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tv   News  RT  December 3, 2023 6:00am-6:30am EST

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the, the, the is ready bombing rates. we use a large housing complex to rubble in southern dasa as the area and deals multiple strong since latrice broke down on friday, i looked at the pool to phase medical facilities and the direct line of science data is a fee. it amongst that if you g z and also the hospital last and last, but that would be then you ship a hospital, the dressing images from central gone to where a refugee comfortable. so being struck by the ideas with at least 15 people were supposedly killed of a nice many children among the council. the
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on the civil in dollars of wages on protest sweep across europe with 1000 showing full of directly with the palestinians with him on an end to um, shipments to israel. the guys a conflict? is he in another place? our german government is supplying weapons to. this must not happen. even our foreign ministers says that she's against the supply weapons. the able welcome to you. this is the weekly on, on the international with the very latest world news, along with around the stories the shapes, the week is great to have you with us. now i top story this hour as well around supp. it's offensive on dollars a few places in the end case, remain safe for civilians. housing complex in the southern city of con,
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unice has become the target of. 1 triple won't kick attacks the, the plumbing rates would use much of the, the tories funded infrastructure to rubble, as is really strikes written down on the neighborhood. and connect to a mastic moment, a local journalist, witness to her, and being destroyed with a family fil inside. when she was reporting life made a heavy and the medina who else had been, b spokane, was definitely other than compete. i'm in a mazda, she's not in the colors you all call the get those at the beginning. the say on the home residents who survived the strikes of inventing best theory and reiterating the resistance to the is wally invasion. just gather was all in one place and
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dropping atomic bomb on us to get rid of us once and for long. we will no longer be a burden on the air, a world on the slumber people because nobody cares about us. oh no, we don't know where to go. you can see what is happening here. people are fleeing without any shelter. we don't know where to run. this fundraiser. i have a wife with 9 children, all homes with bones and destroyed. but we will mostly guys are, we're not the ones who should leave. i don't is the ease really tyrants who have killed the women and children driving the naked out of the homes. what know, had you? hello cynita authorities at least 240 people have been killed since the end of the si fi on friday. canadian palace, city and june of this month, social not as in southern gaza and told us more about the results of the renewed assault in just a few seconds ago. another air strikes, hit the vicinity of loss of hospital here and find eunice. there is, um,
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how do you in this last night didn't sleep the, the uh, the, the war ships in the sea kept hitting it about a june. eunice tanks kept trying to advance from the east and air strikes, having stopped hitting since the since the last 48 hours. and as you can hear, as well as the above ingle, the supply thrones has not stopped. there is a fee it amongst that if you g z and loss of the hospital, the loss of hospital would be the new ship a hospital would be the new ship falls with them. uh and uh, yeah, the strikes are in stopping and it is a little bit to 10. so i know and people around us are very anxious about the situation. and balances have been working at all the clock and honestly casualties until now on noon. but every few minutes, we can see a new dead body being carried into the mode. and then i'll do the motor to the
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cemetery relates at the tax, also hit the territories largest city on the job and the refugee camp in the north or in central galls or the city of the law has come on to severe selling to with ideas strikes supposedly, can i get these 15 people in the new way? so right incumbent of the cries of children and parents in this the feeling the college always of out at the hospital the facility has been receiving patients from all across the central gauze. that's a lot, some of the minus the one in northern gone to more than a 100 pounds of citizens were reportedly killed in a single slice on the job. and the refugees have residential buildings were slots
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and unfolding to solve desperately assessing full supplies onto the level homes as well. stage. it's always a full out. corporation is a game tonight and illuminating the minutes in their last name. come see market go shop in order for us to win the sacred war and bring back all our hostages and destroy him us, and make sure guides and never poses a threat to israel. you know, there must be no element that teaches its gates to terrorize that supports and funds. so are the zip codes for the destruction of israel or forces had been trained for these during the ceasefire. and it's to achieve a full victory over from us as an inside of neighborhood in garza city was left essentially destroyed by is randy strikes to emergency services or assisting through the rubble hoping to rescue the injured in time his house. some locals describes the attack my children were heading back to collect their belongings, who had been displaced in the morning and they had forgotten some things. so they
