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tv   News  RT  December 2, 2023 3:00am-3:30am EST

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the, the, the, the, the sun, grief spread across go. the other is really bombings. returning to the enclave at least 200 people have lost their lives since friday, according to palestinian authorities. and a local journalist spoke to us from the territory side in this vicinity. what i bought lots of hospice and has one to 5 times. i'm going to have him stop brushing back and forth. people out of scott sitting in k of not knowing where to go and not knowing where to sleep. that's going worked with us. the renewed idea of a soul came just minutes after a 7 day cease, fire expired guitar. so he's, it's in swaps to mediate anew fruits. it's really officials reportedly say they're
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preparing to consider it. plus, the protest in support of palestinians erupt across the globe with crowds demanding a permanency far too. and i don't think the, the pause was humanitarian at all. it should be a permanent base fire. it doesn't make sense to bomb. all these people kill all these people and then just be like it's okay, we'll pause and then immediately go back to killing people. and that's the death to rise in cal, this south african president. bruns is really offensive in guys. i work crime. we here exclusively on this conflict and other issues from a former leader of. busy nation to the i think the, the, the is there any government is consistent, they've been working, but they believed it was a got to do this every month on the west bank to undermine and the possibility for
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the mega as of that 2nd, 2nd state the for almost 2 to the world. this is your r t international rate to have your company. my name's units on the flourish or lining up the gallons this sky line as israel, rump saw, it's a sold on the and save the southern city of con you this, um the trip all the a refugee camp in the north have both reportedly come under renewed fire, the idea of saves it for more than $400.00 targets inside gas or overnight, and that's released this footage of it's or strikes. you're also claims to have successfully struck come us infrastructure, including underground sites and they come from center. well as you can see here and i'm up, the idea is bombing areas all across scouts that tax of intensified in the north
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hitting the city of bates, her noon, the jabante a refugee camp. while the southern hopes of come eunice on the rough uh, on the border with egypt have been targeted as well. that's the spike. these really government previously designated large parts of the saw the safer rear telling simply and in fact the fleet are from the north. the while in the north itself, mourners are gathering up the out of the hospital in kansas. locals, which you can see, and sean renewed, is really on palestinian officials say at least 200000 something failed since the idea of resumed its bowman campaign on friday morning. that's after the 7 day truce expired with israel blaming. come us for the breakdown and talks to expand distressing images from the southern city of what offered to locals and rescuers helping, scrambling to find survivors and meet the ripple of bummed buildings for the
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emergency services and hospitals struggling to cope with a mazda of influx of fresh casualties. i want to show you as well. the neighboring city of town unit, a number of children and other civilians rushed to medical sites after residential areas came on res, really fire years with one survivor hub. to say hardaway next week is really slow and that the time when people were searching to be in their homes, which means that they wanted to kill him commit messages. it's really use it off to the friday prayer. people gather in the home 3 lunch. so they waited so peaceful residents to come back to their homes, and then from being time neighborhood, the buildings collapsed on people from women and children. get these notes in life . you have exposed yourself and your country in front of the whole world. children are dying because of you throughout the day or canadian, tell us the nature of this month for a few months. so this how the situation is on folding in southern gas. as you can
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hear, the above realized now spied drones are buzzing around us. air strikes have not stopped us to like just hit. now if you can hear the difference now is that it is very similar to how they would like you to visit the city right now. it's just not, it's not just a single ad stripe or a single budge from the see the that the boxes, the but the ships and the seats does not have them strikes. that's one type. we call it. it's like events, but he does have it in buildings at one time. at least that's have also been brought down to the people of kind eunice head even though that's kind of who this is now i bought to the zone and that they should leave had units as soon as possible to remain safe. my going for the self, the humanitarian situation here it is very dire. yesterday, for example, i tried to go out and look for some foods and couldn't find any people that owned me a guy asking me, what can we go next?
