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tv   News  RT  December 3, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EST

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[000:00:00;00] the the is where the bombing raids would use a large housing complex to russell and southern dogs. that is the area and deals and multiple strikes since the truth broke down on friday. a local report stays medical facilities and the direct line of fire data is a fee it amongst that if you g z a loss of the hospital type loss and health with that would be the new us coupon hospital, the dressing images from central dogs, where refuge account several, so it'd be swept,
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find the ideas for these 15 people reportedly killed. i have a nice many tools that are among the cause of the visible in dogs. the rate is on protests. sweep across europe with 1000, showing full authority with the palestinians, both involving an end to arms shipments to as well. does that conflict? is he in another place? our german government is supplying weapons to. this must not happen. even our foreign minister says the cheese against the supply of weapons, the able welcome to you. this is the weekly on us the international with the very latest wealth news updates. along with around the stories that shapes the week is great to have you with us. know us as well, round pitts, offensive on gauze
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a few places in the and k for main se, for civilians. housing complex in the southern city of con, unice has become the target of multiple rocket attacks, the conforming rates. where do you smoke to be? could tardies funded infrastructure to level as ready as flights rain down on the neighborhood. and then a to a magic moment. a local journalist witnessed her home being destroyed with his family still inside. when she was reporting 9. meet ahead. the and the medina who has had been b spokane, what we other than can be done in a month, if not enough. so she was calling to get the closer you on the home the. where does it say survive? the strikes have been vincent bessie already and were yes,
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raising their resistance to the as rarely invasion. the just gather was all in one place and dropping the atomic bomb on us to get rid of us once and for long as we will no longer be a burden on the era world on the swamp people because nobody cares about us. oh no, we don't know where to go. you can see what is happening, fewer people if we without any shield or we don't know where to run it. this fund was ok. i have a wife with 9 children, all homes with bone and destroyed. but we will mostly guys, while we're not the ones who should leave. i them isn't. he's really tyrants who have killed the women and children driving the naked out of the homes. when i left a needle bar to say at least $240.00 people have been killed since the end of the safe spot on friday, canadians, how the city and joining this month. so. so i'm not as in southern garza and told us more about the results of the renewed assaults in just
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a few seconds ago. another air strikes the vicinity of loss of hospital here and find eunice there is um, how do you and this last night didn't sleep. the, the uh, the, the, the war ships in the sea kept hitting it about a june kind of eunice tanks kept trying to advance from the east and ad strikes, having stopped hitting since, since the last 48 hours. and as you can hear, as well as the above ingle, despite drones, has not stopped. there is a fee amongst the few g, z and loss of the hospital. the loss of hospital the wouldn't be the new uh ship a hospital would be the new ship falls with them. uh and uh, yeah, the strikes are in stopping and it has a little bit to 10 site now. and people around us are very anxious about the situation i've been in since i've been working at all the clocks and honestly
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casualties until now on noon. but every few minutes we can see a new dead body being carried into the mode. and then out of the motor to the cemetery, related to tax also hit the territories largest city on the devali of refuge account in the north. wanting central, gone to the city of dia, alpa law has come on to savannah showing to with idea of strikes supposedly can at least 15 people and the noise to right and temperament the, the, the coins of children and parents in dispatch, sitting with car doors of the hospital, the facility has been receiving patients from all across the central gauze of a large number of the wind to minus the 20 northern dollars or more than a 100 pallets to indians were opposed to be killed in
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a single flight on the devante. a rest into town, but essential buildings were flattened on volunteers. a desperately searching full survivors under the rubble becomes, as, as well saved as low as a gold lounged operations against a mouse and illuminate cindy minutes in great shape them see mark the shop in order for us to win the sacred war and bring back all our hostages and destroy him us and make sure guides and never poses. he went to israel and lawyer, there must be no element that it skates to tear right. symbols that supports and fonts. so are the zip codes for the destruction of israel are. forces had been trained for these to during the ceasefire and it's to achieve a full victory over of mass and entire neighborhood. in garza city was left essentially destroyed by is really asked, likes to emergency surfaces on sifting through the rubble, hoping to rescue the injured in time. here's how some locals described. the attack of my children was heading back to collect their belongings,