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went back, my son was struck there and the other 3 went to rescue him. but then all 4 of them were bombard, just now made the rest in peace, our bluest streets, and peacefully to win 3 buildings where he fed twins, do a few to children and women be evans. so under the here, there is nothing related to the resistance in our home. no one year is part of the resistance. i urge the countries to reboot. i audition presidents. i was cc to take action abuse, a king abdullah of jordan. what or do minds would i have them do you mind and do most of them would see what we are going through. a civilian infrastructure comes on defiant and gaza west and media is claiming that as well as reportedly using also special intelligence to select targets in dollars. that is why is this new concerns over the idea? the approach to finding him us, they would pull it suggest the ideas kind of predicts the number of civilian casualties in any slide and all sufficient intelligence. he's making the
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calculations well that we saw on clear how the system can distinguish militants from civilians in any given location. as fall back as 2021, the ideas came. they were fighting the 1st as a a. i will in garza and just last month and i the special that slip that a i was inside part of the armies 12 kids. this is a blonde, to make intelligence fully accessible. a brigade individual level with help from an artificial intelligence system to the number of death involves it has risen to us. $15000.00 according to the palestinian health ministry. 70 percent of them are reported to be women and children, dos and officials claim the ideas has deliberately targeted $113.00 medical facilities with the attacks leading to 20 hospitals going out of service as well. elijah, is a number of those sites were being used by have most of those low kits accusations . medical officials deny. let's now discuss this with our guest malik
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a webcast site who runs in. i'd say, consulting from the digital institute of packaged on monday. thanks for joining us on the program is really good to see you today. now the application of a, are you still healthy to base is when it comes to known military use. what's your assessments of a all right, so building purposes, especially when there was so many civilians in the line of fire. yeah, thank you so much for giving me an opportunity and the which was like anticipated to improve the people's quality of life. if it, it has become. busy it was expected to become a tool to enable better decision making in conflicts and to have a word the casual difficulties, but as it has become bright, know a mass assess the nation factory. like we have seen the case of the gospel. it all started from may 2021 with the of the project name bus. advent of the project name, best list of been assigned was accused of surveillance and unlawful data collection of stuff that is seen in people. so from,
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because most of this has evolved from the data collection of like 10200 people for like 400 been fine, proficient eviction in a day. so this has become a tool of, you know, of it has become the, was plus a war by the a slight like know, i last sunday i asked, but what can you say about that? the source of systems, the idea of could potentially be using to help select targets and where would such a light be developed? and also how reliable could it be uh, for people to gauge the reliability and efficiency of the site systems of even the bus need to look at the possible sources with this, the i collect the data from pain only and only then we can talk on the patients you have that people know seems to these possible sources have not been declared in public by that is fine of but as an expert, these are the possible resources sources and with the, this, the, i can be develop. the 1st one is that into separate communication vs social media,
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money thing, then we get open source intelligence, drones which is satellite surveillance and behavioral veterans. and, but if you look at all of these information really wasn't met, there's all of these methods and required human intervention and the dependency on the equity and rapid identity of the, of the training data. so these machines are brained, this a i purchased, the gospel is grand from, from the back of the sources. no, we have to talk about the bias and the disagree munition of this, that the, this, the i you spend on. and in a i, the ethics of the i, the vice in this and the discrimination of the that that is hugely, that event on hold of a been performed after the that are, is, it is being perform well. we've seen numerous times in the pause, thanks to wiki likes, menu, that human error is a notorious close of civilian casualties. and what was that ins as to what extent did it bring the use of ai in such conflicts, could be paving the way for humans to just shift the blame to machines when areas do take place. i got to talk about this topic. i would 1st discuss on the good
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ideas this particular is the gospel explained on know, according to some of, according to the intelligence reports that are revealed in public life. no. the 1st day that you had this boss for the screen, going to get as many as a mazda upgrade, as, as possible. so this is quoted by a senior senior intelligence officer, and it has to be made public the 2nd. so the idea is a way of civilian homes, not if it's possible. i could, we shouldn't, that is just machine that thing and how these systems are fitted. if we are very the 1st criteria as more important than it's been all the way, the 2nd criteria which is avoiding sleeping in calm. so definitely they are focusing on quantity that they've done the quality of those been fine details because if we include the human intervention and it's like the human intervention verifies the details of given by the system. if those are equate or not, then definitely the fixed time. so they are not willing to waste time. they are not
