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tv   News  RT  December 2, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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stretching back, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you think. the, the idea for jim's all possibilities against him us plus, according to these ready defense minister and as at least a 100 palestinians are reportedly killed in a single strike on the jump out of the refuge account until the baby is gripped by demonstrations and supports of captured hostages assistance, only soldiers under excess sole just now remained in the cup typically as well. withdrawals is negotiating, same from consultants, and it's all on another truce and the israel, how much conflicts haven't reached a dead end bundles. the debt so rises in gaza, south africa's lead up runs israel's offensive, a war crime. we hear exclusively on the conflicts on other issues from a former president of the african nation. the, i think the, the,
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the is early government is consistently been working. but typically with the got to this every month on the west bank to undermine the possibility for the majors of that 2nd. second stage, the push to start 11 pm here in the rest and capital you're watching off international with all the very latest world news. thank you for joining us. is the defense minister has said that the idea is resuming its all outs operation against how much of the old stuff today. over $100.00 published indians were reportedly killed in a single strike on the w, a refugee camp. as many residential building as, as you can see, have been raised to the ground level and says search for survivors. under the rubble the w refugee company know the gaza, has become a refuge for displaced families that will enable to find safety drug repeated ideas
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showing a little bit. didn't garza has residence over 15200 according to the palestinian health ministry. 70 percent of them all women and children officials also claim the idea of has deliberately targeted. $130.00 health institutions is really it's isolating through 20 hospitals and being taken out of service pascal homes. the head of i see all the operations in gaza, says you monetary situation is unimaginable. i was uh and with you guys guys, he is moving from the north to the south. we were presented with the last days also in the north of the guys at the street and what you have seen? yes its, its building might be too much sedation for the of the, the discharge. uh, i guess these lead the water. so the leading condition there for the people remaining there is extremely, extremely difficult. the services present in one of the big hospital in the saw in the guys are, you've been in the hospital. and during the ceasefire we have seen
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a movement of patients. sometimes organized, sometimes thought that is where you know patients. and when did people from the north we're coming to the south because just that there was no hospital functioning it at all. and just to give you the scope of the, of the system in, in the afternoon that we receive more than 800 station, just seen enough to do it. and the next day we receive what i've written on 7 ambulances and why that was best for the patient. so it gives you the, you know, really the figures of how the head system is over when are these those able to treat that were difficult just to treat the fresh with the patient, the 4 cases and all the people that being medical problems, you know, a senior adviser to these fairly prime minister claims and civilians in gaza, i've been informed to avoid that. can find safe places to shop,
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to reject the company that they're on safe places. and the goal is to strip precisely because we have specifically designated these places the map. so there people can see where they are and where people can go to these rather as being. and they're giving the information to the people. have guys a not in one way, but in a numerous way and so we dropped leaflets as you know, it's on it's on line. it was through phone calls as through broadcasts, a radio and television and so forth. so the people of guys i believe do know exactly where they need to go to be safe when we hear about the those forming are being sent. but nonetheless, i just would like to rebuild that even though older read intellectually minute, you know, even if you drop leaf let's do the precautionary measures the sitting in front of population remains predicted to the hospital remains predicted that some people kind of just move. they don't have any other choice than to state some of those uh, mazda status window. but those people, the hospital, the critical infrastructure,
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needs to be protected. that's why today we saw it hispanic, uh, the number of people, the students, the but you know, uh the guys that shape is a very small area. and for some people it is difficult to move. and some of them to just would like to remain in the home as well. so i think it is important that despite the warnings i don't, i think it's important that to, to remind ourselves that sooner than population remains predicted, hospital remains protecting irrespective of the measures that, that they can just remain fairly slow. its leaves in the south of garza where the idea has been advising civilians to flee has been on the fi. a following resumed is rarely a tax. the southern hopes of con, you nice and rough up on the board with egypt become the main targets sofa, and that's in addition to gaza. city and bates 100, which is in the north. i'm gonna tell him being found. your niece has become