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where is it safe to the hospital in its vicinity? what i'm a lots of hospice and has the one to 5 times. i'm good. it says haven't stop crossing back and forth. people are scott sitting in k of not knowing where to go and not knowing where to sleep going where to address. unfortunately, it seems that even so that all of the go fusions happening. water has starts as again, as people have to be adjusted again after going through some kind of piece over the seventy's lacrosse and the westbank palestinians are also dealing with escalating violence. the u. n. has registered more than 300 attacks by jewish settlers there since from offices october 7th, a sold on israel. us, according to the world bodies report says really, aggression in the westbank has resulted in a at least 33 casualties. and many cases, property of the victims was also severely damaged while another pol us to be and
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mom was recently shot dead by a settler. the city of numbers is family. so can just do this. so my children still can believe their father is gone and will not return. my son with soc is going out to search for him. i hope that my husband's rights will be recognized, that people will know the truth of what happened. we were on our land when they attacked us. how that would happen to us does not happen to other families. one of the problems the shipping on here's for amolla pace, journalists, mohammed the team with more on what's unfolding there in the west. but since 7 october, the rescue as significant this collision invested most well, especially when banks writing national security industry, some of the beautiful stuff connected more than 20000 guns for it. but it's not as if it was a bank to to protect themselves and defend themselves. as the said against the serious, but they use it, i will just use it. and i think of a lot of seniors on the killing them and the preventing them from using the roots
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and those bank and the rising them beyond night. so the article does by the if they pick and go over lance, the talk, but nobody kind of hands on the left of us here and there, but event, but a scene is going back into that one of the, from the, uh, the ups on the farms out on the system on service the season this year. um the the sheriff's office when he got off the phone said less and that it says believes that they are backed by. that is why the government, as which is most that you guys can still find this all the time to support and then visit domestic limits when they go back to home is between numbers and janine and always show support for them. so that once you have somebody sensitive in october, or i'm under this event, a discussion by the i, if, as well as both of us as most of the same time. meanwhile, israel says $136.00 hostages are still being held in gal set, including 17 women and 2 children. 5 people have died while incompatibility, according to the idea of what saves it, how to rub up. it's so offensive to put pressure and i'm asked to hand over. the
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remaining objectives from the members of the hostages are expected to demonstrate against that run fall in tel aviv today. some locals in jerusalem, say the police report, the restart of the one we have no choice back to punish i think the main goal has to be defeating some us up routing. come up and ending their rule. and as i think guys have 1st of all for our safety and for palestinian safety, that's why the see if i had to end, i'm happy that it was in a happy that it will since the abrupt in to the 7 day truce in gas on fridays thousands of taken to the streets of jordan's capital protesters say they want to
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express their solidarity with the policy ending in place of facilities. reason. demonstrators were seen marching with posters, readings free, palestine, as well as tempting slogans in support of gals and the crowds demanding a permanency supplier be put in place for the in buffalo springs. well, this is washington d. c. where protesters gathered outside the really embassy proving published and in flags, and that's the hosting the names of those killed in cancer. they later joined in per, in front of the embassy states. the united method, tier 2, with people saying the resumption tomatoes, it is no answer robert frontier. i don't think the pause was humanitarian at all. it should be a permanent ceasefire. it doesn't make sense to bomb. all these people kill all these people and then just be like it's okay, we'll pause and then immediately go back to killing people 3 hours into the end of
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the seas. far and the blowing of residential neighborhoods to go to the field trip again. and that's the thing like, it's not a war when you're just blowing up demolishing. oh, it has vision, all schools killing people when they are event. so there is so then it's just constant. every human is regardless of the race and nationality and religion. well, as global are great spread sides african presidents, serial rama pose, it has the cried israel's actions in guns of the comp 28 climate summit in dubai. south africa is up code and the crew charge of d that is underway in gaza. the wall, i gaze the innocent people of palestine is a war crime that must be ended on