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who had been displaced in the morning, and they had forgotten some things. so they went back, my son was struck there, and the other 3 went to rescue him. but then all 4 of them were bombard, just now me the rest in peace. our bluest suits and peacefully to win 3 buildings weigh ipads, point do a few to to do, and then we may not be having. so under the here, there is nothing related to the resistance in our home, no one year's part of do existence, huge bar of countries to reboot. i audition presidents. i was cc to take action abuse, a king abdullah of children. what or do minds would i have them do mind and do most of them would see what we are going through. a number of deaths in gaza has risen to over 15000 according to the palestinian health industry. 70 percent of them are reported to be women and children. golf and officials came the idea as has deliberately targeted $130.00 medical facilities would be
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a tax leading to 20 hospice. what was going out of service is well, elijah, is a number of those sites were being used by him last to launch rockets, accusations, medical officials, denied a civilian infrastructure comes on defiant and gone. so western media is claiming that as well as were supposedly using off the official intelligence to select the targets in gaza, is why is this new concern? sorry for the idea folks to find thing home us. the report suggest the idea can predict the number of civilian casualties in any slight on all sufficient intelligence is making the calculations. although we phone clear how the system can distinguish militants from civilians in any given location and solve back us 2021. the id f claim, they were fighting these 1st as a a i will in garza and since last month with an id space. so let slip that i was in the sides part of the armies tool kits. this is a blond, somebody intelligence, fully accessible, a brigade and division level with help from an artificial intelligence system. we heard from
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a my lego accosted site who binds the digital institutes of pockets done. he says that what we're witnessing is mazda of the industrial scale to the which was like anticipated to improve the people's quality of life if it has become. busy it was expected to become a tool to enable better decision making and conflicts and go ahead and avoid the casual difficulties, but as it has become bright, know a mass assess the nation factory. like we have seen the case of the gospel. it all started from may 2021 with the of the project name bus advantage of the project name, bus list of been assigned was accused of surveillance and unlawful data collection of the palestinian people. so from, because the most of this has the, was from the data collection of like 10200 people like 400. it's been fine deficient eviction in a day. so this has become a thought of, you know, it has become the, was plus a war by the
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a slight right now as an expert. these are the possible resources sources and with the, this, the, i can be develop. the 1st one is that into separate communication, that'd be associated with your money thing. then we get pull from sourcing dat agents drones, which is satellite surveillance and behavioral veterans. and, but if you look at all of these information, basically what it matters, all of these matters and the quite a human intervention and the dependency on the equity. see 100 identity of the out, the training that the so these machines are brand. this, the i purchased the gospel is green from the debt of the sources. no, we have to talk about the bias and discrimination of this that are this b i use planned on and in a i the ethics of the i device and this end of discrimination, of the data is usually that event on hold of a been performed after the data it is being perform, it may be renewed is wady assault on garza, with hundreds,
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reportedly killed since the truce broke down on friday. the west has been involved with protests this weekend in the us, hundreds miles through downtown chicago waving palestinian flags on demanding the end of hostilities. americans, according for cabinet, sees via and he's on some of your biggest cities of also being engulfed by raleigh's in power is the protest of lit slaves and the colors of the palestinian sly, many poor, poor choice of the us and the french president, calling them complicit in the crimes, some of the accusations were held that the government in germany was sounds to mountain southern and stop sending weapons to as well as in milan. hundreds, march through the streets waving palestinian flags on swanson slaves a hold of protest as united with one message, the bloodshed in dogs. the most intent on the side of the juices ended in the genocide, continues from one to self. people, when there is no more war, 2 or function hospital. cindy guys, us 3, and it's