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willing to invest time into verifying those details by the just so they are offering the criteria very. they have to avoid the civilian casualties and they're just focusing on this is on the information given by that system and executing those instructions, right, for military operations. so this is a huge a take away from that. as survey in that case, of all sorts of presidents do think of things that during this context by as well and also to some of the occasions what that dates. uh, well, uh there is a, uh, there was a speculation of the, a zone in the, you know, human history and the hallway. it will shift, the feature of the fun fix, always been shaped, featured off the people's quality of life. so this a, i, they, it was and this will be used to see that all of the as very text me into the movies and. busy to the as to what was sent by industry, but it has to be vendor to the plus the reality by the words plus a board that is happening in the side because i can fix are definitely good. it poses a very serious question on the ethics and find the under model use of the
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a we so definitely it is a very concerning a question for the industry as well. thank you so much for discussing this with us today. i really appreciate your insights, malik, what kinda site director of the digital institute of pakistan. thank you. thank you so much. i as well, it may be, is very yourselves on dollars with hundreds were supposedly killed, says the truce broke down on friday. europe has erupt in renewed protests. thousands have been on the streets this weekend across the confidence biggest cities expressing bag condemnation, of as well as options in paris, protest as it slides and the colors of the palestinian flag. many, both portraits of the us and french president, pulling them complicit and war crimes. some of the accusations will held that the government in germany was crowns to mazda in poland. still sending westminster as well. and in milan hunt, which marched through the streets waving palestinian flags on charging slow goods.
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all the protesters united with one message unplug set, but of the blood shed in garza must have been seen on the side of the juices ended . and the genocide continues from one to stuff people, when there is no more warranty or function, hospital syndic as a stream. it's a genocide, as you know, when they bomb and destroy houses in schools. it's a genocide, anything that is what we are fighting against the depths are still occurring on the pal seen inside. many people have lost their lives that has to stop. that's why politicians have to do something to achieve peace and human justice. yeah, yeah. the government conflict is in another place, our german government is supplying weapons to. this must not happen. even our foreign minister says that she's against the supply of weapons for peace, blood should, must stop immediately in every conflict. the french police say the
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suspects inside today's deadly attack in paris was on a security watch list and have been previously sentenced, full planning quotes and violent action. the 26 year old french citizen was quickly arrested off. he was supposed to be killed one person and with the 2 others new the eiffel tower, well shouting bodies, grace, and arabic, his power spaced all to contribute to it. rachel marsden. of all this went down just after 9 pm on saturday night in a really super busy tourist area of the downtown core. really close to the actual tower authority say that a 26 year old man and done to fight in the french process as small as ad pool of them young. do i have the allegedly attacked and killed a tourist with a knife and a hammer? a german citizen of filipino origin was the victim. then he apparently started attacking another couple with a hammer as he fled police. and they would have been on the sea rather quickly, given their ubiquitous presence in this particular journey towards the area of the
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city. now those 2 victims that were injured, they ended up surviving, but one of them he, he was a, an english tourist. so we have to tourists involved in this incident. police neutralize the suspect by tazer after he tried playing b. i have explosives under my coat card. so who exactly is the legend attacker? well, here's what the french interior minister had to say. couldn't you do? so he says he was known to do show authorities and had been sentenced to 4 years in prison. in 2016, he had been preparing to take violent actions. it was detained in time by the internal intelligence service, which has been monitored in teams since, as a person with severe mental problems. so what we know is that the suspect is a frenchman of iranian origin, and born in the extremely wealthy suburb of paris called near you see of sin. and reportedly he now lives with his parents in the southern parisian suburb of
