with us here on the quote, a little quiz, specify that people, us what and i this boss your level of what i mean by the god or maybe see see of was this couple of this will fish what i meant that in a long little to move your dental fisher though you know, part a lot of people in this room,
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but audio coverage. okay. pull it up instead of the to the bus that will of course, the same on way of the annual deal can be the definitive, i mean to get a little update on notice on somebody that took a look at it cuz it was a 1997 the my new or the case was closed for the 1st time. devotion associated with kenny g. b agents found a plot. but a new version of that goes disappear and sooner due to the initiated to a new official investigation following the publication. but why was no assistance given to the investigators by the vatican? in the early 19 ninety's revelations of catholic praise, sexual crimes began to surface all over the world. in the early 2000, this italian journalist emiliano fidget holiday, conducted his own investigation. he concluded a minute while i had been abducted taken to england,
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where she had been forcibly held prisoner for 14 years, has proved. he cited bills for keeping the girl in the institute of cent boss and nina, in homestead. payments were made from 1983 to 1997 cardinal lorenzo antoinette e. signature is on the documents. there was also an entry concerning the final procedures that is the funeral that to consider the documents with psych this is father gabriel animals. the vatican is chief eggs assist in 2012, he claimed a menu of the old andes disappearance was a success really motivated crime. however, the vatican called his russian mystical, i mean through your stuff it in got a super limited eliano. we're not going to be sooner, but let me tell you in case those of us come 1st serve you meant a way to tell me the voters who came on what i guess would be the most. i'll leave a little bit of the the don't, don't others. so now the download $3.00 to a quote. cool. no idea when we did it, the woman dodge
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a little bit. so try. so you've got to get funny. they've got a lot of different, you know, i mean the most, i don't the story and i like, what do you all know if would for several years and the vatican's all kinds of libraries in 1986, he was commission to recreate and ancient mosaic. the one of brazil's catholic churches collaborated with a vatican. this chief artist, mancha rupe nick dylan slips and grapple. she'll slouch even up, we'll see if they must have a couple of them nearby, i guess as low as you will. but i bought the dish semester board in a row x scratches the new us here, the remember with the car and what our car sales to schedule. sure the reading is here shortly through the key 6. so i need to put in a promotion cuz she was trying to figure out some nice fishing register for making a pretty big. so i'm gonna pull up on that. you just mentioned 30, ask this one or just the smartgate more schedule because i'm not used to what the process might be, and i just use your instructional. what's it?
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what's to use risk just just 3 drawers very far from. we're going to start to shift to obtain the proper fransisco scope when i want to show explosions will start crisco, which is, you know, a couple of awards and took up some good 3 or just shoot up some styles in 2009 in the diocese of dump it in some 50 pres, with suspected of child molestation. 10 was convicted in 2011 in the netherlands. it came to light. the priest of a dutch catholic church could abuse thousands of children. moreover, some of the crimes being committed back in the middle of the 20th century 2018 in the us state of pennsylvania, detectives lowest a huge investigation into the molestation of thousands of children by more than 300 catholic priests. pennsylvania is chief prosecute, the judge shapiro said the poking silva tried to hide these crimes. a series of accusations of sexual abuse as seriously undermined the vatican's authority. so
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alex gonzales, but the next good said good bye and safe. a couple really can't go any, could i need to ask the stay on the day with interview up and there are some of the machine you go good, but this option, but it's a line that i've left shift to pena chose to go 6. so i'm not like no carpet the single thoughts placed yes. can you put your proper sales truck but don't have a name for tonight? the 6 units have the right to be on a family that the children have gone to have that right. no one should be excluded . what we must do is pass a little on civil unions fearful homosexuals will have legal protection. because of that, by francis i thought it was less, you know, at that point. so, but i suppose that totally get back to the place the most of the success, or at least it doesn't, that's i feel it doesn't increase the postal photo, moser, loving incontestable. if any of that split that video. so it's getting the really,
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what it said is part of, of, of, of what is important. the shapes we have a whole number that each has spoken of associated with the punch. if it's made similar statements before, here's what you said on a visit to brazil in 20. so that's a one. and one is there is i've repeatedly receive letters from people of a homosexual orientation who sent that society cruelly hudson. these people constantly feel the judge has condemnation, though i believe that should not be so the current pope has made some sensible staples, but at the same time we send remarkably stupid things like promoting the or the l g d p to. yeah, i don't harm them, let them do it. what they want behind closed doors. they don't make it part of a situation which i or anybody else would have to accept and then embrace their way of doing things personally. glad each thought of something like saying your product
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fail, it's uh, but it's in my boss to ship conclude english is up with my a delegate at the institute. see me since i've been spending on commercial excel and but that was a boiler, new friendly institute product to show it to come from, but also as well as what do i do so, and they say on this to me take them. so they deals a model. how do you of the source talk you've to which on this at the east of the dates on the ball go to a to be we to come them know, just leisure this cause of the messy i think excess. i'm not sure i'm almost to, according my new city police and you'd be surprised at the league toner phones to sit down. most of us probably on the schools when you close to the city of k, h, a noise, the interior, the goal is 9 to the sun and one dependence on this end, the extension night is by the end of the actual play at the the end of the key set, the wash, the populating scheme, title, sort of like a bush. i suggested the stop looking at flash media from people's lives,
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people each and i'm needing it for which i still think that 1st time with frontier secure the price of life, a victim of the property is going to for the set by the us to us up of the one to your computer. so the other side of nice to change out the more than what watches for finance. it would seem you don't have to pick one particular wise by system. it tends to peer of those po for on says promised appraisal. here's the, here's the the, [000:00:00;00] the
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as a result of why laws can be started by law, peace can be expanded by a true importance of what could never be of a station. so that transparency is extraordinary. john mystic patrice then just succeeded in finding documents that existed in making them available to the world public. i mean, what could be more boxed by publishing information and sharing information with the public? he was exercising the right to free speech. he did so in the public interest, walsh, this are mom realized tends to me. uh and, and, and honestly, to relate to seriously i'm, i know why advice may assume that no one who is the guy that illegal anymore wisely. fort adjustments, particularly for to be on box weighing
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a 175 used to go through. since it's all we going to lift that, stay at the side. now it's very heavy fighting happening on the grounds. in addition to also enhanced like off the most solid city here in the script, how this time seems at least 50 full people are killed and dozens more injured under the renew the idea of ongoing as well. acute this amount of violating that 1st on which expires on friday morning. iphones rings out all across congress. i'm up to sit 5 inch said that i was asleep when i heard the sound of folding stones. after that i heard my students voices. then i heard people starting to dig, i don't know what happened to my sons and daughters. i rushed out into the street without even putting on my clothes. this is the nature of these,


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