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tv   News  RT  December 1, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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the the last 7 days of choosing the media does it get to managed to extend this and very human insights, fire policy, man authorities say at least 109 people have been killed and dozens more injured and made renewed idea of strikes on gaza. also had chosen to hold on to women amongst will now take the mother. something's israel says her mazda will face a major strike for taking it. citizens paused as bombs continue to rain down on god, the civilians face a mounting catastrophe. i was asleep when i heard the sound of folding stones. after that i heard my servants voices. then i heard people starting to dig. i don't
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know what happened to my sons and daughters. i rushed out into the street without even putting on my clothes. this is the nature of these were the only option i say . so malia, thanks russia for its 1st free delivery of $25000.00 tons of freight thing. the assistance has arrived at a crucial moment and you create in president vladimir is a landscape publicly admits the counter offensive was a failure. meanwhile, the russian defense minister discloses the human costs of ukraine's failed endeavor . the coming to you from las go, this is our to international with the latest and world news today. i'm sure elizabeth, welcome to the program. and we begin with breaking news from the gods of war. at least 109 people are dead and dozens more are injured. following the latest round of idea of the tax across cause us according to palestinian authorities. now this
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is the 1st full on assault following a 7 day trip is, as israel now says, it has were started the war. these images show the aftermath of the idea of the bombing of the southern gauze and city of con eunice, multiple residential buildings for almost entirely destroyed multiple children were among those injured in the latest attack. there now being treated at the mass or medical complex locals were called pear. fine moments before the strikes the idea. we were to listen to the news when the bowman started home was destroyed . this is the 2nd time we've lost a house to bombing. this is the nature of these, were they all mean? what more can i say? i was asleep when i heard the sound full in stones. after that i heard my students voices. then i heard people starting to dig. they had come to pull us out. we were
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sleeping at home. i don't know what happened to my sons and daughters. i rushed out into the street without even putting on my clothes. the entire area where we live has been completely wiped out off the 7 days off to sing. gaza media says they didn't get to manage to extend this and very human, very and ceasefire since early morning 7, the ones that i the saw the ration from the north and the south in the middle of the evening. so far away from the hospital from stain on most of the hospitals there's 2 s right. explosions was very low and we have seen the smokes. the hospice it was across the gaza, sir. they're working now and they actually meeting the emergency plan. now we start hearing again, is what you need drones. we start seeing thousands of casualties arriving to the
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emergency section and 100 of injuries arriving to the hospitals right here to the hospitals, across the garza in the north, in the south. where across the gaza strip. it's very necessary to mention that there is thousands of people should start using 5 a mazda of how they're building their sun stents. and they say in a very difficult situation, especially winter is very slow. another area that has been struck since the idea for zoomed it to solved is rasa which is located in the very south of gaza, close to the border with egypt. some of those killed or injured in the bombing are still thought to be under the trouble with locals, continuing to search for survivors us, and made the resumption of hostilities. the armed wing of her masi,
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aka some brigades, have announced that they have restarted operations against the adf is really government has blamed the new cycle of violence on her moss. and a media briefing, governments spokesman, eli levy says that since the truth has expired, israel claim tomas will face a major assault and retaliation for taking is really hostages. and if anyone thinks that israel is going to allow him off his sadistic evil to stoke this of a day longer after this, will they underestimate the power of our humanity having chosen to hold on to women? how most will now take the mother of old. some pigs please, early spokesperson earlier today said that this is a very clear equation. release our hostages and the war will not proceed. refuse to release the hostages and the world will proceed in a mighty way. currently in gaza. and it was that a or some us terrace organization told me. busy than
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a 120 is really hostages. 20 and then women and a number of children. and this is just not acceptable and israel will not solve. and what's interesting is, is that israel knows that by dropping bombs in roswell, not only do they take a chance of killing innocent palestinians, they also take a chance and killing innocent is really that's a chance that is also going to take because no more for israel put off with a service organization on it's more part of the agreement to continue the ceasefire was for home. off the supply is all with a list of 10 hostages that they plan to free the following day from us last night refused to do so. and therefore from us has broken the ceasefire. and israel today is 7 in the morning began to pound from us points of the militants, as is little said from the very beginning. there are 3 uh, 3 uh points to this uh, this, the military operation. the one best to get back on hostages. number 2 is to
