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tv   News  RT  December 2, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EST

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on the the death and grief right across guns as is waiting for means with ton to the end place . at least 200 people have been killed since friday. according to palestinian also receives a local journalists but to us from the territories though in its vicinity. what i'm not, not supposed to pick up has been one to 5 times. i'll do that since haven't stopped crossing back and forth. people are discussing the case of not knowing where to go and not knowing where to sleep. the point where to address the council and say that then talks to mediate a new truth is way the officials reported. they say that for pads to consideration
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if a mazda agrees to release more of the contract, the death toll y, as in dog, the south africa's leader bronze, as well as that, and saves, as well as a sense of the will crime. we are exclusively on the conflict tons, other issues from a former president of the nation. the i think the deed is really government is but assistant living working but the beloved it with the doctor. this settlements on the west, back to on the mind. the possibility for the mega as of that 2nd, 2nd states, the a very well welcome to do is systems 3 pm here in the russian capital. and this is on the international with the late as well as news out. thank is quite happy with us this our, our top story, palestine save at least 200000, so have been killed since the truce expired on friday morning. as well. has ordered
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civilians to evacuate from combat zones is a step something ground operations in the northern parts of the and plays the idea says it phones more than $400.00 targets across concert over nice on has really space footage of it's as strikes the as waiting military claim to have successfully struck her mazda infrastructure, including underground signs, and they come on sensor attacks that have intensified in the nose hating the cities of gaza and they at noon as well as the giovanni a refugee camp. while the southern hudson calling you to send a referral on the board with egypt have also been targeted us to spot these way. the government previously designating large parts off the south. a safe though having towed civilians to flee that from the north in the there. well, this is outside the aisle ali hospital in garza city locals, as well as himself with the c storage shop could be renewed is really on slowest as
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off of the week long grace expired with is well accusing her loss of violation the deal because the militants claim is well refused to swap more prisoners distressing images emerging from the southern city of a fall to low close on rescue crews. they've been scrambling to find some 5 of them at the rubble of phone down buildings as the emergency services and hospitals struggle to cope with a massive influx of fresh casualties. and then the neighboring city of calling units, a number of children and other civilians have been rushed to medical center is also a residential areas. k month is ready, fire is 1165. it has to say about the higher weight and experience is really useful. and that the time when people was certain to be in their homes, which means that they wanted to kill him commit messages. it's really use it off to the friday, proud people gathering that home 3 lunch. so they waited so peaceful residents to come back to their homes and then boom, being time neighborhood. the buildings collapsed on people, home,
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women and children. get these notes in life. you have exposed yourself and your country in front of the whole world. children are dying because of you throughout the day. canadian pa, the city, and during the last month, social non laid out to us how situations on folds and in southern gaza. as you can hear, the realize now spied drones are buzzing around us. air strikes have not stopped us like just the tip. now if you can hear the difference now is that it is very similar to how the, what it's like you give us the city right now. it's just not, it's not just a single and stripe or a single budge from the see the that the boxes, the popular chips in the seat does not have them strikes. that's one type. we call it. it's like this building does have it in the buildings at one time. at least let's have also been brought down to the people of tried eunice headings. you know,
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that's kind of who this is now i bought to zone and that they should leave newness as soon as possible to remain safe. my going 3rd themselves, the humanitarian situation. here it is very dire. yesterday for example, i tried to go out and look for some foods and couldn't find any people that owned me a guy asking me, where can we go next to it? is it safe to the hospital in its vicinity? what i'm not supposed to put them has the one to 5 times. i did it says haven't stopped crossing back and forth. people are scott sitting in k of not knowing where to go and not knowing where to sleep. going worked with us. unfortunately, it seems that even so, the goal fusions happening water has started again as people have to adjust again after going through some kind of piece over the last 7000 cools off hunting and make shift shelters, falls to welcome about one and a half 1000000,
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displace palestinians, it's sold tons of sheltering calling you. this is now time to more than 3000 sconces. most of the refugees came from northern concert, but some never left con unice. the cities, the eastern neighborhoods recently came on that heavy is where the file i'll just hoped to. some of the people who found themselves stuck at the out of a crowded shelter and the sense of face this numerous challenge is to be the primary concern. be health facilities, the existing health facilities. can you touch a maximum of 1000 people? how well the only well me numbers and urgent medical needs to result in a significant gap in medical requirements, then you are as needs include sanitary, pass for the elderly diapers, milk, food item, some drinking water, which is currently unsuitable due to micro veal contamination. the city of cold has led to various health issues. additionally, available to it makes me with the sewage, water and the lack of proper sanitation in schools contribute to health risks. and what am i doing? there is a pressing need for clothing,
