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tv   News  RT  December 2, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm EST

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the, the idea of presumes all out of hospitality is against us best. according to these, where the defense minister is at least a 100 palestinians are reportedly killed in a single strike on the generally effigy count. as tele, vba is gripped by demonstrations edging the return of the captain. hostages from us says that only soldiers on full the sol just now are they net cap tibbetts a fund? israel withdrawals is negotiating seen from, could solve saying that solves on another truce in the israel, homeless conflicts have reached the cisco, the 1 am on sunday here in moscow. this is all to international with all the very latest of world news. thank you for joining israel. says it's receiving all outs
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operations against from us, with the aim of defeating the minutes in group completely. because it actually doesn't seem to show in order for us to be in the secret to offend, bring back all the hostages of purely through how much and make sure, because i've never poses a threat to israel or we ever go in there must be no element of the teachers, it's keith, it's in her eyes and my maintenance of both and fonts that are well and the goals for the destruction of israel. our forces have been trained for these during the ceasefire as a whole to issue a full victory or how much so over a 100 pablo stadiums were full. it's and they killed and a single stripe on john to be a nephew jacob on saturday. but he, residential buildings had been bates the ground for volunteers continued to search for survivors under the rumble. the w refugee camp and all the gaza has become shelter for displace families that were unable to find safety to the idea of shutting. the number of dead in gaza has risen to over 15200
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people. according to the policy, the health ministry, 70 percent of the women and children officials also claim the idea as deliberately target to the $130.00 health institutions. there's really a tax leading to 20 hospitals being taken out of service. moscow homes, the head of i see all the operations in gaza says that you want to, terry situation is only much i was uh and with you guys guys. he's moving from the . busy to the south, we were presented with an ice days also in the north of the guys at the street. and what we have seen. yes it's, it's building by the demons, nation of the, of the, the discharge. i guess these lead to these, the water. so leading condition there for the people remaining there is extremely, extremely difficult. the r c s is presented in one of the big hospital in the saw in the guys are using the hospital a drink the ceasefire. we have seen
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a movement of the patients sometimes organized, sometimes spot centers where, you know, patients. and when did people from the north, we're coming to the south because just that there was no hospital functioning it at all. and just to give you the scope of the, of the system in a, in an afternoon, we receive a more than 800 station, just seen enough to do it. and the next day we receive what i've written on 7 ambulances. and whether it was best for the patient. so it gives you the, you know, really the figures of how the head system is over when i did those able to treat that were difficult just to treat the fresh wanted vision. therefore, jesus and all the people living maybe can problems, you know, a senior adviser to these ready 5 minutes. the claims of civilians in gossip have been informed of where they can find a safe place to show to reject the comments that they're on safe places. and the
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goal is to strip precisely because we have specifically designated these places the map. so there people can see where they are and where people can go to these rather as being and they're giving the information to the people of guys or not in one way, but in, in numerous ways. we drop leaflets, as you know, it's on, it's on line it through phone calls, as through broadcasts, a radio and television and so forth. so the people have guys, i believe, do know exactly where they need to go to be safe. and we have at the, those for me are being sent. but nonetheless, i just would like to record that even though older read intellectually minute, you know, even if you a drop leaf, let's do the trick or she measures the signal population remains predicted to the hospital remains projected some people kind of just move the choice them to stay some of the month to stay as well. but those people, the hospital,
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the critical infrastructure needs to be protected. that's why today we saw this by me, the number of people, the students see. but you know, uh the guys that shape is a very small area. and for some people it is difficult to move and some of them to just would like to remain in the home as well. so i think it is important that despite the mornings, i don't know, i think it's important that to, to remind the sense that sooner than population remains predicted, hospital remains protecting irrespective of the measures that can be taken. this be made by the, the slope, the config, or so even in the south of go. so with the idea has been advising civilians to flee . there's been on the fire fully renewed is very attacks the southern homes of calling you nice on rough. i'll new gyptian border has become the main targets so far. that's in addition to gaza. city on page 100 and in the north. i'm not sound and it con, you nice has also reported to become the targets of successive is really error