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destroy from us, and number 3 is to make sure that the guys upload is no longer under threat from, from us. so it's one of the points cannot be pursued, which is freeing the hostages because come off is breaking the ceasefire. then they're going to proceed from us and try to destroy some us and mean that you think crisis ahead of the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees, fierce a nation is on the brink of a catastrophic. so nami, i'm very worried about entering winter, having seen the impact of the siege. having seen the weakening of the man and see if the people have to such a war. that deprivation and suffering that we might be on the eve of a perfect kind of humanitarian catastrophe. tsunami. now, one of the fuel gauze and hospital still operational and facing an influx of wounded civilians is a european hospital. and con eunice medic say, hundreds of wounded people have recently arrived at the facility,
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creating challenging conditions for medical workers. some patients say they have not received the treatment they need and are struggling to even sleep properly. a man, a model of i fled my home in by lock. yeah. and move to that for, for us closed. but the also cut off in the tax that we're stuck into portable conditions to before they could transfer to the remain hospital. and so here we are holding that no one is operating on all wounded legs. we've been left to enjoy all the pain relief as we're just waiting to join the assessment. that is meant that he said that that we can't mentally managed to sleep for 4 hours a day. we rely on pain and he lives out on the plan is exhausting. they've been treated, but all who are not healing. and then the 2nd, well we want is pain relief to be able to sleep for a couple of hours. now we really need more treatment. and then i'm, i forgot to go to mazda a quote form or advisor to palestinian prime minister. salam cyan says the humanitarian crisis and gaza has become so severe. it can be called
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a genocide. that's what's fine button on the ground. it's obvious manager, the size commented by that is really, i mean, what is going is there was that there was to person departments feelings i the settings are all to this place to another basis. i've seen that the failure on extending the tools between the, the, as it is and the c. yeah. does this affection is about shaleigh events or not? so the community that a jeweler, cindy, just before 2 or 3 weeks they've decided that on the screen is, is a need for to yeah. and the festival fussing. yeah. i remember getting an aide in do the biggest in including all major workmans. i worked out a etc. and by the way then nothing past to like i said these that as
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ryan is repeated the same of the 1st day. what's how there we are in areas. yeah. i mean, i'm going to tell you of us for a fee, which is really as i is planning to have the set them back about and the web is not opposing as of as right. so it's a good as soon as to groups, she's fair to all the past to any up to that you can a solution. i see all of them on a part of which suckers. and on the last day of the ceasefire, 30 palestinians were released from is really presence. archie spoke to the oldest woman released as part of the swap deal. she told us her story that is coming you coming you on august 8th is riley soldier, storing my house, destroyed everything and confiscated my car. they beat up my youngest son and arrested him. they didn't arrest me at that time. on september 4th,
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when i was sleeping, they broke and again, all my sons had been arrested by the time i woke up to see these rarely soldiers above my head. they took me under arrest and i was sick that day, but they never cared about it. they also didn't care though my grandchildren were there. they cost my hands and took me to jail. there was no invitation. they told me i should get a lawyer in for prison. they beat me up and i later they contacted my lawyer. the next day they transferred me to demo presents and we're all i was held for one month and 3 days before the 7th of october. sophie had coverage as of october before october, 7th in prison. one would have no rights. we wouldn't be allowed to see family and we had to ask for permission for every action, including eating and sleeping. at any moment it could be taken for interrogation,
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in case or sick. they would only give you one tablet of parts in a month after them as attack, the situation became far worse. they took everything from us, including our clothes, bed covers, radio cooking device, even the food that we bought with their own money. the bad is from buying anything from the can seen. even the drinking water was confiscated, we had to drink from the toilet tops and were allowed to take a shower once in 2 weeks. they were torturing us, or all the new girls brought to the prison were forced to humiliating naked inspection. they were abused and threatened with rate and how were we were beat to not dropped and sometimes they fly to your guests and us. some of my do mates felt at some point that they will die in waterloo, and again to send you prisoners would tell us about the resistance actions and directions. they said we might be released soon,