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especially for women and children. as well as mattresses, bedding, and pillows, we need clothes and bedding and something to sleep on. life is very tough for us and the situation is unbearable. we need assistance and the mother is challenging. our homes are gone. and if we had the choice who would prefer this over the current living conditions? not good who have been displaced for about 2 weeks due to the war. we go from one place to another, from one school to another, struggling to find solutions for ourselves. there are no salaries, no transportation, and very limited resources to sustain life. but across in the westbound palestinians also dealing with escalating violence, the un has registered more than $300.00 attacks by jewish settlers the since october. the 7th, according to the wells, bodies were poets. his way the aggression in the westbound has resulted at least 33 tonsils seas, and many cases property of the victims was also severely damaged. when another palestinian nodded was recently sold dead, find a settler, the city of the police,
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his family is seeking justice. so this is my children still can believe their father is gone and will not return. my son was soc, is going out to search for him. i hope that my husband's rights will be recognized . the people will know the truth of what happened. we were on our land when they attacked us. how that would happen to us does not happen to other families. here's what motivates doing to less mohammed the jeep with more and most occurring in the west bank. since 7 october. that makes us, we can assess the different escalation invested most of my life, especially when banks, right? in national security minister and some odd would it be a circular mode that one does post on guns for, but it's not as if it was a bank to the district to protect themselves and defend themselves as he said, against of, on a serious. but they use it, i will just use it. and i think the thing is um the killing them and the preventing them from using the roots and those bank and the rising them beyond night. so they
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all go to the, by the, if they taking over lance, the talk, but nobody kind of hands on the left, the rest here and there, but event, but as soon as phone pick into the, all of the, from the, the ups on the farms out on the system on service the season this year the, the she has also been and got off the phone said less, and then it says believes that they are backed by, that is why they go out of it. as it is mostly it should arrive and still find this all the time, the support of them visit the month when they get it back to home is between hours and janine and always show support for them. so the about yourself are sensitive in october or i'm unable to attend to discussion by the i, if, as well as both of us as most of the same time to me while as well say is 136. hostages are still being held and gone, so including 17 women and 2 children. 5 people have died while in captivity, according to the ideas. it also alleges the offensive has been round top to put pressure on her last 200 is the remaining at the tease family. members of the
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hostages are reportedly expected to demonstrate its intel or v awesome locals in jerusalem. say they feel a support. the response of the will we have no choice back to punish i think the main goal has to be defeating some us up routing and ending their rule . and as i think guys have 1st of all for our safety and for posting and safety. that's why the see if i had to end, i'm happy the. it was in a happy that in the october 7th i talked bohannon's cannot be used to justify the killing of more than 15000 people in gaza. as according to the editor in chief of the arab news outlets phase, so a boss and a new episode of going on the ground airing today on all
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t. a boss says his views on the is where the palestinian conflicts it's coverage in the media. as the approach his home nation, saudi arabia has taken his a previous, the outside of the and the, you a cooling facies fires at the united nations. and then sadie, arabia them be a saying they should be a global arms embargo on israel. what do you think uh, i mean, i know just israel would, you would support us at the holding the expo strategies to you, perhaps in response to very, very hard to response. but what do you think? so how do you maybe meant by that? because obviously all the arms being is just more to the thousands upon thousands of children are nato. so from the united states, in your opinion, in britain, what you need to think, what the position clearly says is you need to be said across the board of the board . so if arms producing countries such as the united states, the embargo selling weapons to countries that they think our cri, uh,
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are using them for genocide or for war crimes, then that should be a rule that applies the phone. everybody know, to have your favorites excluded. what's happening here is again, with fully a sympathy for the innocent lives lost on october 7th. this does not justify the killing of over 15000 people, innocent people. a lot of them are babies. a lot of them they have just, there's been a footage. there's been footage recently released of a baby, an infant really that was picked up out of the problems by a miracle. he or she is still alive, but you know, you and i, and possibly every human being on the planet can agree that is not a terrace that cannot possibly be a tote or is so weird is the condemnation. where is the sympathy? the global
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outrage spreads itself. as well can presidents, their obama oppose that has the cry that as well as actions in gaza while speaking of the ongoing cult 28 climate change conference in dubai. so that think i is up for the crew charge. indeed, that is underway in gaza. the war against the innocent people of palestine is a war crime doctrine must be ended. south africa is urging the international criminal court to investigate what it calls is wally will crimes. we sat down with the nations full of presidents, a type of paper back here says that a 2 state solution is impossible. while is where the supplements remain in parts of the west bank. and you can watch the full exclusive interview throughout the day on all t for now. here's a preview the i think the, the what is the big step is that the is early
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government has consistently been working. but typically with regard to this settlements on the west, back to undermine the possibility for the majors of that 2nd. i think a state as is necessary to go back to the negotiations to create the 2nd viable state a of the police didn't. and people in the way, in the context of within the framework that they've said like the good citizen and bought this. so i, i think that part of the big, big challenge is the best way these really gotten seriously, genuinely at development at rep aspect of, of that the, the wines pop, humanitarian aid official, full golf and on the west bank will not have