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a genocide when they bomb and destroy houses in schools. it's of genocide. anything that is what we are fighting against the depths are still occurring on the pallet seen inside. many people have lost their lives that has to stop. that's what politicians have to do something to achieve peace and human justice. yeah. yeah. the guys that conflict is yet another place. our german government is supplying weapons to. this must not happen. even our foreign minister says that she's against the supply of weapons for peace, blood should, must stop them immediately in every conflict to ukraine. now, where the influential man of kids isn't pulling his punches when it comes to criticizing president of law to manage the landscape as the head of state continues to plummet and popularity at home photonics explosives, lensky only has himself to blame the people see who's an effective leader and who is not if they had and still have many expectations zalinski is paying for the
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mistakes he made. the matter cab has become more vocal with his public purchasing some of the lensky this most recent state, but he was saying, well, um the people wondering perhaps why you crime wasn't better prepared for the conflict. and he said, that's a so let's he was denying the reality of the situation right until the end, right? until the stalls have this special ministry operation. he's also questioned how russia was able to reach the capital key of a so quickly and a lot of the information been waiting tally with reality despite those early months of the conflict as lead of us and kyle take. now this has continued. what does it let's he continue to deny reality. up until this, this very moment. now his office has lost a recent statement from his leading general is illusion. the and he describes the conflict as being at his style. my sense of lensky symbol. this only way, he helps the russians and he went as far as to criticize,
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he's told me that you need to in a news conference, a lot of time has passed and people are tired. this is understandable, but i'll say it again. this is not a stalemate. but clicks go, has come out and support a zillow's name. he says that he was in fact correct, is illusion. the told the truth, sometimes people don't want to hear it, but ultimately he is responsible. he has explained and justify to the current situation. of course we can, you for equally lie to our people and our partners, but you can't do that forever. some of our politicians have wrongly criticize the illusion need for his honesty. i stand with him. it seems like the state does remain mister popular when it comes to the wes at home on the home front. it's a different story. why hasn't they been taking what we're supposed to bring it to you for his mistakes? and if it's just people saying through that, i think that was certainly starting to see more about this being more public
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statements on public criticisms of as old as it. and he's pretty much being involved in by the west. however, this really booster isn't over the effectiveness. all the accounts are offensive and is it, let's keep going along with that and he's previously denied reality. but now that these questions are being off, he has rolled back on some of the and he's admitted really that the counts are offensive is not going quite as part. of course, he has continued to blame the west for this argument by having supplied enough weapons. and given enough support, we're finding the 2nd best army in the world, and we didn't get all the weapons we wanted. i can't say i'm satisfied, but i can't really complain either. so looking at the big picture now, when he claim failing to win on the battlefield, it seems that weston money is starting to dry up here recently admitted that the wall could have ended back in march. last yes, what, what is going on? what of course, that's absolutely correct many uh, thousands of died in some very, very serious questions. and now being all that could those tests,
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all of these ukranian men are being killed during that counter fence. they've been avoided, had zalinski face reality, not with having senior politicians within his own policy. the other than me to the a peace deal was on the table. the russia and ukraine were ready to sign these back last last year. but that was discovered that the intervention of the former british problem is so far as johnson, let me pull it up because i, in my opinion, the russians really believed until the very end that they could have pressed us. so we would accept neutrality. this was the main thing for them. they were ready to end the war if we accepted neutrality like finland once did. and then we make a commitment to not join nato. when we return for mr. kimball force johnson came to kiff and said that we would not sign anything with them at all. and let's just continue fighting with them. and so now we're, of course we're seeing much of the west didn't press, were left to leave, perhaps conceding that russia is in fact uh, winning the conflict. we've seen these interviews in the front pages of the british
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magazine, the economist, the. busy news type of deutsch of well and all the is i'm, we're seeing poles now inside ukraine. the show is a serious dropping support for that. let's keep someone out taping as a nation as a, as a potential success. so maybe the leg skis time is off of the cleaning and media tech. the school counts off of the latest bounce of political in fighting the head of nato has made an alarming statements and that the alliance is failure to supply the country with more weapons. we have to be prepared for bed news, worst moving phases, but we must stand by ukraine and do an in bed times a like. let's discuss this with a guest number such as the of the table, your pain studies in belgrade stephen guy. it's many thanks for joining us on the program today. and that was stephen. what do you think stoughton bug meant when he mentioned preparing for bad news? he's telling us that the ukraine basically lost the war,