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a sudden. and that's the case ever since a previous and related conviction. he was well known to authorities already having been visited by the french domestic intelligence service. the dishes, he whose job these days seems to largely now consist of washing and following these . do you have a slight, frances, just one big jihad or zoo at least until they actually get around to doing something stupid, which this guy did twice now. apparently, back in 2016, he was sentenced to 4 years prison. not sure how much actual time he served. usually 1st defense. they don't do much. all that for planning a similar attack with the knife in perez's business district of law. they false, but obviously that particular incident wasn't enough of a deterrence that prison time he did. however much it was because he was back out again, nearly subjected to psychiatric, in neurological treatment. obviously that is totally work for him because he
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dressed himself up in the universal sign of sanity and anti coated mask, and then recorded and posted a 2 minute online video before this new attack, which happened to be unders by the french press since the attacks occurred and in this video reply, just allegiance isis and to a particular caliphate of why levels haven't been loggins outside of mentors, abu, half. now this is a group, it's particularly active in molly, no particular mentioned a palace died or him off or does in that particular video. by the way, he does refer to his support of isis jihadists in all of their zones of operations, which is kind of watching this video. it's like watching an ad for blockbuster video rentals in the age of online streaming, like who even talks about isis anymore. well, here's the french interior minister explaining what the suspect said to police. it
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is that something more detailed, the police officers had just a rest of the same that he simply couldn't stand it any longer. the fact that most names are dying enough guy to start and pals time. this is what he told the police a few moments after he's arrest. there's a debate happening right now in france, among public officials over the extent to which g harvest loose cannons like this guy, should simply be followed around while they run around the country, like toddlers, with sharp objects in this case actually lives back in october, the french government decided that it now wants to expedite expulsion to deep rotations of known, radicalized foreigners particularity, after there was a bunch of other attacks that had taken place on french soil since the events of october, 7th, in israel and gaza. but the problem is that of the over 5000 potential terrorists currently being surveilled, most our french citizens,
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so not sure where you're going to expel them to unless it's to some french overseas island territory, many of which are actually pretty nice. so i'm not sure how much of a punishment that would be. there's also the fact that in some cases the attackers are miners, like some of the migrant kids, arrested for killing a for allegedly killing a 16 year old french boy and injuring 8 others at the village hall dance party in south eastern france. just a few days ago. so whatever the french government is going to try to do now in order to put the genie back in the bottle, so to speak, and it really does risk being a day late and a euro short. so ukraine now where the influential map of kids isn't pulling his punches when it comes to course a sizing president. latham is a landscape, as the head of state continues to plummet in popularity at home. baton eclipse goes stays. the lensky already has himself to blame, to people see who's an effective leader and who is not. if they had and still have
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many expectations. so lensky is paying for the mistakes he made. let's get the details on this story now from our correspondence staves. we didn't do any ministry did letting thanks for coming in today, steve. the quite the hard hitting jobs from the clips. guy, what exactly? all the mistakes they may find to lensky. what of course, now the matter cube has become more vocal with his public criticism of this and then see this most recent state. but he was saying, well, um the people wondering perhaps why your crime wasn't better prepared for the conflict. and he said, that's a, so let's he was denying the reality of the situation right until the end, right? until the start of the special ministry operation. he's also questioned how russia was able to reach the capital key of a so quickly and the a lot of the information didn't where he totally with reality discard those early months of the conflict as leaders and kyle take. now this has continue. what does
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it lets you continue to deny reality up until this this very moment now his office is belongs to. the recent statement from his leading general is illusion. the and he describes the conflict as being at the style made sense that let's get simple. this only really helps the russians, and he went as far as to criticize his talk, military leader in a news conference lot of time has passed and people are tired. this is understandable, but i'll say it again. this is not a stalemate, but clicks go, has come out and support a zillow's name. he says that he was in fact correct of the illusion. they told the truth. sometimes people don't want to hear it, but ultimately he is responsible. he has explained and justified to the current situation. of course we can you for equally lie to our people and our partners, but you can't do that forever. some of our politicians have wrongly criticize the