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rates must've called him a spoke with the advise against the sky as a result of the talk on residential towers. the city of calling these big teams, including young children that have been rushed to medical census after the strikes is what one survive have to say about the hiring experience is rarely is bummed at the time when people with seconds to be in the homes, which means that they wanted to kill him commit master, cuz his riley's knew that after the friday prior people would gather in the homes to eat lunch. so they waited for a peaceful residence to come back to their homes and then bombs, the entire neighborhoods, the buildings collapse on people, and women and children. this is no kind of life. you have exposed yourself and your country in front of the whole wealth. children are dying because of you throughout the day. with shutting intensifies all over guys are local, gentlest, run me all. the gary spoke to palestinians who awfully to the south of gaza, the israel's orders. this is the entrance of the valve cover. are a village in east renaissance, notice set
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a adjuster close to con. you is on the road to the southern regions, including con eunice, and drop off searches to which people of the colorado village and other other populations and find you in this areas. villages, like i have a son, vanessa who is the, are now being forced to this place to was that throughout the city was to which as well as what a, the army demand is a population of these regions. so leave for some of these households don't know where to go. they know they don't have family members or relatives or friends and drop off or in the southern regions as extra place to explain to us not much. we are a family of 12. we sent a women's ref, i city, but we don't know yet where we will stay ourselves. even the school is converted to
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shelters and not a full is most likely will just put up attempt and stay right here. as the develop we will display from garza city. i moved here to the old cross school in colorado, with the jews ordered us to flee south, but it seems no way and goss are safe. even the school felt as if it had been advocates where exhausted some people can bear the situation, but others cannot take. it's like we have been forced back into time to 9 to 67 to one is real, occupied gaza. only god is with us. no, no, there is no longer a truce or a humanitarian sourcing garza and there are no longer truck loads coming and are entering that gaza thread for the relief of the population. i'm kind of abu seattle is a political unless to manage to leave garza and beach egypt with members of his family. and he earlier set details of their experience with those and said there's no safe place. and then place despite is rose insistence to the country as
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a service i have actuated my home, and girls are 60 on the 13th of october when these why you did all the order. but most of the girls are to. busy read through this. busy so i evaluated with my family to the south to the city of crime, eunice. i stayed with my internet that was uh and tenuous uh for about 5 feet. but even though uh honeymoon is uh which is in the south was designated by as well as a super area. but that is not true. uh the area was bomb. consequently, almost all databases are one of the incidents uh, sharp mill, overall v as what are the bombing it when we, we are sitting on my nephew, was it in his shoulder and one of these incidents. so if you very much can say that there was no, and there is still no save area and, and the girl just of even though the south, which is designated by the way, the army as, as if areas about 2 weeks ago, i was lucky to evacuate from gauze or city to title,
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i am encouraged her now with my family, but not all of my family have succeeded evacuating. i still have one of my sons who is doing in, in, in rough area now. his name hasn't been listed for evacuation, and i still have my mother of brothers. and when it is who are still based in drop off and the new one is in the south and i talked to them almost on daily basis. and the situation is, is like him, a bombing all over the place at killing destruction, a knuckle for knuckle both up and watch, or it's beyond even no human being can fix anymore, cuz i know that they will be able to evacuate as well. and what did they tell you about the situation the i'm not totally sure that my uh other members are tell me we'd be able to evacuate. busy busy a it's, it's a very difficult situation, but in that the number of students have succeeded evacuating my oven. it gives and
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they were unhappy last week when there was a to is what about 7 days. but now it says, uh, the tools has, uh, uh, failed yesterday. and is ready to start pounding gauze, all was much more a bombs and much more missiles. busy yesterday and today it, it's been really rough. uh the magnitude of the bonding. uh the, the, uh, the destruction the killing. is there any hope that there will be another ceasefire or even a, just a few monetary, impose in the near future. i hope and pray that there wouldn't be a huge fire today before tomorrow, but it seems to be that seems to have reached a did it on without a very serious and intervention from cuts out of egypt and other countries. there might be no, no, uh, uh, no exchange of prisoners in, in the foreseeable future. and it has to be uninstalled of engine by