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that you minutes of the resistance was getting has hope and joy as these really torches, where scaling up. we understood that the resistance was hitting them hard. unfortunately, until the moment we were released, they were humiliating us. the international risk preston workers who were on the bus with us after our release. so how bad we had suffered and how stopped we were the scenes of the gaza destruction gave us much pain. our only happiness was to see that the resistance wants cold, the owner of useless rockets has stood against the all me there was believe to be defeated will or if i'm not going to know how to say, you know, maybe small, many of us see doctors that we didn't expect that the resistance is so powerful and we would be able to release a so soon i didn't know i was going home until the moment the buses arrived and the college came to the yard. so they told us they didn't want to hear any joy from us for those who would be released. and as i was the last one to be quote number. so
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they told me to take my hands of the sound or then cost me and said i would be freed as of an item. unfortunately, the world has only now started to realize what palestine and his issues are. it's only now that they have gotten an understanding of the terrible conditions we're letting on to any people in the world, existing auto renew, occupation have the right to resist those stating the land. we have the right to resist some of us to resist with words. some are supporting our cause, and some are like a resistance groups in gaza, like custom and other groups who resist with weapons. there was someone to be called a terrorist. then it has to be the occupation forces their own histories pulled at their crimes of killing each other to push people to emigrate to palestine, former israeli prime minister, golden. why herself confessed that before the war,
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she was a palestinian. this is clear evidence of protest on his for palestinians and protest . i cannot be divided. it is our a ride to reserves and bring our land back. we are not to have a risk. if not, we will continue our resistance. torre last press is that i'm spend every saying to release prisoners and free our quotes in our holy places. all free people around the world had exposed israel, and the ease riley steaks have become to me. and now for some positive developments in africa, a russian cargo ship with 25000 tons of grain has arrived. in the somali and capital, mogadishu, rushes and basset or to the country visited the c port for the official hand over of the brain to somalia is interior minister. the cargo is part of a humanitarian, a package. following this months, flooding in the east african country,
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which has killed more than 100 people and displaced over a 1000000. moscow says a 2nd batch of grain will be sent to somalia. before the end of the year, somalia expressed gratitude for the assistance saying it will help thousands of its citizens in their time of need. a. as in bob, we like many of the african nations foot secuity remains of pressing concern a combination of factors including political instability, climate change, and a global foot crisis has left millions funnel both hung up, but in july 2023 russia upstairs to the next 50000 tons of green, the peace of the 6 african countries, including zimbabwe. this move comes as a response to the global food crisis. a call which many as in bob winds across the country have welcomed with open arms. on other significant game change that the russia africa summit addressed is the issue of what security is involved with. in
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particular, the severe shortage of fed lies due to the global supply chain of disruptions and rising costs. many farm husbands and bob we were unable to access the fed lives that they need to produce sufficient meals. but there was in, there is now a renewed sense of hope. after the news that russia has sent and delivered 25000 tons of weeks to somalia, and bob wins are now waiting in the hope that the french lies in green will increase the landlord country before the planting season spots the more by russia to deliver free grain and fertilizer is a testament of the countries unwavering support of the african country that dates back to the 1970s. what can you tell us about the steel is how much grain does the rest have time to send to africa? so the signature of russia has indeed fulfilled its promises and has already begun delivering fee green check for 2 countries. as the problem is the vice president,
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florida, me, puts in small. yeah. and put, you know, also have the 1st 2 african countries to benefit from the donation. is that the 1st time ships carrying $25000.00 times each football and the whole somalia, and 15 as possible. i've already touched on on the african continent. and since the start of this week has been a way to me or drivers because it was said to be at the end of november, the beginning of december. now the whole no fast, because the one of those beach is most vulnerable to climate change people. this is a great move that is seen as one that could help and lived the to the situation for many of these african countries because it's for the 1st time this year, somalia was pushed just to do talk about the international rescue coming to the emergency watch listed as a devastating drought coupled with the fixed up for 3 decades of conflict and created a catastrophic food crisis on that day in the,