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illusionary, for his honesty. i stand with him. it is not the 1st time savanski has been hit with such a also telling us right by officials in his own codes here in the military conflict, i was at no cost. the 2 men hopping logo has put too much since the outset of the special ministry operation in a recent interview was uh, the spiegel uh, twitch, coast head zelinski and ukraine. oh, moving towards, oh, retiring. and he said that there were no independent institutions left in the country on both of them praising the man who was so crucial in those early stages of the conflict. but he sees them as an obstacle to the centralization of power, but perhaps the most damning thing that he said in this interview with the german magazine, was that he and the lensky have not spoken since february 2022. now, for that part, there's a landscape ministration hasn't been very happy with clicks goes handling of the situation and cab. they've lamented the poll states of bomb shelters and these prolonged no malice. now they responded to that by opening
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a series of investigations into clinch, going to pay to remove him from power. it seems like the landscape does remain mister popular when it comes to the wes at home on the home front. it's a different story. why hasn't he been taking what we're supposed to been se for his mistakes? and if it's just people saying through that, i think that we certainly starting to see more of that as being more public statements and public criticisms of as of as it lensky. he's pretty much being involved in by the west time, whether there's been a boost arisen over the effectiveness. all the accounts are offensive and the let's keep going along with that and he's previously denied reality. but now that these questions are paying almost, he has rolled back on some of that and he's admitted really, but the counselor offensive is not going quite as part. of course, he has continued to blame the west for they're stating that they haven't supplied enough weapons. and given enough support,
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we're finding the 2nd best or mean the world, and we didn't get all the weapons we wanted. i can't say i'm satisfied, but i can't really complain either. so looking at the big picture now with you claim savings. so when on the battlefield, it seems that western money is starting to dry up. you have recently admitted that the will could have ended back in march last year. so what, what is going on? what, of course, that's up to the correct many thousands of done. i've done some very, very serious questions, and now being all of that could those tests, all of these ukranian men being killed, june counts offensive, being avoided? hub zalinski face reality, not with having senior politicians within his own policy. have with me to a piece deal was on the table, the russia and ukraine were ready to sign this back last last year. but that was discovered that the intervention of the form of purchase problem is simple risk. johnson. let me pull that because it's a my opinion, the russians really believed until the very end that they could have pressed us. so
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we would accept neutrality. this was the main thing for them. for me, i think we're ready to end the war. if we accepted neutrality like finland once did, and then we make a commitment to not joining nato. when we return for mr. kimball forest, johnson came to me and said that we would not sign anything with them at all. and let's just continue fighting with the cost of we want a now we're of course we're seeing much of the western press, reluctant be, perhaps conceding that russia is in fact uh, winning the conflict. we've seen these interviews in the front pages of the british magazine, the economist, the german use type of toich, a val, and others. i'm with same polls now inside ukraine, the shelby to save is dropping support for that. let's get you some a now tipping. as a new to me as a, as a potential success about even so let's skis, wife is now saying, but she doesn't want him to stand again. she said, i don't want him to be president for another to all to, to him. so maybe the leg skis. time is up. wow. safe,
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many thanks for coming in with those details that says stays reading with the story . thank you for joining us there and i'll see you and i saw this sunday went back to the top of the hour. the 4 of the legs. the 1935 fast is easily led by dictator benito mussolini decided to expand its colonial empire in africa and take over the opium. by that time, ethiopia was the only fully independent state on the continent. back in 1896, its inhabitants were able to defeat the italian colonies and defend their
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independence. since then. rome craved for revenge for the humiliating defeat. in the morning of october 3, 1935. without any announcement, the foxes attacked ethiopia, and bombarded most severely. ethiopian armed forces bod, courageously. but the roots allergy of the tell you and knew no bounds. they use not only massive bombing attacks on civilians, but also chemical weapons. toxic gas is this james the course of the war. as a result of the occupation of ethiopia by the fascist 760000 people were killed. the capture of the african state was committed with europe's tacit approval. britain and france recognize the annexation, giving the green light to a further fast expansion in the world. and baby, and the way for the outbreak of world war 2.
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the january 2023. the bills of and the ukrainian adults church was submitted by spring 2023 ukrainian activists were calling for key picture slo wrote to be recognized as ukraine's main catholic church. which is the wrong with the events occurring in the russian ukrainian conflict and the ongoing confrontation between russia and the west. the city need guns, operating scholarship funding at closing and probably need to just basis name through a motion if the company going is going, you know, but slow i to what the by jessica, by on this kindly to cheat upset if you will.


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