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but it comes of subside africa is urging the international criminal court to investigate what it calls is really more crimes. we felt dealing with former so the african president, taco and becky, who say is a 2 state solution is impossible. well, it's really supplements remain in parts of the west bank. you can watch his exclusive interview with us throughout the day here for now. here's your preview. the i think the, the what is the dave of step is that the is early government has consistently been working. but typically with the got to the settlements on the west, back to on the mind, the possibility for the mega. as of that 2nd, i think i state and it is necessary to go back to the negotiations to create the 2nd viable state
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a of the police didn't. and people in the way they put in the context of within the framework that they've said, like the good citizen bought this. so i, i think that part of the big, big challenge is the best way these really got seriously, genuinely difficult meant to drip aspect of, of that. okay. the okay, moving the program on the counselor left schultz is a leading germany. and to find out shall chaos. that's the dumbing verdict from the countries influential. there should be go magazine. it comes as berlin struggles to remedy a 60000000000 euro national budget shortfall and made a sharp energy supply. prices are to charlotte. do been ski has more at all, not a fee is the world, is looking green with envy at the german economy. it was known as the power in june of europe chucking along, driving the continent, german efficiency,
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we were told i'm, it's technology david, the advantage. but now jeremy looks like it's ready for the scrap pete, it's was the sex they'd like a call that's going to put in the body to stuck in germantown. so all of shows that tends to say that all is under control, provoked mockery, and also to citizens can rely on the state to uphold these commitments. to them, we want to leave anyone alone face and the challenges we are currently dealing with so intensely. you will never walk alone. that's what i promise last year. and it remains true. the brakes on the economy really screeched to a holes in mid november. the country is constitutional. court ruled the government wants to live, to keep dipping into unused debt from the pandemic. the pulse of some 60000000000 euros schultz and co had been using to patch up hold is no longer an option with problems piling up for germany's cash flow,
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ordinary citizens will be hit hard with no more subsidies for gas and electricity. as of december 31st, this year the economic and stabilization funds will be closed. there will be no more payouts from this. let's hope it's a mild winter. but look, germany's finance minister put too much predictive best without rushing gas. he said, prices would creep higher, and let's be clear. germany is still buying russian energy just don't directly and wherever there was a middleman and the costs go up, or position politicians on incense for. and i wonder why other countries, for example, have no problem foraging. russian oil or guys, germany does, is to by the way, the german, he's currently doing it in the particular re stupid and particularly expensive and particularly environmentally damaging way. we get the oil by india and we get the gas, the liquid gas, 5 belgy, and it would be more obvious to use the pipeline. then it would be much cheaper.
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germany has also been imposing l. n. g gas from the us and the gulf states of capital, berlin and vessel germans paying us 30 to 40 percent premium, just to show it to russia. that's not going down well with many in germany saying that schultz is just not up to the muck. i'm president fleet low ratings of booking his 10. you would even before the bombing of the north string to pipeline shots with or they just saw, i did. it was a no go dropping it certificate cation days before the ukraine who even started this. actually, this is pretty veiled. shelf of 16th energy is a key element for the german economy, which will play indecisive pro and whatever it gets back on its feet or moves abroad. and it is also key element for the inside german budget, which is still suffering from too high energy prices. so that coupled with the high cost of room materials, has left germany's industrialists in the country. the german association of small
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and medium sized enterprises has reported to almost one in 5 member companies are considering regular tasting some elements of production of fluids. and they are not the only ones us and french multinationals. also shutting up shop. we are losing more and more market share due to imported budget tires. following demand leads to under utilization of our production sites, which puts additional pressure on production costs. therefore, there is no perspective for these operations. why? the price of energy is simply too high. i know the country is facing recession, germany alone, affecting financial power, has now less than the lunch, as the wheels of its economy come off. as well. all are related. see my green energy transition agenda in africa is being forced by prominent us consulting firm, mackenzie and company. that's according to lead documents purporting to emerge from