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a fairly positive. so try to impose a certain amount on both is right and how much to try to uh, to put an end to this, raising the status of it. that is going on right now. literally soldiers and full the soldiers, no remaining. how about this camp tibbetts a let's, according to the deputy head of the militant groups of political bureau, the prisoners we have left our soldiers and former soldiers that will be no negotiations on their release until the end of the aggression. meanwhile, over this rail emotions, everything high does fall during the release of hostages by hum us over the past week. so it has been gripped by demonstrations of some of the our se, with those were still being held captive local journalists, nuclear okay. and has more missing thousands of thousands of his riley scan tonight the here to the lab. and they process that in front of the headquarters of these riley army carling for ease rose to do anything in their power storage on the plaza . just got this deal with the completed do it from us,
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are about 100. 36 is riley said that there was still a see, but the sag claims. dad that said those that has to do all of them are army soldiers, sale be 0 or former soldiers. so the idea to spot the is riley defense minister. and also these are, i would say is that it's not true and are still civilians that they are held by some us. and that is the right re launch today, a full scale invasion. you guys like or the to the minister of defense of these around the off goal and, and that is riley's here at the demonstration, the main thing to use the work having been to premier. so benjamin's and now it's doing and thinking the power to return all of the hostages that darts to the capacity. and also for the 1st time tonight the, the hostages themselves spoke in front of the people. and some of them had sent the video regardless of themselves. and they're telling that that said they want and
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demand that all the hostages will return as soon as possible, because it is really hard on the menu both to be in the community and they demanding that all of their relatives will be back on. as soon as possible, you know, some of the stuff is signed by how most commonly used to justify the killing of more than 15000 people in gaza. let's go and see, find the la boss who's the editor in chief of the art of news daily. speaking of the latest episode of going on the ground, but it's showing throughout the data i'd say on the line has good people, the outside of the and the you a calling for cease fires at the united nations and then side of your radio. then be saying, uh this should be a global arms embargo on israel. what do you think? uh, i mean i know just these are, would you would support us uh the holding the expo strategies for the t perhaps in response very, very on the response, but uh, what do you think?
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so how do you maybe meant by that? because obviously all the arms being is just move to the thousands upon thousands of children, all nato. so from the united states, in your opinion, and britain, when you need to, i think what the position it clearly says is you need to be said across the board. the board, so if i'm is producing countries such as the united states, the embargo selling weapons to countries that they think our cri, uh, are using them for genocide or for war crimes. then that should be a rule that applies the phone. everybody know to have your favorites excluded. what's happening here is again, with fully a sympathy for the innocent lives last on october 7th. this does not justify the killing of over 15000 people, innocent people. a lot of them are babies. a lot of them they have just, there's been a footage, there's been footage recently released of a baby,
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an insect 3 like that. so it was picked up out of the problems by a miracle. he or she is a still a life. but you know, you and i, and possibly every human being on the plan, it's gonna agree that is not a terrace that cannot possibly be a terrorist. so where is the condemnation? where is the sympathy the with this thing with the war, israel has cold buckets. most of the negotiation grew from guitar with talks about some of the sci fi and the guys because they had to be no going. there's really pm's office said that it's always had reached that then the following an impasse and the negotiations and the direction of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. david barnett, head of my side, has ordered his team in doha to return to israel. that's all the think. it's all focused on releasing more people, so you can press the both by him, us on israel, as well as agreeing on a know the trees. it's all has hosted the almost physical office for more than 10
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years. most of all the us requests from the obama administration and other countries, i think as a mediator in the conflicts earlier. and these really ministry of foreign affairs officials for them to settle accounts with. it's all over its support for him off this taking us to apologize for that technical issue that will leave it on the we we spoke earlier with monetary policy and political economy experts call it, i'll have to and he said that rob is seeking peace is only interested in causing more dummies. 2000 this is different. the objective has, as it has and what is the objective in not infecting maximum destruction the on the guys uh, on the infrastructure on the people in front of the allowed to uh for us uh, transferred and out to guys. uh so uh, he got his of the page of them,
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the president, they need the cutoff date. he does more than what you're done. we need them all the communication that we need this for the future mediation as they needed us in the past, and that they needed the thought in the back. also, daughter need for the suffering and the severity and the human ascension, i guess, for god to bye age and that you on mondays are you out of the pocket if they are turning i guess that's all right now, you know, i'm trying to a, you know, to get to define the easy or disaggregation for their barely on this uh, uh, more on guys uh, was uh, come out of that uh, provided the american political coverage, studied with american weapons. and was limited under the condition of the support and resources. and even from the beginning of the war, we have seen the american america's and see what other location in the secret