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but that they should continue finding it to continue dying for made those interest . this statement is uh, i have to say, i'm mistrusting because uh, after more than half a 1000000 that ukrainian soldiers, uh, according to some reports. uh and according to uh, mr. zillow, use me if uh, if it issue that, that far, the numbers that uh he has sent to washington. uh, to say that the, you know, uh, the price of prepare for bad news is, is really a very cynical, uh, very cynical joke. uh, and especially the lights of the fact that need to is uh, probably the most responsible part for this more to begin with. uh and uh, it comes back to 2008 when in the blue cross needs assignments, ukraine and georgia. uh, were supposed to be the next country is dental joining the alliance,
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and those were the red lines for russia. they knew that if they push with the exception of these countries after all, the other countries that, that answered the form or, or so fact uh, members that this would be really a finger in the eye of russia. so now after all the mass, and after all the scaling, he's saying that, you know, he's sorry for, for your premiums losing toward this is really sending, wants to say about what's going on within these nato countries that, that will affect support for ukraine. and well, i think that they are also realizing that the ukraine or natal would ukraine as its proxy is not going to win the war. and that the 2nd bus, the thing is for them to be build a huge new iron curtain. so you can't already lost the war, but this doesn't mean that the russia one the war yet,
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nor the natal. because when you look at the result in 30 years, they enforce the iron curtain towards the east. the they have swallowed like that the video game talk many countries in an i'm little craddick fashion. we seen how want to nag runs macedonia, enjoyed our feelings, joins may, so without the consent of the population. and what they want is a korea scenario. so for the current line to be frozen, hands to make that what, what's the last the length of your train, the native country? i think this is probably not acceptable for russia because uh then nothing has changed to the cranes did not become a neutral state. it is just an otter, nothing other but the most also countries that is going to be prepared by nato for some other offensive war, i guess, russia. so i think that the there is now concerning russell because
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russia is winning the war. and the russians industry is ready and the mentality and ross is completely different today. a compared to what it was through years ago. so i think uh uh, natal is concerned. uh, but uh they are absolutely the most responsible part since they provoked it. uh uh, from, from the very beginning, not only book credit, but also in my don when we look at what the american officials said that you officials, they were getting false promises to ukrainian population. let's really put then push them to a slaughterhouse. and this is a, a true war crime. so i honest, the thing that, uh, nato should be held for uh, responsible for, for this uh, most, just for a crime that it had provoked. it seems like with a new ukraine, it be the ukraine, p all. com paid is, is beginning to so cracks as well, especially with get a permanent figures with a new kind like for listening on stage, probably speaking out against um, you know, the,
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the usual line that we had coming out of the k of why did you say solution is now gaining popularity is gaining popularity because he was the one fighting the war. he was the one who was trying to persuade polanski not to continue with the mead. ryans are basically sending people mobilizing and sending people to, to die in waves like it was world war one. and uh, zillow thing is a professional. he is a soldier. he knew what that ma'am, he knew that the fact that that was the strategy basically that was the last he was pushing for a b hi on uh, on, on, on political a dope. i mean, if you got from, from the watson gullow find what else? uh, he was trying to to, to make some sense and found him uh, not to continue with the meet ryder. unfortunately. uh, the west was supporting the laskey in this uh, horrific, uh,
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process on nile. 18 of maple relation of your grain. and uh, eventually the uh, the, the, the disaster came about. so there is a plain game in key and there is an open conflict. uh, the wife of, uh, the key for military secrets uh, service. uh, well donald was poisoned apparently. and now they're definitely 2 times the receipt . fighting with them and blaming you charter for the disaster that happened to the population of the print shop. that's the speculation. of course, they said that the power struggle between solution and the landscape of, hey, do you think the people in the crane would support the end? so what would that mean for? was the lensky if the sellers need to come also on top? and i think that they will definitely not the support of the landscape because cheap to call the credit. so now all the responsibility is on his side. so i think they would,