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off the continent. 10 months before president put to the made this decision. somalia found itself was in the midst off. it's a good condition to failed the rainy season and by mid 2023. this yeah, over a 1000000 people which is medium off of the population but live being through crisis levels of, of food. you security as a country. let's face things and impending simon and well discusses what take you place the app all to be black, see green deal grand forms. a very important part of the component of off after you kind express the to mind is rectitude. as we have heard to the minister of international, i mean information, culture and tourism alongside the minutes talking to area was acknowledging russian government and president, polite to me, to push it would be a sub towards saying that to this donation is the largest and they've recently received the suitcases, that's a russian government, a deep understanding of the crisis. so monday's basic because as well, no,
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not having enough grade brings the rates of what time died. politically, stupidity in places like somalia, olivia, thank you. let's cross over to timothy and now some of the african food security was an integral issue. and the failed grandbill negotiations between calvin mosca just how significant then all these russian grading shipments when it comes to type play this immense problem. now $200000.00 tons of brain scott is what russia search be was going to sign. so i figure by uh, brushing price and probably put in dar in the rush hour because somebody sometime in july and out. and there are 6, perfect. and based on that, you must go said, are the most in need of these green is that will be received into brains. and we understand from the a ross. yes, agriculture minister that, you know, walgreens are on the way to these african countries including reach r,
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as in bob with bali. and the central african republic now is happening october for our shop pulled out of, you know, the blacks, the green deals that was broke broke. i try to keep it in 2022. the idea behind the deal is to enable ukraine to exports. uh, you know, great pains to market around the world, including to african countries, up to 4 countries and band. but then along the way, russia are to use the western countries. i'm continuing to make it difficult for them to explore fluid and fertilize a despite russia shipping to their on and off. i'm probably being, it's a bit of extra and they go to paradoxical picture, emerges on the one hand, western countries are obstructing the supply, all green and fertilizers. and on the other hand, i will say frankly there are people, critically blaming. as for the current crisis situation in the global food market,
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this approach was especially clearly demonstrated during the implementation of the so called green deal. cloud me put in a rush it out to you for a visa, uh shipment for you. grace to africa only goes to show with that block she is, i'm trying to strengthen its bond with the continents. and this comes at a time when there was a growing anti west sentiments. intercom domestic speaking up against on the west, on pain flies in spain and the african concept. so this is, it just goes to show that russia is trying to prove itself as some, you know, dependable upon these fabric a nation. and yes, these greens will go a long way to be able to get depressed someone big issues around for the security in africa. we spoke to lubin to have a soccer director of the university of zambia graduate school of business, who says that africa has no issues with trading with moscow. and he's speaking
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a new payment system to avoid dependence on swift. i don't think that, you know, we expect to see him to do that to me, to the new because well, he says not friends that to that. where, for example, one. but i shuffle students uh its uh, no form uses. uh, for example, russia allowed by searches no cheap, but you know, to use the brand to fit the lives of that stuck in your, in for the sun. that's where i pledge the boat towards lots of stuff. so i'm just going to be a big data smart to do it, so as to what the, what the sick lives of. but i forgot to talk just needs to be able to pull the full be able to. it's all important diesel uh, by catching most uh, you know, a rush off of the sweet shoes and the brush and bunch of the street system becomes
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it very difficult. slotskum kind of has to do business. uh, we just recently rushed out. and uh, you know, these phones with dis, between these done with the rest of the, uh, the uh, you know, country is sebastian. and the of the guys, most of them is special its its way above. so we don't see that as amount the logic to try to input, but it is the function itself is wisdom binds, wanted to want to do business with by. so there's a lot that doesn't want to involve uh that incense, although, and so unfortunate smith belongs to the west. and so the people of africa and that he does like speak to you uh, you know, system where we get big payments outside suite. the, let's say that to the conflict and ukraine were, keeps failed, counter offensive. has seen over a $125000.00 ukranian troops lose their lives in just half a year. these numbers come from russian defense minister survey. sure. we go of