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a visa extended by the is really all store to use and will be forced to leave the country as off the head cold for more humanitarian aid for dasa, provokes, and major backlash and as well. and we've been informed by these really authorities that they would not renew the visa of these testings past the due date. at some point later this month. i think you've seen some of the republic attacks and twitter against her, which were actually unacceptable. and you know, personal direct attacks on you in personnel anywhere around the world isn't acceptable and puts people's lives at risk. according to you and ethics. she is supposed to be impartial and objective. but unfortunately, she is neither hastings dangerous rhetoric and dangers innocent, israeli and palestinian civilians. the nice things house up is un humanitarian coordinator, fully occupied palestinian territory for 93 years earlier as well to announce the un response to the october 7th attack by her masters quote, disgraceful and accuse hastings of being slow to condemn the attack. is wally,
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well sorry to say they planned to check the basis of you and representatives more carefully. hastings had earlier raised the alarm over the heat. the humanitarian situation involved one garza. we all know that there's more than $200.00 hostages in captivity, and they need to be released immediately and unconditionally. the same goes for humanitarian assistance. going into guys, it has to be able to reach civilians unconditionally the time. and i'll put you re send them development funds to submit, send it to now we say it's a televi box with impunity believes that it's one role for as well as one role for everyone else is that i have is doing pick and choose in. it's a position towards the international organizations. so whatever it is, it does say, suppose i have to keep it, it is not related to that aspect of the international law or to the mortality of
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office actions. it's more to that interest that on interest, regardless how this complies with the international is that i is now has confidence that whatever it does side by side, if it will do an exit, we don't what it but it wants to achieve it. but it, by the way, to support becoming all the more powerful and more important that the mortality and the international law that should be covered being able to buy the equipment. this is, this is the stand up of value. that is the and usa of trying to accept the size of it are to say that the charge in the has the, the person in charge because the is not, does not have the same dignity and value of life as this, which is today. the child's been so set out because it sounds a lot a lot. so say is leading germany into financial tails to best
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a dining. the dates from the countries influential, this big old magazine. it comes with, bud, and struggles to remedy a 60000000000. you are a national budget sold for unlimited shop energy supply, crisis attorneys, charlotte to pinsky down 1st into all that now. a fee is the world has looked green with envy at the german economy. it was known as the power in june of europe chugging along driving the continent. german efficiency, we were told i'm it's technology gave it paid voltage. but now jeremy looks like it's ready for the scrap peaks. it's was the set it like a call that's going to put in the bring this stuck in germantown. so all of shows that tends to say that all is under control, provoked mockery. the citizens can rely on the state to uphold these commitments. to them, we want to leave anyone alone facing the challenges we are currently dealing with so intensely. you will never walk alone. that's what i promised last year. and it
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remains true. the brakes when the economy rate screeched to a halt in mid november, the country's constitutional court ruled the government wasn't allowed to keep dipping into a new set from the pont demik, the pulse of some 60000000000 euros schultz and co had been using to patch up hold is no longer an option with problems piling up for germany's cash flow. auditory citizens will be hit hard with no more subsidies for gas and electricity as of december 31st. this year the economic and stabilization fund will be closed. there will be no more payouts from this. let's hope it's a mild winter. but look, germany's finance minister put too much predictive best without rushing gas. he said prices would creep higher. and let's be clear. germany is still buying russian energy just don't directly and wherever there is a midland, the costs go up,
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or position politicians on incense for i wonder why other countries, for example, have no problem foraging russian oil or guys germany does is to, by the way, the germany's currently doing it in a particular re stupid and particularly expensive and particularly environmentally damaging. why should we get the oil by india and we get the gas, the liquid gas, 5 belgy, and it would be more obvious to use the pipeline. then it would be much cheaper. germany has also been importing l. n. g gas for the us. i'm the gulf states of catch all the lane and vessel germans paying us 30 to 40 percent premium, just to shop it to russia. that's not going down well with many in germany saying that schultz is just not up to the muck. i'm president fleet low ratings of booking his tenure with even before the bombing of the newest stream to pipeline shots. it already decided it was a no go dropping. it's, it's if occasion,
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days before the ukraine who even started this. actually, this is the for the village of 16 panageries, a key element for the german economy, which will play a decisive role in whatever it gets back on its feet or moves abroad. and it is also key element for the inside german budget, which is still suffering from too high energy prices. so that coupled with the high cost of room materials, has left germany's industrial list in a quandary. the german association of small and medium sized enterprises as well for the almost $1.00 and $5.00 member companies are considering regular casing, some elements of production approved and they are not the only ones us. i'm french multinationals, also shutting up shop. we are losing more and more market share due to imported budget tires. following demand leads to under utilization of our production sites, which puts additional pressure on production costs. therefore, there is no perspective for these operations. why?