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roger support those me with the right of his coalition of people from the army and, and the political life like clips. cool. but this doesn't really matter in the long run because we don't know how this war we land. i mean, you cream last as i said, but um, uh, the, the main point is, what is nathan going to do and, and what is a rush of response going to be to be? and i don't think that russia is going to solve them for this. uh uh, huge iron curtain. this huge uh, the military truck that they. busy want to uh, to, to place and so that if you great is not going to be neutral, i guess the dresser will probably have to, uh, i'd have to completely, uh, as um, as put inside at the beginning of the millions arises. many thanks for speaking to us today is steven guy. it was such a at the institute for your pain studies and bell grays have
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a good day. thank. thank. thank you very much. now the u. s. military is planning to deploy a loan. the range, ground based missiles in the, in the pacific region for the 1st time since the cold war. and american army officials likes to move expect it to happen next year is a that the tearing china spokes person. well. but phillips didn't know, specify whether new me solves, would be stationed. the pentagon has multiple bases in the region, including in taiwan, japan, the philippines, and guam, or within firing range of the chinese mainland. us claims it's, it's a medium range. missiles are designed to town to beijing's deployments of such weapons on its own soil and recent is now among the american arms mentioned by the us, especially as the infamous tomahawk cruise missile is paypal of carrying nuclear warheads and can hit 1000 targets, thousands of plummets as a way of the missile system, the s m 6 is also expected to be deployed. that is designed as an anti weapon, but can also be used to hit ground and naval targets. so be it with,
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i'm not sure to range that the tomahawks on that time. get a senior fellow at the paging base tie her institute thing. time stays motion to these, undermining the regional security of the in the pacific. and it's the us that is sailing. it's ships up and down the taiwan straits, patrolling um it'd be uh, south china seas and balding office and the quad in a defensive. not defensive offensive threats towards china. remember, this is china's home. now that we're talking about, it's a 1000 the many thousands of way, miles away from the us. there's no threat to the us. this is simply, as i said, standard operating procedure. you create an enemy by going up and saying that there threats and then doing things to antagonize them. and then when they respond in any way, you say that that a justifies your original position and doubling down on,
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on the threats you using military coersion or whatever. my number c, u. s. has 400 basis surrounding china. it's not the china has basis surrounding us . what are you? thanks for joining us this sunday on the international coming up next. rick sanchez . how's the latest episode of direct impact and make sure you join me for more news at the top?
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the the the . this is katrina wife of the as of regimen. come on to denise bruck. i think one of her social media pays. she rides openly about the sympathies for not see
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audiology. another goals who met with the pontiff? beauty of fit a sealed spouted officer. arrived views during my down 2013, she organized trips for ukrainian children to military training comes from says not know who we have is talking to and to whom to, to hardly see offer help desk us or store. but where and you've been away. but the, so with this give a lot system, but the pleasure of they both are both concerned that the better that the just letting you know about the b s, then that's the lowest during that visit. i may have seen that that i am in the budget for a category and that's the best of luck to publish the business for spine you are they to young. but again tonight that'll get blocked us later than this. the latrines gave me an e mail to escape as duplicate care this because otherwise means that even though which accounts can post by the time you have could leads to increase interest. and so at least in the last draft, you know,
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50 facebook take effect as early as 14. they may accounts gets split up. so if you don't want to come go to heal up there to not physically. if i chose to put you with all the best of all, the dorcas needs of 2 additional leap was to talk to them about what was going on in the literally because of a see a place to clean a decision because there was no means a so of course to the media and but my goal is be that because i need to get frustrated with just jason, i know it's a congregational, it's a 3 chance of conflict it and i see it. okay. and there was stuff i have not done yet. and that's this collision with keen glen, and i'll get some most and yeah, but the richard music volume applicant to boy even the officials committee, same over to con is style just so that the show this should give us lots of data. i think i do need them sending the public be against people silent to look times case


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