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reportedly the targets of successive is rarely ad rates. a must, if call of a smoke, was seen advise against the sky. those results of an attack on residential towers. in the city of con, you nice itself victims, including your children, have been rushed to medical census. after earliest strikes is what once a volleyball had to say about the harrowing experience is riley's bummed at the time when people with seconds be in the homes, which means that they wanted to kill and commit master. cuz it's riley's knew that after the friday prior people would gather in the homes to eat lunch. so they waited for peaceful residents to come back to their homes and then problems the entire neighborhoods, the buildings collapse on people and women and children. this is now kind of life. you have exposed yourself and your country in front of the whole world. children are dying because of you throughout the day. what was the shelling intensifies all over gaza local journalist around me, elma gary spoke to some palestinians for a fleet to the south of gaza when the result is this is the entrance of the valve
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cover all around the village in east renaissance. notice such a just too close to con you, it is on the road to the southern regions, including con, eunice, and drop off searches to which people of the colorado village and other other populations. and find you in this area as villages like ibis and vanessa who are now being forced to this place to was that throughout the city was to which as well as what a, the army demand is a population of these regions. so leave for some of these households don't know where to go. they know they don't have family members or relatives or friends and drop off or in the southern regions as extra place to explain to us not much. we are a family of 12. we sent a women's, a rough, a city, but we don't know yet where we will stay ourselves. even the schools converted to
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shelters and not a full. it's most likely we'll just put up a time to stay right here. because i know that we were displaced from garza city. i moved here to the old cross school in colorado with the jews, or did this to the self. but it seems no way and glossary, say, even the school shelters shape. and at the end of it gets well exhausted. some people can bear the situation, but others cannot take. it's like we have been forced back into the time tonight and 67. 20 is real occupied garza. only god is with us. no, no. there is no longer a truce or a humanitarian. so we're seeing garza and there are no longer truckloads coming and are entering that goes us rep for the relief of the population. but literally, soldiers and full, the soldiers know related almost as captivity. that's according to the deputy head of the minutes in groups political bureau of the prisoners. we have left the
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soldiers and former soldiers that will be no negotiations on their release until the end of the aggression will. meanwhile, and israel emotions are running high, not following the release of hostages by had loss over the past week. some of these is gripped by demonstrations of solidarity with those who are still being held captive local journalists. nicole can has more of thousands of thousands of his riley scan tonight the here to the lab. and they process that in front of the headquarters of these riley army carling for either us to do anything in their power storage on the us. the just that the deal with the completed the mazda are about $136.00 is riley said that there was still a see, but the sack claims dad. that said, those that have to just, all of them are army soldiers, sale p 0 or former soldier. so the idea that spot to is riley defense minister. and also these are, i would say that, that it's not true and are still civilians that they are held by from us. and that,
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is there a re launch today, a full scale invasion to guys like for the to that minister of the science of peas route. you all go on. and that is riley's here at the demonstration. the main thing to use the word tabbing and then the primary. so benjamin's and now it's doing this thing and power to return all of the hostages. that starts to the capacity and also for the 1st time tonight the, the hostages themselves spoke in front of the people. and some of them had sent the video regardless of themselves. and they're telling that that said they want in demand that all the hostages returned as soon as possible because it is really hard on the menu both to be in the community and they demanding that all of their relatives will be back home as soon as possible. so the october,
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the 7th started by have most time be used to justify the killing of more than 15000 people in gaza. that's at least as, according to the editor in chief of the art of news outlets, funds all of us. and he was speaking in the latest episode of going on the ground on ok. so you know, it's available throughout the day as well as on websites. here's a quick preview. the outside of the and the you a cooling facies fires at the united nations. and then sadie, arabia them be saying, uh they should be a global arms embargo on israel. what do you think? uh, i mean i know just these are would you would support us uh the holding expo 20 for the t perhaps in response. very, very hard to response, but what do you think? so how do you maybe meant by that? because obviously all the arms being is just move to the thousands upon thousands of children are nato. so from the united states, in your opinion, and britain, what you need to, i think with the position it clearly says, is you need to be said across the board. the board,
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so if i was producing countries such as the united states, the embargo selling weapons to countries that they think our cri, uh, are using them for genocide or for war crimes. then that should be a rule that applies the phone. everybody know to have your favorites, exclude it. what's happening here is again, with fully a sympathy for the innocent lives lost on october 7th. this does not justify the killing of over 15000 people, innocent people. a lot of them are babies. a lot of them they have just, there's been a footage, there's been footage recently released of a baby, an infant really that was picked up out of the problems by american. he or she is still alive, but you know, you and i, and possibly every human being on the planet category that is not a terrace that cannot possibly be a total risk. so where is the condemnation?