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because, objected to even the humanitarian ceasefire at the beginning of an interview with archie or representative of palestinian islamic jihad is around, says the sci fi was strictly a humanitarian concert on the policy and your resistance remains ready unable to continue the fight. well, how much is mainly blamed for the october 7th attack, i guess, as well. these lot of jobs also played a significant role in the city and how many hostages is where the hostages are you holding and have you released any of the captives over the course of the troops? this will add, yes indeed, the mouse, moving upon this operation meticulously, it was a when organized minutes reaction that took into account all aspects of the operation . however, oft was, as you know, there was unexpected. kyle's these ready intelligence and security operators would not expect it to be so larks. disorder ensued and many prisoners. some of them civilians were taken not necessarily by the ministry movements or resistance
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political, but by the people. and so was the assignment g had to be joined to buffalo from the beginning a little. they were not initially informed, but they participated in the bottle from the stones and captured summit, certain minute, 2 sites. the number of prisoners held by the islamic jihad remove an exceeds 13, comprising by minutes and civilian individuals. i mean, the civilians have been handed over to how much for the ongoing exchange pricing cause. i believe there is an opportunity to release all women and children in exchange for loans held in his writing prisoners. as long as you know, palestinians do not consider them hostages. moreover, the prisons are full. many before october, the 7th, the $5000.00 prisoners, including $1200.00 administrative detainees held without trial. in addition to set practices within the westbound, committing all kinds of brutality and home against a promise to new people. since october, the 7th july, over 3300 palestinians have been arrested in westbank with these individuals and
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not hostages, and are treated in an unprecedented manner in the history of design. this entity, which 6 months is killed by the end state. since october, the 7th before 70 palestinians, including women and children, were released, but more than 70 individuals are arrested every day. under no will circumstances between 10 to 16 palestinians were arrested daily, accompanied by physical and psychological. hon was most of the families were taken from the homes of the midnight terrorizing them terrifying children. unimportant forms of violence against the chinese. we are not the abductors. they are the ones kidnapping the entire upon the stadium. people that are where the entire process to new people is fundamentally a hostage in the hands of design is the entity. what is the assessment of the p i, j of the ongoing conflict with israel level. we do not engage in resistance out of love. we owe volunteers, we palestinians would not follow is of a specific direction by full. so money. we owe volunteers for our national cause
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and we are a people whose loan was occupied in 1917 by decision of the purchase power minister and the prime minister president. they want you to establish a state to june at the expense of the policy people shopping. so can you imagine a great a crime in human history to build a state for others at the expense of another person by another state? why didn't i give them a state in prison? why didn't they have a jewish state within britain? why didn't america adult devoss line on a huge geographical area where they could give them one of the states i wanted to, to state that kind of why would use relocate to the the expensive products to new people? of course, with allies they spread claiming that palestine was empty and it does it. even though palestine with its civilization and histories of policies, the rest of the world has been filled with civilization for more than $6000.00 is about a settlement expands and continues, well documented and reported. yes,
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it remind signing the siege on calls of a 17 g is alta. how much one democratic elections chose a reject democracy for the public to mean people tell us the news and also now to practice democracy even among arab nations. so this is the reality and contest time . therefore, the majority in the west bank and gaza leaning towards resistance because nothing is being achieved on the west knows that the problem is not with the policy. i mean people with their approach and weakness against design is entity. supposing food it's crimes, can you imagine america dropped $7000.00 tons of explosives on the back gun is done in a whole year. as well as launch not much. i'm going to in day 7. so if this stopped part is don't last based on the us all me. this treatment of the palestinian people who own this so called american justice was launched and also in the hands of the resistance from the heads of women and children in the home. most of the sci fi was a humanitarian demand for us, not