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the more than 6 months of the so called counter offensive. the enemy has lost more than $125.00 thousands. man. i'm 16000 pieces of military equipment. russian troops are influencing an effective and decisive defeats on the ukrainian armed forces. as a result of the combat capabilities have been significantly reduced, it's a grim picture that even key of itself knows it's no longer useful calling it russian propaganda. i mean, now even zelinski himself is admitting that the counter offensive has failed to deliver results. and he says that the west is to blame. we're finding the 2nd best army in the world, and we didn't get all the weapons we wanted. i can't say i'm satisfied, but i can't really complain either. admission is a huge deal because it comes after 6 months of the landscape trying to convince the world that ukraine's war effort is all going according to plan. now he's trying to downplay the seriousness of ukraine situation by praising ukrainian troops for not
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retreating and mass. despite facing ridiculously high casualties on the battlefield, we're also seeing a lot of talk about peace in the mainstream media and western political circles. while there's also, uh, actually been a plan for a new conscription and ukraine that was aimed at rectifying ukraine's manpower shortage. that's been sitting on the president's desk since june of this year, actually in direct defiance of ukraine's military leadership. but it's also very likely that's a wednesday himself even knows that even a plan for new conscription is not going to solve ukraine's problems. something that is former advisor said publicly you go to the most of the sudden you've just been a lot of talk about certain difficult decisions regarding mobilization when a description h as low as along with the shrinking amount of west to supplies. we'll see a significant increase in losses because we will have to stop russians because we'll have to stop them with machine guns and i'll own bodies. these decisions so showed to be extremely unpopular for the political leadership. so with
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a fight and continuing to re john and ukraine's internal problems continuing to grow, it looks like he is going to be in for a tough time in the near future. a me, molly form or ukraine presidential advisor is among those confirming that key of and moscow reached an agreement back in march of 2022. adding that he doesn't understand why calf decided to drop the deal. boeing to pressure from the u. k. that's as the russian foreign minister said, that neither t of or the west are interested in seeking an end to the conflict. the list of the people that says to start in the political process and ukraine, it takes 2 to tango. but i've done partners in the west, don't want to time go with us. they draw the breakdown since that's and that's it done. so you can only do solo and agreement was reached at the end of march and the stumble after several rounds of negotiations. this was recently confirmed as facts by someone that participated david out of time in there was
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a member of the crating delegation in the stumble. and the reason seems to be reset . yes, we were ready. almost everything was agreed upon. but that virus johnson arrived and said, no, let's continue fighting. since then we have not received any signal from kids. all that must is that they are ready to move forward to a political process. we'll set you up with the china has the kids, the us of aggravating tensions in the south china sea and apparently instigating the philippines to do the same for its own selfish interest that you asked engages in disruption in the south china sea issue in colleges and suppose the philippines in infringing and causing trouble and aggravates maritime 10. since history has proven many times that us since events since only make the situation worse, we strongly condemned the wrong actions of the countries involved in promoting confrontation of on demand and piece of stability in the south china sea. and urge them to be cautious in their words and actions. the chinese military will take
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resolute and forceful measures to the sound, the counselors to rhetorical solvency and every time, rights and interest. the philippines and the us conduct the joint military drills involving air c and ground troops. but the keystone of cooperation between the states is decades old military agreement prancing washington, the right to have its military personnel and bases on the islands. we spoke to all see on youth organization, representatives in the philippines. daniel who go santos, who says the agreement does not benefit his country. if nothing really benefit the philippines in a lot of things, that there may be pros and thoughts, but it's more of a disadvantage considering the geopolitical situation between badging and washington. so we're getting in the middle of this, which we're not supposed to be into a certain level of pressure here that we see. so for example, it's not related to china, but for example, the, for the beans. let's try to buy arms from russia. i think it doesn't have the golf
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course, the phase, remember correctly. and there are for us, afraid of secondary sanctions from the united states. so of course, if you ask about the pressure there should be in history of pressure, per se from washington. the philippines who would want to cooperate the china the most actually because in terms of the economy, china is the biggest economy in the region. that's up bothering up telecommunications just in the trade and everything may chang is a very beneficial for example of developing roads initiative instead of his benefit in rec, bridges and at the cartridge back then bill has been built initiative now it's bills back more so as a rising middle power, the philippines would rely on the development of the country and the belt and ruling initiative is very useful. explosive comments made by the late former us secretary of state, henry kissinger, have re.


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