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where is the sympathy, the staying with the war is rails cold, but he's most of the negotiation grew from could talk with folks about some of the sci fi, the guys, a conflict have been ongoing. these really prime minister's office said that the torps had reached addendum the following, an impasse in the negotiations and the direction of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. david on the head of most sides, has ordered his team in doha to return to israel. but it's all think it's all focused on releasing more people taking prison both by him, us and israel, as well as agreeing on the truth. it's all has hosted to the hospital office for more than 10 years as the us request during the obama administration. another country acts as a mediator and the conflicts between israel and palestine, italy, and he's really ministry of foreign affairs official affecting 2 sets of accounts. so it gets off its support or from us. the 2nd lessons guitar has played a negative role in everything related to hosting and legitimizing him aspect tibits
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ease. but right now we need them when this thing, policies from the world, we will settle accounts with them. but literally we spoke with monetary policy and political economy expos, colleagues of thoughts out. and he says that rather than seeking peace is there is only interested in causing more damage to gone. a hey there. yeah, it's different. the objective has, as it has a more objective and not inflicting maximum destruction, the on the guys, the, on the input of the structure on the people in front of the allowed fee. uh for us uh, transferred and uh, i'll do guys that so uh he got this of the page of the principal. they need cars, aren't they need? that's more than what gender done. we need them all the communication with it. we need this for the future mediation as they needed us in the past, and that they needed to start in the past. most of the daughter needs to be suffering and the severity and the human assumption again for god to bye age. and
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that you on mondays are the army positive they are turning against. that's all right now, you know, i'm trying to, uh, you know, to get through to find it easy or disaggregation for them fairly this, uh, uh, more on guys uh, was uh, covered by the american political about getting with american weapons and the limited the numbers and condition of the support of resources and even from the beginning of the war, we have seen the american america's uh, i'm assuming your opinion and disagree because, objected to you from the humidity areas ceasefire beginning is global outreach spreads the south african presidents there on the photos as decried is rose actions in gaza, and that was all speaking of the ongoing comp, 28 climate change conference in dubai. south africa is a port and the crew charge. indeed,
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that is underway in gaza on the wall. i gaze the innocent people of palestine is a war crime that you must be ended. well, south africa is urging the international criminal call to investigate well, take calls is very wall kinds. we sat down with the nations full, the preston top boat and back came, who says that a 2 state solution is impossible. what is very settlements remain in parts of the west by and they can watch the exclusive interview throughout the day, all not say, but it is a to use the i think they the what is a big step is that is really government has consistently been working but typically with the got to this settlements on the west, back to on the mind,
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the possibility for the measures of that seconds. it's like a state and it's, and it's added to a vector of the negotiations to create the 2nd viable state. a of the police didn't, and people in waiting in the context of within the framework that they've said like the good citizen and bought this. so i, i think they're part of the big challenge is the best way these really government city actually genuinely development and rep aspect of, of that. okay. the move you all to all the news, the 2 consecutive, the quays have stuck to the southern philippines, the strongest of which was at least 7.5 in magnitude officials of won't that as you know, i mean maybe on the way was he had no reports of casualties, but buildings have been damaged and power lines taken down. both autism, the philippines,
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have ordered residents living along the coast to leave the area is to, to them, to move to higher ground, to seek shelter. expense say they expect to, to not make, could reach positive indonesia, malaysia and japan of the will next, a change of pace as we head straight to the cat walk, it must go. that's where the brakes plus flossing, summit wrapped up on stuff today. all these, my shots takes us behind the code to, to see how the function industries contributed to both the diversity and the unity of the block. brooks is more than politics and economics. the group has become so effective at fostering civil and cooperative international relations that he has now taken on cultural significance. the 1st edition of the brakes plus fashion summit organized under the auspices of the most school fashion week has emerge as a hub for commercial dealings between prominent industry figures. special is journalist designers and emerging brands from all over the world. this summit we'll