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the price of energy is simply too high. now the country is facing recession, germany alone affecting financial power, has now less than the lunch, it's the wheels, the bits economy come off. the next a change of pace as we head straight to the cat walk in most go why the bricks plus version summit drops out today. uh tc. my h i takes, is behind the cartoons to see how the function industry is concentrating to the diversity and unity of the block. brooks is more than politics and economics. the book has become so effective at fostering civil and cooperative international relations that he has now taken on cultural significance. the 1st edition of the brakes plus fashion summit organized under the auspices of the most school fashion week has emerged as a hub for commercial dealings between prominent industry figures. special is
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journalist designers and emerging brands from all over the world. this summit we'll have designers from brazil's serbia in the news of south africa, and even russia oldest playing the work for the public to see making it a commercial event for international cultural cooperation. the summit schedule includes mass through courses, lectures, passion shows, hosted by russian and international designers and plenary discussions. the . this is a great opportunity for participants coming from all over the world to get together
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and discuss the role options. whether it be in terms of business development or the use of advanced technologies, the fashion world, of course and international cooperation stephen is, was very good. i just at the end of the, one of the patient's jo, from information based design. or i think it's not just a member of the books, but also other countries that is perhaps interested or considering. what about the big mix in general? people are those around the world are coming and like quite a bit, eating with each other in this event. so that's why this event has a really good impact for the designers, for and everyone in depression industry where to great with ration to great results and that's happening. that's happening right now. yeah, hopefully we breaks uh, we can be together and promo thing each other and we can be much stronger to the
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global market. the russia is launching a technology initiative in kenya aimed at providing computers. and so the country's most on the privilege schools, the russian children, is why it's commission i is spearheading the projects. and so she's committed to boosting i, teen literacy across the office and constance at the $100.00 students have already received access to technology. many of them have never used. indeed, a primary school on the outskirts of 10 years capsule now teaches basic computer skills with the help of russian cottages. or we spoke to one of the schools teachers these days. the new tools offer an incredible opportunity to students from impulse, the worst areas, a computer lab soon so introducing, oh, that's cool because being very good for our children because they get the opportunity to and thought out for the 1st time with the computer, the new technology web, i've able to see the cartoons that i bought to lin. i've been watching students out
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with the computer to be taught basic use of computer and even to access the internet. and these are the big privilege for the children this present who are coming from salon wireless privilege and getting such opportunity. it is just something that we have no even watch to use. we have sort privilege, but i see a we, there it is, but for us you can, yeah. is, is, i'm good. let's see. and many people are gaming through the literacy for like i'll us cooling top, bought we, i gave me because of the zip or velocity on can you us? yeah. if i compared to with other countries. gotcha. is up in the country to africa on the can. yeah. we, a beneficiary of that literacy actually has been so good to our country to a lot to our government and leaving us. we enjoy because we can see the fruits of legs directly in the pots with the rick sanchez. and i'll be back with more nice in 30 minutes. we'll see you then
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the, the russian states never as tired as i'm one of the most sense community. best ingles, i'll send, send up the keys 195 and speed. what else calls question about this? even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin, the machine,
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the state on the rush to day and split the r t smooth net keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. to the question, did you say even closer to the public, sanchez, i've been doing news over 30 years into languages all over the world. here in the united states. interviewed for presidents worked good for 5 different television networks. and i believe after all of that, that new should be direct and impactful, and this is direct impact the
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so here's what i want to start with when the moment finally arrived at the brick summit. right. announcing that it would admit iran and saudi arabia and egypt and argentina. if the old and the united arab emirates few around the world were really surprised, at least not in the astute geo political route. as we have decided to invite the ident, teen republic. the outer up republic of egypt, the fed, the democratic republic of if your po, the islamic republic of theatre on the kingdom of saudi arabia and the united arab emirates in shape for most of the world. this is no longer news because it was expected to do you know what the real news is
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going to be? i'm gonna tell you the, well news is going to be what happens next. as there's already talk of the future of breaks or breaks that couldn't incorporate 2030, some people were even saying some 40 countries into their future summits. i ask yourself, one of them action, but nowadays it would be show many countries competing for an invitation to the breaks meeting. think about that. an organization that began with brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa join forces to try and balance western dominance. and now some believe that in the not so distant future, right bricks could be as powerful or maybe even more. so then the g 7 or nato even. what is most interesting is that, well, all of this is going on. and the world is recognizing breaks and sees it as an incentive.


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