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a military one or in guns. the civilians were the ones facing the extermination from the west of the red crescent, the united nations, an old international organizations working in gauze of were aware that genocide displacement and targeted killings were happening against opponents to new people. out of the world witness hospitals being choked and find to life lines being 7th, a whole under the clear lines of design is the entity i mean to undermine public opinion, civil life for us to see. so i was solely for the sake of civilian lives. i submit it to move, let's say operate independently while on the last day before the ceasefire as well struck heavy and exit believed were empty. often droppings thousands of tons of explosives underestimating the resistance to them and the replacements use the x rays acting a storage for hospitalization, with no ministry activity inside or around hospitals. we challenge anyone to show evidence if they made it to use, having a bag with to weapon pieces and a fight to of a cosign brigade. uniform does not prove minute to use. no reason why they would
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dan open a bag without to pull makes this and even they wouldn't risk a robot will be sent to inspect it. and this is evidence of that light. is radius speak arms against these lies exposing them a stage. but unfortunately, when the world's largest countries president lies open, the it also becomes permissible and it becomes one face of the truth. many view home us as the all controlling boss and the goddess, right? saying that these want me to do hard movement plays only a secondary role in the decision making process there. with that being said, how would just catch the future of power sharing and gaza between you and thomas. if there was a sense, one the war, and these are the forces which we did from the region, not know how to quote, we are resistance, movement. fundamental project is resistance. you're not seeking of darzy, you the author liberating, punish time. we will leave this organization and form a new political party seeking
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a new life. not the previous one that we were created for the purpose of resisting design is don't compassion upon this time. and that is our function which has not yet been completed. when our function is complete to, to now we will transform into another form. let's move on to some of the news now too powerful. if quakes have struck the southern philippines with the strongest, measuring at least 7.5 in magnitude, they've been no reports of casualties. but buildings have been damaged and power lines down to the people far to have ordered residents living along the coast to evacuate to higher ground for safety experts that's had initially. busy on to all unusually high tides, early a fight. so from that warning saying that there was no longer a stretch of us, you know me and just before we go, this time for a quick change of pace most as we head straight to the cat walk in moscow with the brakes plus the flushing summit wrapped up on such a day,
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off these boom shots takes us behind the curtains to see just how the fashion industry is, contributes into the diversity and unity of the bulk. brooks is more than politics and economics. the group has become so effective at fostering civil and cooperative international relations that he has now taken on cultural significance. the 1st edition of the brakes plus fashion summit organized under the auspices of the most school fashion week has emerge as a hub for commercial dealings between prominent industry figures. special is journalist designers and emerging brands from all over the world. this summit will have designers from brazil, serbia, in the news of south africa, and even russia oldest playing the work for the public to see making it a commercial event for international cultural cooperation. the summit schedule includes master courses, lectures, passion shows,
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hosted by russian and international designers and plenary discussions. the . this is a great opportunity for participants coming from all over the world to get together and discuss growth options. whether it be in terms of business development or the use of advanced technologies, the fashion world of course and international cooperation. steven is, was very good. i just at the end of the, one of the patients. so from innovation they design, i think it's not just a member of the books,
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but also other countries that is perhaps interested or considering. what about the mix in general, people around the world are coming and like quite a bit, eating with each other in this event. so that's why this event has a really good impact for the designers, for and everyone in the person industry where the great, with the ration to great results. and that's happening. that's happening right now . yeah, hopefully we breaks uh, we can be together and promo thing each other and we can be much stronger to the global market. we'll just have all go. we've got some news just in from the power. i swear the silence has a type. several people in the city sense it and the, the eiffel tower, one person that's being killed and the injured in the reports and stuff. and i was so states has been arrested by police as always, will keep you updated on this story as and when we get more details. well,
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many thanks for your company held audience enough. so you can find up to the middle dates on our web sites, including the suspects of stopping in paris as old from be full today but made shall rubel will be here with more news at the top of the on fixed incomes. the . this is katrina wife of the as of regimen come on to denise broke up and one has social media pay. she rides open really about sympathy is for nancy. ideology, another girl who met with the pontiff? beauty of fit, a silk spouted officer right views during my down 2013.


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