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have designers from brazil, serbia, indonesia, south africa, and even russia oldest playing the work for the public to see making it a commercial event for international cultural cooperation. the summit schedule includes master courses, lectures, passion shows, hosted by russian and international designers. and plenary discussions the, this is a great opportunity for participants coming from all over the world to get together
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and discuss both options. whether it be in terms of business development or the use of advanced technologies, the fashion world, of course, and international cooperation event. this was very good. i just attended one of the patient, jo from indonesia and date design. i think it's not just a member of the books, but also other countries that is perhaps interested or considering. what about the big mix in general, people all around the world are coming and like really been eating with each other in this event. so that's why this event has a really good impact for the designers, for and everyone in the past and industry where the great, with the ration to great results. and that's happening. that's happening right now . yeah, hopefully we breaks uh, we can be together and promo thing each other and we can be much stronger to the
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global market. the well to run is insights, are real fights it against terrorism. does the countries response to an annual us state department report? the brunt of the around the world's top state sponsor of tara. the annual us state reports on service and compile by the agenda threatened in normal line or opposing countries like international credibility and authority. and did not affect the real efforts of countries to counter terrorism. that is, one of the republic of around will continue its efforts to expose the open head bulk or c of the us government, regarding terrorism, well condemn and american support for terrorism. the us reports accused around of the stabilizing the middle east by funding minutes and 5, since like has bull on him, off was to around, has denied the republic says it's washington, this problem. so tara griggs, on wage proxy, was across the globe for decades. we spoke to political experts, how many addresses golems out there?
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who said that washington sung since policy has failed? there is no, sir. there sanctions, real sanctions that the americans could possibly impose against the wall. so it is not just a recent thing it's, it's something that they've been present from had that meet that through that, that the maximum pressure campaign has failed. and there is nothing more to put the pressure in running about that. so there is no ground for, for the sanctions. and the other side, there is no facility that before the office, a swift factor was because the americans knew that if they would like to deal with it with the tact, why it wouldn't be nice man for them. and the whole region were turned into a white house for them. so that an immunity 3 i've changed on. so off the table and the sanctions are useless. the only thing is that it is a media hype, and some political campaign to put pressure on your on may be possibly to actually prevents your own for further support or further activities in the region, or maybe to prevent other countries in tears to the 3rd parties. actually toward
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close be the why. so he's just saying that part of the campaign as in nothing to be actually nothing serious. serious in terms of reactions with the background of the united states in supporting terrorism, either international terrorism, or domestic terrorism, and all the backgrounds that the united states has in terms of human why some of the nation of international law and all of the things such and leave it is actually a badge of honor for any country, including your one. so it's not on the you on there are other countries that are listed like that. it can be conceded immeasurable on it for them because a country which is supporting phones. so and stuff, violations and categories, and that anything that is a mislead, international specs, ease of putting survey but on the country. so there's no song, something that would be very concerning the about for the consent form for the country like you will have. finally, as the russian army continues,
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is offensive against the city of a gift coast. if it isn't done yet, it's continued to suffer from shunning, correspondent on culture reports from the scene of the lights to talk using western supplied weapons. we were on our way right now to the kolinski neighborhood in don, yet city where we got word from the authorities, that a new weapon was used against the civilian population here, a new type of artillery shell. so we're going to check out the damage and see what happened. a ukrainian shell exploded right on the roof of a woman's home in this quiet residential neighborhood, injuring her so severely that she later died. when we made it to the house. it was instantly clear the level of devastation brought upon those living here, the dead woman's relatives still trying to pick up the pieces after the explosion were far from ready to talk about the trauma they had endured.