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anonymous whistle blowers, west and officials have been pushing africa to go green for years. despite the fact of the continent as far from the world's largest producer, i'm relies overwhelming me on fossil fuels. the lease paper saves mackenzie's close ties with sustainable energy companies allows it to influence carbon markets across the confidence. but african government sources state the american firm is not taking the interests locals into account nigerian climate change experts retail. i'd hey, told us the last thing for can needs is more foreign. yeah. one of the leading, you know, consulting agency the before and it's no wonder why. so niger applicant governments, um, from caveat to be all of the documents, go to them, press photos out there and right, because this government is going to them to do design programs to design concepts and how we respond to the changing playmates to write these them another influence
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on how advocates respondents assignment, despite the fact that you did not have this kind of information on the ground information and how climate change is affected. because we need to look over the local, some solutions and local problems. we need to give local talents. we need to lovely can local understanding, local knowledge to address, you know, climate change and because, and also because you know, for a lot of africans, right, the operations, the processes or organizations like my teams, it is not transparent enough for us to even trust the process so i think that these are the major challenges we can domains leveraging on mackenzie to need our response to climate change. you can use courts don't have jurisdiction to judge british soldiers. that's the position of a u. k. colonel, whose troops have been charged with killing a young canyon woman back in 2012. the u. k. government, as a foreign solver and state does not consent to submit to the jurisdiction of this
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court and to be implemented in the present proceedings. the senior officers comments came off direct canyon court reopened the probe into the death of agnes 10 . this policy was funded a hotel septic tank. 2 months after she had disappeared, agnes was allegedly last seen in the company of a new case soldier. the british army training unit has been stationed in kenya under a beloved real agreements since 1964. the prosecutors on several suspects extradited the stump trial in kenya, something london, a so far rejected. i meant the deadlock and i will be courthouse decided to it during the trial until may the victim's family say be where? distraught. 11 years ago, i remain so to the kilo month whenever i see the british army, i'm filled with grief because justice has not been served for our lead sister. and yet the soldiers keep on training here in kenya, seeing them brings back some bad memories. i went to the beach to be closed or have them stopped from training here because it was one person who caused the problem.
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not all of them will have locals working there in the army base. there kicked out, it will mean job losses. wellness we spoke with canyon high court advocates in by you come out who represents 2nd his one year his family, he claims officials are trying to sweep her electric murder under the roof. we believe that i know in the past you guys will switch out going on. the list is going on the to call, but i cities didn't add make people lose memory at the forget there was a d port goodness. why do you? so if you look up to this as a lot of respect for those of you and let people on the issue of why they are totally general, already 5 beat of game. yeah. easy that time to take action again. next step is
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that to do a test, which is all because the n d, e and the due date to protect the interests of getting any assistance in of the russia is launching a technology initiative in can yeah. in the providing computers to the country's most under privilege schools, the russian children's rights commissioner is spearheading the project. i'd say she is committed to at boosting i t education across the african continent. over a 100 students have already received access to technology. many of them have actually never used. indeed, a primary school on the outskirts of can use capital, low teachers, basic computer skills with the help freshman cartoons. well, we spoke to one of the school teachers who saves the youtube which offer an incredible opportunity to students from impoverished areas project computer lab
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series introducing, oh, that's cool because being very good for our children because they get the opportunity to and thought out for the 1st time with the computer, the new technology web i is able to see the cartoons that i've got to let and i've been watching to interact with the computer to be taught basic use of computer and even to access the internet. and these are a big privilege for the children. it's presented, welcoming from slum wireless privilege and getting such opportunity. it is just something that we have no even watch to use. we have so privilege that i see are we there it is. but what i see on kenya is, is i'm good. let's was he and many people are gaming through the literacy for like go us cooling top, bought we, i gave me because of that. he lives zip over us young. can you us? yeah. if i compared to with other countries. gotcha. is up in the country to africa on the can. yeah. we, uh,