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so as you could see right there, the people connected to this house right here that was destroyed, didn't really want to talk about what happened. and that's completely understandable. we don't want to really put salt in the wounds that these people have gone through because the woman who lived here was actually killed as a result of the shelling. she died as a result of her injuries in the hospital. later on, you could see behind me just how serious the destruction from this weapon was on this house, a civilian house with no military infrastructure around it. and that's unfortunately the fate that tons of people here are suffering every day. as we walked along the streets, we met a man who shared his recollection of what happened and spoke about his relationship with the woman who passed away. i have practiced close at home. there was a lot of firing about 8 times a shot, and then another night exemption i prepared to come to the yes,
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very decent people. her and her daughter. good people. well, unfortunately, such things happen. according to the dpr authorities, ukraine launched a slovak, produced a shrapnel shell at this neighborhood, likely part of the constant flow of all weapons and arguments to keeps military for which western tax payers are footing. the bill. this artillery shells specifically has never before been seen in the ukraine conflict put on the waters on the fundamental ukrainian armed forces show the kolinski districts in the city of done . it's probably using a $122.00 millimeter multiple on trucking systems and various types of missiles, including truck on this house here was an engine from one of the rockets and some fragments of trouble. this was made in slovakia and it was used for the 1st time yesterday. representatives of the dentists toll russian central control commission recovered these fragments from the sea. there will be sent for further examination by investigates in so doing a business expensive for the west. continuing to supply ukraine with more and more state of the art weaponry, it's likely not only soldiers are going to be suffering as a result of ukraine's failed counter offensive,
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but civilians in the done yet the people's republic will continue to suffer as well . donald quarter r t done yet people's republic. so that's a wrap. so now mondays, b discounts will be back again. the top of dallas, with all the latest news views, and then they'll assist no nonsense to see them. the take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distorted by tell us to do vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills,
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and is it just because it shows you few fractured images presented to this, but can you see through their illusions going underground can the public, sanchez, i've been doing news over 30 years into languages all over the world here in the united states, interviewed for presidents worked good for 5 different television networks. and i believe after all of that, that new should be direct and impactful, and this is direct impact the so here's what i want to start with when the moment finally arrived at the brick summit. right. announcing that it would admit it wrong,
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and saudi arabia and egypt and argentina, if you'll be a and the united arab emirates. few around the world were really surprised, or at least not in the astute geo political route. we have decided to invite the gen, teen republic, the outer up republic of egypt, the federal democratic republic of if your po, the is law, make republic of theater on the kingdom of saudi arabia. and the united arab emirates is a, for most of the world, just don't want her news because it was expected to do you know what the real news is going to be? i'm gonna tell you the will news is going to be what happens next. as there's already talk of the future of breaks or breaks that couldn't incorporate 2030,
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some people were even saying some 40 countries into there are future summits. i ask yourself, home, one of them action. but nowadays, it would be show many countries competing for an invitation to the breaks meeting. think about that, an organization that began with brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa join forces to try and balance western dominance. and now some believe that in the not so distant future, right bricks could be as powerful or maybe even more. so then the g 7 or nato even. what is most interesting, is it? well, all of this is going on. and the world is recognizing breaks and sees it as an essential group in the united states. they hardly even know what it is here in america. most people don't even know anything about preexisting. if it doesn't even exist, most americans have never even heard of bricks.


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