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beneficiary of that illiteracy actually has been so good to our country to a lot to our government and leaving us. we enjoy because we can see the fruits as a senior russian official has slammed with western nations for quote, using the un mission in so dumb to impose its agenda on the global side instead of solving the crisis there. the remarks come as the body adults or resolution to end its political mission in the northeast african, spain, or oh, key concerns remain on included. we have to admit candidly that the mission did not to manage to carry out the tasks before it. basically, it just started working in the interest of just one political group which did not enjoy the mass support. and this would in your society a task of in the mandate of the mission to remain on paper for many years. and instead of helping with the resolving the crisis unit times only compounded of the situation and the interaction between the so that he's and you and leadership was
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undermined because of the efforts of some of our western colleagues. it became essentially an instrument of engaging pressure on power to some members of the council. i know deterred by that because the most important thing for them is to retain the possibility of exerting pressure on the country considered by the college. so an imposing and their own agenda on this. this is a reflection over disdainful aptitude of the collective west to the issues experiencing by the countries of the global south. and it is in this period of an outdated bod. constantly resurrected near colonial approaches for the united nations security council has voted to end its political mission to sudan, which was originally launch with the purpose of ending fighting and the north african countries. the new ones you requested by students asking for administer who described submissions performance as disappointing. while russia of stain from the
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motion, the us and the u. k. supported it, but expressed concern over the decision. the mission, which was made up of 245 people, was put in place back in 2020, with the us, claiming it was aimed at facilitating a democratic transition of power in the country. but students on military coup in 2021. and this year has been marked by intense fighting between the military government, the to power and the paramilitary rapids support forces. the clashes have often estimated 10000 people dead since april and 6000000 people this place. but the mission put in place by the u. n. was having very little effect and the military and government in place called for its departure. therefore it will officially come to an end starting next week. the un security council also voted unanimously to lift the ban on arms deliveries to somalia. this decision comes more than 30 years after the 1st embargo was imposed. as reports of note it somali as government as
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long as the arms embargo to be removed, so it can be felt its force that you can map the 16 year insurgency, led by the al qaeda link militant group option bach. the security council began to partially lift measures on somalia security forces in 2013 somali as offensive against all. sure, bob has been stalled for months, the representative for somalia, so the country is dedicated to addressing the underlying cause. it's a violent extremism in somalia including promoting set socio economic development. in addition to supporting the resolution to lift the arms embargo, the russian representatives noted that russia is providing free food assistance to somalia, which included a delivery of $25000.00 tons of weight this week. the country continues to face a humanitarian crisis, with estimates of more than 8000000 people in need of assistance. renown saw the
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journalist on arthur fi, so a boss is faced guest on going underground here. his views on these really come of conflict. the media's coverage of it and how he thinks his home nation as a regional leader as being dealing with the price the the the
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i'm action or time. so you're welcome back to going underground broadcasting will around the world from golf 28 host do by in the week of the raise national day, celebrating the unification of the amber. it's and the fight for independence from britain with costing a shadow over the u. a is called the 28th centre of world attention, and likewise, saudi arabia for this week being awarded a sight of world expo 20 fuzzy is the alleged cause of genocide backed by nato nations. both savvy ravia and the u. e. of oppose the u. s. u k and the u nations by calling for a permanent ceasefire in palestine with the leading newspaper in this region is our music with me again in the studio. is it toward winning editor in chief? i love us previously editor in chief of saudi arabia's already anguish. thank you so much. 5. so for coming back on that long to get through this time since your last ongoing underground. i mean before 1228 before. so how do you export
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2030. i suppose i should ask you about this shadow costs across this region. how difficult has it been for you personally and professionally? just watching. witnessing thousands upon thousands of children being slaughtered by all this nature nation weaponry in, in gaza, our muse covering it every day. i sincere condolences, i know, speak as a human being and an unfortunate citizen of this part of the region of condolences to every citizen, every uh, civilian that has been killed on on either side as an editor, its been equally painful. it's always a little bit more painful when it's in your own backyard. but also it was fascinating on to, to, to look at how quickly things have changed. if you remember the last time i was here with you in the studio over 2 or 3 months ago.


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